Mental weakness needs to be overcome



Ryoma Hashimoto dribbles for a goal.
Ryoma Hashimoto dribbles for a goal.

-What are the major challenges you need to overcome?


Tezuka: I see no problems about our team in terms of skills. Our players have no physical problems at all like losing their running ability in the second half. I am sure we are the best in technical aspects among all second-division teams. But I feel our players lack confidence to fight it out as a team. I will say their mental weakness is one of the challenges they need to overcome.



Hashimoto: I think so, too. I think we tend to play bearishly in the second half, especially in the last 10 minutes. As Mr. Tezuka says, we should play more confidently in the last minutes. We should play as aggressively as to make additional scores toward the end of each match.




手塚 技術面では特に課題もありませんし、後半になって足が止まるというような、体力面での課題があるというわけでもありません。技術面においては、むしろ、2部リーグの中ではいちばん高いと思っています。しかし、チームがひとつとなって自信を持って戦うという、メンタルの部分が課題になっていると感じています。


橋本 私もそう思います。試合の後半、特に残り10分の時間帯で弱気なプレーになっています。監督の言うとおり、残り少ない時間帯でも自信をもってプレーし、追加点をとるくらいの強気が必要だと感じました。



-How do you practice to overcome your challenge?


Tezuka: For our team to play confidently in a match, all its members must gain confidence either by changing their playing style or by managing to win matches. Both may be two different things. But I think it is important for them to overcome their challenge through their daily training and practice. Specifically, we analyze the team we will meet next and put greater priority on our practice to correct the failures we made in our previous matches. I am sure we will make improvements by continuing to play in league matches and steadily carry out our daily practices.




手塚 選手が自信を持って試合に臨むためには、プレースタイルを変えることで自信を掴むのか、試合に勝つことで自信をつけるのか、違いはありますが、日々のトレーニングや練習が課題を克服していくうえで大切になると思います。具体的には、次の試合で対戦する相手チームを分析し、これまでの試合でうまくいかなかったところを重点的に練習することを行っています。リーグ戦の試合と練習を積み重ねていくことが改善につながっていくと思います。

Club Manager Satoshi Tezuka (right) and Captain Ryoma Hashimoto pose for a photo after their interview with Hakumon Herald.
Club Manager Satoshi Tezuka (right) and Captain Ryoma Hashimoto pose for a photo after their interview with Hakumon Herald.

 -Do you do anything special other than daily practices?



Hashimoto: The students admitted to the Chuo University Soccer Club on recommendation (by their high schools) live at a dormitory. They meet in a dormitory room every Tuesday. They talk about soccer skills and various other matters. We sometimes have nonsensical talks. I think good communications among teammates are also important for us to win matches.




橋本 中大サッカー部に推薦入学した学生は寮で生活しています。部員は皆、1つの寮生の部屋に集まり、毎週火曜にミーティングを行っています。ミーティングでは技術面はもちろん、いろいろな話をしています。たわいもない会話をすることもあります。チームメイトとコミュニケーションをとることも試合に勝つうえ重要なことだと思います。


-What kind of soccer do you think you should play to win a match?


  Tezuka: First of all, all players must be united as a team. I also think they must switch over their offense and defense as necessary, not give up control of the ball, always try to get a loose ball and keep working hard for 90 minutes in order to win a match.


Hashimoto: I think we can win over any team if we keep up our fighting spirit. I think it is also important for the players who take part in matches and those who support and cheer them up to join together.




手塚 チームがひとつになって戦うことはもちろん、攻守の切り替えを徹底すること、球際で負けないこと、セカンドボールをしっかりと取れること、そして、チームの勝利のために90分間ハードワークをすることだと思います。


橋本 どんな相手に対してでも戦う姿勢、〝気持ち″があれば、勝ちにつなげられると思います。試合に出る選手も応援する選手もチーム一丸となって、戦っていくことも大切だと思います。


Chuo's Soccer Club members celebrate after scoring in a match.
Chuo's Soccer Club members celebrate after scoring in a match.


-What is the aim of Chuo University Soccer Club?


Hashimoto: Our club has so many members that it is divided into the A1, A2 and B teams from top to bottom. The A1’s aim is of course to come back to JUFA-Kanto’s first division. The A2 is aiming to win out the Kanto championship of the I League (Independence League) to which it belongs and get qualified for the national championship. Our A2 players are keen to get promoted to the A1 team and B players to the A2 team.




橋本 中大サッカー部は部員が多いため、上から順にA1、A2、Bにチームが分かれています。A1の目標は、もちろん、関東大学リーグ2部から1部に復帰することです。A2はIリーグの関東チャンピオンシップを勝ち抜いて、全国大会に出場することが目標です。また、A2の選手はA1に入り込み、BはA2に入ることも目標です。


-Thank you.

(Interviewed by Yuto Yawata)




(聞き手/八幡 侑斗)