Our philosophy: Devotion brings you happiness
Shingo Tomonaga, leader of Chuo University Flash Mob
Helping you to be happier
-Do you spend three months to prepare for a single performance?
Tomonaga: Yes, we do. Since we are given our client’s special time, we never compromise ourselves. We have serious discussions with our client and work out a plan tailored to his or her requirements. Based on the plan, all 170 members of our club practice really hard till the day we perform.
朝長 はい。依頼者の特別な時間をもらうわけですから、妥協は一切しません。依頼者と膝をつき合わせて真剣に議論し、その要望に沿った企画を立てます。これをもとに170人の部員が本番まで毎日練習に取り組みます。
-Do you do anything special to make your performances successful?
Tomonaga: Our club has rules that do not allow members to use polite languages in talking to each other regardless of their grades. Getting rid of a culture of using polite languages has helped to create an atmosphere where members can discuss quite frankly. Since we became to be indifferent to our age gaps, we have formed mutual relationships, which I would call “more than friendship, less than family affiliation”. Because of this, all members think about our client’s happiness from their own viewpoints. I think our organization based on mutual respect helps to make our activity successful.
朝長 組織内では、学年に差があっても敬語を使わないという約束事があります。敬語をなくすことで、部員は自由に意見を言い合える雰囲気ができました。また、年齢差を気にしないようになってから、〝友達以上家族未満″の固い友情関係が生まれました。部員全員が主体的に依頼者の幸せを考えることはもちろん、お互いを尊重する組織が私たちの活動を成功に導く源泉になっています。
-What do you think now as the leader of your club?
Tomonaga: It was challenging for me to form a circle. I shared a lot of hardship with the colleagues I had got newly associated with. And we could feel happy by contributing to the happiness of other people. I strongly believe the happiness I gained that way is far more valuable than the one I got without much effort. I will continue challenging by trying to be true to myself without being afraid of failure.
朝長 組織をつくるという挑戦や、新しく出会った仲間たちと多くの困難をともにしたこと、そして人々の幸せに寄与したことで得られた幸せは、努力しないで感じた幸せよりよほど価値があると思っています。これからも失敗を恐れず、自分の心に正直に挑戦を続けようと思います。
-Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)