yosuke Shimabukuro, a Chuo University southpaw (fourth grader at the Business Administration Department, the Faculty of Commerce), signed a formal contract with the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks after being picked in the fifth round of the Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) draft on October 23. Hakumon Herald interviewed him to ask what he thinks now and how he images his future as a pro player
Self-awareness as a pro
-How do you feel now that this year’s draft ended?
Shimabukuro: I’ve got through a round of official engagements such as signing a formal contract and attending a press conference. Now I have become more conscious of being a pro player. Unlike in amateur college baseball, even one injury could determine the fate of a player in the professional baseball world. In order to survive severe competition and to be active as a first-string player from the opening of the season, I have learned to pay more attention to health management and prevention of injury, which I hadn’t cared so much before.
島袋 本契約や入団会見などがひと通り終わって、プロになる自覚がより強くなりました。いわゆるアマチュアレベルの大学野球とは違い、プロ野球では1つの怪(け)我が選手生命を左右します。熾烈な競争の中で生き残り、開幕から1軍で活躍するためにも、今まであまり意識していなかった体調管理や怪我予防などに気を配るようになりました。
-What do you want to learn first of all in NPB?
Shimabukuro: I want to absorb the skills of senior players and infuse them into myself. And I want to ask Manager Kimiyasu Kudo, who was active throughout his long career, about physical care and his skillful curve ball. In technical aspects, I want to learn from Kenji Otonari, a senior teammate who can be my rival as a left-hander, how to throw keen and strong balls which I sensed even while watching him on TV.
島袋 積極的に先輩から技術を吸収して自分に還元していきたいと思っています。怪我をしないための体のケアについて、長い現役生活を過ごし活躍していた工藤公康(くどう・きみやす)監督からいろいろ聞きたいと思っています。もちろん健康面だけでなく、現役時代得意にしていたカーブの技術も教えてもらいたいと思っています。また、投球面に関して、同じ左投手として先輩であり、ライバルでもある大隣憲司(おおとなり・けんじ)選手から、テレビ中継の画面越しから見ていても分かる、鋭いキレやボールのノビの技術を学びたいと思っています。
-What do you want to learn from Daisuke Matsuzaka, a retired MLB player who has also joined the Hawks?
Shimabukuro: Well, his aura may scare me when I try to speak to him. Of course, there are many things I’d like to learn from that great pitcher. I will try to communication with him bit by bit.
島袋 松坂選手のオーラに圧倒されて、自分からなかなか話しかけられないと思います(笑い)。もちろん、大先輩の投手として学びたいことはたくさんあるので、少しずつコミュニケーションを取っていきたいと思います。
-Are there any particular batters you want to take on in games?
Shimabukuro: I’d like to go against Masayoshi Fukuda, my former teammate and a rookie in the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles, in a first-team game. I got some beating from him during our school days. So I want to put him out when I meet him next time. I also want to take on some of my former teammates who have become NPB players upon graduation from high school.
島袋 同じ中央大学硬式野球部出身で東北楽天ゴールデンイーグルスに入団が決まった福田将儀(ふくだ・まさよし)選手と1軍で対決してみたいですね。野球部時代には結構打たれたので、次の対戦の時には抑えたいです。ほかにも同期で高校卒業とともにプロに入った選手とも対決したいです。
Student life devoted to baseball
-How do you look back at the four years you spent as a member of the Chuo baseball team?
Shimabukuro: Unlike in my high school days when my aim was to win the annual National High School Baseball Championships, I spent my daily life at Chuo for the explicit purpose of becoming a pro. I always had my purpose in my mind, not only during my practice but also while watching NPB games live on TV. I didn’t simply watch the games but tried to compare myself with pro pitchers and analyze their pitch in an effort to cultivate my baseball literacy and make use of it in my actual games. I think my viewpoint of baseball has been refined a little bit through four years of such efforts. Moreover, as I assumed the post of captain to get our team united while I was a fourth grader, I could grow much as a person. Before then, I had seen things simply as an individual. But after becoming captain, I became to see the importance of teamwork in a fresh light and improve my selfish style. I had to make a lot of effort to put my teammates together and encourage them to aim for a common goal. But it was a very precious experience for me.
島袋 甲子園優勝を目指し、ただ野球に打ち込んでいた高校時代とは違い、大学時代はプロ野球選手になるという明確な目標のもと日々の生活を過ごすようになりました。練習はもちろん、プロ野球中継の1つとっても、ただ観戦するだけではなく、選手と自分を照らしあわせ、状況分析などをしてベースボールリテラシーを養い、実際の試合に活かす工夫をしました。こういったことを4年間積み重ね、自身の野球観は少し洗練されたと思います。さらに、4年からはキャプテンとしてチームをまとめる立場に就いたことで、人間として大きく成長することができました。それまでは個人主体で物事を判断していたけれど、キャプテンになった日を境にチームワークの重要性を再認識して自分の身勝手さを改めるようになりました。チームをまとめあげ、1つの目標をみなで目指そうとするには多くの努力を必要としましたが、とてもいい経験でした。
When did you have your hardest time as a baseball player?
Shimabukuro: That was when I was a first grader. I got physically tired from doing a lot of daily things assigned to rookies. I also had mental fatigue from my dormitory life in an unfamiliar place. But I don’t regret that because I think I owe what I’m today to the hard experiences I had at the time. As a matter of fact, I soon found our team like a family. In a year or so I could adapt myself to my teammates and my new environment. I could concentrate more on baseball. From my experiences, I’d like to tell newcomers to hold on in their first year.
島袋 始めの1年が一番大変でした。下級生として任されるたくさんの仕事を毎日こなし、身体的な疲労がたまる一方、慣れない土地での寮生活のせいで精神的な疲労も同時にたまっていきました。ただ、あの辛い時を乗り越えたからこそ、今の自分があると思っているので悔いはありません。実際、中央大学硬式野球部はアットホームなチームなので、僕自身1年を経たら自然に仲間とも周りの環境にもなじみ、野球により一層専念することができるようになりました。後輩にはそれを踏まえて、始めの1年は諦めず頑張れ、と伝えたいですね。
Gratitude for parents
-As you start your career as a pro baseball player, to whom are you most grateful?
Shimabukuro: That’s absolutely my parents. No words can convey my gratitude to my father and mother. Without their support, I couldn’t have devoted myself to baseball and couldn’t have become a pro. Now I’d like to repay my parents for their kindness as a pro baseball player and as an independent member of society.
島袋 両親です。父と母には言葉では伝えきれないくらい感謝しています。野球に集中して取り組むこと、そしてプロにまでなれたことはすべて両親の支えがなくては達成できませんでした。これからはプロ野球選手として、一社会人として自立して今までの恩返しをしたいと思っています。
-Can you tell us about your schedule?
Shimabukuro: I will spend my time at home in Okinawa before taking part in our joint voluntary workout in early January. After I decided to join the Hawks, I wanted to meet many people to convey my thanks and report on my decision. But I couldn’t because I was kept too busy. Now I plan to meet them. I also plan to visit Konan High School, my alma mater. I will take exercise every day and spend the rest of my time to keep myself in good physical condition to prepare for the spring training camp that begins in February.
島袋 1月初めからの合同自主トレまでは、沖縄の実家で過ごす予定です。入団が決まってから、多忙で直接会うことができなかった人が大勢いるので、彼らに報告も兼ねて挨拶にいくつもりです。母校の興南高等学校も訪れる予定です。2月から始まるキャンプに向けては、毎日体を継続的に動かして良好なコンディションを保つことに徹したいと思っています。
Lastly, tell us about your aspiration.
Shimabukuro: My favorite motto is “stick to your original intention”. Once I aspire to do something, I will persist to the end. I have lived to this day on those words. I will stick by them as a pro baseball player. I will seize every chance to sell myself and make every effort so that I can play in the first-string team.
島袋 僕の座右の銘は初志貫徹です。一回志したことは最後まで貫き通す。この言葉を糧に今まで生きてきましたし、プロ野球選手としてこれからも続けます。チャンスがあれば積極的にアピールして、まずは1軍でプレーできるよう努力を積み重ねてゆきたいと思います。
-Thank you so much.
(Interviewed by: Daisuke Aoki & Hideki Kato)