New Chief Executive Director Omura tells Hakumon Herald
It is six months since Masahiko Omura took office as Chief Executive Director of Chuo University. Commemorating its 130th anniversary in 2015, the university released Chuo Vision 2025, a 10-year development plan in which it unveiled a policy to relocate part of its liberal arts faculties to Tokyo’s urban center by 2022. The Faculty of Law will be top among those to be relocated. By locating it near Chuo Law School at Tokyo’s Ichigaya campus in an integrated manner, the school authority is aiming to enhance the faculty’s power of brand and maximize the effectiveness of its legal instruction. The plan also calls for founding new faculties at the Tama campus. Hakumon Herald interviewed Omura to ask how the plan is progressing.
大村雅彦氏が中央大学理事長に就任して6カ月が経過した。現在、大学は「中長期事業計画Chuo Vision 2025」で、2022年までに文系学部の一部を都心へ移転する方針を発表している。移転の第一候補とされる法学部のブランド力を強化するとともに、法科大学院と一体的に配置することによって教育効果の最大化を図るのがねらいだ。他にも多摩キャンパスに複数の新学部を創設するという計画も公表している。そこで白門ヘラルドは大学経営の最高責任者である大村新理事長に話を聞いた。
-How is Chuo’s relocation plan progressing?
Omura: We are passionately pressing ahead with our study and negotiations. Specifically, we are considering whether we can relocate the Faculty of Law and related buildings such as “Honoo-no-Tou” or Tower of Flame (a facility for students preparing to take national examinations, in particular the national bar exam) together with Chuo Law School to the Korakuen campus in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo, where the Faculty of Science and Engineering is located. However, an additional building area is restricted there because the mandatory floor-space ratio, the percentage of floor space to site area, is in force in central Tokyo.
大村理事長 検討や交渉は熱心に進められています。具体的には、理工学部のある東京・文京区の後楽園キャンパスに、法学部と法職研究室「炎の塔」などの関連建物を移転できないか検討しています。ただ、敷地に対する建築面積の割合を表す容積率により、増設できる面積が制限されています。
If the additional building being planned by us proves impossible, we may have to purchase a new tract of land elsewhere in downtown. Some people are concerned that land prices may go up prior to the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020. But we are not worried about that. Judging from the recent trends of land price in Tokyo, we can't think it will soar explosively over the next years as it did during Japan's bubble economy period.
As to possible impacts of the Tokyo Olympics, we are rather concerned about the upsurge of the cost of materials and personnel expenses needed for the construction of our new school building. About this, since the construction of the national stadium and other Olympic facilities should have been completed by 2019 at the latest, we are considering starting the construction of the new school building after those expenses have begun falling. We plan to complete the construction of our Tokyo downtown campus by 2022 while making utmost efforts to hold the cost to the minimum.
-What do you think is important for Chuo’s future development?
Omura: I think it is important to retain and strengthen both our tradition and new elements. Chuo's each faculty has its own tradition. Each faculty has been producing a number of graduates who play an active part at the forefront of various industries. We do want each and every one of you to follow your predecessors. Yet, what society requires of universities keeps changing in tandem with the changes of the times.
大村理事長 伝統と新しい要素の両方を維持・強化することが重要だと考えています。中央大学の各学部には伝統があり、それぞれの業界の第一線で活躍している卒業生を多数輩出しています。後輩の皆さんも、ぜひ先輩に続いてほしいと思っています。ただ、時代の変化に伴い社会が大学に求めるものも変わっていきます。
We must not only maintain the status quo but also change ourselves in line with the times in order to ensure our further development. Therefore, we are planning to set up at the Tama campus new faculties that can nurture the abilities required in modern society. Specifically, we will reorganize our Faculty of Policy Studies to create new faculties dealing with international relations and digitalization.
We are also discussing plans to found a new community-rooted faculty that can help the aging regional society resolve its own problems through sports science. Some other universities have already done such things. But I don't think we are too late.
-Thank you.
―ありがとうございました。 (Written by Yuta Uchino.)(聞き手/内野裕大)
Mr. Omura’s Profile<大村雅彦理事長略歴>
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1954, Omura graduated from the Faculty of Law of Chuo University in 1977 and was appointed professor of the Faculty of Law in 1990. He served as Dean of Chuo Law School from 2004 to 2007 and as Director of Chuo International Center from 2012 to 2014. He was named Executive Director of Chuo University in 2014 and took office as Chief Executive Director in May 2017.
1954年生まれ。兵庫県出身。1977年中央大学法学部卒。90年同法学部教授。 2004年同大学院法務研究科長(07年まで)。12年同国際センター所長(14年まで)。14年中央大学常任理事。17年5月理事長に就任。