Human Resources Required in Globalized Age ORIX Corp. President Inoue lectures in Chuo 求められるグローバル人材 ―井上亮・オリックス株式会社社長が講演―


  Chuo University has been promoting its internationalization under the catchphrase “Go Global” since taking part in the “Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development” orchestrated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology (MEXT). With the aim of developing human resources who can be active in the global community, it undertakes projects to help students study abroad and enhance their ability in foreign languages. Why are such human resources needed now? What is required for enterprises and individuals to have global consciousness? Mr. Makoto Inoue, President & Co-CEO of ORIX Corp., addressed those questions in a lecture he made at a meeting sponsored by Chuo’s Institute of Economic Research on January 16. He is a graduate of Chuo’s Faculty of Law. Following is the gist of his lecture, titled “Human Resources Required in Globalized Age”.


中央大学は文部科学省のグローバル人材育成推進事業に参画し、GO GLOBAL””のキャッチフレーズのもと、大学の国際化を進めている。そして世界に通用する人材を育成するために、留学支援や語学プログラムに着手している。では、具体的に世界に通用する人材が今なぜ必要なのか、企業や個人がグローバル・マインドを持つには何が求められているのだろうか。今回、中央大OBで現オリックス株式会社取締役兼代表執行役社長・グループCoCEO井上亮氏が、「求められるグローバル人材」と題して、去る1月16日に学内で行った中央大学経済学会主催の講演会の内容(要旨)をお伝えする。


Why is globalization needed?

  The main reasons that require both Japanese businesses and individuals to become globalized are the falling population and its aging that inevitably send the labor force diminishing and the home market shrinking. As the international status of the Japanese economy keeps falling, Japanese people will not be able to survive unless they do more than half of their work abroad. In other words, both businesses and individuals will have to compete outside Japan. In fact, global companies like ORIX Corp. are destined to expand its overseas markets.

  Now that globalization is a matter of course, many companies are not fully assured of stable management and are giving up the idea of permanent employment. So it will become imperative for individuals to seize every opportunity to enhance their own value. To that end, “individual globalization” will become inevitable.







What is required of global human resources?

  What are the qualifications required of global human resources? Let me give you the following ten: Trilingual, Independency, Creativity, Liquidity, Entrepreneurship, Curiosity, Enjoyment, Absorption, Expertise and External. These are the qualifications needed for not only global human resources but all business people as well.

  Globalization means understanding the cultures, customs and languages in various regions across the world. It means developing human relationships through mutual discussion and conversation with other people. Companies that do business in a foreign country are inevitably required to communicate with local people. You will of course have to understand the common language of English. But you will have to rely on the local language if you want to have direct and intensive negotiations. That language will be Chinese in China, Vietnamese in Vietnam and Arabic in Saudi Arabia. Put simply, bilingual is not sufficient. You need to be at least trilingual.






New discoveries everywhere

  When you want to push business talks abroad swiftly, you will get nowhere if you keep waiting for decisions to be made by the head office in Japan. You have to consider every relevant matter and make your own judgment to push negotiations smoothly.  There, your “Independency” is required. When you become able to work independently, you may be headhunted and get a better job offer. Then it will be important for you to know of your own market value as compared with other business people and make yourself more “Liquid” without sticking to just one company.

  “Entrepreneurship” is also as important as independency and creativity. Japanese venture businesses do not grow as fast as those in Silicon Valley or China. You may well learn things at a big company. However, starting business by drawing on your own idea can be one of your options. Having “Curiosity” for anything is also essential. You will have new discoveries everywhere whether you work with a Japanese firm or a foreign company. To find ones and make use of them in new business outside Japan, you have to understand the market, make networks and friends, and learn about local cultures and customs.

  In foreign countries, you usually act on your own and you may find that mentally tough. So you need to “Enjoy” everything. And it is important to “Absorb” everything through curiosity and enjoyment.







Brush up your expertise

  You students may not know now what you will specialize in the future. But it is important for you to keep brushing up your “Expertise.” Until now, Japanese companies have apparently misunderstood what “Expertise” is. Japanese people have mistakenly thought, “Good products sell well.”  For example, a Japanese firm has manufactured products as a stand-alone item without giving them interconnections (it has treated a cellphone as a cellphone and a Walkman as a Walkman). However, Apple has weeded out Japanese products by developing multifunctional products like iPhone which is good in telecommunication, photography and music reproduction. Korean and Chinese companies are making use of Apple’s technologies. Furthermore, skilled Japanese engineers have moved to Korean and Chinese companies for better treatment after their retirement. A lot of Japanese technologies have flown out with them. In other words, your “Expertise” remains regardless of which industry you work in or how old you are, and it is valued in global markets. You students should keep studying while bearing that in mind. Many Japanese students today are inward-looking. They should be more “External.”  You can now easily learn overseas news in English or other local languages by listening to BS news programs. Listening to them only 30 minutes a day would make much difference. Anyway, you should turn your eyes abroad. You have to be conscious of news and think about things hidden inside. By doing so day by day, you’ll surely add to your global consciousness.

Written By: Daisuke Aoki & Kento Isogai







  Mr. Inoue was born in October 1952. He joined Orient Lease (now ORIX Corp.) upon graduating from Chuo’s Faculty of Law in 1975. He became Executive Officer and Chief of the Project Development Department in 2005. He was promoted to President and Co-Chief Operating Officer in 2011 and President and Co-Chief Executive Officer in 2014 after serving as Director, Managing Director and Senior Vice President. ORIX is a conglomerate with total assets in excess of 8 trillion yen.




グローバル化とは何か? S.ヘッセ法学部教授インタビュー

⇒ What's "Global" for you?



