Newlin: There were voices which were against this movement and the people supporting it, who attacked especially the students of color. I discovered comments on YikYak, an anonymous internet bulletin board, which affirmed the idea of slavery. And moreover there was one suggesting to attack me on the quad. I was often weary when outside of my safe spaces like my house of the Intercultural center during the week of protest because of the threats.
ニューリン この運動を支持する人々、特に有色人種の学生、そして私に向けて反対の声が上がりました。YikYakという匿名型ウェブ掲示板に奴隷制度を肯定するようなコメントや、私に校内の広場で暴力を振るうことを示唆するようなコメントが掲載されました。脅迫のせいで抗議を行っていた週、私は学内の心の拠り所で身の安全が保証されているインターカルチュラルセンター以外の場所ではうんざりするほど疲弊しきっていました。
-Why can you continue standing up against the injustice?
Newlin: Simply because I can’t ignore injustice. I believe that I should make changes to anything needing to be changed, even though it’s unrealistic to influence the society effectively alone. I’ve learned from the history of my ancestors, however, that every small step ends up with a great achievement. I can bear pain now, because my effort will make children and myself in the future a lot better.
ニューリン 単純に不公平を見過ごすことのできない性格だからです。変わらなくてはいけないものは変えなくてはいけないと思っています。私1人では社会を変えることはできません。ですが、小さな変化が積もり積もって大きな変化をもたらすことを私は先人たちの歴史から学びました。未来の子供達、そして自分自身の未来をよりよいものにするために今の苦労に耐えています。
-Are you willing to pursue your social activity after graduation?
Newlin: I want to remain working as a social justice activist to amplify voices of the powerless contributing to others life as a Public Health Neonatologist. My action never ends till the day when racism and injustice is terminated in the United States comes.
ニューリン 将来は公衆衛生新生児生理学者として直接人々の生活を支える一方で、社会運動家として虐げられている人々の声を社会に発信する役目を続けたいです。アメリカから人種差別、不公平がなくなるまで私はこの活動を辞めません。
-Thanks for your cooperation.
(Interviewed by Hideki Kato)
Black Lives Matter is a contemporary Black liberation movement which started out in 2012 right after a homicide of Travon Martin, a 17-year-old black child, in Florida. Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi and Alicia Garza are the three women who founded the movement through the social media hashtag #Blacklivesmatter.
ブラック・ライブズ・マター(Black Lives Matter)運動は2012年、フロリダ州で起きた当時17歳だったアフリカ系アメリカ人のトライボン・マーチン殺害事件を契機に、パトリッジ・キュローズ、オパール・トメッティ、アリシア・ガーザの3女性が発起人として始めた、現代における黒人解放運動だ。
Pivoting around a protest to the unfair treatment of African Americans by a police officer, the movement disseminates truths regarding the facts of racism and people feeling wretched in various ways. Typical controversies are the depiction of African American women as violent and oversexualized, and the incarceration of over a million Black prisoners. A series of protests are aimed at demanding the government to handle the condition promptly. This movement is seen as unique in terms of speed of spreading the influence. It expands at an explosive pace as the term, #Black Lives Matter, is being shared on the Internet. Still it is advocated by African American individuals and institutions all over the United States.