Universities and colleges across Japan face a severe environment today. Chuo University is no exception. In the case of Chuo, problems involve not only external factors such as the falling deviation values for its faculties and a drop in the number of applicants sitting for its entrance exams but also internal factors such as poor interpersonal relations among students as well as thin communications between students and alumni. Hakumon Herald interviewed Shozaburo Sakai, professor of the Faculty of Commerce who became chancellor and president in November 2014, and Chikako Takeishi, professor of the same faculty who became vice president, to ask them how they are going to lead Chuo in such difficult situation. Prof. Sakai had served as dean of the Faculty of Commerce (in 2003) and a member of the Board of Directors (in 2005) before assuming the post vacated by Prof. Tadahiko Fukuhara. Prof. Takeishi, who obtained her Ph.D. from Harvard University, joined Chuo in 2013. She concurrently serves as director of the Chuo International Center.
From top-down to bottom-up style.
-One month after assuming your new post, what is your impression?
Pres. Sakai: Each of our faculties and the International Center have carried out their own policies and activities in various ways. I have just begun sorting them out to learn exactly what each of them has done in the past. There were many cases in the past where the decision-makers launched various new projects that cut across the faculties but failed to materialize them due mainly to the lack of mutual cooperation between the faculties involved. Taking that into consideration, I would like to change the decision-making process from the conventional top-down style to a bottom-up one where the school staff think across the boundary between the faculties about what is really needed in Chuo, speak out their opinions and try to spread them across the school. So I am making a round of visits to various faculties and offices in the school to take hold of the present situation. When I have gone through that process, I will try to align the vectors (direction and velocity) of education, research and governance systems that have so far been different from each so that the faculty members and students will be able to go forward in the same direction. In the future, I want to see to it that the chief executive regent, the highest officer in management, and the president, the highest officer in education, will jointly tell the students, faculty members, parents and alumni in an understandable way how they are going to change Chuo by presenting specific medium- and long-term guidelines and plans devised for that purpose.
酒井 これまで各学部、国際センターは独自に様々な政策や活動を行ってきました。過去にどのような取り組みが行われてきたのか、それらを洗い出して把握し始めたところです。例えば教学執行部が学部間を超えた新しいプロジェクトを立案しても、横の連携がうまくいかず実現まで至らないケースがありました。こうした反省に立って、これまでのトップダウン型から、教職員が部門の垣根を越え、今の本学に何が必要なのかを考え、意見を出し合って広めていく真のボトムアップ型へ意思決定の方式を変えていきたいと考えています。それを把握するために各部へ出向いて回っているところです。これが進めば、今までバラバラに向いていた教育・研究やガバナンス体制のベクトル(方向と勢い)を、学生・教職員が一体となって同じ方向に向かうよう揃えていけるものと思っています。将来的には経営のトップである理事長、教学のトップである学長が共同でどのような大学にしていきたいのか、その中長期の指針、計画を学生、教職員、父母、卒業生に分かりやすく伝えていけたらなと思っています。
-Specifically, how are you going to change the present situation?
Sakai: In the first place, it will be important for Chuo to enhance its inward and outward information transmission capacity. Now, students have relatively less hope that their school will do something good for them. They feel they cannot draw their self-portrait or, so to speak, a clear image of their own identity. One of factors responsible for this is the school administration’s weak information transmission capacity. It has something to do with our future direction I mentioned above. To make that possible, we need to structure a system to share and spread information within the school.
酒井 まずは学内外への発信力を高めることが重要でしょう。今、学生たちは大学に対し何かをやってくれるだろうという期待感がやや希薄な状況にあり、そして確固たる中央大学の学生としての自画像、いわばアイデンティティーを明確に持ち合わすことができないでいると感じています。ひとつの原因は我々大学側の発信力の弱さです。前述した方向付けにも関連しますが、そのためにはまず大学内で学生を含む構成員全員が情報を共有し、広めていけるようなシステムを構築して行くことが必要です。
Interchanges with alumni
Needless to say, changing Chuo alone will not serve our purpose. The flow of information between Chuo and the outside world can constantly bring changes to us. When I say the outside world, it includes both alumni and alumnae. At Chuo, the relationship between the incumbent students and the alumni is rather thin. I don’t think students care much about how that relationship ought to be. However, students reacted favorably when we invited executive officers of top-notch companies to speak at a special lecture in 2014. (The “Sankei Shimbun Donation Lecture” was sponsored by the newspaper with donations from some businesses.). Many students who attended the lecture, and parents and alumnae who heard of it from them came to us, saying that they want more of such lectures to be held in the future.
A number of Chuo graduates assume top posts in the Japanese business world. Among them are Chairman & CEO Toshifumi Suzuki of Seven
& i Holdings Co., Chairman & CEO Fujio Mitarai of Canon Inc., President Koji Nagai of Nomura Securities Co. and Chairman & CEO Osamu Suzuki of Suzuki Motor Co. So far, however, I
cannot say we have made full use of their valuable talents. Most of those graduates are willing to speak at our special lectures. But we have been unable to organize such lectures quite often due
to some bottlenecks on our part, such as the inconvenient access to the Tama campus and the starting time of such lectures. From now on, I think we will be able to turn up the potentiality that
Chuo has by taking necessary measures such as arranging lectures to be given in the fifth or sixth period (within the framework of office hours) at our downtown campus. I will see our faculty
members to join hands in support of more frequent interchanges between students and alumni.
The society changes quickly. If we don't change accordingly, we will be left behind in the society, which may mean that students who study at Chuo will also be isolated from the society. We shouldn't necessarily go after the trend of the times. Rather we should identify our strong points and school motto, retain them and develop them. That is more important.
Rich humanity, broad culture expected of Chuo students
-(To Prof. Takeishi) You double as vice president and director of the Chuo International Center. What do you think Chuo should do amid the ongoing globalization?
Takeishi: Chuo opened its first overseas office in Honolulu in January 2014 as part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s “Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development”. We launched our second office in Bangkok on December 1, 2014. In addition, we are planning to enlarge our International Residence (dormitory for foreign students). But we won’t be able to go along with globalization by simply increasing the number of foreign students. One of good points at Chuo is that it takes a very good care of foreign students. We would like to encourage communication between foreign students and Japanese students and promote cultural exchange with local people. We want to make Chuo a school where foreign students can feel at ease and comfortable. We shouldn't simply try to accept more students. Rather we must bear full responsibility for the foreign students who have chosen to join us and provide them with education rich in substance.
武石 今年1月に文部科学省「グローバル人材育成推進事業」の一環として 、中央大学の海外拠点第1号がホノルルに開設されましたが、これに続いて12月1日、バンコクに第2号が開設されました。このほか中央大学の国際寮の増設、拡充も目指しています。ただ、国際化といっても単に外国人留学生を増やせばいいわけではありません。中大の良さの1つは留学生に対する手厚いケアです。今までは交換留学生だけが入居できていたのを、私費留学の学生や日本人にまで範囲を広げ、より活発な交流ができるようにしていきたいです。留学生が中大に来てよかったと思い、満足できる大学にしていきたいのです。数を追うのではなく、海外からわざわざやってきてくれた留学生に対し責任を持てる、内実を伴うやり方でなければいけません。
-What do you expect of Chuo students?
Takeishi: Since its foundation, Chuo has educated its students to be "simple and strong." It has taken pride in its brilliant records in national certification exams such as the bar exam, certified public accountant exam and civil servant exam. Chuo students have been reputed for their ability to see through the essence and for their high professionalism. We must retain and develop this education policy. But that alone does not produce persons who are respected in society after leaving school. I think what will make Chuo graduates truly global are what I call "Three Ds" that stand for diversity, dialogue and dignity. I mean humanity and respect for others by diversity, broad cultural understanding by dialogue and grace and self-esteem by dignity. I want Chuo students to look ahead to their future and make an effective use of their school. I am always ready to listen to what students have to say. If you students need me, don't hesitate to come to me. I look forward to meeting you.
武石 中央大学は昔から質実剛健を掲げ、司法試験、公認会計士試験、公務員試験などの資格試験が強みでした。本質を見極めることができ、かつ専門性が高い人。それが中大生です。この教育方針は維持し続けなければいけません。しかし、これだけでは社会に出てから尊敬される人にはなれません。豊かな人間性(Diversity)、広い教養(Dialogue)、相手に敬意を払う(Dignity)この3Dこそが他者と一線を画すポイントだと思います。皆さんは今から将来を見据え、大学を有効活用していってほしい。私は常に生徒の声、意見を真摯に受け止めていきたいと思っています。今の中大に対して何かあれば、どんどん私へ伝えてください。楽しみにしています。
(Interviewed by: Yu xi Luo, Kento Isogai & Hideki Kato)