Global person is not a special kind of person グローバルな人材は特別な人間ではない ―スティーブン・ヘッセ法学部教授に聞く―



In recent years, cross-border exchange is getting active, and there is great interest in development of “Global person”. In Chuo, internationalization is being promoted under the “Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development”. However, in the first place, what is a global person? What is needed for students to be a global person?








Hakumon Herald interviewed Stephen Hesse, professor of Chuo University’s Faculty of Law and former head of the Chuo International Center, to ask the meaning of global person and advice for Chuo University’s students.








-What is a global person?








Hesse: I don’t think a global person is a special kind of person. I think anybody can be a global person. You don’t have to go outside Japan to be a global person. If you live in Japan and you study foreign languages you can understand foreign news and foreign magazines or movies. If you try to understand the world, you are becoming a global person. Global doesn’t mean you must live in another country. Just living outside Japan does not make you global. Global is how you see the world. So global is not where you live. It’s how you think and how you learn.




ヘッセ グローバルな人材とは、決して特別な人たちとは思いません。だれもがグローバル人材になることができます。そのために日本を出る必要もありません。日本に住んでいても外国語を学べば、外国のニュースや雑誌、映画を理解することができます。世界を理解しようとすれば、だれもがグローバル人材になっていくのです。また、外国に住まなければならないというわけでもありません。単に日本の外で暮らすだけではだめなのです。それだけではグローバルな人間にはなりません。問題は、世界をどう見るか、ということだからです。つまり、グローバルになるというのは、どこで暮らすのかではなく、どのように考え、学ぶか、ということなのです。




- It is said that a“Global person” needs a lot of skills.








Hesse: I don’t think a person needs a lot of skills to be global. I think a global person needs motivation and hard work and language. To be global, you have to be able to see Japan from outside and see the world from inside Japan. So your view has to be global. That’s a global person. So you don’t need many skills. So most people who graduate from Chuo, don’t a lot of skills, but they can have an open mind and they have interest. For university students, motivation and hard work and global interest and language, these and critical thinking are the most important things.




ヘッセ 私は、グローバルになるために多くのスキルは必要ないと思います。必要なのは、モチベーションと努力と語学力です。海外の視点から日本について考え、同時に日本人としての視点から日本を考えられるようにならなければなりません。つまり、考え方をグローバルにする必要があるのです。多くのスキルは必要ありません。中央大学を卒業した大部分の人が多くの知識を持ち合わせているとは限りませんが、広い視野と好奇心は持ち合わせています。大学生にとって最も重要なのはモチベーションや努力、国際的な関心と語学力、そしてクリティカル・シンキング(批判的思考)なのです。




-Chuo university is working to develop globally minded individuals.








Hesse: The Chuo International Center is very active and working very hard to create programs for students who want to study abroad. The International Center has many programs, including exchange programs, short-term study programs, and it can introduce students to programs overseas and in other institutions. Also each faculty has programs for study abroad, internships, fieldwork and other global opportunities. In addition, many professors take students to other countries for research and fieldwork. Foreign teachers at Chuo are also very eager and very happy to help students, if students are motivated.




ヘッセ 学内に設けられている国際センターは非常に活動的で、交換留学や短期留学を含む多くのプログラムが多くあり、学生に海外のプログラムやその他の機関を紹介することもしています。さらに、各学部には留学やインターンシップ、フィールドワーク、その他の国際的な活動に参加する機会が多くあります。加えて、多くの教授は研究やフィールドワークのために多くの学生を海外に連れていく活動をしています。中央大学にいる外国人の先生たちもまた、とても熱心に、そして喜んで学生の手助けをします。




Hesse: But before you talk to a teacher, before you go to the International Center, think about what you want to do, why you want to do it. I think that the International Center is the strongest point for Chuo’s international activities, but students must think for themselves as well. Also, there are many international students at Chuo who are happy to meet Japanese students. So Japanese students should make efforts to meet foreign student to learn more about the world.








-I guess you have seen many students going overseas. Do you think they have any common points or characteristics?








Yes, I think they are all quite brave. Many students who go abroad have poor or weak English. But everyone who goes overseas to study is brave. Usually they are also very motivated and choose to work hard. So you have to make a serious decision and you have to commit to hard work.

One of my students hesitated to study abroad, because she wants to be a prosecutor.


“Study abroad and learn overseas. You’ll be a better prosecutor!” I said.


“But I don’t have time,” she replied.


“You are young, you have a lot of time,” I said. “You should go and improve your English and you should learn about law in another country.”


Suddenly she decided to go, and she began studying everyday for the IELTS test (English assessment test for studying abroad). She worked very hard and she was brave enough to challenge study abroad. She was determined and she had a very clear focus of ”I want to go!” Now she is studying at a top university in England and doing well.


So you don’t need language but you have to have clear determination to study language, to improve language. And if you go, it will change your life. I promise. Everybody who studies abroad, their thinking changes because they start to see the world in a more global way.




ヘッセ 彼らは皆、非常に勇気があります。留学する学生の多くは英語が不得意か苦手です。しかし、みな勇気を持っています。彼らはやる気に溢れており、一生懸命さを持っています。留学考えているのなら、決心をし、全力を傾けなければなりません。検事を志望している私の教え子に、留学するのをためらっている学生がいました。私は彼女に「留学して海外を知りなさい。そうすればあなたはより良い検事になるでしょう。」と言いました。しかし、彼女は「でも時間がありません」と言うのです。そこで私は「あなたはまだ若くて、時間はたくさんあります。海外に行って語学力を上げ、他の国で法律を学ぶべきです」と言いました。







-Finally, what should we do while we are students. Please give us some advice.








Hesse: I think the things we talked about are very important. First, from your first year, you should think about and find out about all the opportunities at Chuo; find all the different opportunities and then start making your 4-year plan, or your 3-year plan, or your 2-year plan, if you are a 2nd-year student. You have to plan early. But don’t worry if you need more time. It is not a problem if you become a 5th-year student. Many students now become 5th grade students; and my students who study for 5 years always get good jobs because they studied abroad and they did various activities in Japan. These gave them clearing, more critical thinking, global awareness, and various abilities, such as doing interviews. As a result, they got good jobs.


So don’t worry about time. Plan your activities, do as much as you can, and study language hard. Learn language before you leave university. Look for opportunities and take opportunities. And don’t spend so much on part-time jobs and circle activities. Focus on gaining knowledge, and make yourself a more active, global person!




ヘッセ まず、1年生のときから大学が提供するすべて機会について考えて、調べるべきです。そして向こう4年間、あなたが2年生なら向こう2年間の計画を立ててください。計画は早めに立てるべきです。計画に時間かかっても心配する必要はありません。仮に5年生になっても、問題はないからです。5年間学んだ私の一部教え子たちは、留学をしたり、日本で様々な活動をしたりすることで、明快でクリティカルな考え方やグローバルな意識、インタビューをする様々な能力など獲得しています。その結果、彼らは良い職業に就いています。






—Thank you very much.








(Interviewed by: Chihiro Ishikawa)