Putting heart and soul into song leading

Shinzawa recalls her four years at Chuo




Misa Shinzawa performs at Chou's annual Hakumon campus festival.
Misa Shinzawa performs at Chou's annual Hakumon campus festival.

 Spring is a turning point in life for students. As a new academic year begins, some leave school to set out into the world and others advance to the next grade to continue their studies. Some may be full of hopes and others may feel uneasy prior to their new challenges. Hakumon Herald interviewed Misa Shinzawa, who will graduate in April from the Department of Cross-Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Policy Studies, about her life at Chuo University and her future dream.



-What is the best memory of your four-year college life?


Shinzawa: Well, all in all, that is my activity at the Garnet Girls (GG), Chuo’s song leading club. I had wanted to do song leading since my high school days. But as GG is a strong competitive team among those in Japanese universities, I thought a beginner like me would have no chances if I joined it. It was the presence of my mother that finally gave me a supportive push.

新澤 やはり、ソングリーディング部ガーネット・ガールズ(GG)での活動です。ソングリーディングには高校時代から憧れていたのですが、GGは大学の中でも競合チーム。ダンスなど経験のない初心者の私でしたから、活躍する機会はないだろうと思っていましたが、最終的に私の背中を押してくれたのが母の存在でした。

Members of Garnet Girls pose for a picture prior to their performance at a competition.
Members of Garnet Girls pose for a picture prior to their performance at a competition.

   -Can you tell us more about that?


Shinzawa: When I entered Chuo University, I learned my mother was seriously ill. I was not on particularly good terms with her, but I was full of gratitude to her for having brought up three daughters including myself with a lot of troubles and hardships. I wanted to encourage her by all means. Then I remembered I really felt pepped up when I saw song leading for the first time in my high school days. I thought if I joined a song leading club, I might be able to make not just my mother but a lot of other people smile and feel encouraged. That’s why I decided to join GG.

新澤 私が大学に入学したとき、母が大病を患っていることが分かりました。特別仲がいいという親子関係ではなかったのですが、苦労して私達姉妹3人を育ててくれた母には感謝の気持ちでいっぱいでした。どうしても彼女を勇気づけたかった。そこで、私が高校時代に初めてソングリーディングを見たとき、不思議と心から元気になったことを思い出しました。ソングリーディング部で活動すれば、母を、そしてたくさんの人を笑顔にし、勇気づけられると思い、入部を決めました。


-Didn’t you have a hard time at first as a beginner?


 Shinzawa: My seniors instructed me patiently without letting me down. My age peers encouraged me a great deal. Blessed with good friends, I could bear my hard practice. My feeling about song leading immensely changed in the summer of my second grade when I first performed in a tournament. The floor was full of applause when our performance ended. I had a feeling of exaltation which I had never had before. At the moment, I was attracted to song leading and I came to be able to enjoy it more. I was so immersed in it that I felt I could dance even harder.

新澤 初心者の私を見捨てず、熱心に指導してくれる先輩。一緒に頑張ろうと励まし合った同期のメンバーたち。仲間に恵まれたことで、辛い練習も苦にはなりませんでした。ソングリーディングに対する気持ちが大きく変わったのは、初めて大会に出場した2年の夏です。演技の後、歓声につつまれる会場。今まで感じたことのない高揚感を味わいました。一瞬でソングリーディングの魅力にはまり、より一層活動が充実するようになりました。いくら踊っても足りないと感じるくらいに没頭しましたね。(笑い)


Going all-out without forgetting first resolution



Misa Shinzawa speaks during an interview with Hakumon Herald at a Starbucks cafe, her favorite shop.
Misa Shinzawa speaks during an interview with Hakumon Herald at a Starbucks cafe, her favorite shop.

-What will you do after your graduation?


Shinzawa: I’ll start working as a cabin attendant (CA) of a foreign-affiliated airline in the spring. I’ve been interested in cross-cultural exchanges since I did a short-term study in Hawaii in the summer of my first grade at Chuo. I thought CA would satisfy my interest and make good use of the teamwork which I developed through song leading. Bearing that in my mind, I did my job hunting. Fortunately I could get an offer from an airline. As I will be starting my job abroad, I’m revving up my language study now.

新澤 春から外資系航空会社の客室乗務員(CA)になります。大学1年の夏にハワイに短期留学をしてから、異文化交流に魅力を感じるようになりました。ソングリーディングで養ったチームワークを活かしつつ、その興味を満たすにはCAが適していると考え、就職活動し、運よく内定をもらうことができました。勤務地は早速、外国になるので、今は張り切って語学勉強に取り組んでいます。


 -What’s on your mind as you begin your new life?



Shinzawa: I spent these four years with all my heart and mind and without making any compromise. In that sense, I could spend a happy college life. I am confident my way of life really suits me. So, I’m not worried about my future life. I tell myself that I am simply moving from a small world of university into a bigger world of society. I will go all-out to make my dream come true and make my life happy. I will keep up my effort without forgetting my first resolution.

新澤 この4年間、全身全霊、妥協なしの毎日を過ごし、幸せな学生生活になりました。これまでの生き方が自分に合っていると自信を持っています。だから、これからの人生について悩んではいません。大学という小さな世界から、社会という大きな世界に移るだけのこと。夢を叶え、幸せになりたいからこそ日々全力ダッシュです。初心を忘れず、これからも頑張ります。


-Thank you.


(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)(聞き手/加藤英樹)


コメント: 1
  • #1

    Frank Nakabayashi, (火曜日, 14 3月 2017 02:46)

    You've done very good job.
    Some English expressions were not smooth for American reader, but we can understand meaning of it.
    Continue your best Please.