Chuo University outfielder Masayoshi Fukuda (graduating from the Faculty of Commerce in March), kicks off his career as a professional baseball player this spring. He signed with the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles after being picked in the third round of the Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) draft last October. Hakumon Herald interviewed him about his decision to become a pro, an inside story about his draft and memories of his college life.
-How do you feel months after your draft pick?
Fukuda: I have begun to behave as a pro player since I attended my first press conference. I really feel that I’ve started my pro career. I have become to be more responsible for everything I do as a member of society.
福田 入団会見などプロとしての活動が始まり、プロとしての生活が始まる実感が湧いてきました。また、社会人として一つ一つの行動に責任を払うようになりました。
-Which team had you expected to pick you up?
Fukuda: I had vaguely felt that the scouts from the Chiba Lotte Marines and the Hanshin Tigers were paying their attention to me. Honestly speaking, I hadn’t expected I would be drafted by Rakuten. It seemed Rakuten’s scout really wanted to pick me but dared to ignore me to hide his real intention. I was glad to know that he had conducted himself that way just because he was really interested in me.
福田 千葉ロッテマリーンズや阪神タイガースのスカウトの方が注目してくれているのは感じていました。正直、楽天から指名されるとは思っていませんでした。担当スカウトの方は自分を指名したいという思いから、あえて関心は示していなかったようです。でも、自分を獲得したいという思いで楽天のスカウトの方がそうしてくれていたことはうれしかったですね。
-What is your impression of Rakuten and their backyard Sendai?
Fukuda: I feel Rakuten is a new team that makes much of its fans. My impression is that the fans and the players are very close to each other. I found Rakten’s stadium bigger than I had imagined. I was moved when I thought the NPB series were once played there.
福田 楽天はすごく新しい球団で、ファンを大事にして、選手とファンの距離が近いという印象があります。球場は予想より大きくて、ここで日本一が争われたと思うと感動しました。
-Are there any players whom you want to get advice from?
Fukuda: Yes, there are some. One of them is Manabu Mima, a Rakuten hurler. He is a graduate of Chuo University and I want to ask him how I should spend a year as a pro. As to technical aspects, I want to ask Ryo Hijirisawa (who joined Rakuten in 2009 after graduating from Kokugakuin University) about base stealing. I think his playing style is similar to mine.
福田 同じ楽天に所属する美馬学(みま・まなぶ)投手が中央大学の出身なので、プロとしての1年間の過ごし方を聞いてみたいですね。技術的なことに関しては、盗塁の方法など、自分のプレースタイルに似ている聖澤諒(ひじりさわ・りょう)選手に聞いてみたいです。
-Are there any pitchers you want to face?
Fukuda: After all, I want to face Yousuke Shimabukuro (graduating from the Faculty of Commerce in March) of the Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks because we were teammates in Chuo. I also want to take on pitchers from the teams of the Tohto University Baseball League (with which the Chuo University baseball team is affiliated).
福田 やはり、大学の同期で福岡ソフトバンクホークスの島袋洋奨(しまぶくろ・ようすけ、同商学部2015年卒)投手と対戦してみたいですね。他には、大学で対戦した東都リーグ出身の選手とも対戦してみたいですね。
-What about players you respect?
Fukuda: I have a feeling of yearning for Hisayoshi Chono, the Yomiuri Giants slugger. But I am aiming to become a player like Takahiro Suzuki, a Giants outfielder who has a prominent skill of stealing a base even under enormous pressure.
福田 バッティングが素晴らしい読売ジャイアンツの長野久義(ちょうの・ひさよし)選手にも憧れますが、警戒された場面でも盗塁を成功させる同球団の鈴木尚広(すずき・たかひろ)選手のような突出した能力をもつプロフェッショナルな選手を目標としています。
-What are your strong points and your challenges?
Fukuda: I am confident about fielding and base running. I think batting is my challenge. I need to polish my delicate skills like bunt or batting to help a runner gain a base.
福田 守備、走塁とプロでやっていける自信はあります。課題はバッティングにあると考えています。バッティングの課題を克服するにはでバントや進塁を助ける小技を磨くことが必要だと考えています。
-What are your short- and longer-term aims?
Fukuda: Well, my short-term aim is to become a member of the first team. My longer-term aim is to become a regular starter and one of leading players. Now that I have turned professional, I eventually want to be a team manager.
福田 短期的には開幕1軍のメンバー入りすること。中長期的には、スタメンを獲得して、チームの中心となり、プロの野球選手になることができたので、最終的にはプロ野球チームの監督になりたいですね(笑)。
-What made you feel happy while you were a member of the Chuo University baseball club?
Fukuda: Well, I was blessed with chances to meet coeval teammates like Shimabukuro. I could meet many talented players and we could mutually enhance one another.
福田 島袋を中心に同学年に恵まれたことです。プロになれるような逸材と共にお互いを高め合うことができました。
-Why did you choose Chuo University?
Fukuda: I graduated from Narashino Senior High School in Chiba Prefecture. This route from Narashino to Chuo was taken by many big players including Yasuhiro Ogawa, the former manager of the Yakult Swallows. So when I wanted to go on to college, I had a talk with the father of Shinnosuke Abe (a Giants infielder), who is currently vice-president of our alumni association. That’s how I decided to choose Chuo.
福田 自分は千葉県習志野市立習志野高校出身で、習志野高校から中央大学というルートはヤクルトスワローズの小川泰弘(おがわ・やすひろ)元監督など一流選手が多く通った道で、大学進学を希望したとき、高校のOB副会長である読売ジャイアンツの阿部慎之介(あべ・しんのすけ)選手の父親などに相談して決めました。
-Looking back at your four years at Chuo, what does impress you most?
Fukuda: That I could continue playing in the first division of the Tohto University Baseball League is my unforgettable memory. We couldn’t win the championship, but I am proud that I could play in the tough league for four years. We failed to win the pennant during our days. So we will entrust the junior members to make it. When they win the championship, I will spend my contract money to treat them to a good meal.
福田 東都リーグ1部でプレーし続けたことです。僕は優勝するより、この難しいリーグで4年間戦えたことを誇りに思っています。自分たちの代で優勝することはできなかったので、優勝は後輩に託します。もし彼らが優勝できたら今回の契約金で食事でもご馳走してあげたいですね(笑)。
-Apart from that, how do you plan to spend your contract money?
Fukuda: I will save it. I want to have a car. But I will buy a good one when I come to play an active part and get a lot of money. As I can’t continue this job for 40-50 years, I’ll try to use my money in a steady way.
福田 貯金します(笑)。車とかは活躍して、給料でいい車を買えるようにしたいですね。この仕事は40年50年とは続けられないので、堅実にお金はやり繰りしたいです。
-Is there anything you wanted to do but couldn’t during your college life?
Fukuda: That might have been an ordinary campus life. While I walked to the practice field every day, I saw fellow students enjoying their club activities. I really envied them and wanted to do that myself.
福田 キャンパスライフですかね。学校から練習に向かう時、サークル活動をしている光景を見ると、羨ましくて自分もやってみたいなと思っていました。
-Lastly can you give some messages to Chuo students?
Fukuda: There may be few students who have met me in the campus. But there may be some who know that two Chuo players have been picked by pro teams. I want to settle in the first string of my team so that everybody will pay attention to me. The first Chinese character in my given name “Masa” is the same as that of Masahiro Tanaka of the New York Yankees. So, I want you to pay attention to me as “Ma-kun” who joined Rakuten from Chuo University.
福田 僕とはキャンパスで会ったことがある人は少なかったかもしれませんが、中央大学からプロに2人指名された選手がいることは知っている人は多いと思います。皆さんに注目してもらえるようまずは、1軍に定着したいですね。僕の名前の将の字はヤンキースの田中将大投手と同じ字なので、中央大学から楽天に行ったマー君として注目してもらいたいです。
(Written by: Takaaki Araki)