TPP has negative impact on Japanese agriculture
The Abe administration has been pushing negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP) as a part of its growth strategies. Despite its intensive diplomatic efforts, however, the hard talks have not made much progress, with the conclusion put off until 2015. The contents of TPP are rarely divulged to the general public as they are kept strictly secret. Hakumon Herald singled out agriculture from the 21 fields addressed in the negotiations and interviewed Akira Egawa, an associate professor of Chuo University’s Faculty of Economics, to ask how TPP might affect the Japanese agriculture.
-In the first place, can you tell us about your general view of TPP?
Egawa: I don’t necessarily think that TPP is an economic pact that pursues more efficient trade and eventually enhances Japan’s national interests and people’s benefits. Advocates claim that it will help invigorate the Japanese economy as it will eliminate the tariffs, allow more foreign businesses to invest in Japan and stir up competition at home. Actually, however, as clearly indicated by the official estimate concerning the effect of the tariff removal on the Japanese economy published in March 2013 by the Cabinet Secretariat (CAS), TPP will help increase Japan’s gross domestic product (GDP) by only \3.2 trillion, or a negligible 0.06% in real GDP terms. The estimate breaks down the GDP gain into \2.6 trillion in exports and \2.9 trillion in imports. This means that Japan may have a larger trade deficit. TPP’s possible impact on the Japanese agriculture can be more serious. A separate estimate made available by CAS puts a prospective annual loss of agricultural products at \2.66 trillion. This is equivalent to 80% of the 2013 budget for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
江川 私はTPPが効率のよい貿易を追求し、さらなる国益および国民利益を生むための経済協定だとは必ずしも思いません。賛成派の人々はTPP締結で関税が撤廃されることで、日本への投資や国外企業の参入が増え、国内競争が刺激され、経済が活発になると主張します。しかし、実際は2013年3月に内閣官房が発表した「関税撤廃した場合の経済効果についての政府統一見解」が示している通り、GDP(国内総生産)は3・2兆円増、実質GDP換算ではわずか0・06%増しか見込めないのです。その内訳をみると、輸出は2・6兆円、輸入は2・9兆円。差し引きで貿易赤字の拡大さえ予想されているのです。農業への影響はさらに深刻です。内閣官房はTPP締結による農業への影響を試算しました。すると、農産物合計では2兆6600億円の損失が予想され、それは2013年度の農林水産省予算の8割にも上るのです。
Big businesses have bigger say on TPP talks
-So, why is the government so keen about TPP?
Egawa: Well, that is probably because the government has a strong push from the business community. Both Japan and the United States put greater priority not only on market access (elimination of tariffs) but also on financial and investment services out of the 21 areas addressed in the TPP negotiations. When TPP is concluded, many of Japanese regulations and rules will be abolished, providing transnational companies with bigger chances to expand their business in Japan. At present, they see those regulations as high trade barriers. Japan’s medical, insurance and financial markets are attractive and many of them are keen to foray into those markets. Successive U.S administrations, which have essentially played the role of spokesperson for the business circles at home, mustn’t miss out this chance for U.S. businesses to expand their markets. Japan which cannot be indifferent to Washington’s influences must be eager to bring TPP negotiations to a successful conclusion. The Japanese business circles may well throw their strong support behind their government. Given those factors, I think the intentions of big companies active on the global market are more strongly reflected on the TPP negotiations than the people’s interests in individual countries.
江川 それは、経済界の強い後押しがあるからでしょう。21分野に及ぶTPP交渉の中で、日米両陣営は市場アクセス(関税削減)だけでなく、金融・投資サービスの2分野にも重きをおいています。TPPが締結された暁には、規制や規則が廃止され、多国籍企業にとって市場拡大のきっかけとなるでしょう。現在、多国籍企業はそうした規制はサービス展開を不利にする障壁と見ています。日本の医療、保険、金融分野は市場として魅力的であり、それらに多国籍企業が参入したがっています。元来、経済界の代弁者として機能してきた米国政府は自国企業のこの市場拡大チャンスを見逃すわけがありませんし、米国の影響をもちろんないがしろにすることはできない日本がTPP交渉に積極的に取り組む姿勢をとらないはずはありません。経済界からの強い後押しも十分考えられます。それを踏まえると、国家や国民の利益というよりはグローバルに展開する大企業の意思の方がTPP交渉に強く反映されていると言えるのではないでしょうか。
Japanese farm products far less competitive
-It seems that TPP will have negative impacts on the Japanese agriculture.
Egawa: Yes, it does. The Abe administration has said that it will work to foster “an aggressive agriculture, forestry and fisheries” and has taken a spate of measures aimed to double the farming income. Superficially that looks to be achievable. In reality, however, it will benefit only a handful of people. The government is aiming to double Japanese exports of agricultural, forestry, and fisheries products. But Japanese exports are mostly their processed goods. Since the government is aiming to double the income of “farmers”, not that of “agricultural businesses”, it is essential to expand exports of fresh farm products rather than processed products. Apple is one of fresh products that Japan can export in bigger volumes. Yet it accounts for only 2% of the country’s total agricultural exports. Rice can be another item, but its share is a mere 0.3%. So, an expansion of exports may help increase the income of “processing businesses”. It will bring little direct benefit to individual “farming households”.
江川 はい。安倍政権は「攻めの農林水産業」を打ち出し、農家・農村所得倍増のため数々の政策を提言してきました。表面上は達成可能かもしれませんが、一部の立場の人々しかその恩恵を受けられないでしょう。農林水産物の輸出を2倍にするということですが、日本の主な農林水産物の輸出は加工品です。「企業」ではなく「農家」の所得倍増を目標として掲げているので、加工品でない生鮮品の輸出規模拡大は必須です。輸出生鮮品で期待される品目としてリンゴがありますが、それが総農林水産物輸出に占める割合はたったの2%です。コメ(米)に至っては0・3%しかありません。輸出拡大は「加工企業」の所得を増加させますが、「農家」の所得増加に直接影響を及ぼすとは考えにくいでしょう。
-Is it difficult to break the present situation even with the promotion of the government-sponsored “farmland consolidation banks” and the so-called “sixth industry”*?
Egawa: You are referring to the policy being promoted by the Public Intermediate Organizations for Farmland Consolidation. I think we should be very careful about a couple of things when proceeding with this policy. One is price competition from imported goods. The other is the structural problems inherent in the Japanese agricultural industry. At present, the cost of rice production by a large-scale farmer (with an average farmland of 30 hectares) is \9,000 per 60 kg. One estimate says that the elimination of tariffs under TTP will send the price of imported rice straight down to \3,000. In other words, even if the farmland consolidation banks proved effective and those who got bigger farmlands improved their productivity, they would be far less competitive in the global market with this \6,000 price gap.
江川 「農地中間管理機構」が実施している農地集積バンク政策ですが、私はこの政策を進めるうえで注意すべき点があると思います。1つは輸入農産物との価格競争。もう1つは日本の農業構造の問題です。現在の日本の大規模稲作農家(平均30㌶)が生産する国産米のコストは、60キログラム当たり約9000円です。輸入米には関税がかかっていますが、TPP締結で仮に関税が撤廃されると、輸入米の価格は一気に約3000円台にまで下がるという試算があります。つまり、たとえ農地バンクが有効に作用し、担い手が農地を集積して生産性を向上させたとしても6000円の価格差がある中では、国際競争力という点で、圧倒的劣位に立たされるのです。
Provided that farmers can operate in a large scale on consolidated farmlands in plain fields, they may be able to keep their rice price competitive enough to rival imported rice. However, 40% of the Japanese land is in so-called hilly and mountainous areas made up of tiny basins and hills adjoining each other. Such areas make it difficult for rice farming to be operated on a scale large enough to compete against imported rice. Besides, even if the consolidation banks function, there may be fewer land tenants due to the aging of Japan’s faming population.
The sixth-industry approach can be a viable solution even in the hilly and mountainous areas. But here again, we need to keep one thing in mind. The government has earmarked bigger funds and eased the regulations to encourage ordinary businesses to enter into farming to promote the sixth industry. But after all, it will be the investment banks and those businesses that will get a bigger chunk of the resultant profit. We need to design a system that will enable individual farmers to benefit from the new approach.
Protecting farmers amounts to preserving beautiful Japan
-So, are you suggesting that Japan’s participation in TPP might shake the basis of our agricultural industry?
Egawa: Definitely yes. A handful of large-scale farmers and those who have succeeded in developing highly value-added crops may benefit from bigger profits. But I suspect that most small- and medium-size farmers will be left with no choice but to give up their business. By the way, the ongoing TPP negotiations define five “sanctuary” farm items, namely, rice, wheat, beef and pork, dairy products and sweetening resources crops. The last item involves sugar beet produced in Hokkaido and sugar cane produced in Okinawa. According to a preliminary calculation by the Cabinet Secretary, both of them will be entirely replaced by imports when TPP is concluded. So, sugar cane which is Okinawa’s core agricultural industry will disappear. That is synonymous with destroying the regional economy and culture there. Similar phenomena may occur in various other parts of the country after the TPP conclusion.
江川 そのとおりです。もちろん、一部の大規模農家や高付加価値化農産物の生産に成功した農家は、今まで以上の利益を挙げ恩恵を受けることができるでしょう。しかし、大部分の中小規模の農家は離農を余儀なくされるのではないでしょうか。なお、TPP交渉において「聖域」と呼ばれている重要5品目に米、麦、牛肉・豚肉、乳製品、甘味資源作物があります。甘味資源作物とは北海道のてん菜や沖縄のさとうきびが該当します。内閣官房の試算によると、日本国内で生産されている甘味資源作物はTPP交渉が締結された際には100%輸入品に置き換わるとされています。沖縄の基幹農業であるさとうきびが姿を消すことになるのです。つまり、これは沖縄の地域経済、文化を破壊することと同義なのです。TPP締結後からは、これと似た現象が日本各地で起こる恐れがあります。
-Economically speaking, isn’t that better for Japan as it will make bigger businesses easier to enter into the agricultural industry?
Egawa: Well, some people think that way. However, business firms are organizations that pursue profits and base their behavior on the principle of capitalism. Few of them will favor the environment over profit when they have to choose between them. Pursuit of maximum profit is indeed rational and does make sense. But that may imply they will stop farming and leave rural areas as soon as they fail to make profits. On the other hand, traditional farmers in Japan have run their family business for many generations, engaging themselves in preserving the environment. Their long-term management behaviors have helped to conserve the resources and landscape of farming villages across the country. Proper management of farmlands can keep the rivers clean and protect the environment of mountains. Such rivers flow into the sea and preserve rich bio-diversity. It is farming that has played the role of conserving the rural environment, which is quasi-public property. It is hard to say what will happen when farmers stop playing their role and are taken over by business enterprises that put top priority on profitability. Unprofitable farmlands given up by such businesses may be totally abandoned in the absence of farmers. I think that is a grave problem.
江川 そのように捉える方もいらっしゃいます。しかし、企業はあくまで利益追求、資本の論理で動く組織です。利益と環境を天秤(てんびん)にかけたとき、環境を優先する企業は多くないはずです。たしかに、最大限利益を追求することは理にかなっています。ということは同時に、利益が上がらない場合は農業・農村から撤退する可能性もあるということです。他方、農家は家族経営を基礎に世代を超えて営農し、環境形成にかかわってきました。彼らの長期的な経営行動が日本の農村資源や景観を守ってきたのです。適切な農地の管理は川を汚さず、山を守ります。それらは、最終的に海に注ぎ、豊かな生態系を保全します。準公共財である農村環境を保護する役割を今まで担っていたのは農家の営みだったのです。もし、彼らがその役目を終え、利益を優先する企業に取って代わってしまったらどうなるか予測がつきません。仮に、利益が上がらず企業に見放された農地は、それこそ担い手がおらず、放棄されるかもしれません。これは大きな問題だと思います。
The future of the TPP negotiations is beyond our prediction. But before it is too late, we should seriously discuss once again by taking the reality of the Japanese agriculture into full consideration.
-Each of us should pay more attention to TPP which is directly linked to our life, shouldn’t we? Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)
*The sixth industry refers to
an initiative to have producers of farm and dairy products directly involved in the secondary (food processing) and tertiary (distribution and marketing) industries to allow them to get part of
the added values earned by those who are engaged in the two industries.
<江川 章(えがわ あきら)氏略歴>