Hakumon Herald interviewed Takehisa Fukazawa, who took over as Chuo University's Chief Executive Regent and Chair of the Board of Regents in May 2014. A graduate of the Faculty of Law, he had assumed many key posts such as chairman of the Tokyo Bar Association, vice chairman of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and justice of the Supreme Court before coming back to his alma mater. He is also the recipient of the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun. His brilliant career makes many in Chuo pin great expectations on his performance. Replying to our questions, Mr. Fukazawa dwelt on Chuo’s major challenges as seen from a managerial viewpoint and made clear what he will do to make Chuo more attractive.
Distant from students
-What is your impression after serving as Chief Executive Regent for a year?
Fukazawa: I have found a lot of things. First of all, I felt that we managers are distant from the students. Since we are cooperate persons, we must essentially take care of management affairs rather than educational matters. However, our mission is, ultimately, to create the best environment for the students where they can devote themselves to their study and extracurricular activities. The faculty is primarily responsible for that. But even while the management and the faculty are different in form and function, both aim for the common goal. It is important for them to work closely with each other. With the spirit of One Chuo, all of us are working hard to create an environment that will satisfy our students.
深澤 感じたことは沢山あります。まず学生の顔が見えにくいということがあります。私たちはあくまで法人なので教育面ではなく経営面のことを考えねばなりません。しかし、究極的に言えば私達の目的は学生が勉強や課外活動に十分に打ち込める最適な環境を作ることです。その環境づくりを主に担うのは教学です。それゆえ形態は違っても、共通のゴールを目指す両機関の間での正確で密な連携が重要となります。私達はオール中央の精神のもと教職員一同で学生が満足できる環境の構築に努めています。
-Can you give us some examples?
Fukazawa: It may sound trivial, but I take lunch at the Hilltop (school canteen for students and visitors) whenever I have time instead of the cafeteria for the faculty. I do so because I would like to know what students are thinking and complaining about. I want to understand their viewpoints as much as possible. I will do all I can to make Chuo more attractive to them.
深澤 小さなことですが、時間があれば教員用の学食でなくヒルトップで食事をとります。学生の考えや不満に思っていることなどの情報が分かればという思いからです。学生の視点を少しでも汲み取りたいと思いますね。魅力のある大学作りのために今後とも積極的に尽力していきたいと思います。
Future management problems
-What are your specific plans?
Fukazawa: We are now addressing a medium- to long-term scheme tuned to the era of globalization. One of important challenges here is to listen to members of the faculty and build a system that will have them efficiently reflected on the school management.
深澤 グローバル化の時代に即した中長期的な構想に取り組んでいます。教学からの意見を効率的に経営に反映することができる組織づくりが重要な課題です。
-How do you push your plan?
Fukazawa: I think we need to change our corporate climate. It seems to me that Chuo University has become bureaucratic. I think we need to manage the school in a more flexible way. We particularly need to strengthen our ability to send out information.
深澤 組織の風土を整える必要性を感じています。現在の中央大学は官僚組織化してしまっているように思えます。もう少し柔軟な発想で経営していくことが不可欠だと思います。特に情報発信力の強化には集中的に取り組まなくてはならないでしょう。
Need of vertical connections
-Can you elaborate on that?
Fukazawa: As you know, Chuo University has been reputed for its Faculty of Law. Many outside people don’t know how Chuo is strong in disciplines other than law. However, we rank third in the country in terms of the number of successful applicants for the certified public accountants exam. We have also won the S rank nomination ahead of other universities in the Promotion of Global Human Resource Development project being pushed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Many people not only outside the school but even inside the school don’t know these facts. We will start with improvement of our in-house information sharing system to do away with the image that Chuo has only the faculty of law.
深澤 中央大学は知っての通り法科の中央と呼ばれてきました。学外からは法職以外はどのような分野に強みをもっているのか良く判らないということがあります。しかし、公認会計士の合格者も全国で3位だったり、文部省が行っているグローバル人材育成推進事業では他校に抜きん出るSランクの高評価を受けています。そのことを学外ばかりでなく学内でも知らない人が多数います。法科だけの中央大学というイメージを今こそ払拭するため、まずは学内の情報共有の仕組みを改善することから始めたいと思います。
-How can we improve our ability to send out information?
Fukazawa: I think we should deepen the communication between students and alumni. For example, many of our students seeking to enter the legal profession are members of a certain study group in the school. They frequently communicate with their alumni. So they have strong vertical connections with each other. On the other hand, many other students who don’t aspire for legal profession rarely have such relationship with their alumni. Chuo has many graduates who are active not only in the legal circles but in other business domains. It is sad that many students leave school without having any deep relations with those successful alumni. I guess such students are rarely conscious after graduation that they once studied at Chuo University. I feel graduates active in the business world are generally less keen to help their junior fellows as compared to those engaged in legal profession. I hope all alumni will be aware that they were once a Chuo student and try to deepen their communication with incumbent students.
深澤 OBと現役の交流強化だと思います。例えば、法職を目指す学生の多くは研究室に入室しています。彼らは各研究室の卒業生と常日頃から交流しているため、深い縦のつながりを持っています。一方、法曹志望ではない学生は卒業生との縦のつながりをほとんど持たないのが現状です。法曹界だけでなく、実業界にも多くの人材を輩出してきたにも関わらず、(そういう人たちと)深い関わりを持たずに卒業していってしまう学生たちが多いのです。そのような学生は卒業後自分が中央大学の学生であったことをあまり意識しないで過ごしているように思えます。もちろん、後輩に何かを還元しようという気持ちも法職のOB、OGと比べると少ないように感じます。すべての学員がかつて中央大学の学生であったことを意識して学生との交流を深めてほしいと思います。
Mr. Fukazawa’s profile
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in January 1934, Mr. Fukazawa passed the national bar exam one year after he graduated from Chuo University’s Faculty of Law in 1957. Registered as a lawyer in 1961, he was named chairman of the Tokyo Bar Association and vice chairman of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations in 1993. He was appointed a justice of the Supreme Court in 2000. After retiring from office in 2004, he served as auditor of Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. He was awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun in 2005.
深澤武久(ふかざわ たけひさ)氏 略歴