-That’s really an ideal job for you, isn’t it?

  Ichikawa: Yes, it is indeed. Besides, my working environment is quite comfortable. It is similar to the one you may find at foreign-affiliated companies in Japan. For example, I don’t fail to take my paid holidays and give weight to family affairs while doing my assignments properly. Also, more than half of our 50-odd employees are women and many of them including me are married. My workplace is friendly to women. That’s another good point for me.




 市川 はい、まさにその通りです。それに加えて職場環境も素晴らしいですよ。休みはきちんと取る、家庭に重きをおきつつ仕事も適度にするといった、外資系企業に通じるところが多くあります。また、約50人の職員の半分以上は女性で、私を含め家庭を持っている女性職員も結構います。女性に優しいということもポイントですね。


  -I’m sure you have had various experiences in Australia. What was most impressive to you?


  Ichikawa: Well, that is one of the questions put to me quite often. My answer is that I came to be aware of my identity as a Japanese citizen. Perhaps because I lived in Australia, I also came to be strongly aware of my identity as an Asian.




 市川 よく言われることですけど、日本人としてのアイデンティティを認識したことですね。また、オーストラリアという土地柄、アジア人としてのアイデンティティも強く認識するようになりました。

-What do you mean by that?


  Ichikawa: Australia is full of racial diversity. For instance, one out of every five students is from a foreign country. But it is a country unfamiliar to those foreign students. Living in such an environment, I came to be aware more than before of the students from China, South Korea and Singapore who had something in common, that is, Asia. I think they were also aware of me as their partner. They not only accepted me as a Japanese national but also acknowledged me as a member of the Asian community. Since then, I have become eager to get involved in interchanges between Asian countries. 



 市川 5人に1人が留学生と言われほど、オーストラリアの大学は人種的多様性に満ちています。しかし、そこは留学生にとって異国の地です。そのような環境下、私はアジアという共通項を持つ中国や韓国、シンガポールからの学生たちを、それまで以上に意識するようになりました。彼らも同じく私のことを仲間と意識していたでしょう。日本という国家の一員である私を知ると同時に、アジアという地域の一員でもあるということを認識したのです。それからはアジアとの交流にも携わりたいと思うようになりました。

Tolerating inconvenience is important




  -What is the importance of studying abroad while you are a university student?


  Ichikawa: You live in an era when globalization progresses and you have more chances to come in contact with the rest of the world whatever career you may pursue. You can surely broaden your options by studying abroad while you have more time and chances as a student. It’s important to improve your English ability and deepen your expertise. But equally important is for you to have some bitter experiences while you are a student, such as having difficulties making yourself understood, finding Japanese commonsense not accepted or tolerating racial discrimination. In other words, you should put yourself in an inconvenient and awkward situation and strive to overcome it. I think such experience before you go out into the world will surely give you good spiritual nourishment.




 市川 グローバル化が進み、どんなキャリアを歩んでも海外と接点を持つ可能性が高まっている時代ですので、時間とチャンスがたくさんある学生のうちに留学を経験されることで将来の選択肢が確実に広がります。また、英語力を高めたり専門分野の知識を深めることはもちろんのこと、言いたいことをうまく表現できない、日本の常識が通用しない、また人種差別されるといった苦い経験を学生のうちに味わうこと。つまり、不自由な環境に身を置き、それを乗り越える努力をすることを、社会に出る前に経験しておくことは人生の糧になると思うからです。


  -Can you give some messages to new Chuo students?


  Ichikawa: I want them to seize every opportunity by making full use of rich resources their school can offer. To that end, they should routinely gather relevant information and act on their own initiative. They have unlimited possibilities before them. I wish they will trust themselves, challenge everything and lead their ideal campus life.




市川 大学がもつ豊富なリソースをうまく活用して、チャンスをつかみとってください。そのために日頃から情報収集を怠らず、主体的に行動することを心がけてください。皆さんは無限の可能性を秘めています。自分を信じて何事にも貪欲にチャレンジし、みなさんの理想の大学生活を実現して下さい。


  -Thank you very much.




(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato & Takaaki Araki)

