Rei Yamamoto plays key role in Chuo’s table tennis triumph
Chuo’s women table tennis club won the pennant at the spring Kanto Students Table Tennis League competition last May for the first time in six years. Rei Yamamoto, a 22-year-old fourth grader of the Faculty of Literature, played a key role in Chuo’s 25th career victory. Hakumon Herald interviewed Yamamoto who hopes to play in a corporate team after her graduation.
-Why did you start playing table tennis?
Yamamoto: I was motivated by my father who once played in a table tennis club. That was when I was in the third grade at my elementary school. At first, I felt I was forced to play by my father. However, I could start enjoying table tennis after I won in a competition.
山本 クラブで卓球をしていた父の影響です。小学校3年生のころから始めました。最初は父に無理やりやらされていましたが、大会で勝てるようになり、卓球を楽しめるようになりました。
-What impressed you most during your four years at Chuo?
Yamamoto: That was our victory at the spring Kanto Students Table Tennis League competition. That had been one of the targets for our team. Some good junior players joined our team last year and we could improve the quality of our practices. That made our team stronger. All our members could firmly share the goal to win “the victory in the spring league” and that led us to that good result.
山本 やはり春季関東学生卓球リーグ戦で優勝できたことです。この大会で優勝することがチームの目標の一つでした。昨年は、強い後輩たちが入部し、練習の質も向上しました。そのため、チームとして強くなれました。また、チーム内で「春リーグで優勝する」という目標を共有できたことが、このような結果につながりました。
But I think our junior members still lack teamwork. I wish they will clearly set their aim and try to win a victory at the League competition, the All-Japan Invitational Students Table Tennis Championships and the All-Japan Intercollegiate Table Tennis Championships. I have no regret about my four years at Chuo University because I could devote myself to playing table tennis. But I’m feeling I should have had a bit more time to socialize with students in general.
-Do you have any secret to keep winning in a competition?
Yamamoto: Well, that may be to analyze and reflect upon what I could and couldn’t do in matches irrespective of the result. Before a match, I try to make it clear what I should do rather than considering too much about it.
山本 勝っても負けても、試合でできたこと、できなかったことを分析・反省することです。試合前は、自分がやるべきことを明確にし、試合だということを意識しすぎないように心がけています。
-What is your future goal?
Yamamoto: I will join a corporate table tennis team this year to keep playing. One of my targets is to contribute to the team. As an individual player, I’ll do my best to go higher in rank at the Japan League competition.
山本 今年からは、実業団チームに入り卓球を続けていきます。このチームのために活躍することが目標の1つです。また、個人としては、日本リーグで少しでも上位に食い込めるようにしたいです。
-Thank you. We wish you the best of luck.
(Interviewed by: Yuto Yawata)