The year 2014 saw the outbreak of diverse incidents seriously affect the international politics. Outstanding among them were Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the deteriorated situation in Iraq and neighboring countries. How should Japan behave to assume a bigger role in the global community in the years ahead? Hakumon Herald interviewed Prof. Yasuhiro Izumikawa of Chuo University’s Faculty of Policy Studies to ask about his views. He specializes in international relations and U.S. politics.
-How did you see the year 2014 in terms of international politics?
Izumikawa: It is hard to summarize the year in a few words. Personally speaking, I have an impression that it was a dark year. A liberal wishful thinking that the world order will be maintained through international collaboration has been shattered. I would say the year showcased that the global order changes in keeping with changes in the international power balance.
泉川 総括してどんな年だったというのは難しいですが、個人的には暗い年だったという印象があります。世界協調で国際秩序が続いていくといったリベラルな希望的観測が打ち砕かれました。国家間のパワーバランスが変わることで国際秩序も変わってくることが表面化した年といえるでしょう。
-Which specific incident made you feel that way?
Izumikawa: Russia’s absorption of Crimea and China’s growing presence in the South China Sea are outstanding examples. The “return of geopolitics” was a popular topic among pundits in the year. They were referring to the change of the status quo by the use of force. Given the post-Cold war global order, I found it somewhat surprising that Russia annexed Crimea in such a way. However, I think Prof. John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago was logical when he said Russia reacted strongly because the western powers expanded their military alliance NATO too much. As to China, President Xi Jinping has been acting to enhance his country’s presence in international politics by playing up such catchwords as “Chinese dream” and “the new model of major country relationship”. I don’t think he is moving in the right direction so far.
泉川 ロシアによるクリミア併合、中国の南シナ海進出などがその顕著な例です。専門家の間で「Return of Geopolitics」(地政学の復活)というのが話題になりました。力による現状の変更が見られたということです。ロシアがクリミアをああした形で併合したというのは、冷戦後の国際秩序を考えると少し驚きです。米国の政治学者、ジョン・ミアシャイマー・シカゴ大学教授が指摘するように、西側が軍事同盟である北大西洋条約機構(NATO)を拡大しすぎたため、ロシアがそれに反発したという考え方も一理あると思います。中国に関しては、習金平主席が「チャイニーズドリーム」とか、「米中新型大国関係」といったキャッチフレーズを用いて、国際政治における中国のプレゼンスを意識した行動をとっていますが、今のところ、それがいい方向につながっているとは考えにくいでしょう。
Obama keen to leave legacies
-How do you see the Middle East situation?
Izumikawa: It has become clear once again that Washington’s Middle East strategy doesn’t work well. The so-called Arab Spring appears to have ended up in a fantasy, including what has happened in Egypt. The Obama administration’s approach to Libya, as indicated by the phrase “leading from behind”, was to support the policies pursued by the UK and France instead of going out in front. But the political instability in Libya and the worsening situation in Syria and Iraq have forced the United States to remain engaged with the Middle East.
泉川 米国の中東戦略がうまくいっていないことが改めて鮮明になってしまいました。いわゆる「アラブの春」もエジプトを含め幻想に終わってしまったようです。オバマ米大統領は、リビアへの軍事介入が「背後からの指導(leading from behind)」と称されたように、米国が前面に出るのではなく、英、仏の政策を支援するという政策を採用しました。しかし、リビアの政治が不安定化したことやシリア、イラク情勢の悪化などにより、結局、米国は中東に関与し続けなければならなくなりました。
-Speaking of the Obama administration, the
midterm elections ended in a defeat for his Democratic Party. Some people say that he is now more of a lame duck. How is he going to manage his administration?
Izumikawa: In terms of the rule of common sense, President Obama will try harder to build up his legacies. There are some possible legacies he can leave. The likeliest one will be TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement). While the Democrats are opposed to TPP, a majority of Republicans advocate it. Just now, the Republican Party holds the majority of Congress. Congressional leaders are sending signals to the president that they are in favor of TPP. If the Obama administration doesn’t make any mistakes, it will make it.
泉川 常識的に考えると、レガシー(政治遺産)づくりです。可能性はいくつかありますが、一番大きなものは環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定(TPP)でしょう。民主党は反対していますが、共和党は自由貿易推進派が多数です。いま、議会の多数派は共和党です。議会のリーダーはTPPに賛成だというシグナルをオバマ大統領に送っています。オバマ政権がうまくやれば、実現可能でしょう。
-How should Japan act in the global community?
Izumikawa: The Abe administration is advocating what it calls proactive pacifism. I don’t think it is moving in the wrong direction. As the balance of power between nations is shifting, Japan has no choice but to act accordingly. The U.S. economy has been recovering faster than earlier expected. On the other hand, Japan is getting relatively weaker because of its declining population and the stall of Abenomics. That is why Japan should do something more proactive. Some people say that Japan should be more active in a military way. Others speak differently. I think Japan can make greater contributions at least in the aspect of security.
泉川 安倍政権が打ち出している積極的平和主義。方向性は悪くないと思います。国家間のパワーバランスがシフトしている今、 日本もそれに対応せざるを得ません。米経済は、予想されていたよりも速いスピードで回復してきています。対して日本は人口減少の問題、アベノミクスのかげりなど、相対的に力が停滞してきています。それを考えると、日本は以前よりも活発に何かをしなければならないでしょう。何かというのは、軍事的にという人もいれば、違う形でという人もいます。少なくとも安全保障面で日本が貢献できることはもっとあります。
More debate needed on collective self-defense
-Are you referring to the right of collective self-defense?
Izumikawa: Yes, I am. I think Japan should at least review its present interpretation of the exercise of its right of collective self-defense. Of course, how far it can go in exercising the right should be determined by a national consensus. I think how to do that is quite important. The Abe administration has left some problems there. Even experts do not understand exactly what will change and what will not about the use of the right of collective self-defense. That is where we are. I think that has made more people uneasy and oppose it.
泉川 はい。少なくとも私は集団的自衛権行使に関しては見直すべきであると考えています。しかし、その範囲をどこまでにするのかというのは国民の総意が必要であるし、やりかたは非常に重要だと思っています。やり方に関して安倍政権には問題がありました。集団的自衛権に関して、結局何が変わって、何が変わらないのか、専門家でもよく分からないというのが現状です。それが原因で逆に国民が不安に感じて、反対の風潮も高まったと思います。
Some of the opponents have convincing opinions, but many are emotional. We haven’t had any down-to-earth debate on the issue. The Abe administration will try to get the people’s understanding by having related legislations enacted by the Diet in 2015. The existing security framework inevitably changes in today’s “new normal” era. Japan should define what it can and what it can’t and how far it can live up to Washington’s expectation and where it can’t. It should make that clearly understood both at home and abroad.
-Are there any countries that are opposed to Japan’s exercise of its right to self-defense?
Izumikawa: No countries are fundamentally opposed. China is opposed, arguing that Japan’s exercise of its right to self-defense will threaten its sovereignty and national security. But it is rather an exceptional case. In South Korea, the public opinion is opposed but the government is not. I think Japan’s use of its right can also be crucial for Korea. I also hear that the ASEAN countries are pinning greater hopes on Japan. Some people say that Japan’s use of its right may make most other countries think that it is seeking to become a military power. I definitely rule out such possibility. On the contrary, a majority of countries think that Japan’s should be allowed to exercise its right. I can understand what opponents say. Needless to say, Japan shouldn’t resort to any unnecessary use of force. However, a situation can always happen where a country has no choice but to rely on its military power. It is imperative for Japan to be prepared for such situation.
泉川 基本的には反対している国はありません。中国は集団的自衛権の行使容認は中国の主権と安全保障の侵害につながるとの理由で反対していますが、稀有な例です。韓国では世論は反対しているものの、政府レベルでは反対はしていません。韓国にとっても日本の集団的自衛権の行使は重要であると思います。また、東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)諸国からの日本への期待が高まっていると聞いています。一部の人が言うように、集団的自衛権を行使したら、世界中から日本が軍国化していると見られるということは、はっきり、ないといえます。むしろ、容認すべきであるという声が大きいのが正しいところです。もちろん、反対派の人の意図は分からなくありません。当然、不必要な武力行使をするべきではありませんが、軍事力に頼らざる終えない状況というのは常に起こりうるので、そうした事態に備えることは重要です。
-Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Masashi Takinose)
Prof. Izumikawa’s profile
Born in 1967 in Kagawa Prefecture, Izumikawa joined Osaka Gas Co. upon graduation from Kyoto University. Quitting his company, he studied in the United States, where he earned a master’s degree (international studies) at Johns Hopkins University in 1996 and a PhD (political science) at Georgetown University in 2002. He taught at Miyazaki International College and Kobe College before becoming professor of Chuo’s Faculty of Policy Studies in April, 2014.
<泉川 泰博(いずみかわ・やすひろ)氏略歴>