Hakumon Ekiden Meet held for the first time
Chuo University carried out its 25th Homecoming Day at the Tama campus on October 23. Full of colorful stalls put up by alumni and alumnae, it was very much lively. Events organized by them included a talk show featuring Makoto Shinkai, a graduate of the Faculty of Literature who produced a movie, Your Name, which proved a blockbuster hit this summer, and an open interview of Kaoru Hasuike, one of the Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea, by senior NHK news commentator Toshio Shimada. Both Hasuike and Shimada are Chuo graduates. The organizers of the Homecoming Day planned the Hakumon Ekiden Meet, a long-distance relay race, for the first time this year.
The school’s athletics field at the Tama campus was picked as the venue of the meet, which consisted of two races, a family run and a three-hour marathon relay race. Futoshi Gomamoto, a member of the Chuo Alumni Association Secretariat who organized the event, told Hakumon Herald, “We targeted graduates in their 20s-40s who rarely turn out each year in a bid to give a boost to the Homecoming Day.”
The meet started with an inaugural address by Masakazu Fujiwara, the head coach of the Chuo University Track & Field Club. Members of the club gave a lesson on track and field for the participants and members of the Chuo Cheering Club gave their performance on the sidelines of the event. Gomamoto said he had been worried if there would be a sufficient number of participants and if the weather would be fine on the day of the event. But his concern proved unfounded. The meet drew more than 1,000 participants including 560 runners. Among them were many community residents who are not Chuo graduates. Gomamoto said, “We organized the Ekiden Meet as part of our policy to keep Chuo open and strengthen its ties with the local community. I think we had a good response because we had so many local participants.”
He added he will aim to make next year’s meet more attractive and bigger in scale. It was pity that few incumbent students took part in the inaugural race. Let us hope that the Alumni Association will urge more students to take part in it so that it will develop into an all-Chuo event not just for the alumni and alumnae.
来年はさらに大規模で、魅力あるマラソン大会を目指とのこと。ただ残念ながら現役学生の参加が少なかった。現役生の参加を促し、OB・OGのためのイベントからオール中大のイベントとして発展していってもらいたいものだ。(Written by: Hideki Kato)(加藤英樹)