Chuo University unveiled a long-term plan featuring the relocation of its Faculty of Law to Tokyo’s midtown as it celebrated the 130th anniversary of its foundation on Nov. 9. Hakumon Herald interviewed President and Chancellor Shozaburo Sakai about what has motivated the plan and what it is primarily aiming for.
-Why did you announce the plan at this time?
Sakai: I think Chuo will face a major turning point in the next ten years. Japan’s 18-year-old population will begin diminishing in 2018 and the universities in the country will become more globalized thereafter. Chuo needs to be a university that will continue to be chosen by prospective students 50 or 100 years later. We have drawn up the plan as a guideline to ensure that in the next decade.
酒井 2018年を機に、18歳人口が大幅に減少し、大学のグローバル化が進む中で、中央大学が50年、100年先も受験生に選ばれる大学であるために、この先10年が大きな分かれ目になると考えています。その10年の指針として今回計画を策定しました。
-What are the main points of the plan?
Sakai: If I may speak in random order, one of its features is to move the Faculty of Law and the Law School to the Korakuen Campus in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward. Another is to promote globalization by sending more Chuo students who will study abroad and accepting more foreign students who will learn at Chuo. Furthermore, the plan calls for establishing a new faculty related to health and sports and reorganizing the Faculty of Policy Studies. The plan needs to be discussed by the Faculty Meeting before it is carried out.
酒井 順不同で申し上げれば、法学部と法科大学院を東京・文京区の後楽園キャンパスに移転するという構想が1つです。また、海外への留学生数および海外からの留学生受入れ数を増やすことなど本学のグローバル化を推進することです。さらに、健康スポーツ関連の新学部設立、総合政策学部を改組することが計画の中心となっています。ただし、これらの計画が具体化されていくにあったては、今後教授会での検討などが前提となります。
-Why do you plan to relocate the Faculty of Law to the center of Tokyo?
Sakai: That is primarily aimed to activate the interchanges among the faculty members and make a fuller use of Chuo’s most valuable asset, that is, our alumni in the judicial circles who have been fostered by way of our school’s long tradition. Among Japan’s six biggest law schools (those of Kyoto University, Keio University, Chuo University, the University of Tokyo, Hitotsubashi University and Waseda University), only Chuo’s is located separately from its Faculty of Law. This gives our faculty members no small burden in traveling between the Tama Campus (where the Faculty of Law is located) and the Ichigaya Campus in Tokyo’s midtown (where the Law School is located). The relocation scheme is designed to ease their burden and create an environment where those alumni can easily come to instruct our law students.
酒井 教員間の交流を活発にすることや、法曹界0Bという、長い伝統によって培われた、中央大学の最も価値ある資産を活かすためです。現在、6大法科大学院(京都大、慶応大、中央大、東京大、一橋大、早稲田大学各法科大学院)の中で、中央大学は法学部と法科大学院が分離している唯一の大学で、教員が多摩と都心の市ヶ谷のキャンパスを移動するさいの負担も小さくありません。そうした負担を減らし、中央大OBが後輩を指導しやすい環境を作ることなどを目的に移転を計画しています。
-Why have you chosen the Korakuen Campus as the site of the Faculty of Law?
Sakai: Considering the environment that will make things easier for the alumni, we thought Tokyo’s midtown area will be the best place. Most of them work in the urban core. We can expect them to come to teach students in their spare time if we move the faulty to Korakuen. We can also hope that closer interchanges between the students of the faculty and the Law School will create a synergetic effect.
酒井 やはりOBが訪問しやすい環境を考えると、都心しかないように思います。彼らの多くは都心で働いているため、後楽園キャンパスならば、仕事の空き時間に指導に来てくれるようなことも期待できます。また、法学部生と法科大学院生が交流することで、シナジー(相乗作用)が生まれることも期待できます。
-Didn’t you consider constructing a new campus in an area other than Central Tokyo?
Sakai: We had a budgetary restraint. We also had to take into consideration the surging prices of land and construction materials in the runup to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. We had to make a very careful decision.
酒井 予算的制約もあり、2020年の東京オリンピック・パラリンピックに向け、土地、建設資材の価格がともに急騰していることも考え、慎重に判断しました。
-In which part of the Korakuen Campus do you plan to build the new school building?
Sakai: Korakuen is a big urban campus with 27,000 square meters of land. In this particular area, the statutory floor space ratio (the ratio of a building's total floor space to the size of the piece of land upon which it is built) is approximately 300%, which is relatively lower as compared to the one applicable to Meiji University’s Surugadai Campus and other universities located in Tokyo’s midtown districts. For this reason, the campus construction plan I mentioned above is subject to various administrative approvals including the relaxation of the floor space ratio. Assuming such approvals and considering that the prices of building materials will peak around 2018, we hope to get the construction work started around 2019.
酒井 後楽園キャンパスは面積2万7千平方メートルと都心においては大きなキャンパスです。また容積率(敷地面積に対する建物延べ面積)は約300%と、明治大学駿河台キャンパスなど都心地域にある他大学のそれと比べると相対的に小さい割合にとどまっています。したがって、上で述べたキャンパス整備計画は、容積率の緩和など、様々な面で行政による認可をいただくことが前提となっています。認可次第ではありますが、建築資材の価格が2018年頃にピークを迎えることも考慮し、19年頃には工事を開始できればと考えています。
-Are you also thinking of relocating a reorganized Faculty of Policy Studies?
Sakai: We may include that possibility in our plan if we can get a tract of land in the vicinity of the Korakuen Campus. However, if we see our long-term plan as Phase I, that will be our challenge in Phase II. In that sense, we have no concrete plan at this time.
酒井 後楽園キャンパス周辺で土地を確保できれば、移転することもあり得るということを含んではいます。しかしそれは、今回の中長期計画を第1弾とするならば、第2弾以降の課題であり、その意味で具体的なことは何も決まってはいません。
-What kind of education are you going to offer at the planned faculty related to health and sports?
Sakai: Many elderly people live at Tama New Town near Chuo. The Tama District is known as one of Japan’s pioneers in low birthrate and longevity. As a university that has its main campus in such area, we are considering making the faculty one that will manage policies addressing the aging society with fewer children. We also want to make it one where students can learn sports science, for example, as their business.
酒井 高齢者が多く住む多摩ニュータウンなど、少子高齢化の先進地である多摩地域にキャンパスを構える中央大学として、少子高齢化に対する政策、マネジメントを考える学部にしようと考えています。また、たとえばビジネスとして、スポーツ科学を学ぶといったようなことができる学部にもしたいと考えています。
-Can you give some messages to Chuo students?
Sakai: I want to tell all of you that Chuo University will be reborn through this long-term plan. I will personally brief the students on our plan.
酒井 在学生の皆さんには、中央大学がこの計画を機に生まれ変わるということを伝えたいです。また、12月中に今回の発表に関する説明を私自ら、在校生向けに行う予定です。
-Thank you for your time.
(Interviewed by: Takaaki Araki)
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