Chuo University is pushing ahead with its globalization under a “Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development” launched with the support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Technology (MEXT). A new “G Square” run by the school’s International Center was opened at the Tama Campus this spring as part of this project. HH interviewed Professor Stephen Hesse of the Law Faculty, who is Associate Director of the center, to ask about the aim of the project.
中央大学は文部科学省の援助をうけて「グローバル人材育成推進事業」を立ち上げ、国際化に向けた新たな取り組みに乗り出している。その一環として今春、大学の「国際センター」運営による「Gスクエア」が多摩キャンパスに設置された。同センター主任で法学部教授のStephen Hesse教授にインタビューし、プロジェクトの狙いについてお尋ねした。
-In the first place, why does Chuo put particular emphasis on globalization?
Prof. Hesse : The main reason is that more and more students from Chuo are going abroad and more students are coming to study at Chuo from overseas. Among Japanese universities, the number of students going abroad has been decreasing, but, in contrast, the number of Chuo students going abroad has doubled over the past four years.Furthermore, MEXT started the “Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development” last year. This project aims to encourage students to turn their eyes overseas and succeed worldwide. Chuo strongly supports this project.
-Does that mean that Chuo supports this project because more and more foreign students are coming to Chuo?
Prof. Hesse: Chuo needs help to internationalize and this MEXT project just began last year, in the autumn of 2012. Before that Chuo was working to promote internationalization, and applied for MEXT funding. As a result, Chuo has received considerable support from the government.
-Why is the number of students coming from overseas decreasing?
Prof. Hesse: During and afterthe bubble economy (1985-1991) many students came to Japan. However, in recent years, many have been going to China, Korea and other nations, rather than Japan. This is because these countries have been growing more rapidly than Japan in recent years. No doubt this has alarmed the Japanese government and encouraged them to promote internationalization.
-Why did Chuo set up the new “G Square” as part of the “Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development”?
Prof. Hesse: There are two reasons. One is to create an environment in which foreign students and Japanese can meet each other and communicate easily, encouraging Japanese students to consider going abroad to study. The other is to make a space in which students can exchange information about studying abroad, English classes, TOEIC and TOEFL preparation, and so on. I hope the new Lounge will play a role to encourage international communication and study abroad at Chuo.
-Let us ask you about matters a bit different from international relations. Japan is the third-largest economy in the world. Nevertheless, few Japanese universities appear in the ranking of world universities. What do you think is the reason?
Prof. Hesse: In short, education in universities is not closely related to business hiring in Japan. Many Japanese people tend to think, “Education is education. Business is business.” In choosing new workers, companies don’t take account of students’ grades and academic study in university. Companies rely on their own employees to train new workers. In Europe and America, one’s educational success is regarded as a measure of one’s abilities. So many companies feel that one’s grades and major in university are important.
-How does Chuo aim to nurture students who can stand in society?
Prof. Hesse: For example, English is being used in more and more classes in each Chuo faculty. But I think what’s important is for students to get the ability to solve problems and make decisions by themselves.
Until recently students have not taken advantage of university opportunities to get training. Japanese university students take as many as fifteen classes, but often study only a few hours a week. In contrast, university students overseas take only four or five classes, but study for more than fifteen hours a week to prepare.
In the past, Japanese universities played a large role in offering students free time to socialize, but I think students must learn to develop social skills while studying hard. With globalization, young people must learn sooner to work well and professionally with adults. In doing so, they will become more competitive in Japan and abroad.
-Finally, what do you think is a global individual?
Prof. Hesse: Surely, the word “global” is vague. But I think a global person is a global individual, not a resource. When I think of resources I think of things such as iron ore, trees and water. People are not resources to be used in this way.
Rather, a global individual is someone who is humanitarian and can find information in Japanese or in English from different places abroad; someone who can meet and communicate with foreigners without fear.
In order to become so, Japanese students must conquer their “English allergy”. Not worrying if you can speak a foreign language well, just talk with foreigners. Foreigners like myself speak freely using poor Japanese; Japanese should feel free to speak English even if their English ability is limited. In this way we can break down barriers between people and nations. We share one planet, so we must overcome these barriers. For all of us, our home is the globe!
ヘッセ教授:グローバルという言葉はたしかにあいまいです。でも、私はグローバルな人材はあくまで “global individual” だと考えます。”Resource”ではないのです。Resourceというと、鉄鉱石とか、木とか、水を思い浮かべてしまいます。人はこのように使われるresourceではありません。
むしろ、global individual というのは、人を大切にする気持ちを持っており、海外のさまざまな場所で英語もしくは日本語で情報を得ることができる人だと思います。つまり、海外の人に怖がらずに会い、コミュニケーションをとることができる人のことだと思います。
(Interviwed By : Daisuke Aoki & Kento Isogai)