Number of visitors to Japan hits 10 million mark ~「お・も・て・な・し」の国、外国人客が1千万人突破~


The number of foreign visitors to Japan topped 10 million on December 20, 2013, up 19% from the year before. It was the highest on record, eclipsing the previous annual record of 8.61 million registered in 2010. Partly credited for the rise may be the yen’s lower value that made visits to Japan less costly. But bigger factors were the eased visa approvals in Thailand and other ASEAN countries and the effect of the government’s “Visit Japan Campaign” aimed to attract more foreign tourists through infrastructure improvement and intensified publicity. To be sure, Christel Takigawa’s “O Mo Te Na Shi” was also helpful.




  The Visit Japan Campaign is part of the “Global Tourism Strategy” launched in 2002 by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). At the time, the number of foreign visitors to Japan was much lower at 5.24 million while Japanese visitors overseas numbered 16.52 million. MLIT set the target of attracting 10 million foreign tourists by 2010 for dual purposes of correcting this “export surplus” and revitalizing the regional economies across the country. The attainment of the goal was delayed three years due to the impact of the global recession triggered by the Lehman shock in 2008.





  One of the campaign’s features is definition of 14 priority markets (countries and regions) where more visitors to Japan can be expected. Public relations fit for each market have been devised. The 14 markets have been chosen on the basis of geographical distance, economic scale and potentiality. Those include East Asian countries, ASEAN countries and some of the North American and European countries. Publicity specifically geared to the market structure, needs and target layer in each country proved effective in attaining the goal.




  Among the priority markets, greater attention is now being focused on Southeast Asia. According to the Japan Tourism Agency, the four East Asian markets of South Korea, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong together account for about 65% of the total number of foreign tourists to Japan. The share of the Southeast Asian market is only about 10%, but it is on the rise. Given its high economic growth rate and the regional population in excess of 600 million, it is seen as a promising market. The ongoing democratization in Myanmar and the 40th anniversary of the Japan-ASEAN friendship and cooperation agreement may provide a tailing wind.




  However, the campaign has many problems to address. One of them is how better to deal with Muslim tourists. Among the ASEAN countries, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia have larger Muslim populations. The global Muslim population is 1.9 billion, or 27% of the world population. This means that one out of every four people in the world is Muslim. One of challenges when attracting Muslim tourists is consideration for their cultural habit and strict religion, in particular food and prayer. Alcohol and haram foods such as pork are strictly prohibited in Islam. Further, Muslims must pray five times a day in accordance with the movement of the sun, which may require special equipment and facilities. Understanding these cultural differences and making necessary preparations will hold the key to developing the Southeast Asian market in the future.




  Japan ranks 33rd in the world in the annual number of foreign tourists. France, the top tourist destination, draws more than 80 million annually. But Japan will have a great opportunity when Tokyo hosts the summer Olympic Games in 2020. In order to make the most of this opportunity, Japan needs to develop its infrastructure, such as enhancement of airport functions and introduction of multilingual information signs, and offer its traditional omotenashi with full consideration for different cultures. Strengthening both hardware and software is what is required of Japan as it seeks to become a major tourist destination.




Written By : Masahiko Hachiro


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