Yuki Ishikawa, a second-grader at the Faculty of Law’s Department of Political Science, has drawn public attention after being picked as a member of the Japan national volleball team. The 19-year-old hopeful worked hard as a member of Italian professional team Parmareggio Modena for a short period in 2014. He played an active role at FIVB Volleyball World Cup 2015 held in Japan in September. “I want to learn more about volleyball abroad,” Ishikawa said during his interview with Hakumon Herald.
-Why did you start playing volleyball?
Ishikawa: When I was 10 years old, I saw my elder sister playing volleyball. That was why I started playing it. At first, I couldn’t make up my mind because I had played baseball before and my mother was a basketball player. Now I like playing various other sports. But volleyball is the best sport for me. That’s hasn’t changed since those days.
石川 小学4年生の時に、姉がバレーボールをやっているのを見て、自分もやってみたいと思ったのがきっかけでした。それまでは野球をやっていましたし、母がバスケットボールの選手だったので、初めは何をやるか迷いました。今もいろいろなスポーツが好きですが、やはり当時と変わらず、バレーボールをしているときが一番楽しいです。
-What is the best thing about the Chuo Volleyball Team?
Ishikawa: First of all, the team is full of good players. That’s the best thing about our team. Another good point is that we students can take the initiative in daily practice. I think those two elements make the Chuo Volleyball Team strong.
石川 優秀なメンバーが揃っているところと、学生主体で練習するところです。これが、強い中央大学を生み出していると思います。
-How do you work out routinely?
Ishikawa: We focus on weight training. That is mainly why I have chosen Chuo University. We do other practices, including ones using balls. Our workout is quite thick and dense though it is relatively shorter in time. Of course our coach gives us advice. But our practice menu is prepared mainly by fourth-graders and we work out on our own. I can say our team is really managed by students.
石川 ウエートトレーニングを中心に練習しています。自分が中央大学を選んだ理由も、そこにあるので。その他ボール練習なども、時間は短いけれど濃密な練習をしています。もちろん監督からの指導もありますが、4年生が中心となって練習メニューを考え、自分たちで練習を行います。まさに学生主体のチームだと言えます。
-What do you think about your team?
Ishikawa: Our team is made up of members of various ages. All my teammates practice with a high motivation. That gives me a strong stimulus. My senior teammates are severe during the practice. But they are very genial personally. We can play volleyball comfortably because of this modulation. Newcomers may be having a hard time because they have a lot of odd jobs to do. We will try to be nice to them in practice. I want all of us will enjoy playing volleyball together.
石川 様々な年代の選手が多く、それぞれが高い意識を持って練習に臨んでいるので、強い刺激を受けています。先輩方も厳しいところは厳しいですが、プライベートではとても優しいので、メリハリがあって、すごくバレーボールをしやすいです。後輩も、いまは仕事があって大変だと思いますが、自分たちも優しく教えていくので、一緒にバレーボールを楽しみたいと思っています。
-What is the pleasantness of volleyball for you?
Ishikawa: That’s the cooperation among teammates. For instance, in basketball, one player can make a game by scoring many points. But that is impossible in volleyball as no single players can make a game because of the rule that does not allow one player to touch the ball more than once each time. This makes it very important for all players to cooperate with each other in scoring points. I think that makes volleyball enjoyable. In addition, it will be more pleasant when not only you but also your teammates are strong and skillful. Another pleasure of volleball is for all team members join hands in training teamates who lack skills to be better players.
石川 みんなと協力することですね。たとえばバスケットボールだと、1人がたくさんシュートを決めることで、ゲームになりますが、バレーボールには1人1回しか触れてはいけないなどのルールがあるので、1人でゲームはできません。そこで、いかに皆で点を取るか協力することが大切であり、それ自体が楽しいですね。加えて、自分が強いだけではなく、ほかのチームメイトも強かったりするとより楽しいですし、スキルのない選手を全員で育てて強くしていくことも、バレーボールの面白さです。
-Last year, you joined Italian professional team Modena while retaining your status as a Chuo student. How did you find your experience?
Ishikawa : My stint was as short as for only three and a half months. So I went there just hoping to see how volleyball is played ovearseas. I realized Japanese and foreign players were quite different in physical frame, height and strength. But I found my short stay enjoyable and I had valueable experiences. I could have a close look at some of my idol European players and I could learn a lot from them. I was strongly motivated especially by the teammates who played the same position as mine.
石川 3カ月半と大変短い期間だったので、海外のバレーボールってどんなものかなという気持ちで行きました。海外と日本ではやはり、体格や身長やパワーが全く違いますが、すごく楽しかったし、貴重な経験になったと思います。向こうに行くと、ヨーロッパにいる憧れの選手を近くで見られて、いい勉強になりました。同じチームメイトで同じポジションだった選手からは、特に強い刺激を受けました。
-What impressed you most?
Ishikawa : Above all, I was impressed by the way they pratice. My coach advised me, but I was never advised by teammates. They congratulated me when I played well. When I played poorly, they simply pointed that out. I had never seen that before. So I think I had a really good experience.
石川 やはり練習のことですね。監督からはアドバイスを受けるのですが、チームメイトから教られるということはありませんでした。むしろ、いいプレーができればほめられ、悪いところは悪いと言われるだけでした。そういうことは初めての経験だったので、いい経験したなあと思います。
-What did you find most difficult about your life in Italy?
Ishikawa : As my contract was made so suddenly, langauge was my biggest problem. After arriving there, I listened to Italian and picked it up. I repeated that process. I kept learning the language throgh communication with teammates and others. I didn’t use English over there. I basically relied on Italian.
石川 急に決まったことだったので、言葉が一番大変でした。向こうに行ってからイタリア語を聞いて、覚えて、の繰り返しでした。とりあえずコミュニケーションを取ってどんどん言葉を覚えていきました。向こうでは英語は使いませんでした。基本はイタリア語でした。
-Are you managing to keep your volleyball and study compatible?
Ishikawa : If you are asking me whether I am good at study, my answer is No. But I think I could keep both compatible because I got almost all course credits in my first year. I missed a single credit as I failed to take the exam because I was away in Italy. I’m worried I may miss more this year.
石川 勉強が得意かって言われたら、そうではないのですが、1年生の時は、ほとんど単位が取れたので、両立はできたと思います。1単位だけ、イタリアにいてテストを受けられなかったので落としてしまったのですが。今年は少し危ないかも知れません(笑い)。
-Back to your life in Japan, you are one of the so-called ‘‘NEXT 4’’ (four hopefuls in the national team). Tell us about your relationships.
Ishikawa : All of us are really on good terms with each other. We have been playing together since highschool days in both youth and national teams. In fact, Kentaro Takahashi (one of the foursome) ridicules me as pipsqueak (Takahashi is 200 cm high while Ishikawa is 192 cm high).
石川 自分たちは高校生の頃からユースや日本代表の集まりで一緒にやってきており、とても仲がいいです。高橋健太郎選手からは「チビ」と呼ばれたりします(笑い。石川選手の身長は192センチ)。
-What do you think is your role in the Chuo team and Japan national team?
Ishikawa : As I am the ace attacker in Chuo, I think my primary duty is to score points for the team. I am in a similar situation with the national team. But the national team has many other good spikers. So I will try to be a good receiver.
石川 中央大学で自分はエースなので、チームのために点を取ることが自分の一番やるべきことだと感じています。日本代表の中でも似ていますが、どちらかというと打つ人はたくさんいるので、レシーブを頑張ろうと思います。
-Tell us about your aspiration.
Ishikawa : I want to go abroad again to learn more about things that I don’t know. I think I can learn a lot in Japan. However, I want to go abroad while I can in order to experience what I cannot here in Japan. I may run into the wall, finding it too hard to hold on. I haven’t yet experienced that though. To keep myself growing, I will think how to get over that wall before it is too late.
石川 もっと海外に行って、自分の知らないことを学びたいと思います。日本でも学べることはたくさんあると思いますが、行ける時に海外に行って、海外でしか経験できないものを、なるべく経験したいです。もしかしたら「もうしんどい、辞めたい」といった壁に突き当たるかもしれません。まだ、経験したこと無いんですけど(笑い)。これから先も成長するために、その壁をどう乗り越えていくかを今のうちに考えておきます。
-Lastly, are there any persons you would like to thank?
Ishikawa : I can’t single out any specific person. But I know I have been able to move forward because I met many persons including my parents, coaches at my primary and junior high schools, teammates, etc. I am grateful to all of them.
石川 この人と特定はできませんが、やはり親や小学校・中学校の先生、チームメイトなど、いろんな人に巡り合って進んでこられたので、そういう人全員に感謝したいなぁって思います。
-Thank you for your time.
(Interviewed by : Tomomi Miyamoto)
りん (金曜日, 30 10月 2015 21:26)