Chuo University is pressing ahead with a project, “Go Global; To the World from Chuo”. It is aimed at fostering individuals who can contribute to global society. It groups them into three types: global generalists, global leaders and global specialists. From different approaches, it seeks to send out persons who can play an active role in the globalized international community. Hakumon Herald interviewed Tadahiko Fukuhara, president of Chuo University, who spearheads this initiative. Since assuming office in 2011, he has been busy performing various duties both inside and outside the school. He did give his interview just hours before leaving for Honolulu to attend the opening ceremony of the school’s pacific office at Hawaii University, its first facility outside Japan.
中央大学では現在、「GO GLOBAL―中央大学から世界へ」と銘打ち、グローバル人材育成推進事業が進められている。この事業では育成すべきグローバル人材を「グローバル・ジェネラリスト」(GG)、「グローバル・リーダー」(GL)、「グローバル・スペシャリスト」(GS)の3タイプに分類、それぞれ違ったアプローチから、世界で活躍できる人材を送り出そうとしている。白門ヘラルドは今回、その構想責任者である福原紀彦中央大学学長にインタビューした。福原学長は2011年の学長就任以来、学内外問わず、精力的に活動を続けている。インタビュー当日は、中大初の海外拠点としてハワイ大学に設置された「中央大学パシフィック・オフィス」のオープニング・セレモニーに出席するため出国した日でもあった。
First Overseas Office / 中大初の海外事務所
-Thank you for giving us your time. First, we would like to ask you about the role of this office and the reason it has been located in Hawaii.
Pres. Fukuhara: We have so far been promoting interchanges with individual students and professors from abroad. By opening our office at Hawaii University, we can link such activities both at our two universities. I thought we can stimulate and enrich our activities. We have chosen Hawaii as the site of our first overseas office for geographic reasons. A large number of people gather there from the Pacific Rim. They come not only from the U.S. mainland but from Canada, New Zealand, ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations), etc. I expect this office will help Chuo deepen its relationships with various countries in the world.
福原学長 今までは、学生個人、教授個人といった単位で海外と交流してきました。今回、ハワイ大学にオフィスを設置することによって、その活動をリンクさせることができます。活動をより活発化させ、豊かにすることができると考えました。
Changing Role of University /変わりつつある大学の役割
-In the first place, what kind of institution is a university and what role is it supposed to play?
Pres. Fukuhara: A university is an institution that fosters individuals who pursue the truth and contribute to the sustained development of human society. That has been universally so in the past and remains just the same today. It will not change in the future. Countries may differ from each other in politics, cultural background and systems, but universities exist in every country. You can acquire knowledge and ability by attending university. However, the main role it plays is changing. Until now, providing students with knowledge and ability has been its sole role. By going to university, you could have access to the information only available there. It has specialists and specialized books. You could get knowledge by coming into contact with them. In the old days, whether you had knowledge or not used to be the main point. However, the ability required of you today is different. Now you have easy access to information thanks to the progress of ICT (information and communications technology) and the media. Accordingly, universities are required to play the role of a forum where students learn how to put that information into practice. I want you students to understand what knowledge and ability are really meant for all the more because you can get them rather easily.
学長 大学というのは真理を追究して人類社会の持続的な発展に貢献する人材を育成する場所です。それは今も昔も変わらず普遍的なものであり、将来も変わることはないでしょう。政治状況、文化的背景、制度などが違ったとしても、どこの国にも大学が存在します。大学に行くことで知識や技能を修得することができるのです。
Intelligence via creation /創造の過程で生まれる知性
-Chuo’s catchword is “Knowledge into Action”. What does that mean?
Pres. Fukuhara: We may define that intelligence is an ability to connect, organize and systematize knowledge, skills and techniques. By acquiring intelligence, you will learn how to make use of different pieces of knowledge that once looked unrelated to each other. Then you may feel inclined to challenge something new. That challenge, or taking a decision, leads you to the catchword “Knowledge into Action”.
-So, how can we get ourselves equipped with intelligence?
Pres. Fukuhara: As the roles required of a university change, the learning method also changes. You can’t get intelligence by simply listening to a teacher in a large classroom or reading books alone as you’ve done so far. Now “project-based learning” is becoming more important. That requires you to find your own problems, grapple with them and solve them. You will get intelligence by trying to create something new. For example, that can be a small-group discussion to find a solution, academic internship or study at a seminar. To make that possible, Chuo has prepared a space for discussion in the library. Having discussions in the library used to be a breach of manners. That is changing, too.
学長 知識と知識、技能を結びつけ、組織化し、体系化できる能力のことを「知性」と呼びます。今まで、ばらばらに見えていた知識の運用方法が身につくので、「知性」が身につくと、新しいことにチャレンジしたいと思うようになります。このチャレンジ、すなわち、行動を起こすことが中央大学のキャッチフレーズである「行動する知性」へとつながっていくのです。
学長 大学に求められている役割が変わってきたのにあわせて、大学での学びの方法も変わってきました。従来のように、大教室で先生の話をただ聞くだけの講義であったり、1人で文献を読み込んだりするだけでは「知性」を身につけることはできません。自ら課題を見つけて取り組み、解決する「プロジェクト・ベースド・ラーニング」が大切となってきます。何かを創り上げていく過程の中で「知性」は生まれてきます。少人数での課題解決のための議論、アカデミック・インターンシップ、ゼミでの調査などです。これに対応するために、図書館には議論する場所ができました。一昔前では、図書館で議論することはマナー違反でしたが、こちらも変わってきているのです。
Find your own global standards /自分の中の世界基準を見つけよ
-What is the meaning of becoming a global person?
Pres. Fukuhara: Studying English for better communication skills is no longer special for Japanese. The concept of globalization calls on you to bring out your unknown potential or possibility and make it explicit while you are at Chuo. Open your eyes wide to the world, have another look at Japan and yourself, and find out global standards inherent in you. Chuo can give you chances to do that. Chuo University, founded as Igirisu Horitsu Gakko (the English Law School) in 1885, has digested Asian culture and Western culture. We have our own identity, not imitation. I think we should continue to spread it to the world.
-What drives you to take up so many duties both inside and outside the school?
Pres. Fukuhara: Well, there are many. I may say my positive dream is one of them. Making many people feel happy leads up to my own joy. There is a limit to what I can do alone, but I feel happy when I see someone who appreciates my idea do what I wanted to do. Suppose I do something. When I see that makes others happy and encourages them to get moving, I feel a sense of fulfillment and realize that I am making some contribution to society. That is my motive power.
-Lastly, can you give some message to the students?
Pres. Fukuhara: I think Chuo students should be more self-confident and try to challenge various matters. Don’t wait for someone else to give you a push. Don’t bother too much about how other people think of you or how they rate you. You’ll get nervous over what others say about you because you don’t have your own standards. It’s important for you to have your own creed when you’d like to accomplish something without hesitation. But you must know that self-consciousness and self-confidence are two different things. If you are too much self-conscious, you can be self-assertive. Again you’ll care eyes of others and may panic or get frustrated. Too much self-consciousness is no good at all. However, self-confidence will bring you up. I do hope you will be more confident and keep playing an active role as a student of Chuo University.
学長 英語を勉強してコミュニケーション能力を身につけることは、もはや当たり前となっています。グローバル化するコンセプトとは、それまで在ったけど気がついていない潜在能力、可能性を中央大学で引き出し、顕在化させることです。目を世界に広げることによって、今の日本、自分をもう一度見直し、自分の中にある世界水準のものを見つけることから始まります。中央大でならそれができます。英吉利法律学校として生まれた中央大は、アジアの文化、欧米の文化をものにして消化してきました。そこにはものまねではない、中央大らしさというものがあります。それをこれからも発信しなければならないと思います。
学長 たくさんある中でも、ひとつは前向きな夢があります。多くの人たちを喜ばせること、そのことが自分の喜びにつながるのです。自分ひとりにできることは限られています。ですが、自分がしたかったことを自分の考えに共鳴している人がやってくれると嬉しくなるのです。自分が何かをすることで、他人が喜び、活動しているのを見ると充実感を感じ、貢献していると実感します。これが原動力です。
学長 もっと思い切って自信を持って、いろいろなことに取り組んだほうがいいと思います。背中を押されるのを待っていてはいけません。また、他人の評判や評価を気にし過ぎてもいけません。他人の目が気になるというのは、自分で自分の基準を持っていないからです。ぶれないで何かを成し遂げるために、自分なりの信念を持つことが大事です。自意識と自信は違います。自意識過剰では、「自分が自分が」となってしまい、人の目を気にしすぎて慌てたりあせったりしてしまいます。自意識過剰はよくありません。ですが、自信過剰はその人を育てます。中大生としての自信を持って活動していってほしいと思います。
(Interviewed By: Masashi Takinose, Kento Isogai & Daisuke Aoki)
Tadahiko Fukuhara, President of Chuo University
Born in Shiga Prefecture in 1954, he worked as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Kyorin University, after completing the Chuo University Graduate School of Law Doctoral Program in 1984. He joined Chuo’s Faculty of Law as an assistant professor in 1993 and became a professor in 1995. He assumed the presidency in 2011 after serving as a professor of the Professional Graduate School (Chuo Law School), dean of the school, and a visiting professor at the Open University of Japan. He is currently a board member of the Japan University Accreditation Association, an executive director of the Japan Association of Private Universities and Colleges, a member of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology’s Council for University Establishment & School Incorporation, and chairman of the Ministry of Defense’s Central Council on Defense Facilities.
福原 紀彦(ふくはら・ただひこ)