With the help of Ms. Yuka Uesugi, a Law Faculty second grader and another team member, we tried to analyze the performance of Garnet Girls in terms of “mind, technique and physique.” (Ms. Uesugi performs in a position second from left in the second row in the video.)
上杉有香さん(法・2)の解説をもとに、Garnt Girlsによるソングリーディングを心・技・体別に分析してみた。(なお、動画の中で上杉さんは最初に2列目左から2番目の位置にいる。)
In any sports, mental factors can immensely affect the performance. What do performers think in song leading in which they don’t meet their competitors face to face?
Ms. Uesugi said in reply: “Throughout our 150-second performance, we get most nervous from the start to the 44th second when we do our first turn. It’s not easy to make a steady turn and we’re very likely to make a mistake. Actually I made a mistake in landing after my turn in the competition. But the evaluation standards in song leading include “recovery”, in which the judges check how players recovered themselves after making a mistake. So I thought I shouldn’t mind. I could change my mind and told myself I must bounce back. When we come to the dancing part (after 64 seconds), we can relax and enjoy because we don’t have to worry about making mistakes. But we get nervous again as we come closer to our second turn.
上杉 「150秒の競技の中で、最も緊張するのは1回目のターン(44秒あたり)までです。ターンは安定させるのが難しく、ミスをする確率が高いからです。実際私も本番で着地ミスをしてしまいました。しかし、ソングリーディングの採点項目にはリカバリーといって、ミスした後の演技を評価する項目があるので、ミスを気にせず、むしろ挽回してやろうという気持ちに切り替えられました。ダンス(64秒〜)からは、ミスの心配がなく、楽しめることもあり、緊張がとけてきます。再びターンが近づくと緊張感がまた増してきます。
“One important point we care during the performance is to adjust our formation to the center of the stage. We have the same space for both the competition and our routine practices. But because of our nervousness and the tense atmosphere of the competition arena, we sometimes fail to keep the right position and space between ourselves. To avoid this, we always try to be aware of each other’s position, keep in line with each other and pay attention to the center.
“Our performance lasts only 150 seconds but it’s full of hard motions. So I always mind allocation of stamina. We feel really satisfied with the glee and cheers from the audience at the end of our performance. We’re very much encouraged to practice hard again in preparation for our next competition.”
In song leading, a team that has one or two outstandingly good players does not necessarily get a high score. Scores are marked in terms of overall performance as a team. Specific evaluation standards are wide-ranging. Those include: turn and kick, arm and hand actions, synchronism of skills, overall technique, control, sharpness, accuracy, timing, rhythm, pace, position/space, team uniformity, footwork, etc. Points are given for each standard. For example, the judges see whether the timing and landing are correct in the turn or whether heels instead of toes are used in footwork.
Ms. Uesugi explained about some of the main performance skills.
She said: “As sound echoes change depending on the size of each competition arena, we adjust ourselves to the prevailing music tempo during the first 30 seconds. At our September competition, all of us couldn’t get into the rhythm till our first turn at the 47th second. I think we were in tune by the time we began dancing at the 64th second. After the music modulates at the 60th second, we have a tough time for physical strength because we have to do a lot of hard actions. We recover our breath during a brief period of slow actions after the tough dance. After the 85th second, we split into three groups and each group shows off its specialty skills. After that, we get together again to do arm actions with pom, a highlight scene of our performance. Then, we again dance hard and perfume some formations before heading for the climax. Though we made some small mistakes at individual levels, I think we’re in good order as a team at the climax.”
Physique primarily amounts to stamina. Let us see how hard Garnet Girls practice to build up their physical strength.
They practice for three to four hours on five days a week. At the start of their practice, they spend much time on warm-up and stretching. They do not simply warm themselves up. They do that in synchronization with music, always keen to brush up their sense of rhythm. After that, they repeatedly practice turns, jumps and various other skills.
Garnet Girlsの練習は、週5日、1日3〜4時間行われる。練習の始めはアップや柔軟をしっかり行う。その際に、ただアップを行うのではなく、音楽をかけ、それに合わせリズム感をつけることを意識しながら実施しているのが印象的であった。その後はターンやジャンプを練習する。
We saw they practice twice, one month and just two days before their competition. In their first practice, they seemed to be trying to knock themselves into shape by focusing on their weak points time and again. In their practice just ahead of the competition, they were doing a final check by repeating performances as if they were actually competing. As earlier mentioned, they looked stoic when they tried to find points to be corrected from their video on cell phone or PC and worked hard to correct them. Their devotion inspired us with respect for them who are just our contemporaries.
As we closely covered Garnet Girls this time, we were able to have a glimpse of the world of song leading which we hadn’t had a chance to see before. They may be jewels for Chuo. We will keep watching how they will take a leap forward in the future.
今回Garnet Girls に密着することで、普段触れる機会の少ないソングリーディングの世界を垣間見ることができた。彼女たちは世界に誇るべき中大の宝、まさしくガーネットなのかもしれない。
(Written By: Kento Isogai /Daisuke Aoki)