Captain of Chuo’s ice hockey team that won first-ever triple crown
Ice hockey is often referred to as a combat sport on ice. Players wearing protective gear weighting as much as 10 kg crash head-on with each other at a full speed, control their sticks ornately and shoot a puck as fast as over 100 km per hour.
Do you know Chuo University has its own ice hockey team like other schools? The team belongs to the Ice Hockey Department of Chuo’s Skating Club founded 95 years ago. In 2015, it won the triple crown (the 64th Kanto Collegiate Ice Hockey Championship for Prince Chichibu Cup, the Kanto Collegiate Ice Hockey League Competition and the All-Japan Collegiate Ice Sports Championship) for the first time in its history. Hakumon Herald interviewed Shinnosuke Kato (a fourth grader of the Faculty of Policy Studies), the captain of the club who won the most valuable player award in the Prince Chichibu Cup Championship.
-Why did you begin playing ice hockey?
Kato: I began playing the sport when I took part in the drills of an ice hockey club in my neighborhood. As I watched the players play powerfully on the rink, I was instantly captivated by the sport. Two of my brothers had already played other sports. My father who loved ice hockey looked delighted when I told him, “I’ve decided to take it up.”
加藤 近所のクラブチームの練習に参加したことがアイスホッケーを始めるようになったきっかけです。コートで躍動する選手たちの迫力あるプレーを見て、すぐにアイスホッケーのとりこになりました。私の2人の兄は別のスポーツに取り組んでいたので、アイスホッケー好きの父は、私が「アイスホッケーをやる」と言ったときは大変喜んでいましたね。
-You might have been called out by various universities. Why did you choose Chuo University?
Kato: When I was a senior high-school third grader, I watched a match played by Chuo’s team. I was thrilled by their devoted performances and the great zeal with which both their bench staff pepped them up. After that, I fortunately got an offer from Chuo’s Skating Club. I immediately replied, “I’m pleased to accept your offer.” As you know, the Tokyo Ice Hockey Federation has a couple of strong teams among its members like Meiji University and Toyo University. This challenging situation was another reason I chose Chuo.
加藤 高校3年生の時に中央大の試合を観戦した際、選手たちの献身的なプレー、それを鼓舞するベンチの雰囲気に感動しました。その後、幸運にも中央大スケート部からチャンスをいただき、すぐに「お願いします」と返事しました。東京には明治や東洋など強豪が揃っているので、大きなチャレンジができる環境であったことも中央を選んだ理由です。
Full year of hard effort
-Your team snatched the triple crown in 2015. What do you think made that possible?
Kato: We felt quite regretful when we got no titles in 2014. Motivated by our bitter experience, all of us made really hard efforts with a unanimous resolve to get the triple crown in 2015. Each of us kept thinking every day, “What should we do to become stronger?” And we kept putting that into practice in our routine drills and matches. I am sure that led us to the triple crown in 2015.
加藤 2014年は無冠でシーズンを終え、とても悔しい思いをしました。15年はその悔しさを糧にチーム全体が「3冠」を目標に必死に努力を重ねました。メンバー一人ひとりが日々、「強くなるためには」を考え続け、練習や試合で実行し続けたことが今回の3冠のカギだったと思います。
-Was there anything else that you routinely bore in your mind?
Kato: Nothing in particular. But I do my daily practice seriously, play every match with my full effort and never give up. I always bear those things in my mind. I love playing ice hockey, so I can stand hard work.
加藤 特にこれといって意識していたことはありません。ただ毎日、真剣に練習に取り組み、試合で120%の力を出し切ること、失敗しても決してあきらめないことは常に意識しています。アイスホッケーが大好きなので、きつい練習もあんまり苦ではないんですよね。
- Playing ice hockey can be physically dangerous and exhaustive. Have you ever thought of giving it up?
Kato: Well, that idea hit me just once. When I was a junior high-school student, I found my practice so hard that I almost lost my motivation. But my father encouraged me, saying, "Take it easy. Just enjoy yourself." That made me remember my boyhood when I had simply enjoyed playing ice hockey. I felt really relieved. I have never since thought of quit playing it.
加藤 一度だけありますね。中学生の時に練習が大変なので、やる気を失くしたことがありました。そんな私を見た父は「無理はするな。楽しめばいい」と言いました。純粋にアイスホッケーを楽しんでいた小学生のころの気持ちが呼び戻り、悩みは一気に解決されました。それからは今まで一度もアイスホッケーをやめたいと思ったことはありません。
Lifetime engagement in ice hockey
-What do you want to do in the future?
Kato: I want to be a policeman or a firefighter as I am confident of my physical strength. Given the declining number of ice hockey players these days, I also want to get myself associated with the sport to help stem the trend.
加藤 体力には自信があるので、警察官か消防士になりたいと思っています。また、最近アイスホッケーの競技人口が減っていると言われているので、それを食い止めるために自分なりにかかわっていきたいです。
―Tell us about your ambition with regard to ice hockey.
Kato: As captain, I will try to lead my team to the triple crown once again in the 2016 season. I want to keep Chuo Skating Club’s strong points such as a harmonious yet lively activity. I will try to make the team one that will go all-out to win matches if not in a refined manner.
加藤 今シーズンはキャプテンとしてチームを3冠にもう一度導きます。中大スケート部の和気あいあいとした雰囲気、メリハリのある部活動という特長を維持しつつ、全員一丸となって、泥臭くとも勝利を目指すチームにしたいと思います。
―Thank you.
―ありがとうございました。(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato, written by: Takuya Shintate) (聞き手:加藤英樹 英文:新立拓也)