I served as editor-in-chief of Hakumon Herald in the second half of 1965, the year when we greeted the newspaper’s 10th anniversary. One of my biggest duties was to organize some project and edit a special edition in commemoration of the anniversary. The important task fell upon me as we were toiling hard what theme we should deal with in the edition and what kind of project we should undertake. Irritated by our indecision and the slow progress we were making, Mr. Shinshow Nakajima, adviser to Hakumon Herald, suggested that we produce a booklet incorporating some of the contributions by Chuo University professors and noted outside academics and prominent figures the journal had continuously carried since 1960.
We jumped at the idea, seeing it as a godsend. We thought it would be rather easy to produce such a booklet as its content could be a selection from the articles and essays actually published in the past editions. We would only need to pick up some of them and get the authors’ permission to reprint them. We did our work without much difficulty. We asked Nakajima-san to do some deleting and adding. I met Prof. Shigeyori Tsukamoto,president of the English Newspaper Association, and asked him to write a preface to the booklet. That was how a 162-page A4-size hardcover book (in photo below) came out.
Quite honestly, I must admit that it was no more than a patchwork done by inexperienced students. The book carried no essential data, such as who published it, when it came out and where it was printed. I am ashamed to say that I knew of that imperfection only when I reexamined the product nearly half a century after its publication. In retrospect, we were so much preoccupied with having the work done in time for the anniversary day that we paid little heed to such finishing touch. I remember we presented copies of the booklet to each author, old members of the English Newspaper Association, the school’s library and other related persons and organizations. I also remember we put up a booth on the campus to sell copies. But I cannot remember how much we charged per copy.
Prof. Tsukamoto (who was appointed Supreme Court judge later in 1979) wrote in his preface, “All the articles and essays reprinted in the book were written exclusively for publication in Hakumon Herald. They all drew favorable comments from our readers not only for their excellent contents but also for their wide coverage that ranged from economy, law and literature to social issues and international relations.” He was exactly to the point.
I have little space here to refer to what each of the articles took up for discussion. Chapter I of the booklet consists of the articles written by 32 Chuo University professors and assistant professors. Contained in Chapter II are the writings done by five foreign celebrities. Chapter III features the articles written on the common theme “How to secure world peace” by six prominent authors including Nobel laureates Bertrand Russell, Philip Noel-Baker and Linus Pauling. The 43 articles and essays deal with versatile themes and shed light on the background and issues of the days when Hakumon Herald carried them. Those who read them today may find most of them really vivid and sparkling. Copies of the booklet are not available now. (Incidentally, one of the former English Newspaper Association members who tried to collect the missing Hakumon Herald issues to be put into the DVD edition found that a copy of the booklet is kept at the California State Library.) Those who have an interest in it may read some of those articles reproduced in the DVD.
The last but not the least, my deep thanks go to late Prof. Tsukamoto and late Nakajima-san, who gave us their unstinted assistance in the publication of the booklet. (The writer graduated in 1968)
豊島 棟克
筆者は1965年途中で白門ヘラルド編集長を任された。この年はヘラルド の創刊10周年に当たる年。特集記事を組むほか、何らかの記念プロジェクト を実施するというのが最大の任務だった。特集号のテーマをどうすればよいの か、どんな記念プロジェクトがあるのかと四苦八苦していた折の大任である。 先の進まない我々に業を煮やされたのか、創刊以来のアドバイザーである中島 申祥さんが提案してくれたのが、1960年以降毎号掲載してきた中大教授は じめ内外の学者、著名人による論文を1冊の本にまとめて出版するというもの だった。
「渡りに船」ではないが、すぐさま飛びついたことは言うまでもない。内容 は既掲載の論文・小論であり、作成は容易。寄稿者の方々の転載許可を得るこ とだけが大きな仕事だった。中島さんに若干の手直しをしていただき、本の序 文を当時のヘラルド会長、塚本重頼先生(法学部教授)に書いていただき、完 成したのが写真にあるような「A COLLECTION OF ESSAYS & ARTICLES」 と題する、162ページ、A4版のハードカバーの立派な本。ただ、そこは学生がやること。発行年月日、発行元、印刷所など肝心なこと が抜けている。恥ずかしながら筆者も、この本を今手にとって分かったことだ。 ともかく10周年の記念の年の間に出すことだけに集中し、そこまで考えが及 ばなかったのだと思う。ヘラルドOBはもちろん、大学図書館、その他関係者 に贈呈したり、学内でも机を出して販売したりしたことは覚えているが、それ がいくらだったかも記憶にない。
今は亡き塚本先生(1979年に最高裁判事になられた)は序文の中で、「掲 載したすべての論文はもっぱら白門ヘラルドのために書かれたものであり、そ の内容はもとより、経済、法律、文学、社会問題、国際問題など幅広い分野を 扱ったことで読者からは好意的なコメントが寄せられたものばかりです」と書 いている。おっしゃられる通りである。
論文の内容までご紹介することはできないが、本の第1章は中大の教授・助 教授32人、第2章は学外の著名人5人、第3章には「世界の平和をどう確保 すべきか」との総タイトルの下に、ノーベル賞受賞者のバートランド・ラッセ ル卿やフィリップ・ノエル・ベーカー卿ら海外の著名人6人の論文が掲載され ている。
合わせて43の論文はテーマが多岐にわたり、ヘラルド掲載時の時代背景や 様々な争点が浮き彫りにされており、今読んでみても生き生きした内容になっ ている。本はもちろん紙型も残っておらず、散逸した状態になっているが、興 味のある方はこのDVDに収められている白門ヘラルド復刻版原文が掲載され ているので、是非一読いただきたい。(本DVD作成にあたり散逸した白門ヘラ ルドのバックナンバー収集にあたったOBの1人により、この本が米カリフォ ルニア州立図書館に所蔵されていることが確認された。)
最後に、故・塚本先生はもとより、この本の出版にあたり惜しみない援助を くださった故・中島申祥さんに深甚なる感謝の意を表明したい。本当にありが とうございました。(昭和43年度卒)