Beauty contests at universities have taken firm root across Japan in recent years. At topnotch universities in Tokyo, such contest is so popular today that it is seen as one of crucial events that provide the gateway to success for female announcers. Ms. Yuka Nishizawa, a second grader at the Public and Environmental Economics Department, the Faculty of Economics, who won the crown at Miss Chuo Contest 2013, also wants to be an announcer upon graduation. She was the first Chuo student who became one of the top 10 finalists at the "Miss of Misses Contest 2013" in which the contest winners from all universities across Japan took part.
大学での女性美を競うミス・コンテストはすっかり定着した感がある。特に東京の有名大学では、ミスコンは女子アナウンサーへの登竜門ともいわれるほど盛んな行事の1つとなっている。今回、登場いただいた2013年のミス中央、西澤由夏さん(経済学部公共環境学科2年)もその1人。西澤さんは、全国の大学のミスコン優勝者が集まる「Miss of Misses Contest 2013」で、中央大学生として初めてファイナリスト(上位10位)にもなった。
“Grateful to people around me”
−Why did you enter Miss Chuo Contest? What was your motivation?
Nishizawa: I would like to be an announcer in the future. And I was thinking of challenging something I can do only as a student to enhance my powers of expression. Just at such time, Chuo’s student association "RP", the sponsors of Miss Chuo Contest, invited me through my friend to take part in the event. So I decided to accept the invitation.
−What did you feel after actually taking part in Miss Chuo Contest and then the national contest?
Nishizawa: The organizers spent half a year preparing for the contest and pitching a publicity campaign. Throughout that period, I felt so grateful to the sponsors, my family members and friends who supported me and worked hard to make the event successful. I think I could brace myself up harder in the “Miss of Misses Contest” because I wanted to live up to their expectations. It was a year that made me fully aware of the support of many people around me.
−Why do you want to become an announcer?
Nishizawa: I have been yearning to become an announcer since I was in the second year of my elementary school. I studied to get the skills needed of an announcer as I went on to high school and university. In that process, I made interviews, hosted various events and appeared in TV programs to get experiences. There, I felt the wonderfulness of telling people something in my own words. That has made my yearning even stronger.
西澤 私は将来アナウンサーを目指しており、そのために自分の表現力を高めるうえにも、また、学生時代にしかできないことに挑戦してみたい気持ちを持っていました。そんな時、友人を通してミスコンを主催する中央大の学生団体「RP」からお誘いをいただき、出場しました。
西澤中央大のミスコンは、約半年がかりでPR活動や準備などを行います。その間、コンテスト成功のため、そして自分を支えてくれた主催者や家族、友人の有り難さを感じました。「Miss of Misses」では、応援してくれた皆さんの期待に応えたく、より一層頑張れたと思います。多くの人の支えに改めて気づかされた1年でした。
西澤 小学2年生の時からアナウンサーには憧れがありました。高校、大学と年を重ね、アナウンサーになるための勉強やスキルの習得をしていく過程で、インタビュー、イベントの司会、テレビ出演などの経験を重ねました。そこで自分の言葉で人に何かを伝える素晴らしさを感じ、なおその思いが強まりました。
Reporting on Tokyo Olympics six years later
−What do you study in preparation for becoming an announcer?
Nishizawa: Well, we usually start with the basics like vocal exercises. After that, we practice improving our power of expression. In my case, I practiced reporting at home while watching TV broadcasts of figure skating and ski jumping at the Sochi Winter Olympics. I also routinely practice selection of words so that I’ll be able to report on things and matters as they happen. I try to learn current topics and buzzwords by watching newscasts and reading newspapers.
−You once interviewed bridal fashion designer Ms. Yumi Katsura, didn’t you? What was your impression?
Nishizawa: Before the interview, I checked it out about her and prepared a list of questions by guessing what the readers and TV viewers would like to know about her. I found that process really enjoyable. I was also pleased to find myself engaged in the work of sending out information. On the other hand, I realized the difficulty and deepness of the role played by an interviewer who stands between the interviewee (who is interviewed) on the one hand and the readers and viewers on the other.
−What kind of announcer do you want to be in the future?
Nishizawa: I would like to become an all-round announcer who can do wide-ranging stints from newscasting to hosting variety shows and reporting. Of course I would like to get associated with the Tokyo Olympic Games six years later if possible at all. To that end, I’ll study harder to broaden my knowledge.
−Tell us about your daily life.
Nishizawa: Well, I’m not necessarily tied up with my announcer study or Miss Contest. I attend classes including a seminar, do some club activity and work part-time, etc. I enjoy them all. It takes me more than two hours to commute to school from my home and I find that a bit troublesome. I try to make a better use of those hours.
−What do you major at your seminar?
Nishizawa: I attend the seminar given by Prof. Kazuo Matsumaru of the Faculty of Economics, where I study social policies and labor problems. I’ll be joining a field training in Singapore later in March. So I’m quite busy preparing for it, such as making files and appointments.
西澤 最初は発声などの基礎固めがあります。それが終わると表現力を試す練習があります。最近では、ソチ・オリンピックのフィギア・スケートやジャンプの映像を家で見ながら実況する練習をしました。また、その場その場にあった状況説明ができるように、日頃から言葉選びを意識したり、ニュースや新聞から時事用語の勉強をしたりします。
西澤 ニュースからバラエティー、リポーターまで、マルチにできるアナウンサーになりたいです。もちろん可能であれば、6年後の東京オリンピックにもかかわりたいと思っています。そのために、これからも様々な知識を身につけるため日々勉強していきたいと思います。
西澤 所属している経済学部の松丸ゼミでは、社会政策や労働問題について学んでいます。3月にはシンガポールへ実地研修に行く予定です。そのための資料作りやアポイント取りなど準備がなかなか大変です。
You can grow up by challenging
−Once again many newcomers have entered Chuo University this year. Can you give them some message?
Nishizawa: I would like to see them challenge various things and take actions. Because I myself think that I’ve grown up by challenging various things including the beauty contest among others. Some of the newcomers may find it not easy to take actions. I want such persons to find a future dream or target and act by calculating backward. Once they have a dream or target and if they do a backward calculation in order to realize it, they may find themselves under pressure. I want them to act by taking that pressure as motivation. I want them to keep trying so that they won’t feel sorry later on.
西澤 新入生には様々なことに挑戦して、行動を起してほしいと思います。私自身もミスコンに限らず、いろいろなことに挑戦したことで成長できたと思うので。人によっては、なかなか行動を起こすのが難しいと感じる人もいるかと思います。そういう方は、将来の夢や目標を持って、それを「逆算」して行動してほしいと思います。夢や目標を決め、その実現のための逆算をすると、自分にプレッシャーがかかるので、それを動機に行動してほしいと思います。とにかく後悔だけはしないで頑張ってください。
Interviewed By: Kento Isogai & Jun Miura