Sleep is closely related to happiness
Japanese have less sleep as compared with other peoples in the world. According to a survey of 29 countries conducted in 2014 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the average amount of time Japanese spent sleeping was seven hours and 43 minutes. They placed 28th, only one notch above bottom-ranked South Koreans who slept an average seven hours and 41 minutes. Now how does a lack of sleep affect human mind and body?
First, it has become known that insufficient sleep can raise cancer risk. A follow-up survey on 22,000 males conducted in 2008 by Tohoku University showed that the incidence rate of prostate cancer for those who slept less than seven hours per day was 1.38 times higher than that for those who slept for seven to eight hours. The survey cited a weakened immune system caused by lack of sleep as the main culprit. Generally, people develop cancer when cancer cells generated by gene mutation multiply for some reason or other. Normally immune cells kill cancer cells to prevent the disease developing. However, when the function of immunity is weakened due to lack of sleep, cancer cells have more chances of surviving and growing rather than being killed. Moreover, lack of sleep can make people more susceptible to obesity.
まず、睡眠不足はがんのリスクを高めることが明らかになっている。 東北大学が2008年に2万2000人の男性を対象に行った追跡調査によると、睡眠時間が7時間未満の男性は7~8時間の人に比べ、前立腺がんの発症率が1・38倍高かった。睡眠不足が免疫力を低下させることが原因だった。そもそも、がんは遺伝子の突然変異によって生まれるがん細胞が増殖することで発症するが、通常であれば免疫細胞によって死滅させられる。しかし睡眠不足によってこの免疫細胞の機能が低下していた場合、がん細胞は死滅せず増殖してしまう可能性が高くなるというのである。さらに、睡眠不足によって肥満になりやすくなる。
A health and nutrition survey by Columbia University in New York has revealed that the less people sleep, the higher their risk of obesity becomes. The research said that people who sleep less than four hours are 73% more likely to develop obesity than those who sleep seven to nine hours. It traced the main cause to collapse of the hormone balance.
Appetite is controlled by hormone ghrelin which promotes it and hormone leptin which holds it down. However, when people do not have enough sleep, ghrelin tends to increase whereas leptin decreases. Stresses resulting from sleeplessness can also be a cause of obesity.
Sleep is closely related to people's happiness. According to the "World Happiness Report 2017" announced by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a joint scheme of the United Nations and Columbia University, Japan ranked 51st in "Subjective Happiness Scale" among the world countries. Its ranking was quite low, actually the lowest among the G7 countries and 27th among the 35 OECD member countries. The above OECD survey made it clear that people in Scandinavian and European countries, which ranked higher in the happiness scale, had longer sleep than Japanese. It supports a solid fact that a sufficient amount of sleep is inevitable for people to feel happy.
All the data seen above clearly tell that lack of sleep can cause various adverse effects. A mentally and physically rich life indeed requires enough amount of sleep.
(Written by: Yuta Uchino)
Interviewing Korean students studying in Japan
Korean food is winning popularity in Japan in the current third hanryu (Korean boom). So, Hakumon Herald interviewed four Korean male students who study at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo and asked about their favorite Korean and Japanese dishes. They are Kim Hyeok Jun (aged 25 years old, Postgraduate Program at the Faculty of Economics), Choi Seong Rim (25, a third grader at the Faculty of Law), Jeong Yeon Jae (25, a fourth grader at the Faculty of Economics) and Hwang Soo Young (25, a third grader at the Faculty of Economics).
-Do you agree with the Korean government’s designation of bibimbap and kimchi as representative Korean foods?
Kim: I agree about kimchi, but not about bibimbap. Kimchi is actually eaten by most Korean people because it is good for health but bibimbap isn’t. In order to make Korean cuisine well known internationally in the long run, I think it is necessary to change its hot flavor and ingredients to suit the preferences in each country and region like mild kimchi sold in Japan.
キム キムチには賛成ですが、ビビンバは反対です。キムチは韓国人の中でも健康に良いとして、ほとんどの人々が食べていますが、ビビンバはそうでもありません。また、長期的に韓国料理を周知させるためには、辛さを控えめにしたキムチが日本で販売されているように、国や地域に合わせて味や素材に変化を持たせることが必要と思います。
Choi: I don’t agree to the designation of kimchi. It is true that kimchi is healthy and can be seen as a national dish like natto in Japan. However, I think it is wrong to designate kimchi as a single food. I think no Koreans eat kimchi alone because it is a supplementary food to go with kimchi kimbap and kimchi buchimgae. So, I believe it’s more effective to introduce other dishes based on kimchi.
チェ 私はキムチに関しては指定に反対です。確かにキムチは健康に良い食べもので、日本の納豆のような国民食とも言えます。しかし、キムチ単体を指定するやり方は間違っていると思います。キムチはキムチキンパやキムチチヂミなどと一緒に食べる補助役にすぎず、キムチのみを食べる韓国人はいないと思います。私はキムチを使った料理を紹介する方がもっと効果的だと思います。
Jeong: I am almost opposed to the designation of kimchi and bibimbap. I think there are other Korean dishes more popular than either of them. I’ve introduced dakgabli and bulgogi (a typical cuisine in the Korean Peninsula which is made of sweet-soy-sauce marinated slices of beef grilled or boiled with vegetables and glass noodles), samgyeopsal (a Korean-style barbecue) and cheese dakgabli to my foreign friends, and few of them didn’t like them. I think it is important for Korea to offer dishes which are not too much spicy and adapted to the taste preferred in each country.
チョン キムチ、ビビンバの指定には反対に近いです。キムチとビビンバよりもっと人気の食べ物があると思います。特にタッカルビ、プルコギ(鮮半島の代表的な肉料理で、醤油ベースで甘口の下味をつけた薄切りの牛肉を、野菜や春雨と共に焼いたり、煮たりする料理)、サムギョプサル(韓国式の焼肉)、チーズタッカルビなどを海外の友達に紹介しましたが、苦手だという人は少なかったです。あまり辛くない、各国の味覚に合わせた料理をつくることが大切だと思います。
-By the way, do you think typical Japanese dishes like sushi, sukiyaki and tempura are accepted by foreigners?
Choi: I really love sushi and tempura. Sushi is easy to eat and helps me enjoy various kinds of fish, and tempura goes well with beer. We Koreans feel really comfortable with Japanese foods. Yet, I feel some of them are a bit too sweet and salty and are served with too much rice. Korean cuisine is usually too hot and stimulating for foreign people. But I think Japanese food is milder and easier to eat for everyone.
チェ 私は寿司と天ぷらが非常に好きです。寿司は食べやすく、色々な魚を楽しめるし、天ぷらもビールによく合うので好きです。和食は韓国人にとってあまり違和感がありません。ただ、甘く、塩辛い料理が多く、ご飯の量が多いように感じます。また韓国の料理は辛いことが多いので、外国の人には刺激が強いのですが、和食は刺激的な料理が少ないので、みんなが食べやすくて良いと思います。
Hwang: I love all of Japanese food. It’s delicious and most importantly it can be eaten within a relatively short time. I really like not only sushi and tempura but also ramen and beef bowl as well. The amount of side dishes is very appropriate so that you can eat them alone rather than as a group. Many of my friends also like Japanese food.
ファン 和食はすべて好きです。おいしいし、なにより短い時間で食べやすい点が好きです。私は寿司やてんぷらが大好きですが、ラーメンや牛丼などの料理も好きです。おかずの量がちょうどよいので、ひとりで食べられるところが気に入っています。私の友達も日本の料理が好きな人が多いです。
-Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Yoshikazu Kazamoto)
Computers, smartphones may be to blame
Sleeping hours Japanese people daily take are one of the shortest in the world. An international comparison of sleeping hours made public by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2009 revealed that Japanese sleep for seven hours and 50 minutes per day on average, which was shortest along with that of South Koreans. However, according to an article published in October 2015 by The New York Times, Prof. Jerome Siegel and his colleagues at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) found in their new study that sleeping hours and insomnia have no correlative relationship. Then, what is the cause of sleep disorders such as insomnia?
To begin with, insomnia is a condition where people develop some health troubles such as daytime sleepiness, distraction or fatigue after a spate of symptoms like having difficulty falling asleep at night or keeping asleep, awakening too early in the morning or sleeping too shallowly to feel satisfied. According to a study by the Japan Preventive Association of Lifestyle-related Disease (JPALD), about one in every five Japanese is annoyed with those symptoms. We may say insomnia is now one of Japanese national diseases.
Prof. Siegel's team researched the sleep patterns of three different hunter-gatherer tribes (two in Africa and one in South America) who live in industrially undeveloped areas and found that these people sleep six and a half hours per night on average. While 20% of Japanese adults suffer from chronic insomnia according to JPALD, the U.S. team found that the ailment occurred in only 2% of the hunter-gatherers. The sleep patterns of the three tribes were found to be so similar to each other that Prof. Siegel surmised, "This is how all our ancestors slept." Surprisingly, any word meaning insomnia did not exist for two of the three groups. This seems to suggest that there is no correlation between the amount of sleep and insomnia. Prof. Siegel's team thinks that the fall of ambient temperature might have sent a signal urging the human body to take sleep. Its research found that all the three hunter-gatherer groups almost always fell asleep as temperatures began to fall at night and woke up as the temperatures were rising again. This suggests that humans may have evolved to sleep during the coldest hours of the day, perhaps as a way to conserve energy, Prof. Siegel said.
The popularization of heating and cooling equipment such as air-conditioners and electric carpets, which did not exist before the industrial revolution, has brought dramatic changes to the living environment. Moreover, it is pointed out that blue light emitted from computers and smartphones causes eye fatigue and awakening effect that can lead up to insomnia. Can't we say that the industrial development brought by electronic devices such as blue light-emitting laptops and smartphones is largely to blame for our sleep problems?(Written by Yuto Yawta)
Sleep debt more dangerous than extreme lack of sleep
A research on sleep conducted by Stanford University has revealed that sleep debt, piled up like a loan through recurrence of slight lack of sleep, is likely to have harmful effects on mind and body even if you may think, “I’ve enough sleep.” How will sleep debt change your knowledge about sleep?
In the first place, where should we draw a line about lack of sleep? It is needless to say that extremely poor sleep, such as “studying all night for exams” or “leading a daily life with two hours of sleep”, will certainly have adverse impacts on mind and body. Then, what impression do you have when you hear about “six hours of sleep per night”? Many of you may think that with that much sleep, one does not need to worry about lack of sleep.
In reality, however, six hours of sleep is not sufficient. According to a survey on social life conducted in 2011 by the Statistics Bureau, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japanese people sleep for seven hours and 42 minutes on average, or much longer than six hours. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF), a U.S. nonprofit organization that promotes researches on sleep, updated in 2015 its recommended sleep hours, advising people aged 18 to 25 to sleep seven to nine hours. From both data, it is clear that six hours of sleep leaves many people short of sleep by a couple of hours per day. If this is repeated, they may end up with sleep debt.
しかし、実際には6時間では睡眠不足なのだ。総務省統計局の平成23年社会生活基本調査によると、日本人の平均睡眠時間は7時間42分であり、6時間の睡眠では平均を大きく下回ることになる。また、睡眠に関する研究を行っている米国の「全米睡眠財団」(National Sleep Foundation)は2015年に新たに推奨睡眠時間のデータを改定し、18~25歳の人の推奨睡眠時間を7~9時間とした。このことからも、多くの人にとって6時間の睡眠では1~2時間程度の睡眠不足となることがわかる。そして、これを毎日積み重ねることで睡眠負債を抱えることになるのだ。
Moreover, it is said that poor sleep of around six hours is more dangerous than extreme lack of sleep such as night-long work. When you sit up all night, you will be attacked by heavy drowsiness the day after and may feel “I must improve my lifestyle habit”. On the other hand, you may fail to realize lack of sleep if you have six hours of sleep every day. In fact, however, damage to your body steadily gets heavier irrespective of whether you feel sleepy or not. In other words, poor sleep accumulates to generate sleep debt before you realize it. So, people who think they are OK with six hours of sleep need to recognize the existence of sleep debt and rethink about their sleep hours. (Written by Yuta Uchino)
Naoto Fujibayashi, a fourth grader of the Faculty of Law of Chuo University, took part in Harvard Project for Asian and International Relationship (HPAIR) held at Harvard University in February 2017. HPAIR is one of the world’s largest student-led international conferences, which takes place twice annually at Cambridge in Boston, Massachusetts and in an Asian country. Some 250 participants from 40 countries, mostly students and researchers from prestigious universities across the world and persons working at global business organizations, get engaged in close exchanges through seminars and case studies during a six-day session each year. Fujibayashi, who was then studying at a U.K. university, attended the spring session of HPAIR during his vacation. Hakumon Herald interviewed him to ask why he took part in HPAIR and what he did there.
昨年2月に米国の名門ハーバード大学で開かれた「ハーバード大学アジア国際関係会議」( Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations<HPAIR>)に中央大学法学部4年の藤林尚斗さんが参加した。HPAIRはアジア太平洋地域で最大規模の学生主催の国際会議として、年2回、同大学のあるマサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジとアジア地域で開催されている。世界40カ国から、トップレベルの大学に所属している学生や研究者、グローバル企業で働く参加者ら約250人が6日間にわたりセミナーやケーススタディを通して密な交流を重ねる。当時、英国留学中だった藤林さんは春休みの合間をぬって参加した。藤林さんにHPAIR参加理由、会議の模様などを語ってもらった。
Strict selection criteria for participation
-What motivated you to take part in HPAIR?
Fujibayashi: I was studying at University of Manchester in an exchange program called Tobitate Ryugaku Japan, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. While I was there, a senior colleague introduced HPAIR to me, saying, “Talented persons from various countries gather there.” I made up my mind to take part in it because I was hoping to do business all over the world in the future.
藤林 当時、英国マンチェスター大学に留学中だった私は「トビタテ留学!ジャパン日本代表プログラム」(文部科学省と民間機関が共同で取り組む海外留学支援制度)の先輩から「世界中の優秀な人材が集まる」と、HPAIRを紹介されました。将来、世界を股にかけたビジネスをしたいと考えていた私は参加を決意しました。
-What sort of people did you find at HPAIR?
Fujibayashi: I found there many students from top-ranking universities and young employees from global businesses. What was striking to me was that they were not only studying solutions to the issues in their own countries and communities but were actually taking actions to implement them.
藤林 世界トップレベル大学からの学生やグローバル企業で働いている方が大勢集まっていました。さらに彼らは生まれ育った国や地域の問題を解決するための方法を検討するだけでなく、実際にその解決のためのアクションを起こしていました。
-What selection process did you go through for your participation?
Fujibayashi: First, you must submit three essays to the selection panel. If you clear that, you will sit for an interview. One of intriguing questions put to me during my interview was: “What policy would you practice if you became prime minister of your country?” I felt I was being tested if I had an insight as head of state.
藤林 まず、エッセイを3つ提出する選考があり、通過後には面接も受けました。面白かったのは「あなたがもし、自国の総理大臣になったら、どのような政策を実施しますか」という設問です。まるで、国家元首の視座を持っていることが試されているようでした。
Skill to lead diversified team
-Did you have any memorable encounter at HPAIR?
Fujibayashi: Particularly invaluable was my meeting with Joshua Rasay from University of Hawaii at Manoa, which is one of top 100 state universities in the United States. He was one of teammates in our case study. We often had heated discussions. He turned out to be a good partner to lead our team.
藤林 ケーススタディのチームメイトで、米国の州立大学トップ100にも入るハワイ大学マノア校のジョシュア・ラセイさんとの出会いはかけがえのないものとなりました。彼とは時に激しい議論をしながらもチームをともに率いた仲間です。
-What was the theme for your case study?
Fujibayashi: Our theme was “Suggestions to rebuild a staggering American company”. We had little time to spare for it because of a packed schedule for seminars and socialization events that often lasted from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
藤林 ケーススタディのテーマは「事業が停滞しつつある、ある米国企業の再生計画の立案」でした。朝8時から夜9時まで、活動の大半をセミナーや交流会が占め、ケーススタディに割ける時間は限られていました。
-How did you work on your case study in such a busy environment?
Fujibayashi: Joshua and I had repeated discussions without sparing time for sleep. Our talk was so heated that people around us often said to us, “You look to be fighting!” Anyway, we displayed our commitments to our case study with actions. I think this helped to create a culture in which team members diverse in age and nationality cooperate with each other in a short period of time.
藤林 ジョシュアとは寝る間も惜しんで毎日、徹底的に議論をしていました。周りからは「まるでけんかをしているようだ」と思われるほど激しかったです。とにかくケーススタディへのコミットを行動で示し、年齢、国籍が異なるメンバーが集うチームでも互いに協力し合うチームカルチャーを短期間で醸成しました。
-How did it come out in the end?
Fujibayashi: We won the first prize among the 15 teams that had taken part in the presentation competition. All that was thanks to the seriousness of both Joshua and me and efforts made by other teammates who shared our desire to win a prize. We were overjoyed when the result was announced. Even now, we often keep contact with each other.
藤林 私とジョシュアの本気、勝利への執念に共感してくれたチームメイトのおかげで15チームからなる分科会のプレゼンテーション審査で最優秀賞を獲得しました。結果が発表されたときは心から喜びました。チームのメンバーとは今でも頻繁に連絡を取りあっています。
Contributing to society as earthian
-What are you working on right now?
Fujibayashi: I’m learning how to live in society while serving my internship at a consulting firm as a right-hand man of our president. Despite being an intern, I get involved in preparing business proposals and midterm management plans for our clients like real estate funds and developers in Japan and overseas. I enjoy dealing with any hardships and challenges, as I did at HPAIR, by setting higher goals without sticking to ready-made ideas.
藤林 今はコンサルティング会社社長の右腕としてインターンをしながら社会経験を積んでいます。学生インターンながら不動産ファンド、不動産ディベロッパーといった国内外のクライアントに対してゼロからの事業立案や中期経営計画の策定などの実務に従事しています。HPAIRに参加していた時のように、既成概念にとらわれず、目標を高く設定し、どんな困難や挑戦も楽しみながら取り組んでいます。
-What would you like to do in the future?
Fujibayashi: I earnestly hope to contribute to the development of global society together with globally active people who work beyond the framework of countries and regions.
藤林 国や地域といった枠組みを超えてグローバルに活動する人とともに地球社会の発展に寄与したいと本気で考えています。
-Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)
Falling exports to Japan, rise of China-made variety
Asked what Korea’s representative pickle is, almost everyone will mention kimchi. Available also at supermarkets and convenience stores in Japan, it may well be called a standard family dish. According to the news website “sirabee” run by HAKUHODO Inc., 60.9% of 45,000 Japanese males and females aged between 20s and 60s replied they like kimchi, indicating that many Japanese people are familiar with the food. The popularity of kimchi is not necessarily limited to Japan. As a matter of fact, kimjang, the traditional process of preparation and preservation of kimchi that takes place across Korea in late autumn, was registered as intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO in 2013. Kimchi is now a Korean dish well known all over the world just like Japan’s sushi.
韓国を代表する漬物といえば、キムチ。日本のスーパーやコンビニに並ぶ「食卓の定番」といってよい。博報堂のニュースサイト「しらべぇ」によると、日本の20〜60代男女 4万5千人のうち、60・9%が「好き」と回答。多くの日本人がキムチに親しんでいることが分かる。キムチ人気は日本ばかりではない。韓国の晩秋の年中行事、キムチ漬けの風習「キムジャン」が2013年、国連教育科学文化機関(UNESCO.)の無形文化遺産に登録されており、日本の寿司のように、キムチは世界にも知られる韓国料理にもなった。
However, Korean kimchi exports have been declining in volume in contrast to rapidly growing imports. According to the Korea Customs Service, the country imported more than 275,000 tons of kimchi in 2017. Most of the quantity (99%) came from China. Korea exported only 24,000 tons, suffering a deficit of US$47.3 million (about ¥5.24 billion) in value terms. The deficit was up 11% over the previous year, the biggest fall since 2000 when the service began collecting statistics.
しかし、韓国産のキムチだが、韓国の対外輸出量は低迷し、逆に輸入量が急増している。韓国関税庁によると、17年のキムチ輸入量は27万5000トン超で、そのほぼすべて(99%)が中国産だった。これに対し韓国産の輸出量は2万4000トンにとどまり、金額にして4730万ドル(約52億4000万円)の赤字となった。この赤字幅は前年比 11%増と、統計を開始した2000年以来最大を記録したという。
The Chinese information website Record China reported in January that kimchi now available on the Korean market are mostly imports from China. It said the fall of Korean kimchi was due primarily to slumped exports to Japan, the country’s biggest trading partner. Korea’s kimchi exports to Japan, which totaled more than 20,000 tons (about 84% of the total exports) in 2010, plunged to less than 14,000 tons in 2016. A weak yen and the slow economic growth in Japan were to blame for the setback. Another factor seemed to be the growing popularity of Japanese-made kimchi.
中国情報サイトRecord Chinaによると、今年1月、韓国に出回っているキムチのほとんどが中国産に切り替わっているとし、韓国産キムチの輸出低迷のおもな原因が、最大の貿易相手国、日本への輸出急減にある、と報じた。これによると、2010年に2万トン台(輸出全体の約84%)だった日本向け輸出が、16年には1万4000トンを割り込むまで激減している。円安や日本国内経済の低迷などもあるが、日本産キムチの普及もあるようだ。
Furthermore, the growing consumption of Chinese-made kimchi in Korea comes from its price. According to Hong Kong’s Toutiao (Headline Daily), Korean-made kimchi were priced at US$3.36 (about ¥370) per kilogram in 2016 whereas Chinese-made kimchi were priced at only US$0.5 (¥55). Probably for that reason, 89.9% of kimchi purchased by restaurants in Korea in 2016 were imports from China, according to the World Institute of Kimchi, a Gwangju-headquartered organization devoted to research and development related to kimchi.
また、韓国内での中国産キムチの消費拡大の最大の理由は、その価格にある。「今日頭条」によれば、韓国産キムチは16年に1キロ当たり3・36ドル(約370円)に対し、中国産は同0.5ドル(約55円)と、圧倒的な安さになっている。そのためか、韓国の「世界キムチ研究所」(World Institute of Kimchi)によると、16年に韓国国内の飲食店が購入したキムチは89.9%が中国産だという。
Korea’s traditional kimchi culture appears to be waning amid the rise of low-priced Chinese imports and the falling exports to Japan.
(Written by: Yuto Yawata)
最大の輸出先である日本向けの落ち込みに加え、安価な中国産のキムチの台頭で、韓国の「キムチ文化」は衰微傾向にあるように思える。 (八幡侑斗)
The Korean dish wins Buzzwords Contest
Have you ever heard of a dish called “cheese dakgalbi”? This is a Korean cuisine which has recently landed on Japan and gained popularity among women customers in particular. The word ranked top in the “things” category of JK and JC Buzzwords Contest 2017, announced by AMF (headquartered in Minato Ward, Tokyo) which provides marketing support for female junior and senior high school students. (JK and JC respectively mean female senior and junior high school students in Japanese.) This reporter tried to look into why cheese dakgalbi has become so popular in Japan.
Cheese dakgalbi is dakgalbi, a Korean dish of stir-fried spicy chicken, served with melted cheese. Dak and galbi mean chicken and rib, respectively. So, the idea is to eat meat around the bone. Sijang Dak.r.b, located in Shin-Okubo in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward, is the first Korean restaurant that introduced it in Japan. Cooking ingredients vary from restaurant to restaurant, but chicken, vegetables and gochujang (red chili paste) are basically mixed with melted cheese on the plate.
The economic information site of the Sankei Shimbun reported in August 2017 that the influence of SNS (social networking service) was one of factors behind the dish’s popularity. The article said a number of women are keen to take photos and videos of stretching cheese to instagram them, which in turn is prompting more restaurants to offer buzzworthy menus on SNS. As of last December, Instagram posts featuring cheese dakgalbi numbered more than 130,000.
産経新聞の経済情報サイトが昨年8月に報じたところによると、人気の理由の1つに SNSの影響があるという。この記事は、チーズが伸びる様子を写真や動画で撮影し、インスタグラムなどへ投稿する女性が多いことに触れ、店側も積極的にSNSで話題性のあるメニューを取り入れていると書いている。昨年12月時点では、インスタグラム内でのチーズタッカルビの投稿は13万件を超えている。
Announcing its “Food Trend Award 2017”, Cookpad Inc., the biggest cooking recipe service in Japan, attributed the popularity of cheese dakgalbi to two factors. It said, “Use of reasonably-priced chicken is budget-friendly and a small number of cooking processes can save time.” Besides, it cited a sizzling feeling as well as friendliness to SNS as the characteristics of dishes that became popular in 2017. Cookpad explained on the Internet, “The sense of sizzle is a situation where the sizzling sound of meat and dripping meat juice work on viewers’ appetite.”
Sin-Okubo is called a Korean town because there are a variety of Korean shops and restaurants there. Sijang Dak.r.b, which claims itself to be the birthplace of cheese dakgalbi, is visited every day by many customers. They form a long queue and often have to wait for an hour or longer before they can get a seat.
According to Korea’s Yonhap News Agency, Japanese who visited South Korea in 2016 numbered 2,297,893, up 23.4% from the previous year for the first gain in four years. The popularity of cheese dakgalbi might have played a part.
(Written by: Yoshikazu Kazamoto)
Another “hanryu” (Korean boom) is spreading throughout Japan. The influential Chosun Ilbo reported last November, “A third Korean boom is going on in Japan.” The first boom was triggered in 2003 by the explosive popularity of TV drama Winter Sonata, followed by the second one in 2010-2011 which was kicked off by a rage of Korean pop music dubbed as “K-POP”.
A Japanese dictionary defines hanryu as “a furor of Korean pop culture that has hit East Asia”. In the first boom that began in Japan with Winter Sonata, Bae Yong-joon, the leading actor in the drama series, generated wildly enthusiastic fans among middle-aged and elderly women. K-POP in the second boom won over younger generations in Japan. It became so popular that Korean girl singer groups KARA and Girls’ Generation were invited to perform in NHK’s Kohaku Utagassen, the celebrated annual year-end song festival. Korean food like cheese dakgalbi which became something of a fad in Japan last year, is certainly playing a part in the latest boom, which was sparked by Korean-made cosmetics.
The development of the Korean pop culture, including music, drama, movie and food, is supported by the growth of the country’s content industry. According to the Japanese trend information magazine Nikkei Entertainment, the Asian currency crisis in 1997 threw Korea into economic doldrums, forcing the government to map out a far-reaching reconstruction strategy, which included promotion of the culture industry. Under this policy, a faculty of utility music and a faculty of video were newly set up at various universities along with many vocational colleges. They have successfully nurtured leaders who are now active in K-POP and TV drama. According to data made available in March 2017 by Korea’s Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism and Korea Creative Content Agency, the content industry’s annual sales totaled a record 100,486.3 billion won (about ¥10.36 trillion) in 2015, proving that the government’s promotion of the culture industry has produced a great result.
Speaking of the Korean cosmetics industry, Japan used to be its third-biggest market after the United States and China. Now, “K-Beauty”, the collective term of Korean cosmetic products, is said to be regaining popularity in Japan. According to data released by the Cosmetic Importers Association of Japan (CIAJ), Japanese imports of Korean cosmetics totaled ¥2.68 billion in the January-September period of 2017, up 10.5% from the same period a year ago. Imports of skin-care products, at ¥10 billion worth, were up 14.6%.
Besides cosmetics, K-POP singer groups TWICE and BLACKPINK are enjoying popularity in the current boom. Korean-style cafes also seem to be catching the eyes of many Japanese customers. Those colorfully decorated shops serve colorful dishes.
The third Korean boom is likely to stay for a while.
(Written by: Yuto Yawata)
Rei Yamamoto plays key role in Chuo’s table tennis triumph
Chuo’s women table tennis club won the pennant at the spring Kanto Students Table Tennis League competition last May for the first time in six years. Rei Yamamoto, a 22-year-old fourth grader of the Faculty of Literature, played a key role in Chuo’s 25th career victory. Hakumon Herald interviewed Yamamoto who hopes to play in a corporate team after her graduation.
-Why did you start playing table tennis?
Yamamoto: I was motivated by my father who once played in a table tennis club. That was when I was in the third grade at my elementary school. At first, I felt I was forced to play by my father. However, I could start enjoying table tennis after I won in a competition.
山本 クラブで卓球をしていた父の影響です。小学校3年生のころから始めました。最初は父に無理やりやらされていましたが、大会で勝てるようになり、卓球を楽しめるようになりました。
-What impressed you most during your four years at Chuo?
Yamamoto: That was our victory at the spring Kanto Students Table Tennis League competition. That had been one of the targets for our team. Some good junior players joined our team last year and we could improve the quality of our practices. That made our team stronger. All our members could firmly share the goal to win “the victory in the spring league” and that led us to that good result.
山本 やはり春季関東学生卓球リーグ戦で優勝できたことです。この大会で優勝することがチームの目標の一つでした。昨年は、強い後輩たちが入部し、練習の質も向上しました。そのため、チームとして強くなれました。また、チーム内で「春リーグで優勝する」という目標を共有できたことが、このような結果につながりました。
But I think our junior members still lack teamwork. I wish they will clearly set their aim and try to win a victory at the League competition, the All-Japan Invitational Students Table Tennis Championships and the All-Japan Intercollegiate Table Tennis Championships. I have no regret about my four years at Chuo University because I could devote myself to playing table tennis. But I’m feeling I should have had a bit more time to socialize with students in general.
-Do you have any secret to keep winning in a competition?
Yamamoto: Well, that may be to analyze and reflect upon what I could and couldn’t do in matches irrespective of the result. Before a match, I try to make it clear what I should do rather than considering too much about it.
山本 勝っても負けても、試合でできたこと、できなかったことを分析・反省することです。試合前は、自分がやるべきことを明確にし、試合だということを意識しすぎないように心がけています。
-What is your future goal?
Yamamoto: I will join a corporate table tennis team this year to keep playing. One of my targets is to contribute to the team. As an individual player, I’ll do my best to go higher in rank at the Japan League competition.
山本 今年からは、実業団チームに入り卓球を続けていきます。このチームのために活躍することが目標の1つです。また、個人としては、日本リーグで少しでも上位に食い込めるようにしたいです。
-Thank you. We wish you the best of luck.
(Interviewed by: Yuto Yawata)
Interview with Alumni
Kokaji contributes to local community through ceramic art
Mr. Haruyoshi Kokaji, a graduate of Chuo University, serves as secretary general of “Gayoen Togei Kurabu”, a members-only club of ceramic artists based in Hinohara Village in western Tokyo. The village is endowed with natural beauty like Mt. Osawa and Mito Falls. Kokaji, aged 79, is a member of “Hakumon 37 Kai”, a group formed by persons who graduated from the university in 1962 (the 37th year of the Showa era). In an interview with Hakumon Herald, he said he wants to contribute to the local community through ceramic art.
--Tell us about your Gayoen?
Kokaji: It was founded in 1995 as a membership-based club to offer a place where retired people can meet with each other. Now it has 15 members. About 10 of them are actually active and many of them are couples.
小梶 この倶楽部は、1995年に定年後の居場所づくりのために設立された会員制のクラブです。現在、会員は15名で、実際に活動しているのは10名ほどです。夫婦で参加している人が多いです。
--What do your members do specifically?
Kokaji: Broadly speaking, our club has two objectives. The first is to deepen the relationships between the members who love ceramic art. Recently, the number of participants has been decreasing because of their old age. But we held a general meeting in the spring, an excursion in May, Ajisai (hydrangea) festival in June, and a summer festival and an exhibition of our works at our studio in August.
Our second objective is to contribute to the local community through ceramic art. In the autumn, we invited community residents to our Momiji (autumn leaves) festival and held a charity auction at our exhibition. We donated part of our profit from the sale of our works to the Social Welfare Council of Hinohara Village. We regularly hold pottery classes. Only recently, we invited people from a local nursing home for the elderly and made pottery with them. Needless to say, ceramic art itself is exciting. But it goes beyond that. Our club’s charm is that it enables us to meet and associate with many other people.
I must admit that we are having difficulties taking care of our studio, the place for many people to meet, because our members are aging. Now, we are looking for successors who can take it over. We want younger generations to take care of our studio, which is blessed with a wonderful natural environment.
--Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Yuto Yawata)
小梶 画窯園倶楽部の目標は大きく分けて2つあります。1つは、陶芸を愛する会員相互の親睦を深めることです。最近は会員も高齢になり、参加者も減りましたが、春に総会を開き、5月に行楽イベントを開催し、6月は紫陽花祭り、8月には夏祭りと工房での展示会を開いています。
Students debate on Chuo’s relocation plan
“Chuo Vision 2025”, the university’s midterm development plan unveiled in 2015, proposes relocating part of its liberal arts faculties in the Tama campus to central Tokyo. As an initial step, the Faculty of Law is to be moved to the Korakuen campus in Bunkyo Ward, where the Faculty of Science and Engineering is located. President and Chancellor Shozaburo Sakai, in an interview with the weekly magazine AERA in November, mentioned (1) a more efficient deployment of faculty members, (2) promotion of interchanges between students and graduates who work in legal profession and (3) prevention of students flowing out to other law schools from Chuo as the main reasons for the relocation.
中央大学は2015年に策定した中長期事業計画「Chuo Vision 2025」で、文系学部の一部を東京都心へ移転することを掲げ、その第一弾として、法学部を現在理工学部のある文京区の後楽園キャンパスに移すことを計画している。酒井正三郎学長・総長は11月に週刊誌「AERA」のインタビューに答え、法学部の都心移転の理由について①教授陣の効率的配置②法曹界OB/OGとの交流促進③法科大学院進学時の学生の流出防止、などを挙げている。
By the way, Chuo has a weird student circle which calls itself “Henjin-gakubu” (literally meaning the faculty of erratic persons). It holds seminars and mock classes for other students. Leading the group is Kazunari Tanimura, a fourth grader of the Faculty of Law. He calls himself “dean” of the club. On Dec. 13, this Henjin-gakubu organized a public debate on the relocation issue at the Korakuen campus. Before the event, it had polled 104 Faculty of Science and Engineering students about the planned relocation of the Law Faculty to Korakuen. The outcome was neck and neck, with 50 voting for and 54 against.
ところで、中央大学に「変人学部」という風変わりな名の学生サークルがある。 学生向けに学内でセミナーや模擬授業を実施することがこのサークルの活動内容だが、リーダーの谷村一成さん(法学部4年)の役職名は「学部長」だ。この変人学部が12月13日に焦点の後楽園キャンパスで移転問題について公開討論会を開催した。変人学部はこれより先、理工学部生104人を対象に法学部の同キャンパスへの移転について賛否を問うアンケートを実施。賛成50人、反対54人というほぼ拮抗した結果を得ている。
The debate was based on the result of the poll. Three liberal arts students from the Tama campus and four Science and Engineering students from the Korakuen campus took part in the debate as supporters and opponents. One of the supporters, Rumi Fukuda (a fourth grader of the Faculty of Science and Engineering) referred to her own experience of interchanges with arts students from the Tama campus and said, “Features of a comprehensive university cannot be fully exploited in the present situation where arts and science students remain separated at two remote locations. I believe chances to get in touch with diverse values are very much precious.”
On the other hand, a dissenting view was expressed by Keisuke Hosaka (a second grader of the Faculty of Science and Engineering), who pointed out the limited capacity of the Korakuen campus. He said, “The cafeteria on our campus is always packed at the lunch break. If Law Faculty students come over here, we won’t be able to have a meal due to muss and fuss.” In the poll, 31 out of the 54 students who voted against had said such overcrowding will be problematic. Meanwhile, the biggest reason cited by supporters was that the relocation will bring more female students to Korakuen. That looked quite natural given an overwhelmingly high ratio of male students at the Korakuen campus.
Toward the end of the debate, Takatoki Morino (a third grader of the Faculty of Law) suggested, “Our problem might be resolved if Chuo builds its new campus at the site of the Tokyo Tsukiji Fish Market after its relocation (scheduled for October 2018).” Audiences looked excited at his unique idea. “Dean” Tanimura said in his concluding remark, “Students rarely pay their attention to problems their school faces. We organized this debate in hopes of providing them with chances to speak out their opinions.”
How the school authorities will take the result of the poll and debate deserves full attention.
(Written by: Hideki Kato)
Due mainly to a rapidly increasing number of foreign tourists, municipal bus services in the ancient capital city of Kyoto remain seriously crowded, drawing citizens’ complaint over the inconvenience. The main reason for the congestion is the cheapness of a 500-yen one-day pass for the bus services which tourists often use. So, the Kyoto city government has decided to raise its price to 600 yen from next March, based on the recommendations made by a panel of experts. Will the markup really help ease the jam-up?
The one-day pass was first put on sale in 1995. It was priced at 700 yen at that time. The deregulation in subsequent years encouraged private companies to begin bus services, prompting the city government to cut the price to 500 yen in 2000. The number of the pass sold annually grew sharply from about one million in 2000 to 3.64 million in 2010 and 6.14 million in 2015. The reason for the upsurge was the arrival of more foreign tourists who were sensitive to cheapness.
However, the increased sales were not necessarily welcome. The cheaper pass has brought about some adverse effects. Today passengers have to wait in long lines for the next bus to come. Groups of tourists bring their large luggage into the bus, leaving little space for passengers to move around. These have added to the complaint among inconvenienced citizens. The city government has decided to raise the price of the pass to placate their dissatisfaction.
Now, will the hike not result in reducing the number of passengers? The municipal authority estimates that the daily number of bus users will drop by 9,300 from 55,000 at present to some 45,700 after next March. So, it has combined the markup with a cut of the price for its similar “one-day sightseeing bus-subway pass” from 1,200 yen to 900 yen. This is aimed to ease the bus congestion by diverting more passengers to subway services. The city office reckons that the combined annual sales of the two passes will increase from 230 million yen now to 420 million yen.
With the Tokyo Olympics scheduled to begin three years later, the number of foreign tourists may keep growing year after year. Let us hope that the higher price of the one-day pass will help alleviate the bus jam-up, thereby enhancing Kyoto’s appeal to visitors.
東京オリンピックを3年後に控え、外国人観光客もますます増えていくだろう。京都の良さをアピールするうえでも、値上げを機に市営バスの混雑が緩和されていくことに期待したい。 (Written by: Kazuto Seiryu)(聖生和音)
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) announced the result of its National Academic Ability Survey (National Achievement Test) for fiscal 2017 on August 28. The annual test covers elementary and junior high school students all over the nation. In terms of the average rate of correct answers, Akita, Ishikawa and Fukui prefecture ranked among top three again this year as in the past.
The national test was changed in fiscal 2007 to a system requiring all students to answer the same questions after Japan’s ranking sharply dropped in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), an international achievement test. The reformed test, which covers all sixth graders of elementary schools and third graders of junior high schools, was conducted on April 18 this year. Those who sat for the test were approximately 1.01 million from 19,645 elementary schools and about 1.02 million from 9,982 junior high schools. They were required to answer questions in two categories: knowledge (A) and application (B).
Both elementary and junior high school students from certain prefectures constantly keep better scores every year. They are from Akita, Ishikawa and Fukui prefectures. In this year’s test, Akita again ranked top in Japanese language A and B for both elementary and junior high schools. Ishikawa came out top in both Japanese language B and mathematics A and B for elementary schools and in Japanese language A for junior high schools. Fukui took the highest score in both Japanese language A and mathematics A and B for junior high schools. What efforts do the schools in those prefectures make to keep their good performances?
Akita has been promoting a small-group instruction system featuring smaller classes and team teaching since 2001, even before the start-up of the national achievement test. Moreover, it has been conducting its own “learning survey” since 2002. Ishikawa, in collaboration with Kanazawa University, launched a research system to tally and analyze test results after receiving the results of the national achievement tests for the three years from 2007 to 2009. Furthermore, the prefecture has been improving the learning environment and its quality by establishing what it calls “12 Articles on Learning + (plus)” aimed to enhance the students’ level of academic ability.
Fukui has analyzed the results from the annual national achievement tests and compiled a collection of cases clarifying teaching methods with a view to identifying the questions for which the rates of correct answers were particularly lower in the past.
What is common to the three prefectures is that they all analyze the results of the national achievement tests and their own academic ability surveys, find and sort out all relevant problems, set up definite goals and feed teaching methods back to the schools and teachers.
According to the August 28 edition of the Sankei Shimbun, Professor Fumio Imai of Tokyo Gakugei University’s Graduate School of Education, commented on this year’s test results, “Schools now make it a rule to examine and utilize the outcome of the national tests and some prefectures produce good results by learning the teaching methods adopted by higher-ranking prefectures.” What is clear from his remarks is that education to enhance the students’ academic ability needs to be based on their learning conditions and tendency. Many prefectures may learn much from the methods employed by Akita, Ishikawa and Fukui prefectures.
8月28日付の産経新聞によると、東京学芸大教職大学院の今井文男特命教授は、今回の調査結果を受けて「学校現場では調査結果を検討、活用することが定着し、上位県に指導方法を学ぶことで成果を上げた県もある」と述べている。この発言からもうかがえるように、学力向上のためには児童・生徒の学習状況・傾向を踏まえた教育が必要であり、多くの都道府県で上位の県の学習法を参考にしてもらいたいと思う。(Written by: Yuto Yawata)(八幡 侑斗)
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New Chief Executive Director Omura tells Hakumon Herald
It is six months since Masahiko Omura took office as Chief Executive Director of Chuo University. Commemorating its 130th anniversary in 2015, the university released Chuo Vision 2025, a 10-year development plan in which it unveiled a policy to relocate part of its liberal arts faculties to Tokyo’s urban center by 2022. The Faculty of Law will be top among those to be relocated. By locating it near Chuo Law School at Tokyo’s Ichigaya campus in an integrated manner, the school authority is aiming to enhance the faculty’s power of brand and maximize the effectiveness of its legal instruction. The plan also calls for founding new faculties at the Tama campus. Hakumon Herald interviewed Omura to ask how the plan is progressing.
大村雅彦氏が中央大学理事長に就任して6カ月が経過した。現在、大学は「中長期事業計画Chuo Vision 2025」で、2022年までに文系学部の一部を都心へ移転する方針を発表している。移転の第一候補とされる法学部のブランド力を強化するとともに、法科大学院と一体的に配置することによって教育効果の最大化を図るのがねらいだ。他にも多摩キャンパスに複数の新学部を創設するという計画も公表している。そこで白門ヘラルドは大学経営の最高責任者である大村新理事長に話を聞いた。
-How is Chuo’s relocation plan progressing?
Omura: We are passionately pressing ahead with our study and negotiations. Specifically, we are considering whether we can relocate the Faculty of Law and related buildings such as “Honoo-no-Tou” or Tower of Flame (a facility for students preparing to take national examinations, in particular the national bar exam) together with Chuo Law School to the Korakuen campus in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo, where the Faculty of Science and Engineering is located. However, an additional building area is restricted there because the mandatory floor-space ratio, the percentage of floor space to site area, is in force in central Tokyo.
大村理事長 検討や交渉は熱心に進められています。具体的には、理工学部のある東京・文京区の後楽園キャンパスに、法学部と法職研究室「炎の塔」などの関連建物を移転できないか検討しています。ただ、敷地に対する建築面積の割合を表す容積率により、増設できる面積が制限されています。
If the additional building being planned by us proves impossible, we may have to purchase a new tract of land elsewhere in downtown. Some people are concerned that land prices may go up prior to the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020. But we are not worried about that. Judging from the recent trends of land price in Tokyo, we can't think it will soar explosively over the next years as it did during Japan's bubble economy period.
As to possible impacts of the Tokyo Olympics, we are rather concerned about the upsurge of the cost of materials and personnel expenses needed for the construction of our new school building. About this, since the construction of the national stadium and other Olympic facilities should have been completed by 2019 at the latest, we are considering starting the construction of the new school building after those expenses have begun falling. We plan to complete the construction of our Tokyo downtown campus by 2022 while making utmost efforts to hold the cost to the minimum.
-What do you think is important for Chuo’s future development?
Omura: I think it is important to retain and strengthen both our tradition and new elements. Chuo's each faculty has its own tradition. Each faculty has been producing a number of graduates who play an active part at the forefront of various industries. We do want each and every one of you to follow your predecessors. Yet, what society requires of universities keeps changing in tandem with the changes of the times.
大村理事長 伝統と新しい要素の両方を維持・強化することが重要だと考えています。中央大学の各学部には伝統があり、それぞれの業界の第一線で活躍している卒業生を多数輩出しています。後輩の皆さんも、ぜひ先輩に続いてほしいと思っています。ただ、時代の変化に伴い社会が大学に求めるものも変わっていきます。
We must not only maintain the status quo but also change ourselves in line with the times in order to ensure our further development. Therefore, we are planning to set up at the Tama campus new faculties that can nurture the abilities required in modern society. Specifically, we will reorganize our Faculty of Policy Studies to create new faculties dealing with international relations and digitalization.
We are also discussing plans to found a new community-rooted faculty that can help the aging regional society resolve its own problems through sports science. Some other universities have already done such things. But I don't think we are too late.
-Thank you.
―ありがとうございました。 (Written by Yuta Uchino.)(聞き手/内野裕大)
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1954, Omura graduated from the Faculty of Law of Chuo University in 1977 and was appointed professor of the Faculty of Law in 1990. He served as Dean of Chuo Law School from 2004 to 2007 and as Director of Chuo International Center from 2012 to 2014. He was named Executive Director of Chuo University in 2014 and took office as Chief Executive Director in May 2017.
1954年生まれ。兵庫県出身。1977年中央大学法学部卒。90年同法学部教授。 2004年同大学院法務研究科長(07年まで)。12年同国際センター所長(14年まで)。14年中央大学常任理事。17年5月理事長に就任。
アイヌや琉球の伝統芸能を披露 ― 中大JAPAN DAY
Traditional Ainu and Ryukyu dances and music were featured at the “JAPAN DAY” event which took place under the theme of “multiethnic nation Japan” at Chuo University’s Tama campus on May 26. Both Japanese and international students looked satisfied with the rare opportunity to come into contact with those unfamiliar ethnic cultures.
中央大学多摩キャンパスで去る5月26日、「多民族国家日本」をテーマに、アイヌや琉球の伝統的舞踊や音楽などが披露されるイベント「JAPAN DAY」が開かれた。参加した一般学生や留学生らは、日ごろ馴染みの薄いこれら民族の文化に触れる機会を与えられ、満足したようだ。
JAPAN DAY has been held once a month since last December for the purpose of acquainting Chuo’s international students with Japanese culture. It is planned and managed by students. The event is aimed to promote cross-cultural communication by giving Japanese students chances to convey their culture to international students to help them learn more about it. It was the fifth time the event had been held.
JAPAN DAYは留学生に向け日本の文化を伝える目的で、昨年12月から毎月開催されているイベント。学生スタッフが企画、運営している。日本人学生は自国の文化を留学生に伝え、留学生は日本の文化を肌で感じることで異文化交流を図ろうというもので、今回が5回目だった。
At G Square where JAPAN DAY took place, the participants were seen trying to communicate with each other in Ainu and Ryukyu languages and perform their traditional dances under the leadership of the event organizers. Maoko Yokouchi, a second grader of the Faculty of Law and one of the organizers, said she has doubts about many people thinking that Japan is a homogeneous state. She told Hakumon Herald, “I hope this event will provide a good opportunity for people to know that Japan is a multiethnic nation.”
Kazunari Tanimura, a fourth grader of the Faculty of Law, who performed traditional Ainu dances, underlined the significance of the event, saying, “This is a good opportunity to convey Japanese culture not just to international students but Japanese students as well. I do hope they will know more about various cultures and ethnics in Japan, including the Ainu and Ryukyuan in particular.” Why don’t you take part in one of JAPAN DAY monthly events?
(Written by: Mika Yamamoto)(山本美香)
東大が年々順位を落とす理由は? ―世界大学ランキング―
The University of Tokyo, one of top universities in Japan, has dropped its rank from 39th place to 46th place, its lowest to date, according to the World University Rankings 2018 announced recently by UK educational journal "Times Higher Education" (THE). Why did that happen?
The annual ranking, published since 2004, is based on an overall evaluation and analysis of five items: (1) teaching ability, (2) research ability, (3) research impact (number of citations from articles), (4) international outlook and (5) income collected from industry.
The ranking for 2018 listed the top 1,000 universities from 77 countries across the world. The University of Oxford (UK) held on to the number one spot, followed by the University of Cambridge (UK). Third place was shared by California Institute of Technology and Stanford University (both U.S.), with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (U.S.) coming fifth. As in the past, European and U.S. universities virtually monopolized the top 10 spots.
Among the Japanese universities listed in the ranking, the University of Tokyo took the highest 46th position and Kyoto University placed 74th. They were the only Japanese universities to be named among the top 100. The University of Tokyo has been dropping its rank almost every year since it climbed to its highest 23rd place in 2014, falling to 46th in this year’s list.
One major reason for the Japanese universities’ uphill battle is that both "number of citations” and "international outlook” weigh heavily in the ranking, a factor that makes them disadvantageous both geographically and linguistically as compared to overseas universities. Especially when it comes to the number of articles cited in English, their evaluation tends to be lower than that of universities in English-speaking countries.
For example, the National University of Singapore, which placed 27th, or the highest in Asia, was evaluated lower than the University of Tokyo in terms of "teaching ability" and "research ability" but scored 79.7 in "the number of citations” to overtake the University of Tokyo which got 62.4.
Tsukasa Endo, an associate professor of Kogakkan University, said in Yahoo News, "Foreign people cannot cite papers written in Japanese. Even when their contents are highly rated, they cannot be referred to for citation.” He suggested in this regard that Japan should set up an institution that translates excellent research papers written in Japanese into English.
皇學館大學の遠藤司准教授はヤフー・ニュースの中で「日本語で書かれた論文を海外の人たちは引用できない。研究力は高く評価されていたとしても、論文の引用はされないのである」とし、優れた研究論文を英語に翻訳する機関をつくることを提唱している。(Written by: Akinori Murashima)(村嶋章紀)
Learning from participation in LGBT convention
“Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2017”, a gathering related to sexual minorities or LGBT, was held at Yoyogi Park in Tokyo’s Shibuya in May. The annual event since 2012 drew a record 108,000 participants during its two-day session, also with a record 500 taking part in a parade that followed. Tokyo streets took on rainbow colors as the participants walked along with banners and placards in hand.
LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. According to a survey conducted in 2015 by Dentsu Diversity Lab, a unit of the major ad agent, the number of such sexual minorities in Japan is estimated at about 9.51 million or 7.67% of the total population.
Tokyo Rainbow Pride is an organization aimed to help LGBTs live positively without being exposed to discrimination and prejudice. It is sponsored by major enterprises such as Japan Tobacco Inc. and Marui Co. and various other organizations. In addition to the annual convention and parade, it monthly hosts an event dubbed “Shibuya ni kakeru niji” (putting a rainbow over Shibuya) to provide a community space for interchanges among LGBTs. The space is an oasis for LGBTs, where they occasionally talk to each other on a theme-by-theme basis. Those who are not affiliated with the organization are free to join them.
This reporter participated in one of its activities, Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2017. The two-day convention consisted of “Festa Day and “Parade Day”. Your reporter took part in the latter. Among the participants were not only LGBTs but also ‘straight allies’ who understand them and support their campaigns. Singer Mika Nakashima was among the celebrities who took part in the amped-up parade.
Various companies set up exhibition booths at Yoyogi Park, the venue of the convention. One of them, arranged by an insurance company, was seen pitching its products to homosexual couples. Many of the participants left the park for the parade, wearing rainbow-colored goods symbolizing sexual diversity. They walked around in the Shibuya and Harajuku districts, carrying placards that appealed sexual diversity in their own words. One of them read, “Try to know really what I am, regardless of sex.” Some LGBT supporters carried placards saying “I’m an ally”.
会場の代々木公園には、様々な企業がブースを開き、同性カップル向けの保険プランを提供する保険会社のブースも置かれていた。パレード参加者は、同公園を出発し、性の多様性を表す虹色のグッズなどを身にまといながら、渋谷や原宿でプラカードをもち行進。プラカードには、自らの言葉で性の多様性を訴えものが多く、中には「男女関係なく、本当の私を知って欲しい」という当事者の声や、「I’m ally」といったLGBTを支持するものも目立った。
The parade was utterly devoid of political colors. It gave a bright atmosphere, featuring women dancing and singing on colorfully decorated floats. It is only recently that discrimination against LGBTs has come to be considered problematic in Japan. A Hitotsubashi University graduate student killed himself in 2015 after his homosexuality was revealed by his friend against his intention, drawing a great deal of public attention. Let us wish that more people will correctly understand sexual minorities and do away with their prejudice.
パレード全体の雰囲気は、完璧に政治性を帯びたものではなく、車両などをカラフルに装飾した山車(だし)に乗った女性が踊ったり、歌を歌ったりしていて、明るい印象であった。LGBTへの差別が問題視されてきたのはごく最近のことである。15年に自らが同性愛者であることを友人に暴露されて自殺した一橋大学院生の悲劇は、世間の関心を呼び起こした。性的少数者を正し理解し、偏見がなくなることを切に願う。(Written by: Yoshikazu Kazamoto)(風本祥一)
Chuo graduate runs business in Shanghai
More Japanese go abroad each year not to do sightseeing but to work and live there. The statistics released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs put the number of Japanese workers abroad at approximately 1.3 million. Among foreign cities, Shanghai, China, ranks fourth in terms of the number of Japanese residents. At present, some 60,000 Japanese live and work there. Tatsuya Ishigaki, who graduated from Chuo’s Faculty of Law in 1996, is one of them. He is the managing director of the Shanghai subsidiary of Eightrent Co., Ltd, a Tokyo-based office equipment rental service provider. First posted in Shanghai 13 years ago, he now goes all-out to expand his firm’s business in China together with his 20 local employees. Hakumon Herald interviewed Ishigaki in Shanghai about the significance and difficulties of working abroad.
観光目的でなく、海外で働き、暮らす日本人の数は年々増えており、外務省の統計によると、現在約130万人が海外で働いている。都市別で在留邦人の数が4番目に多いのが中国の上海市で、現在約6万人が滞在している。ここに紹介する石垣達也さんもその1人だ。 1996年に中央大学法学部を卒業した石垣さんは、法人向けオフィス用品のレンタルサービス会社「エイトレント」(本社・東京)の上海現地法人の責任者。上海滞在13年目、現在は20人の中国人スタッフと共に中国事業のさらなる発展を目指す。石垣さんに海外で働くことの意義、難しさについて語ってもらった。
Hard days in new place
-How were you posted in Shanghai?
Ishigaki: I joined Eightrent upon my graduation and was assigned a job to promote sales in the domestic market for eight years. I had been deeply interested in managing a company since my college days. So, I talked one day with my company president about my desire. He assigned me a job to establish his firm’s subsidiary in Shanghai. It was how I moved to Shanghai. Since 2004, I’ve been working as managing director of the Shanghai subsidiary.
石垣 大学卒業後エイトレントに入社。8年間は国内の営業を担当していました。大学時代から企業経営というものに関心をもっていましたので、当時の社長に相談したところ、上海現地法人の立ち上げを任され上海に赴任しました。2004年から経営責任者として働いています。
-What difficulties do you have in managing a company in China?
Ishigaki: One of my difficulties concerns management of locally hired employees. Soon after I took up my assignment in Shanghai, I was surprised to see Chinese workers lacked the common practices shared by Japanese business people. For example, they didn’t abide by their work hours. What annoys me even now is their basic attitude to labor. They tend to do only what they’re asked to do. In my opinion, their government has created an environment where it rigorously requires people to follow the directions of their leaders and does not encourage them to think for themselves. I think this is one of reasons for their attitude. With this unique working culture in China, you cannot win the hearts of your customers. However, I failed to produce good results even when I touted Chinese employees to learn the marketing skills I learned in Japan.
石垣 難しいのは現地社員のマネジメントです。駐在当初、社員が勤務時間を守らないなど、日本の企業人の常識が浸透していないことに驚きました。今も苦労しているのは、中国人社員の勤労に対する姿勢です。彼らは言われたことだけやるという姿勢で仕事に臨みます。中国ではリーダーの指示に従うことを、国が国民に徹底的に求め、自ら考えることをあまり求められない環境が理由にあるのではないかと考えます。その中国独特の勤労文化では顧客の心をつかみきれません。かといって、私が日本で学んだ営業手法を現地社員に教育しても順調に実績を上げることはできませんでした。
-So, how did you sort out those problems?
Ishigaki: I have given up on my stereotyped thinking. I have tried to be flexible in dealing with matters. This has gradually helped me nurture employees who can offer quality services to their customers. For example, I have given them greater discretion and encouraged them to be responsible for their own work. Now I urge them to realize how they can think for themselves and produce results for themselves. I always talk with my employees to encourage them to take a proactive action. More communication has brought more vigor to our office. I think to be tolerant to cultural difference and flexible in dealing with it can provide a foundation for people who work abroad.
石垣 型にはまった思考をやめ、柔軟に対処することを心がけることで徐々に質の高いサービスを提供する社員管理ができるようになりました。例えば、大きな裁量権を社員に持たせ、仕事に対する責任感を持ってもらっています。自分で考え、自分で成果を出すことを実感してもらっています。私は社員との対話を常に心がけ、主体的なサービス提供を促しています。対話が増えた結果、職場には活気が生まれました。文化の違いに寛容になり、柔軟に対応することが海外で働く上での基礎になると思います。
Meet more people in college life
-How did you spend your days at Chuo University?
Ishigaki: I was just an ordinary student, working part time jobs, doing circle activities and dating with my girl friends from time to time. If I could come back to my student days, I would meet more people from various walks of life, elderly people in particular.
石垣 バイト、サークル活動、時々彼女とのデートがルーティンの普通の学生でしたね (笑い)。もし、学生時代に戻れるとしたら、目上の人など、もっといろんな人と会っていればよかったな、と思います。
-Why do you feel so?
Ishigaki: Because I think if I had learned more from predecessors about their failure and success stories, I could have made use of them for my own life. For example, I spent my first three years in Shanghai worrying about how to produce better results by cooperating with people brought up in different culture. I thought I could have avoided making such detour if I had met a person who experienced a failure similar to the one I made. In this respect, I value the Shanghai Hakumon Alumni Association for which I serve as one of managers. It groups Chuo graduates currently residing in Shanghai. It is an ideal community that provides an environment for its members to build both vertical and horizontal relationships with each other.
石垣 先人たちの失敗や成功談を聞いておけば、自分の人生に役立てることができたと考えるからです。例えば、上海に来てから、私は初めの3年間、日本と違う文化で育った人と協力し、ビジネス上の成果を上げる有効な手段が分からず、悩みました。私と同じような失敗をした人と早くに出会えていれば、そんな回り道はせずに済んだと思います。その点で、私が幹事を務める「上海白門会」のような、中大出身者の集まりである中大コミュニティは、世代の縦軸、横軸の関係を構築できるいい環境が整っていると思います。
-Tell us what the association does?
Ishigaki: Our monthly meetings are always full of vigor. As members are active in various business domains, we can always spend an exciting and fruitful time communicating with each other. One of our members call the meeting “my heart and soul” where they can talk to friends from the same university in a country far from their motherland. Aside from the regular get-together, I’m planning to build a structure that may help younger generations who experience hardships similar to the ones I had soon after arriving in Shanghai.
石垣 月1度の定例会は常に賑わいます。会員の皆さんはさまざまな分野で活躍されているので、毎回、刺激的な時間が過ごせます。異国の地で同郷の仲間と語ることができるこの機会を「心のよりどころ」と表現する方もいます。今後は懇親会に加えて、私と同じような苦労をする若い世代に貢献できるような仕組みができればいいなと思います。
-Can you give a few words to Chuo students?
Ishigaki: I advise students who want to work in the world to go abroad, do volunteer work, hold study meetings and experience business practice while making friends and enjoying beautiful scenery in culturally diverse environments. To experience the difficulties of understanding each other’s culture and cooperating with local people should surely become your future nourishment.
石垣 世界を舞台に働きたいと思う人は、異国を訪れ、友人をつくる、美しい景色を堪能することに加えて、文化が入り混じる環境で、ボランティア、勉強会、ビジネスを実践してみてください。お互いの文化を理解し、協力することの難しさを経験できることは将来の糧になるはずです。
-Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)(聞き手/加藤英樹)
New friend born to Duffy
A girl rabbit Stella Lou was born at Tokyo DisneySea in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture, in March this year as a new friend to Disney character Duffy. Only six months later in September, she came fourth after Duffy, outstripping once-popular Hello Kitty and Snoopy, according to the “Ranking of Soft Toys” released by a company.
What kind of character is Stella Lou? To begin with, Duffy the Disney Bear, born in 2005, already had Shellie May (another bear born in 2010) and Gelatoni (a cat born in 2014) among his friends. Stella Lou has now joined them. Here is how she was born.
When Stella Lou was practicing dancing one day, she met Duffy and told him that she had a dream to be a dancer. Duffy had thought dreams were something one would see only while asleep. But she taught him that wising to be a dancer someday is also a dream. Then, Duffy wished to support her and they became friends. Lavender-colored Stella Lou, with lovely ears and eyes shining like stars, is a girl who dreams of becoming a Broadway dancer. Her existence lets him know how splendid it is to dream a dream.
According to an online news site, one of the reasons for the popularity of Duffy’s friends including Stella Lou is that their owners can dress them in favorite costumes and that they are available only at Tokyo DisneySea in Japan. Yuka Ishihara, an employee of Oriental Land Co. that runs DisneySea, planned a ceremony featuring the debut of Stella Lou. She said, “We cherish the story about each of our characters and we value their individualities.” As she says, the story about Stella Lou seems to be well put together.
Stella Lou has won popularity in shows and as character goods so quickly after her debut. It is indeed interesting to see how she will do in the future.
(Written by: Yui Tomori) (友利 唯)
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JAXA certifies kakino tane as snack for astronauts
Kakino tane, a rice cracker, was recently certified by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) as a snack to be consumed by Japanese astronauts during their stay at the International Space Station (ISS). Originating from Niigata Prefecture, it is one of the most popular rice crackers in Japan. It was so named as it looks alike permission seed in shape. Now a new version has been developed as a pace food by Kameda Seika, a company based in the city of Niigata.
Kameda Seika launched its project in 2014 and spent three years of research and development in hopes of helping astronauts improve the work efficiency during their long stay at the ISS by enjoying the taste and texture of Japanese food. Its newly developed product was certified as a Japanese space food in August.
The product is officially sorted as “rice cracker mixed with peanut”. Each pack contains 35 grams, consisting of 60% of cracker and 40% of peanut. It is assured to remain fresh for a year and half, or four times longer than the commercially available version whose eat-by freshness date is four months.
In order to get their products certified as a space food, producers are required to meet the criteria for space use. Kameda Seika has given various twists to its product to satisfy the requirements. The snack is contained on a 90 mm x 9 mm x 40 mm tray, whose cover and bottom are gilt with something like a fastener tape. The pack can be repeatedly opened and closed or fastened to a fixed place inside the cabin of the ISS. It keeps its content from flying off so that astronauts can easily eat it even in the gravity-free space.
Kameda Seika’s kakino tane is not the sole Japanese space food certified by JAXA. The agency has so far endorsed 29 items produced by 13 companies. They include cooked rice, noodles, curry and fish. These make us feel the remote space is closer to us.
Written by: Yuto Yawata(八幡 侑斗)
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Ministry unveils amendment bill
Health risks caused by passive smoking or inhaling of tobacco fumes from others pose serious concern in Japan as in many other countries. Kota Katanoda, chief of the Division of Cancer Statistics Integration of the Center for Cancer Control and Information Services (CIS) at the National Cancer Center Japan, reported in May 2016 that “15,000 people die annually in Japan due to diseases caused by passive smoking”. On March 1 this year, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare unveiled a draft bill on amendment of the Health Promotion Act aimed to beef it up with penalty for breach of anti-passive smoking provisions.
The present law enforced in 2003 requires the managers of public facilities such as schools, hospitals, theaters and restaurants to “take necessary steps to prevent passive smoking.” However, it has no binding power as it does not penalize violations. The proposed amendment sets penalties for wrongdoers. The draft bill reads, “In the case of serious offenses, managers of the designated facilities shall pay a maximum of 500,000 yen and persons who smoked there shall pay a maximum of 300,000 yen in correctional fine.” The government submitted the amendment bill during the last Diet (parliament) session.
The British medical journal Lancet reported six years ago that an estimated 600,000 people died of passive smoking-related diseases all over the world in 2004. This clearly indicates that health damage caused by passive smoking is a major social issue in many countries including Japan. In this situation, a comprehensive indoor smoking ban has been put into force in the United States (New York State), the United Kingdom, Canada and Brazil. Similarly, China, Russia, South Korea, France and Germany have banned smoking in the premises of public facilities.
In Japan, however, prevention of passive smoking is not making much progress. Dr. Anarfi Asamoa-Baah, deputy director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), made a bitter statement during his visit to Japan on April 7. He said, “Japan’s initiatives are outdated.” Among Japan’s municipalities, anti-passive smoking ordinances with penal provisions were enforced only in Kanagawa Prefecture in 2010 and then in Hyogo Prefecture in 2013. A group made up of 133 insurance companies petitioned Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike for a similar ordinance in September 2016.
The proposed amendment to the Health Promotion Act was aimed to trigger a national debate on the government’s initiative to ban passive smoking. However, the amendment bill drew criticism from some lawmakers within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) who said its provisions are “too rigid”. As a result, the bill failed to be enacted during the last Diet session which adjourned on June 18. It seems the day when no one suffers from passive smoking in Japan is still far away.
Written by: Yuto Yawata (八幡侑斗)
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First detected in Japan this spring
Fire ants, a poisonous species native of South America, have been discovered one after another across Japan, mainly in coastal areas, since late in May, causing grave concern among local residents. Once bitten by the insect, humans suffer a severe burning sensation and may die in extreme cases. While they have already been found in Australia, Taiwan, Southern China and some other Pacific Rim countries, their existence was confirmed for the first time in Japan. The Ministry of the Environment has been warning people to be on the alert. Is it possible to block their further invasion into Japan? And what precautions are being taken?
According to the National Institute for Environmental Studies, fire ants vary in size from 2.5 to 6 mm, have a red brown body and darker abdomen, and build a nest (anthill) 15 to 50 cm tall on the ground. They are fierce and aggressive by nature, stinging humans over and over again. Their fertility is proved to be quite strong, with each queen producing up to 2,000 to 3,000 eggs per day.
Japan’s Invasive Alien Species Act designates fire ants as a specific creature that disrupts the ecosystem and causes damage to agricultural, forestry and fishery industries as well as human life and health. Once a creature is so specified by the act, its feeding, cultivation, storage, transfer and import are placed under severe restrictions. Furthermore, the legislation requires the state and local governments to take preventive measures where necessary. Accordingly, effective countermeasures need to be urgently taken to prevent the insect from settling in Japan.
On July 4 when a swarm of fire ants were found at Osaka-Minami Port, then Environment Minister Koichi Yamamoto said at a press conference, “The government will do all it can to detect and exterminate (them) as early as possible,” stressing a policy to push ahead with what he called a shoreline operation across the country. In Kobe where fire ants were also detected on July 13, Mayor Kizo Hisamoto told his regular press briefing, “We will step up our fight against harmful alien species centering on insets by enlisting knowledge and information from experts.” The city has formed a task force, made up of Koichi Goka, head of the Ecological Risk Assessment and Control Section of the Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies at the National Institute for Environmental Studies, and about 10 other members including specialists and Environment Ministry staffers, with a view to working out a basic plan geared for prevention at an early stage of the invasion by harmful alien species.
Then, what have other countries done so far to counter the invasion by fire ants? On July 10, the Asahi Shimbun reported a successful case in New Zealand where fire ants were found in 2004 and 2006. It said that periodical checks in the port areas and citizens’ constant supply of relevant information resulted in an early detection of the insects, making New Zealand the sole country to exterminate them. Will Japan be able to keep quick-breeding fire ants at bay?
(Written by: Yuto Yawata)(八幡 侑斗)
New South Korean President Moon pledges renegotiation
The issue of “comfort women”, a euphemism for the Korean women forced into Japanese military brothels before and during World War II, holds the key to improvement of the relationship between Japan and South Korea along with the territorial dispute over Takeshima islets which Koreans call Dokto. Drawing attention in this respect is the inauguration on May 10 of South Korean President Moon Jae-in, 64, who had pledged in his election manifesto to renegotiate the comfort women agreement made by the Japanese and South Korean governments in 2015. Japan has reiterated its position that the accord is not renegotiable. How will the issue evolve in the future?
The Korean women forced into sexual slavery for Japanese soldiers came to the surface and developed into a major diplomatic issue about 27 years ago. In August 1993, then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono released a statement, acknowledging the Japanese military’s involvement and expressing apologies and remorse on behalf of the Japanese government. In December 2015, then Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and his Korean counterpart Yun Byung-se had a round of talks and reached an agreement. The accord, announced at a press conference by the two ministers, stated that: (1) the South Korean government will establish a foundation for the purpose of providing support for the former comfort women and the Japanese government will contribute 1 billion yen to its funds, (2) the South Korean government will make an effort to remove the comfort woman statue built in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul and (3) the two governments confirm that the comfort women issue is resolved “finally and irreversibly” with this announcement.
戦時中に日本軍の関与の下で将兵の性の相手を強いられた韓国人女性の問題が明るみにされ、日韓間の外交問題となったのは27年ほど前のこと。この間、1993年8月に日本政府は関与を認め、河野洋平官房長官(当時)のお詫びと反省の談話が出たりするなどの経緯をたどった。2015年12月、日韓両外相が会談し、 ①日本側は元慰安婦を支援する韓国の財団へ10億円を拠出する ②韓国側は在韓国日本大使館前の慰安婦像撤去へ向け努力する ③同問題を最終的かつ不可逆的な解決とする、などで合意、記者発表された。
The Democratic Party of Korea led by Moon had expressed its objection to the bilateral agreement even before its upset victory in the legislative election held in April 2016. Therefore, Moon had been expected to pledge a renegotiation of the accord in his manifesto during the campaign for the presidential election, which was held in May 2017 after the impeachment and dismissal of President Park Geun-hye.
文氏が代表を務める「共に民主党」は、 2016年4月の議会選挙で劇的な勝利を収めたが、それ以前からこの合意に反対を表明していた。したがって、朴槿恵大統領の罷免・失職を受け今年5月に行われた大統領選挙で文候補が合意再交渉を公約に掲げたのも予期されたことであった。
President Moon sticks to a renegotiation of the comfort women agreement because of Korean citizens’ persistent discontent over the document. According to a poll conducted last December by Korean opinion research agency Realmeter, 59% of the respondents said “the agreement should be renounced”. That largely exceeded 25.5% who said “it should be maintained”. The result suggests that nearly 60% of Korean people are opposed to the accord.
What about Japanese people? A nationwide poll carried out by the Yomiuri Shimbun on May 12-14 showed that 61% of the respondents said “the Japanese government does not need to comply with a Korean government proposal for renegotiation.” Queried on future Japan-Korea relations following the inauguration of the Moon administration, 58% replied “there will be little change” while 23% predicted “the relations will get worse”, indicating that there is a wide perception gap between the two neighboring peoples.
In this situation, Toshihiro Nikai, Secretary General of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party, visited Seoul on June 12 for his first talks with President Moon. According to the Korean presidential office, the president stressed the need to renegotiate the agreement on comfort women by telling Nikai, “It is unacceptable to the Korean people, in particular, to former comfort women.” Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Moon held their first summit on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in July in Hamburg, Germany. However, they reportedly made little headway on the comfort women issue. According to Japanese officials who briefed journalists on their talks, Moon told Abe that the Japan-Korea agreement, made under the Park administration, is “emotionally” unacceptable to many Korean people. In reply, the prime minister was quoted as telling the president that the 2015 accord provides “an indispensable basis for building future-oriented Japan-South Korea relations”. People in both countries are closely watching how the two governments will deal with the contentious issue.
こうした中、自民党の二階俊博幹事長が6月12日、韓国を訪問し、文大統領と初めて会談。韓国大統領府によると、会談で文大統領は慰安婦問題についての日韓合意について「韓国国民と、誰よりも元慰安婦には受け入れられない」と述べ、日韓慰安婦合意の再交渉の必要性を強調した。安倍首相と文大統領は 7月にドイツ・ハンブルクで開かれたG20会議に出席、その機会に初の首脳会談をおこなったが、慰安婦問題についておおきな進展はなかったようだ。会談について記者団にブリーフィングした日本側関係者によると、文大統領は安倍首相に日韓合意は朴槿恵大統領政権の下で行われたもので、多くの韓国民にとって「感情的に」受け入れがたいものであると伝えた。これに対し、安倍首相は同合意が「未来志向の日韓関係構築に欠かせない基礎をなす」ものである点を強調したという。両国政府が今後この問題をどう処理するか注目される。
(Written by: Yuto Yawata)(八幡 侑斗)
A two-minute walk from the closest monorail station to Chuo University brings you to a restaurant. “Terranch” was opened two years ago mainly for students by Yuki Matstumoto when he was a first grader of Chuo’s Faculty of Commerce. Hakumon Herald interviewed the owner of the restaurant about how he started up his business and what he plans to do with it in the future.
Soon after he entered Chuo, Matsumoto worked as an intern for Nojima Corp., a major consumer electronics retail chain founded and run by Hiroshi Nojima, a graduate of Chuo University. There he met people with strong individuality and that motivated him to open his own restaurant. He acted with a sense of speed. In fact, it was only after a few months of preparation that he accomplished his purpose. Matsumoto said, “I thought if I didn’t act while I was a first grader, I wouldn’t act at all later on.”
He named his restaurant after a person called Teramoto whom he got acquainted with during his internship. His friends often said, “Let’s go to Teramotonchi (meaning Teramoto’s house).” That was why Matsumoto decided to call his shop “Terranch” for short.
Customers who frequent the restaurant are mostly students. Among them are a unique one who likes to act as a magician, another who does palm reading and many others who are keen about their job hunting. Matsumoto found it hard to retain customers in his first year of business. “Now I rarely have hard times,” he said. He added he finds his job worthwhile particularly when he sees a student say “As compared to eating elsewhere alone, I feel easier to dine here with people who sit around me to listen to me” or when he sees customers hit it off with each other and decide to start up a new student club.
Terranchi, now in its third year, is at a major turning point, however. Matsumoto has been running the restaurant with a partner, one of his friends, since its start-up. He said he is having difficulties finding a person who will take it over. He and his partner are planning to hand it over to anyone who is “keenly interested” in doing the business. However, they are worried if they can find a person who will keep it properly.
Terranchi has helped many people get together. It may remain a place where students can meet with each other to become friends. Let us hope that the restaurant which Matsumoto has elaborately nurtured will continue to play its role.
(Written by: Chika Sato)
About the restaurant
Name: Terranchi
Location: First floor, Gobankangakuentoshi Dragon Mansion 228 Higashi-Nakano Hachioji, Tokyo
Open for business: 18:00 to 22:30
Closed: Wednesdays
Number of seats: 10 (all non-smoking)
*Up to 25 seats are available on special occasions such as a welcome party for newcomers
Cause for concern over government’s educational plans
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) announced the result of its “Survey on English-Language Education Practice” for fiscal 2016 on April 7, 2017. It is the fourth in an annual series of the survey, which has been carried out since fiscal 2013 to cover the public junior and senior high schools across the nation. Highlighted in the latest survey is the fact that the English-language proficiency of teachers in these schools has not been advancing in line with the government-set goals.
The master plan approved at a Cabinet session in 2013 required English-language teachers to have the Eiken (English-language proficiency test) Grade Pre-1 level or higher. It said the level should be reached by 75% of those in senior high schools and 50% of those in junior high schools by fiscal 2017. The survey result made public this time showed that those who have attained that level accounted for 62% of the total (up 4.9 points from the previous year) in senior high schools and 32% (up 1.8% points) in junior high schools. Both ratios, though slightly higher than the year before, indicate that the government-set goals are hard to achieve.
Two days earlier on April 5, MEXT also announced the result of a similar survey conducted in fiscal 2016 on the level of students’ English-language proficiency. Commenced in fiscal 2012, this survey covers the students at 12,850 junior and senior high schools. The ratios of those who reached Eiken Grade Pre-2 or Grade 3 were 36.4% (up 2.1 points) for the third graders of senior high schools and 36.1% (down 0.5% points) for the third graders of junior high schools. Both barely reached the government-set 50% goal to be achieved by fiscal 2017. One of worrisome points about the latest survey is that the ratio of junior high school third graders, which had kept on rising like that of senior high school third graders, dropped for the first time ever.
The two MEXT surveys imply that the teachers’ declining English-language ability is partly to blame for the slower progress on the part of students. Put differently, there is concern that teachers’ English-language ability itself is falling, aside from the problem of their leadership to teach students. Reasons for this may include an easy employment of teachers and some shortcomings inherent in the teacher’s license renewal system. Especially as to the latter, it is said that teachers applying for license renewal are only required to sit for a course without having their academic skill or leadership re-examined.Teachers nowadays are too busy looking after non-classroom affairs and have fewer opportunities for self-improvement. That seems to be also responsible for their falling command of English.
Four years ago, MEXT made public an action plan on English-language education aimed to develop persons who can be active in the international arena. The plan called for English-language classes in junior high schools to be conducted in principle in English and classes in senior high schools to focus on presentation and debate so that students can acquire English-language proficiency equivalent to Eiken Grade 2 to Grade Pre-1 upon their graduation. MEXT said it will start introducing the plan in stages in fiscal 2018 and fully implement it in fiscal 2020.
文科省は4年前、国際的に活躍できる人材を育成するための英語教育に関する実施計画を発表。中学校の英語授業は原則として英語で行い、高校の授業では発表や討論などに重点を置き、卒業時に英検2級から準1級程度の英語力を身に付ける目標を設定した。そして 2018年度からこれらを段階的に導入し、20年度の全面実施を目指すとしている。
Judging from the results of the two latest surveys, however, it is questionable whether the government plans will smoothly work or not.(Witten by: Yuto Yawata)
今回発表された2つの調査結果からみて、政府の計画がすんなり進むのか、危ぶまれる。(八幡 侑斗)
A mental disorder afflicting modern people
Have you ever heard of a mental disorder called schizophrenia? It drew wide attention when the behavioral genetics technology development team at Japanese national research institution RIKEN found in March 2017 that a symptom similar to schizophrenia suffered by adult mice was healed by genetic treatment.
Schizophrenia remains little known in Japan although it is a relatively mundane disease that afflicts one in every hundred persons. According to a survey made in 2012 by Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K., the Japan unit of U.S.-based medical equipment multinational Johnson & Johnson group, only 55.6% of 5,500 Japanese men and women aged between 20 and 69 answered they knew of schizophrenia. The poll showed that the biggest number, or 57.6% of the respondents, thought the disease stems from “failures in human relations” while less than half, or 43.6%, correctly understood it is a “brain and neural disorder”.
Medical institutions and groups that support schizophrenia patients are puzzled over the lack of understanding. The Japanese government renamed the disease in 2002 to schizophrenia from derogatory split personality. A survey by the Health, Labor & Welfare Ministry in 2011 put the number of schizophrenia patients in Japan at 700,000. People in their early adolescence and those aged up to 30 accounted for 70-80% of them.
The cause of schizophrenia is still unclear. Many scientists think it is caused by an abnormal secretion of neurotransmitter dopamine. That, they say, can abnormally stimulate the brain’s mesocortical pathway which is associated with pleasure and euphoria and the mesolimbic system which controls judgment and recognition. And that stimulation leads up to positive symptoms like hallucination and delusion and negative symptoms, such as poverty of thoughts, social withdrawal, depression and lack of concentration. It can also cause cognitive disorder like linguistic fluency disorder and learning disability.
Then, how are schizophrenic patients treated? They primarily receive medicinal therapy aside from physical isolation and psychosocial treatment. Shinichi Miyazaki, a professor at Chuo University’s Faculty of Law who majors inF neuropsychiatry, said in a lecture in May, “Medical therapy proves effective in 70% of early schizophrenic symptoms thanks to the development of new medicines in recent years. It is also effective in 60% of relapsing patients.” He said that such treatment has helped some patients come back to society with family support.
In the past, some Japanese used to say that schizophrenia patients were “possessed by the devil” or “haunted by a fox spirit”, giving rise to a lot of discrimination and prejudice. Commenting on the survey result made public by Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K., Kiyohisa Takahashi, honorary president of the National Center of Neurology & Psychiatry, said in June 2012, “I think the mass media can help more people have proper knowledge of mental disorders including schizophrenia by sending out the right and relevant information in a proactive manner”. Let us hope that more Japanese people will know better about schizophrenia to do away with discrimination and prejudice in society.
(Written by: Yuto Yawata)
統合失調症は、かつて「悪魔に取り憑かれている」「キツネを憑き」と言い伝えられ、差別や偏見を生んだ。国立精神・神経医療研究センターの高橋清久名誉総長は、前出のヤンセンファーマの調査結果を受けて、12年6月、「統合失調をはじめとした精神疾患に関する正しい情報をメディアに積極的に発信してもらうことで、多くの人に正しい知識が普及していくと考えている」と述べている。国民の多くが統合失調症について正しく理解し、差別や偏見のない社会にしてほしいものだ。(八幡 侑斗)
Five female and as many male students, qualified to contest in this year’s “Miss and Mister Chuo” pageant, made their debut at a ceremony on July 11. More than 200 audiences packed a small room at C Square of the Tama campus where the event took place during the lunch break. Many of them had to watch it standing.
All lights in the room were turned off suddenly when introduction of the candidates began. Video footage was reproduced on a large screen and loud music played as each of the contestants walked onto the stage. They were greeted with cheers and applause each time they struck a pose on a specially arranged runway. Each of them made a brief speech, explaining why they decided to participate in the pageant and how they will spend their time in the run-up to the event in November. One of the candidates, Mari Matsui, a third grader of the Faculty of Law’s Department of Law, told the audiences, “I applied for the contest after being charmed by my elder sister who took part in last year’s event.” She added, “I will aim for the grand prix which my sister couldn’t get.”
RP, the student organization that manages the pageant, introduced the theme of this year’s contest: “Self image: change yourself and be attractive”. Kentaro Murata, the leader of the organization (a third grader of the Faculty of Economics), told Hakumon Herald, “We have chosen the theme because we want the contestants to be positive about presenting their personality. It embodies both our wish and hope.”
今年のテーマは「魅せるわたし、変わるわたし~Self Image~」。コンテストを企画運営する学生団体RPの代表、村田健太郎さん(経済学部3年)は「テーマは候補者に自分らしさを発揮することにポジティブになってほしい、という私たちの思いが込められています」と話した。
The contest is scheduled for November 4, the third day of Chuo’s annual school festival. RP said it is planning some gimmicks including projection mapping (projection of CG visual contents on buildings and open spaces) to make the event more enjoyable.
本番は学園祭開始から3日目の11月4日だ。今年はプロジェクションマッピング(建物や空間にCG映像を投影する演出)による演出など、ミス・ミスターコンを盛り上げる工夫がされるそうだ。(Written by Hideki Kato)(加藤英樹)
More Japanese high-school students study abroad these days. According to a survey carried out in 2015 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, high-school students who studied abroad for a period of over three months in 2014 numbered 4,197, or 300 more than the year before. It also showed that the majority of them aimed at improving their foreign language ability in studying abroad. Ms. Mizuki Terashima, a third grader at Keiai Gakuen Senior High School in Chiba Prefecture, is one of them. She studied for a year from April 2016 to March 2017 at Sheffield College in the U.K. As a result, she could raise the score of IELTS (International English Language Testing System) from 4.0 (Eiken Grade 2 level) to 7.0. (graduate school admission standard in the U.K. and Australia). Hakumon Herald interviewed Ms. Terashima to know how she carried out her aim since her childhood.
高校生の海外留学者数が増えている。文部科学省が2015年に実施した調査によれば、前年1年間で4197人の高校生が3か月を超す海外留学を経験、前の年を300人上回ったという。さらに同調査で分かったのは、その多くが語学力の向上を目的としていることだ。千葉県の私立敬愛学園高校に通う3年生の寺嶋美珠紀さんもその1人である。寺嶋さんは 昨年4月から今年3月までの1年間、英国のシェフィールド・カレッジに留学した結果、語学試験のIELTSで4.0(英検2級程度)から7.0(英国および豪州の大学院入学条件の基準)までに語学力を向上させることができた。子供からの目標を有言実行した寺島さんに話を聞いた。
Continue to use language skill
-Why did you think of studying abroad?
Terashima: I once lived in the U.K. for a couple of years when I was a child. After I returned to Japan, I’ve kept in touch with my friends there. One day, I found myself unable to come to English expressions when I was writing letters to them. At that moment, I realized I would easily lose my acquired language skill if I didn’t use it. So, I resumed a language study every day and started to consider studying abroad.
One of my senior friends introduced me about an overseas study program launched in 1999 by Keiai Gakuen. It is designed to dispatch its students to Sheffield College. The program had sent a total of 244 students to the college over a period of 18 years including 13 who belonged to my generation. It’s an attractive program that allows us to study abroad without putting off our graduation from high school.
寺嶋 幼いころイギリスに2年間ほど住んでいました。帰国後も現地の友達と文通を続けていたのですが、ある日を境に英語がとっさに出てこなくなりました。その時に語学は使わなければどんどん忘れていってしまうと気付き、日々の勉強に加え、留学も考えるようになりました。知り合いの先輩が敬愛学園高校の留学プログラムを勧めてくれたのがきっかけです。
-Didn’t you feel insecure about living alone in the U.K.?
Terashima: Yes, I felt a bit insecure. But I overcame it by preparing myself for everything thoroughly. For example, I received an online English speaking lesson and challenged a qualifying exam beforehand to get myself accustomed to the life in the U.K. Frankly speaking, I had a serious concern about public security because of the confused political situation in Europe. But you can’t be 100% secure even in Japan. So, I made up my mind, telling myself, “Let nature take its course.”
寺嶋 多少はありました。しかし、何事も準備を徹底することで乗り切りました。例えば、語学は事前にオンライン英会話や資格試験にチャレンジし、現地生活に即順応できるようにしました。欧州では政情が混乱していたこともあり、治安には不安を感じていました。ただ、日本が100%安全だと断言できるわけでもないので、「その時はなるようになる」と割り切りました(笑い)。
Acquiring culture as well as language
-Tell us how you lived in the U.K.
Terashima: I spent weekdays studying at a language school and visiting local high schools. During the holidays, I spent most of my time with my host family. Daily classes were primarily meant for studying to prepare for English language tests. I learned bakery and IT as well as history and mathematics in extra courses. As most of classmates were adults, I spent a lot of time taking part in discussions.
寺嶋 平日は語学学校と現地の高校訪問などを通し、勉強に取り組みます。休日はホームステイ先の家族と過ごすことが多かったです。授業は英語の語学資格試験対策が主でした。時には歴史や数学など、そして特別授業でベーカリーやIT技術について学ぶこともありました。私のクラスは社会人から構成されていたので講義に加え、ディスカッションをする時間が多かったです。
-Did you learn anything new from the discussions?
Terashima: Themes which our teachers picked up varied from day to day. Based on those themes, we students were required to begin impromptu discussions. So, I could acquire the skills to construct my own opinions quickly and express them in English. Thanks to that, I could get high marks in English speaking exams. But at the same time, I keenly felt I haven’t studied enough. While I stayed in the U.K., the country was in the midst of a national debate over whether it should leave the EU or not. The issue was often a topic of our conversation. I was often asked how Japanese people looked at the issue. I was also asked to talk about the legal system in Japan and the history of its relationship with the neighboring countries. Honestly speaking, I couldn’t answer them well. That experience made me realize that no matter how I might be good in English, I couldn’t be a full-fledged person if I didn’t know much about my own country. From now on, I want to learn more about culture as well as language.
寺嶋 先生が取り上げるテーマは日々変わります。テーマに沿って、即興でディスカッションが始まるので、自分の意見をすぐ組み立て、それを英語で発信するスキルを身に付けることができました。その甲斐あって、スピーキング能力が測られる語学試験で高得点を記録できたのだと思います。同時に、自分の勉強不足も痛感しました。留学中はちょうどイギリスのEU(欧州連合)離脱を決める最中にあったため、自ずとそれが話題になることが多かったです。その時に日本人としての意見や、日本の法制度、隣国との歴史などについて聞かれ、うまく答えられませんでした。どれだけ英語に堪能であっても、自国のことを知らない限りは一人前ではないと、気付きました。今後は語学だけでなく教養もしっかり身に付けたいです。
Want to contribute to world peace at UN
-Did you think about your future dream through your study abroad?
Terachima: I have become keener to work at the United Nations as a member of the Japanese staff to contribute to world peace. I was motivated because I could get confident about my English ability after I was elected a first international officer at Sheffield College. I proposed that the school’s student council take up a lack of interchanges between foreign and local students, and talked about the English speaking society my classmates at Keiai Gakuen launched as a means to improve a similar situation. To promote our activity, I visited each classroom with a view to making a presentation about our event. I also prepared a poster about the event with other members of the student council. As a result, our activity was commended by the school authorities for having contributed to enhancing opportunities of international interchange. This made me confident that I could acquire the language ability to compete on equal terms with the locals in English. While I stayed in the U.K., I formed an image of the Japanese people being quiet and faceless, for good or bad. So, I hope to contribute to creating a new image of the Japanese through my activity at the United Nations.
寺嶋 日本代表の一人として国連で働き、世界平和の達成に貢献したいという思いが強くなりました。現地の学校初の生徒会留学生委員(International Officer)に選ばれたことがきっかけで、語学に大きな自信がついたことが大きな要因です。私は留学生と現地学生の交流が少ないことを生徒会の議題に挙げ、それを改善させるために敬愛の同級生が始めた英会話クラブの宣伝をしました。自分の足で各教室に赴き、イベントのプレゼンをするときもあれば、生徒会でイベント告知ポスターを作ることもありました。その結果、「国際交流の機会が増えた」と学校から評価されました。現地人とも対等に渡り合える語学力をその活動を通して身に付けられたと、自信がつきました。留学中に、良くも悪くも、日本人は静かで、主体性に欠けるというイメージを持ちましたが、日本人の私自身が国際機関で英語を使って活躍し、新たな日本人像を創り上げられたらと思います。
-Why do you refer to world peace in connection with your dream?
Terashima: An African student once told me that he heard the guns being fired whenever he stopped his car to wait at stoplights. I think people living in an unstable society get too much preoccupied with everyday affairs to think about their study or work. Under such situation, the development of technology and society will inevitably become stagnant. I think people can learn and society can advance only in a peaceful society. As I am still immature, I have no prescription for peace. But I will study harder at college to come closer to my goal.
寺嶋 アフリカ出身の学生から「車の運転中に信号待ちで停まれば、途端に銃声が聞こえる」という話を聞きました。社会が不安定だと、その日のことを考えるだけで精一杯になってしまい、勉強や仕事がないがしろになり、技術の発展、社会の発展が滞ってしまうと思います。平和だからこそ、人は学び、社会の発展も実現できると思います。未熟な私には平和の処方箋がまだ分かりません。これから大学でしっかりと勉強し、目標実現に一歩ずつ近づいていきたいです。
-Thank you.
Interviewed by Hideki Kato
By conspiracy bill now in Diet deliberation
At present, an important bill is under deliberation in the Diet (parliament). It seeks to add a new crime of conspiracy such as terrorism to the Law for Punishment of Organized Crimes, Control of Crime Proceeds and Other Matters, the so-called Organized Crime Punishment Law. The Japanese government decided on the bill to amend the law at a Cabinet session on March 21 and submitted it to the Diet. The bill is controversial in that it was scrapped three times in the past in the face of a broad argument by the opposition parties that it could “undermine the freedom of expression” and create “a surveillance society” across the country.
Speaking at a plenary session of the House of Representatives on April 6, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stated in support of the bill, “As we prepare for the next Olympic and Paralympic Games (to be held in Tokyo in 2020), it is a duty of the host country to take all possible measures to counter acts of terrorism. Enactment of this bill is indispensable to make the domestic laws ready for that purpose.” His government is aiming to pre-empt terrorism by paving the way for Japan’s accession to the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. The convention, adopted at the United Nations General Assembly in 2000, came into effect in 2016, but Japan has yet to sign it. To make conspiracy a crime is one of conditions required for Japan’s accession to the convention. The government-sponsored bill looks to add conspiracy to the organized crimes defined in the existing Japanese law.
The proposed amendment seeks to apply conspiracy not only to acts of terrorism but also crimes committed by gangs and fraud groups. However, it does not define the difference between organized crime groups and “other groups” and it is unclear who can be members of those “other” groups. This gives rise to criticism in the opposition camp that members of the general people can be punished once the bill becomes a law. The most controversial point, therefore, is the norms by which acts of conspiracy are made punishable.
The government says that people will not be punished by merely making antigovernment and subversive statements but that they can be punished “when they act in preparation for conspiracy” such as acquisition of funds and preliminary inspection of relevant locations. However, the opposition parties argue that police may start criminal investigation only with depositions made by those who have allegedly made preparations and participated in a subversive plan. They note in this respect that punitive actions in the proposed revision will include an “agreement” (communication of an intention to commit a crime with conspirators). They contend that punishing the “agreement” without any concrete actions could possibly involve innocent people and lead up to false charges. The revised law would allow the investigating authority to judge what will constitute the “preparatory actions”. The opposition camp is worried that such arbitrary criminal investigation can be used for suppressing antigovernment campaigns by civic organizations and labor unions.
The entire nation needs to watch the ongoing Diet debate to see how the proposed institution of conspiracy will affect their society and living.
共謀罪の新設による組織犯罪処罰により我が国の社会や国民生活にどう影響するのか、国会での論議に注目したい。(Written by: Yuto Yawata)(八幡侑斗)
Interview with representative of Chuo’s Venture & Leaders
A student club named “Venture & Leaders” was organized at Chuo University last year. This club, which had 18 members as of March this year, aims at developing human resources for next-generation Japan by providing students with opportunities to start up a business or experience corporate internship. Hakumon Herald interviewed Yuto Tokiwa, a Commerce Faculty third grader, who himself once successfully founded a new company and presently serves as representative of the club.
昨年、「ベンチャー アンド リーダーズ」(Venture&Leaders)という学生サークルが中央大学で発足した。今年3月現在18名の部員を抱えるこのサークルは、学生による起業や会社へのインターンシップといった活動を通して、次世代の日本を担う人材育成を目指している。かつて自らも会社の起ち上げを成功させ、現在このサークルの代表として活動する、商学部3年の常盤勇人さんに話を聞いた。
Your club aims to develop next-generation human resources. How does that relate to business startup by students?
Tokiwa: Japan currently faces a shortage of competent business managers. So, both the Government and corporations are striving to grow people to be managers while they are still young. That’s why we are eager to help students become entrepreneurs who can carry Japan’s future on their shoulders. I think starting up a business is one of the ways to realize this purpose. It will also come true through internship.
常盤 現在、日本では経営者不足が問題になっており、企業も国も若いうちから経営者を育成しようとしています。ですから僕たちも、経営者になることを目指し、これからの日本を担う人材を学生のうちから育てたいと考えています。したがって新たな事業を始めようという起業は、それを実現するための方法の1つであって、インターンシップ等を通して実現することもできると思います。
What are merits of starting up a company while you are a student?
Tokiwa: Unlike students, working people must support a family on their salaries. There is a great risk if they leave their companies and start up a new company. Given that, I feel students who have no worry to support a family are in a better position to set up a new business. Even if they fail in their attempt and are forced to seek employment, they can appeal the efforts they have made. Their crude experiences like fund raising will also help a lot when they work at a company. I believe students may take an interest in launching their own business because of such merits.
常盤 学生の僕たちと違い、社会人は自らの稼いだお金で家族を養わなければなりません。彼らが仕事を辞めて新たに会社を起ち上げるのは大きなリスクがあると思います。それを考えると、起業をするのに適しているのは養う家族のいない学生だと思います。仮に会社を起こすことに失敗して就職することになっても、それまでの努力はアピール・ポイントになります。また、出資金を集めたりした泥臭い経験も、働く際に役に立つこともあるはずです。起業にはそういうメリットもあるので、学生は関心を示すのかもしれません。
What are required of students when they launch a business?
Tokiwa: I think passion and enthusiasm are most important. Those are necessary not only when starting up a business but also doing any other things. I think faithfully listening to what other people say is also critically important. Whenever I meet entrepreneurs, I see them listen to us seriously. I think listening to employees’ opinions and soaking up their good points are the primary requisite of an entrepreneur.
常盤 やはり情熱、やる気ではないでしょうか。起業に限らず、どんなことでもこれは必要だと思います。人の話をなんでも聞くことも必要だと思います。起業家と会うと、みなさんが僕らの話を真摯に聞いてくれるのです。部下の意見にも素直に耳を傾け、良いと思ったものはスポンジのように吸収できることが、起業家としての第一条件かなと思います。
Do you think Chuo University has an environment that encourages students to be an entrepreneur?
Tokiwa: No, it doesn’t. Or I should perhaps say that such environment has just begun to be created. The Faculty of Commerce has been trying to improve it by preparing career education subjects such as business project courses for first graders or inviting a teacher specialized in business promotion from Kyushu University. But the entire school does not seem to be much enthusiastic to support clubs like us which encourage students’ involvement in business startup. Unfortunately, I can’t say Chuo has an environment suitable for promotion of enterprise.
常盤 ないですね。いや、土壌ができ始めている、と言った方が良いのかもしれません。商学部では、1年のときからビジネス・プロジェクト講座のようなキャリア教育科目を開講したり、九州大学から起業に詳しい先生を招いたりするなど、起業の環境を整え始めています。しかし、大学全体では僕たちのよう起業を行う団体を支援することに後ろ向きです。ですから、やはり会社を起こすことに適した土壌があるとは言えません。
Then, what do you require of Chuo University?
Tokiwa: I want the school authority to move up the commencement of classes for business startup. At the Faculty of Commerce, such classes are made available only when students become third graders. But that is too late. I also think those classes should cover knowhow on business startup. Our club wants the school authority to provide us with a permanent facility for our activity rather than financial assistance. If we have such facility, we can regularly hold lecture meetings by business leaders and seminars for high-school students. That will enable us to undertake broader and fulfilling activities for the development of human resources.
常盤 起業に関する授業の開講学年を前倒しすることだと思います。商学部では3年生からその授業が始まるのですが、それでは遅すぎます。起業のノウハウを伝えるべきです。僕たちの団体としては、活動資金より恒常的な活動拠点を与えてほしいのです。拠点があれば、起業家による講演会や高校生のためのセミナーを継続的に開くことが可能になり、より幅の広い充実した人材育成のための活動ができるようになるはずです。
Thank you(Interviewed by: Naoya Yoshida)
By Kenji Nakadate
Many congratulations to you all on joining Chuo University. Here is an article contributed by Mr. Kenji Nakadate, former editor-in-chief of the Hakumon Herald who graduated from Chuo University in 1965. Based on his own experiences, Mr. Nakadate talks about the pleasure and difficulty of writing. It will be of some help to you in your study and club activity in Chuo University. –Editor
Writing is a comprehensive art of expression. You need to mobilize all your knowledge, experience and imagination. I therefore say writing is difficult and profound.
My interest in writing was awakened and strengthened by my encounter with Shinshow Nakajima, then editor of the Asahi Evening News, who checked our English copies for the Hakumon Herald. While I was an editor-in-chief (in 1963-1964), I was strictly trained by him about selection of headlines, logical description, simple expression, importance of introduction, development, turn and conclusion in articles, utilization of richer vocabularies, etc. I learned a lot each time I reviewed my manuscripts corrected by him. Through these experiences, I came to realize how interesting writing is.
私が本格的に文章を書くことに興味を持ったのは、「白門ヘラルド」で英文チェックをしてくれていた中島申祥氏(Asahi Evening News編集者)との出会いがきっかけでした。中島氏には、私が編集長のとき特に厳しく鍛えられました。タイトルの付け方、論理的な記述、表現の簡潔さ、起承転結の重要性、多様な語彙の活用など、中島氏に直された原稿を見るたびに多くを学びました。そんなことから、私はものを書く面白さを知りました。
An attitude of mind and thoughtful consideration are quite important when you write. You write articles for persons who are not necessarily willing to read them. Most of them are not obliged to read your articles. So, you must present them with the fruit of consideration and the best efforts you make. Your readers are always capricious. To attract their interest, you must pay due consideration in various ways - what topic to pick up, how to construct your articles, how to lay them out, which typeface to choose, where to cut sentences and change paragraphs, etc. You need to do all kinds of things to encourage your readers to turn as many pages as possible. Otherwise, nobody will read them through to the end. You are not a professional writer but you must give all possible consideration as you are going to occupy someone else’s time. Nobody will take an interest in looking through pages which are full of typos, omitted letters, disparate typefaces and shapeless layouts. Those amount to betraying your immaturity and demotivating your readers. I reemphasize that basic consideration and attitude of mind are indispensable for good writing.
The proverb says,“The style is the man”. Written texts unwittingly expose the writer’s real character - serious or irresponsible, punctilious or insensitive, etc. That will be evident from your writing. Therefore, you should not write half-heartedly. Unlike spoken words, texts cannot be undone once printed. They remain on record as they are for the rest of your life. Shame goes along with them. When I write sentences, I always abide by the following seven principles.
1. Look at things from manifold angles.
2. Give full attention to titles.
3. Furnish sentences with rhythm.
4. Make a sentence as short as possible.
5. Value a feeling for language.
6. Enrich vocabulary.
7. Pepper sentences with a sense of humor.
Among them, I pay utmost attention to the three elements of “rhythm”, “title” and “humor”. I think rhythm is quite important to sentences. Like music, sentences with good rhythm are more readable because they are easier to soak into your head. If you read sentences aloud, you will instantly know whether they have a rhythm or not. Haruki Murakami says, “I have learned the method of writing from music. Most important is rhythm. Nobody reads sentences with no rhythm.” When I put a title to my article, I take time to consider how I can capture readers’ heart. That is because they tend to look at the title before deciding whether to read its content or not. Humor I mentioned last plays a role of hidden flavor. It gives a bright accent to sentences.
My favorite novelist is Hisashi Inoue. His books, rich in humor, are comprehensible. I guess that comes from his theory: “Write something difficult easily, something easy deeply, something deep pleasantly and something pleasant seriously”. I always refer to this theory when I write. It is not easy to write something difficult in a plain manner. There are books written in keeping with Inoue’s theory. They are science-related books for elementary and junior high-school students. The themes they address range from cosmos, zoology and botany to religion and philosophy. They are usually written for children in a simple way by specialists in each discipline. Pundits might deal with those subjects in as much academic way as they would like. But those books are written so plainly that they are accessible even to lay persons like me who are less intelligent with science. I think those children’s books are a good example for writing as well as reading.
The Hakumon Herald in our time was written only in English. But its current edition comes in both English and Japanese. English texts are accompanied by their Japanese counterparts below. Conversely, if you read the Japanese texts first, you can compare them with their English equivalents above. Readers can enjoy dual tastes. They can unknowingly learn the two languages at the same time, a great merit for both readers and writers. English should be the leading player in any English papers. But learning only English may not be desirable especially when readers are Japanese students. The basic language for them is Japanese. For us Japanese, English is an acquired language. We first think in Japanese and then switch over to English. So, the Japanese language comes first in actuality. I am of the opinion that few Japanese can be better in English than in their native language. In other words, we should strengthen our Japanese-language ability to improve our English-language skills. Lastly, I hope that my opinion will be helpful to the working members of the Hakumon Herald. And I do hope that they will challenge the attractive and profound world of writing by enhancing their power of expression and enriching their vocabulary, the key elements of writing, through an intensive daily reading.
Soeda and Shikishi tell Hakumon Herald
More than a thousand audiences come to see the school’s annual “Miss and Mister Chuo” pageant. As Chuo’s faces of the year, contestants set the mood for various campus events during the runup to the contest. They make serious efforts to be successful, hoping to bring some changes to their present state through participation in the contest. Both Yohei Soeda, of the Accounting Department of the Faculty of Commerce, and Haruka Shikishi, of the Economics Department of the Faculty of Economics, were once among those aspirants. Soeda, who won the title of Mister Chuo, and Shikishi, the runner-up Miss Chuo, in the 2014 contest, will be graduating this spring. Hakumon Herald asked them to look back on their memories of the contest and their campus life thereafter.
Hoping to change the status quo
Both would-be graduates aspired to enter the contest toward the end of their first year at Chuo in the winter of 2014. Recalling those days, Soeda said, “I felt something muzzy about my boring daily life of only doing part-time jobs and some club activities. I wanted some changes in my life. That was why I decided to take part in the contest.” Shikisi said she first took an interest in a beauty pageant in her high-school days when her elder sister went to another university, participated in a contest there and won the crown of victory. “I was very much moved to see my sister clad in a wedding dress with plenty of confidence. After entering Chuo, it took me some time to decide to apply for the contest. But when I met the organizers of the event, I finally made up my mind and said to myself for the first time, ‘I will never miss my chance.’ That was about a year after I joined Chuo,” she said.
Looking back on his participation, Soeda said, “I felt a lot of pressure. But I could keep trying my best thanks to the strong support from my friends.” Shikishi echoed to Soeda.
Even after the contest ended, they continued challenging new things. Shikishi said, “The contest made me interested in the job of a TV newscaster. So I spent the rest of my student life making necessary preparations.” Soeda said, “After the contest, I also began to think seriously about my future career. I wanted to get a job related to TV program production. So I worked as a part-time TV assistant director in hopes of learning about the job.”
New dreams after trial and error
Later on, however, both Soeda and Shikishi decided to pursue new dreams quite different from their first ones. Shikishi has given up becoming a TV caster. She will be taking up a clerical job in an ordinary company this April. “After all my challenges, I couldn’t imagine my future self working as a caster. I asked myself, ‘What do I really want to do?’ I concluded that I like a job where I can feel the value of what I create. After all, that was why I decided to seek my career in the business world,” she said. Soeda, who has decided to take up a managerial post in a business company, said smilingly, “I want to have children at an early stage of my marriage so that I can play catch with them. I thought that if I get engaged in TV program production, I might take longer to have some mental leeway to do that. I have decided to take up my job offer so that I can lead a daily life with some elbowroom and don’t bother my future wife.”
だが、2人はそれぞれ当初とは違う夢を追うことを決意する。色紙さんは今年4月からアナウンサーではなく、一般企業で事務職として働く。「いろいろと挑戦はしたものの、アナウンサーとして活動している将来の自分が想像できませんでした。『私は何がしたいのか』と、自分に問いを投げかけ『私は自分が生み出す価値を間近で実感したい』という結論にいたりました。結局、ビジネスの世界で挑戦することにしたのはそれが理由です」(色紙) 一般企業の管理職を選んだ添田さんは「僕、早く子供がほしいんですよ。一緒にキャッチボールがしたい」と笑顔で話す。「テレビ番組の制作だと、精神的に余裕が持てるようになるまで時間がかかる。将来のお嫁さんに気を遣わせないよう、余裕を持った生活をするために今の就職先で頑張ろうと決めました」(添田さん)
Hakumon Herald asked them what they have learned from their participation in the contest. “That’s the importance of trying to do something,” both Soeda and Shikishi replied in unison. You cannot go forward by just thinking. You must act to make your dream come true. That was their message. The two would-be graduates looked to have in themselves not just the brilliancy of Chuo’s faces they had once been but also the robustness of grown-ups who are prepared to take responsibility in society.
(Written by: Hideki Kato and Kohei Kuramoto)(加藤英樹、倉本康平)
Kiyoshi Kimura, president of Sushizanmai, tells Hakumon Herald
"Sushizanmai" is a sushi chain which runs 50 shops nationwide, mainly in the Kanto region. Hakumon Herald interviewed Kiyoshi Kimura, president and CEO of Kiyomura Co., to ask what he thinks is the appeal of sushi and how he views Japanese traditional culture. Kimura, the founder of the company, is a graduate of Chuo University.
-Probably you didn't expect this question, but why didn’t you adopt conveyor belts for your shops?
Kimura: Because sushi is most delicious when it is made by hand. Even with the same neta (topping) and the same shari (vinegared rice), the taste is quite different between sushi made by robots as in a revolving sushi bar and one made by sushi chefs. It is just like a dish cooked by your mother is much better than the one made by a robot with the same material and cooking method. I would say sushi can have its real value when chefs infuse their sincerity into it by preparing the materials and putting them together with both hands.
木村 寿司は手で握ることで最もおいしくなるからです。同じネタ、同じシャリで握っても、回転寿司店で使用されるロボットが握る寿司と職人が握る寿司とでは味が違うのです。お母さんが作る料理の方が、同じ材料や調理方法でロボットが作る料理よりおいしく感じるのと同じです。職人が仕込んで、手で握ることで真心が込められることに価値があるのです。
-Have you devised anything special to make your shops more popular?
Kimura: We have turned entertainment factors inherent in sushi into our sales point. I think those chefs who please and move you by rolling sushi in front of you are really entertainers. That is something common to the restaurant industry where you hit on your own ideas and cook nice dishes with your own hands. A tuna filleting show is one of good examples.
木村 寿司が持つエンターテイメント性を売りにしました。私は、目の前で寿司を握り、人を喜ばせ、心から感動させる寿司職人はエンターテイナーであると思っています。外食産業が持つ、自分で考え、自分の手で美味しいものを作ることができるというエンターテイメント性に共通するものです。マグロの解体ショーはその良い例です。
Sushi chefs are brought up by customers
-Do you accept ongoing robotization of sushi making?
Kimura: No, I don’t. It may be OK if a robot can make sushi as good as an experienced chef. But the robot cannot go that far. If there are customers who prefer machine-made sushi because it is less expensive, I will ask them to taste authentic sushi. I say that because customers help nurture chefs who make really delicious sushi. I do want them to eat full-blown Edo-style sushi (the Edo Period is from 1603 to 1868) and know their delicious taste. That is why Sushizanmai serves sushi made by chefs at prices not much different from those at belt conveyor sushi bars.
木村 思いません。人間が握る寿司と同じようにできればよいが、機械はそこまではいきません。また、安価だから機械が握った寿司を選ぶというお客様に、本物のおいしい寿司を見極めて欲しいとも思います。なぜなら、お客様が本物のおいしい寿司をつくる職人を育ててくれるからです。江戸前の本格的な寿司を食べて、そのおいしい味を知ってもらいたいのです。だから、すしざんまいは回転寿司と変わらない値段の寿司を職人が握って提供しています。
-Sushi is popular abroad, but its tradition does not seem to be properly communicated. How do you see that?
Kimura: I think while we should stick to our intention to retain the tradition, we should accept new things if they are good. For example, do you know that tuna goes quite well with mayonnaise? This combination is something unfamiliar in the traditional concept of sushi. However, I think we should offer it to our customers if it tastes good and provided it is made with heart and soul.
木村 伝統を残そうという意思を持ちつつ、良いものであれば、新しいものを受け入れるべきだと思います。例えば、マグロとマヨネーズを合わせるとおいしいことを知っていますか。この組み合わせは、伝統的な寿司の概念にはないものです。しかし、おいしいならば、真心を込めて作ったものならば、お客様に提供するべきだと思います。
Resting on tradition makes no progress
-While washoku (Japanese food) represented by sushi has been registered as UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage, some other Japanese cultures have been declining. What do you think about that?
Kimura: Those cultures are declining because they are not in need any more. It is important to think why they are waning and put preventive solutions into practice. We shouldn’t neglect necessary efforts. Just resting on your tradition will make no progress at all. It is important for you to adapt yourselves to the times and send out new things abroad as tradition in different forms.
木村 衰退している文化は必要とされないから衰退しているのです。なぜ衰退しているのかを考え、まずは思いついた解決策を行動に移すことが重要です。必要とされる努力を怠ってはいけません。伝統にあぐらをかいて、しがみついていると発展などしません。時代とともに新しいものを違う形で伝統として(海外に)伝えていくことが大切なのです。
-Are there any particular Japanese cultures you would like to send out abroad?
Kimura: I want to send out the wholeheartedness of Japanese food culture. This is something similar to "omotenashi (hospitality)", the word we used when promoting Tokyo’s bid for the (2020) Olympic Games. I think hospitality is tantamount to wholeheartedness. You will see the heart of Japanese people embodied in Japanese culture. I want to have Japanese people’s wonderful heart deeper-rooted first in Tokyo’s Tsukiji (where Sushizanmai opened its pilot shop) and then in the rest of the world.
木村 日本食文化の一生懸命さを伝えたいですね。これは、東京オリンピック招致のときに使われた「おもてなし」にも通じるところがあります。「おもてなし」とは一生懸命さのことです。日本文化の中に日本人の心が見えます。もっともっと日本人の素晴らしい心を、まずは築地(すしざんまいが一号店を開いた場所)に根付かせたいです。そして、全世界へ伝えたいです。
―Thank you very much.
(Interviewed by: Meiku Takeda)
Mr. Kimura’s profile
Born in Noda, Chiba Prefecture, in 1952, Kimura joined the Fourth Technical School of the Air Self-Defense Force’s Air Basic Training Wing in 1968. Entering Chuo University’s Faculty of Law (correspondence course) in 1972, he worked part-time at a fishery company while in school, engaging himself primarily in the development and marketing of foodstuffs and foods. In 1979, he founded Kimura & Co. to produce and market boxed lunches and sushi toppings. His firm’s lines of business ranged from importing marine products and manufacturing gari (vinegared ginger) to catching and wholesaling bluefin tuna. He liquidated that firm and founded Kiyomura Co. in 1985. In 2001, he opened the first shop of Sushizanmai just outside Tokyo’s Tsukiji Market. He has since opened many more shops across the country.
Sushi, one of traditional Japanese cuisines, is now increasingly popular across the world. One estimate says there are approximately 50,000 sushi restaurants outside Japan, many of them in North America and the rest of Asia. However, the proverb says, “Coats change with countries”. As the “California roll” invented in Los Angeles indicates, there are many different ways to make sushi around the world. Also, as sushi uses raw fish and shellfish as toppings, it can pose some sanitary problems. At one point in the past, sushi chefs in the United States were reportedly required to wear gloves when cooking sushi.
The All Japan Sushi Association, headquartered in Chiba, east of Tokyo, has been active in spreading accurate knowledge of sushi to the world. The association, authorized by the Ministry of Health, Labor & Welfare, has set up the World Sushi Skills Institute to carry out various activities with the aim of keeping people who work at sushi shops both at home and abroad better informed of knowledge about hygiene problems and cooking skills.
One of its activities is to certify sushi chefs and people who get engaged in the export of related food materials and equipment. The institute organizes workshops and confers its “Sushi Advisor Certificate” on those who have passed its exams. Since sponsoring the first session in Singapore in January 2010, it has held ones in Japan, Australia, Europe, North America and Russia. The institute has launched its certificate system because countries that have no raw foodism culture cannot theoretically prove the safety of sushi, making people feel uneasy about its possible sanitary implications. It thought the certificate may help wipe out such uneasiness.
Another activity is the World Sushi Cup it has been sponsoring annually since 2013. This competition is for sushi chefs to vie with each other in knowledge and skills to handle raw fish in Japan, the birthplace of sushi. By taking part in the contest, they can hope to improve their skills and enhance their understanding of the sushi culture. The last contest took place at Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo’s Koto Ward in August 2016. Let us hope that the institute will continue its activities to make sushi more popular.
(Written by: Chika Sato)
国際すし知識認証協会のもう1つの活動は、2013年から日本で毎年開催している「WORLD SUSHI CUP」(世界すし大会)。生魚の衛生知識面と、さばきや盛り付けなどの技術面の両方を兼ねそろえた世界中の寿司職人が、寿司発祥の地日本で技を競い合う大会で、参加者は技術の向上のみならず正しい寿司文化も理解できる。2016年の大会は8月に東京都江東区の東京ビッグサイトで開催された。今後も国際すし知識認証協会の活動に期待したい。
Sushi ranked top in the list of favorite Japanese foods released in 2007 by the NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute. Sushi is now a global word indicating it is also quite popular outside Japan. What supports its bursting popularity is the sushi robot. Suzumo Machinery Co., a relatively small firm with 316 employees headquartered in Tokyo’s Nerima, boasts an overwhelming 60% of the Japanese sushi robot market.
The company, originally a confectionery equipment manufacturer, started developing sushi robots only in recent years by capitalizing on its state-of-the-art rice cooking technology. Its project was prompted by Japan’s “rice glut” created by the government’s controversial policy of reducing the rice acreage in the 1970s. Kisaku Suzuki, the founder of the company, thought that a better use of rice might be possible to turn sushi, which had been eaten only on special occasions, into a casual daily food.
After repeating improvements on ways to make small shari (vinegared rice) balls and put neta (fish and shellfish toppings) on them, the company began marketing in 1981 its "Shari Ben Robo" and a few other robot models that can figure out the accurate amount of rice. Ikuya Oneda, who succeeded Suzuki as president in 2004, hit on an idea of marketing those products in the rest of the world. In the meantime, sushi kept on establishing its image overseas as a typical Japanese food. In fact, about 60% of Japanese restaurants in New York have sushi on their menu, according to data made available in 2006 by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Oneda's strategy was just in line with the trend of the times.
Oneda was quoted by Bloomberg News as saying in 2013 that his company planned to treble its annual exports of sushi robots to 3,000 units by taking advantage of the ongoing boom of Japanese food abroad. One of his firm’s sushi robots is compatible with seven languages of English, French, German, Spanish, Korean, Chinese and Japanese. Furthermore, in response to foreign consumers who dislike nori (dried laver), the company has developed a robot to make California Rolls, which are either crab-flavored kamaboko (fish sausage), avocado, mayonnaise, white sesame etc. rolled with laver or laver put inside.
That way, Suzumo has played a significant role in boosting the popularity of sushi with its new idea of robotics. It has quickly detected the trend of the times and made constant efforts to deliver products fit for the times to the consumers. One may expect the company will make another leap forward in the future.
(Written by: Meiku Takeda)
A short history of conveyor-belt sushi bars
"Genroku Sushi", the world's first conveyor-belt sushi bar, opened outside Fuse Station of Kintetsu Railway in Fuse (now Higashiosaka), Osaka Prefecture in 1958. Its owner was Yoshiaki Shiraishi, widely known as the inventor of a rotating sushi shop. Before World War II, he run a tempura restaurant in Manchuria (today’s Northeast China). He launched his “Genroku” stand-up sushi bar chain years after returning home after the war. He died in August 2001.
Higashiosaka used to be known as a town with many small factories. Shiraishi said he thought of changing the traditional sushi restaurant to the conveyor-belt type because he wanted younger people who had come over there in groups to get jobs could enjoy tasty sushi at lower prices.
It is generally said that rotating sushi bars had three separate booms over a period of some 50 years after Shiraishi opened his first shop. The first boom came in the pioneer days that lasted from the late 1970s to the early 1980s. A conveyor line equipped with an automatic tea-making machine, the prototype of the current rotary sushi conveyor, made its debut in 1974. Initially, the mainstay was small shops located on busy downtown streets and in front of railway stations. But they sprawled out into the suburbs in the late 1970s. Shops grew bigger in size. Their customer base also changed from students and salaried workers in early days to family members and women. It was in this period that children came to have a common awareness that "sushi comes around on a plate".
The second boom that began in the early 1990s was characterized by a combination of what was touted as “gourmet sushi” and shops adopting a flat-charge system. Many shops started serving bigger and upscale neta (sushi toppings), as typified by a full fillet of anago (conger eel), by way of dramatizing the pleasantness of rotating sushi. It was an era when shop owners put greater emphasis on qualitative improvement of sushi. At the same time, they promoted a "clearer pricing system” to add to the charm of rotating sushi. Some chain shops introduced a strategy featuring "all dishes available at uniform 120 yen". They won popularity by broadening choices for their customers.
In the third boom from the late 1990s to the present, rotating sushi bars keep sticking to the inherited trend of "differentiation" through promotion of high-end toppings at lower prices. Why have they become so much popular among the people? "Quick and cheap" does not seem to be the sole reason. One may say that largely responsible is their success in the management strategy to meet the diversifying tastes of consumers.
(Written by: Natsumi Sofue)
Shinzawa recalls her four years at Chuo
Spring is a turning point in life for students. As a new academic year begins, some leave school to set out into the world and others advance to the next grade to continue their studies. Some may be full of hopes and others may feel uneasy prior to their new challenges. Hakumon Herald interviewed Misa Shinzawa, who will graduate in April from the Department of Cross-Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Policy Studies, about her life at Chuo University and her future dream.
-What is the best memory of your four-year college life?
Shinzawa: Well, all in all, that is my activity at the Garnet Girls (GG), Chuo’s song leading club. I had wanted to do song leading since my high school days. But as GG is a strong competitive team among those in Japanese universities, I thought a beginner like me would have no chances if I joined it. It was the presence of my mother that finally gave me a supportive push.
新澤 やはり、ソングリーディング部ガーネット・ガールズ(GG)での活動です。ソングリーディングには高校時代から憧れていたのですが、GGは大学の中でも競合チーム。ダンスなど経験のない初心者の私でしたから、活躍する機会はないだろうと思っていましたが、最終的に私の背中を押してくれたのが母の存在でした。
-Can you tell us more about that?
Shinzawa: When I entered Chuo University, I learned my mother was seriously ill. I was not on particularly good terms with her, but I was full of gratitude to her for having brought up three daughters including myself with a lot of troubles and hardships. I wanted to encourage her by all means. Then I remembered I really felt pepped up when I saw song leading for the first time in my high school days. I thought if I joined a song leading club, I might be able to make not just my mother but a lot of other people smile and feel encouraged. That’s why I decided to join GG.
新澤 私が大学に入学したとき、母が大病を患っていることが分かりました。特別仲がいいという親子関係ではなかったのですが、苦労して私達姉妹3人を育ててくれた母には感謝の気持ちでいっぱいでした。どうしても彼女を勇気づけたかった。そこで、私が高校時代に初めてソングリーディングを見たとき、不思議と心から元気になったことを思い出しました。ソングリーディング部で活動すれば、母を、そしてたくさんの人を笑顔にし、勇気づけられると思い、入部を決めました。
-Didn’t you have a hard time at first as a beginner?
Shinzawa: My seniors instructed me patiently without letting me down. My age peers encouraged me a great deal. Blessed with good friends, I could bear my hard practice. My feeling about song leading immensely changed in the summer of my second grade when I first performed in a tournament. The floor was full of applause when our performance ended. I had a feeling of exaltation which I had never had before. At the moment, I was attracted to song leading and I came to be able to enjoy it more. I was so immersed in it that I felt I could dance even harder.
新澤 初心者の私を見捨てず、熱心に指導してくれる先輩。一緒に頑張ろうと励まし合った同期のメンバーたち。仲間に恵まれたことで、辛い練習も苦にはなりませんでした。ソングリーディングに対する気持ちが大きく変わったのは、初めて大会に出場した2年の夏です。演技の後、歓声につつまれる会場。今まで感じたことのない高揚感を味わいました。一瞬でソングリーディングの魅力にはまり、より一層活動が充実するようになりました。いくら踊っても足りないと感じるくらいに没頭しましたね。(笑い)
Going all-out without forgetting first resolution
-What will you do after your graduation?
Shinzawa: I’ll start working as a cabin attendant (CA) of a foreign-affiliated airline in the spring. I’ve been interested in cross-cultural exchanges since I did a short-term study in Hawaii in the summer of my first grade at Chuo. I thought CA would satisfy my interest and make good use of the teamwork which I developed through song leading. Bearing that in my mind, I did my job hunting. Fortunately I could get an offer from an airline. As I will be starting my job abroad, I’m revving up my language study now.
新澤 春から外資系航空会社の客室乗務員(CA)になります。大学1年の夏にハワイに短期留学をしてから、異文化交流に魅力を感じるようになりました。ソングリーディングで養ったチームワークを活かしつつ、その興味を満たすにはCAが適していると考え、就職活動し、運よく内定をもらうことができました。勤務地は早速、外国になるので、今は張り切って語学勉強に取り組んでいます。
-What’s on your mind as you begin your new life?
Shinzawa: I spent these four years with all my heart and mind and without making any compromise. In that sense, I could spend a happy college life. I am confident my way of life really suits me. So, I’m not worried about my future life. I tell myself that I am simply moving from a small world of university into a bigger world of society. I will go all-out to make my dream come true and make my life happy. I will keep up my effort without forgetting my first resolution.
新澤 この4年間、全身全霊、妥協なしの毎日を過ごし、幸せな学生生活になりました。これまでの生き方が自分に合っていると自信を持っています。だから、これからの人生について悩んではいません。大学という小さな世界から、社会という大きな世界に移るだけのこと。夢を叶え、幸せになりたいからこそ日々全力ダッシュです。初心を忘れず、これからも頑張ります。
-Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)(聞き手/加藤英樹)
“Research Festa”, an annual forum of research presentations by Chuo University’s Faculty of Policy Studies (FPS) students, was launched four years ago. Hiroshi Miyashita, an FPS associate professor, has been associated with the event as judge since its inauguration. Students who attend his seminar have made presentations at Research Festa for four years in a row. Hakumon Herald interviewed him to ask about what he sees as the appeal of the event.
-What do you think is the appeal of Research Festa?
Miyashita: Research Festa is a meaningful event that makes you feel the diversity of FPS students. As a matter of fact, the themes they addressed at the last session (in December 2016) were very much diversified, ranging from “Japan’s postwar reconstruction” and “Aging society and elderly care” to “Stray cats on Tama River” and “An analysis of Islamic society”. Students who present their study results must make preparations different from the ones they do when they routinely attend seminars or write a paper. That is because they make their presentations to other students, professors and members of the community, and answer their questions. What they experience there will surely prove valuable when they go out into the world. Chuo upholds “Knowledge into Action” as its philosophy. I think Research Festa precisely embodies that idea.
宮下 リサーチ・フェスタは多様性あふれる総合政策学部を体感できる有意義なイベントです。今回も「戦後の復興」「高齢化社会と介護問題」「多摩川の野良猫」さらに「イスラーム社会の分析」など、発表内容は多岐にわたりました。発表者にとっては他の学生や教授、さらには一般参加の地域の人々を相手にプレゼンし、その人々からの質問に対応することは、いつものゼミ活動や論文執筆とは性質の違う準備が必要です。そこで得られる経験は今後社会に出てから活きてくる貴重なものになるはずです。中央大学は「行動する知性」をスローガンに掲げていますが、リサーチ・フェスタはまさにそれを体現しているのではないでしょうか。
-Do you see any changes in the event over the past four years?
Miyashita: I feel it’s getting lively as years go on. Both presenters and visitors are increasing in number. I don’t press students of my seminar to take part in the event. But my students made presentations for four years running since its first session. It seems to me that they routinely put Research Festa into their annual schedule and work hard to get good results there. A similar phenomenon is also happening at other FPS seminars. I think many FPS students are attracted by opportunities to satisfy their intellectual curiosity and inquisitive mind. Students from all other FPS seminars may voluntarily participate in the event sooner or later.
宮下 年を追うごとに発表者も参加者も増え、賑やかになっていると感じます。私から参加を強制していませんが、実は第1回から私のゼミ生は4年連続で発表しています。ゼミ生にとって、リサーチ・フェスタは1年のスケジュールに当たり前のように組み込まれ、そこで成果を残すために研究に励んでいるようです。他のゼミでも同じような現象が起こっています。知的好奇心や探求心を満たす機会に惹かれる学生が総合政策学部には多いのでしょう。そのうち、自然に全ゼミが参加するようになるのではないでしょうか。
Mission to pass on knowledge to society
-Can you tell us what drives you to support Research Festa so proactively?
Miyashita: Research Festa is a good event in which students voluntarily present their research findings and try to pass on knowledge to society. While I was a student, I felt that universities provide plentiful chances to input knowledge but few chances to output and practice it. Later on, I studied at a law school abroad where I experienced lectures primarily based on an exchange of opinions. This made me feel that the university education in Japan gives students fewer chances to use the knowledge they have learned. In other words, I have been supporting Research Festa because it helps resolve that problem.
宮下 リサーチ・フェスタは学生が主体的に自身の研究を発表し、知識を社会に還元しようと試みる素晴らしいイベントです。私は学部生時代のころから、大学は知識をインプットする機会は十分にあるが、アウトプット、実践する機会が少ないと感じていました。その後、海外のロースクールで意見交流が中心の講義スタイルを体験して、やはり日本の大学教育には学んだ知識を使う機会が少ないと感じました。つまり、リサーチ・フェスタはそれを解決する一助となるイベントなので、サポートしてきました。
-Can you elaborate on the importance of knowledge output?
Miyashita: I attach importance to practice of knowledge because the university is tasked with a mission to produce persons who can bring changes to society with their knowledge. Our society sometimes yield to an unreasonable rule by “brute force” brought by “accidents” like natural disasters and by groups of people and socially accepted ideas. That is not an ideal state of society. “Knowledge” is an alternative means of rule. It can be a means to tide over cultural barriers and bring about a fair and stable society. The university has a mission to bring up persons who can help realize such society under academic freedom. So, students are required to practice knowledge and pass it on to society.
宮下 私が知識の実践を重要視するのは、大学には「知」をもって社会を変革する人材を輩出する使命があると考えているからです。自然災害などの「偶然性」や集団、社会通念が導く「暴力」によって、時に社会は理不尽な支配に屈します。これは社会の理想的な状態ではない。それを代替する支配の手段として「知性」があります。知性は文化の壁を超え、公平で安定した社会をもたらすことができる手段になります。大学には学問の自由の下、それを実現するための人材を育てる使命がある。学生にはおのずと、主体的に知を実践し、社会に還元することが求められるのです。
-Can you give some advice to the students who take an interest in Research Festa?
Miyashita: I think four years of university is a period of self-discovery. I advise you students to focus on your interests without being bound by ready-made ideas. However, don’t forget your duty and mission to contribute to society through practice of knowledge. Let me cite the words quoted in the poster introducing my seminar. “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” President John F. Kennedy gave the words in his inauguration speech. University education isn’t compulsory. You should try to practice your knowledge. Research Festa will give you a good chance to do that.
宮下 大学4年間は自由に自分探しをする時間だと思います。既成概念にとらわれず、自分の興味に純粋に向き合うといいでしょう。しかし、学生の本分であり、使命となる「知の実践」と社会還元は忘れてはいけません。私のゼミ紹介ポスターにある1つの言葉を紹介します。それは故ジョン・F・ケネディ米大統領が就任演説で述べた「国が何をしてくれるかではなく、自分は何ができるか考えよ」との言葉です。大学は義務教育ではありません。能動的に知を実践することを心がけてください。リサーチ・フェスタはいい機会になりますよ。
-Thank you very much.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)
Any event needs people who back up to help it proceed smoothly. This is exactly relevant with “Research Festa”, an annual forum of research presentations for Chuo University’s Faculty of Policy Studies (FPS) students. Its executive committee played an indispensable role in bringing a success to the last session of the event in December 2016 which registered a record number of presenters and audiences. Hakumon Herald interviewed Timothy Aaron Loredo Cuellar, an FPS third grader who chaired the committee in 2016, and Yuki Adachi, an FPS second grader and a member of the committee, to ask how they planned and managed their event.
Moved by senior’s presentation
-Why did you decide to join the committee?
Cuellar: I was one of audiences at Research Festa in 2015. That motivated me to get engaged in the annual event. Seeing a senior student present his research result, I found in him an “eagerness to pass on what he has learned to the society rather than keeping it for himself”. I thought that was exactly what FPS students are supposed to do. And I wanted to do something to make the event better while taking part in it as a research presenter. That’s why I joined the committee.
クェリャル 2015年のリサーチ・フェスタに聴衆の1人として参加したことがきっかけです。先輩の発表を見て、私が考える総合政策学部生の本分である、「知識を学んだままにせず、社会に還元できるよう実践する姿」を感じ取りました。私自身も発表者としてチャレンジしつつも、このイベントをより良いものにしたいと思い、実行委員会に参画することになりました。
Adachi: I have been a committee member since I was a first grader. I first joined it simply because it looked to be a fun. But my mind gradually changed as I saw students make their presentations lively. Now I want to see participants look livelier at our future Research Festa. It is only four years since the annual event was launched and we still have many problems to sort out. I decided to remain a committee member for a second year in hopes of helping resolve those problems.
足立 私は1年生のころから実行委員を務め、今年で2年目になります。単に面白そうだからという理由で参加したことがきっかけだったのですが、リサーチ・フェスタで発表する学生の一人一人が生き生きとしている様子を見て、これからも参加者が輝ける場を提供したい、と考えるようになりました。イベント自体は生まれて4年目で、課題も多く、それを解決してみたいという考えもあって2年目も実行委員として参加することに決めました。
Knocking at every professor’s door
-Did you do anything particular to make your event successful?
Cuellar: I spent six months as committee chair with a view to getting all FPS seminars represented at Research Festa. I myself have picked my seminar after attending the past sessions of the event. I thought first and second graders will have better chances to consider what they should study in their college life if all seminars are represented at our event. So, I knocked at the door of every FPS professor’s office room to tout my idea. Eventually the participation by students from all FPS seminars didn’t come true. But I’m sure we could make our event more visible than before.
クェリャル 総合政策学部の全ゼミに参加してもらうことを目標に、実行委員長として半年間活動しました。リサーチ・フェスタの発表を見て今の研究室を選んだ私自身の経験から、全ゼミが参加することで、1年生や2年生が今後の学生生活で学びたいことを考えるいい機会になるはずだと思ったからです。そのために総合政策学部のすべての教授の研究室をノックし、それを提案しました。結果的に、全ゼミ参加は実現できませんでしたがイベントの知名度は上がったと思います。
Adachi: I was charged with public relations. I put particular emphasis on the preparation of a poster announcing our event and its promotion via SNS. I emphasized that our Research Festa is an academic event. In so doing, I used the Open Research Forum (ORF), a similar event organized at the Shonan Fujisawa campus of Keio University, for reference. I had been worried until the day of the event if our publicity campaign was really effective. But I was pleased that it drew a record number of visitors.
足立 私は広報を担当しました。特に注力したことは告知ポスターの作成とSNSを使ったプロモーションです。慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパスが企画するORF(Open Reserach Forum)を参考に、アカデミックなイベントであることを強調したポスターデザイン、SNS広報を実践しました。効果があるかどうか分からず、当日まで悩みましたが、過去最大の来場者を記録できてよかったです。
A host of tasks
-Looking back at last year’s Research Festa, how do you feel now?
Cuellar: I think FPS students take it for granted to dig into their diversified interests and concerns as much as they want. More of them now see Research Festa as a chance to present their research findings. We may well say that our event amounts to FPS by now. It will become a better event if all FPS seminars and other faculties of Chuo are represented there in the future. I want to make the next session even livelier as one of presenters.
クェリャル 総合政策学部は多種多様な興味や関心を、好きなだけ掘り下げることが当たり前の風土になっています。リサーチ・フェスタを、研究活動の集大成を発表する機会とする学生が多くなりました。もう総合政策学部といえばリサーチ・フェスタといってもいいのではないでしょうか。将来的には全ゼミが参加し、他学部からも参加者が増えると、よりよいイベントになるはずです。次回は私も発表者としてイベントを盛り上げたいと思っています。
Adachi: I would say that Research Festa is still an imperfect event. Even in the present way, it can showcase the diversity of FPS. But I think it will become much better if we can sort out problems we face. For example, we can change the date of the event and make it better known to the students of other faculties. Such approaches may make it more attractive. At present, Research Festa is held in the first week of December. But that comes only after first and second graders have chosen the seminars they attend. I would suggest the date of our event be moved forward so that it will make their decision easier. I myself desired to make use of Research Festa in choosing the seminar I’d join from my second year onward. So, I want to resolve the matter one way or another.
足立 リサーチ・フェスタはまだ不完全なイベントです。現状でも総合政策学部の多様性は十分確認できるイベントですが、例えば、開催日の日程を再調整すること、他学部への告知強化などの課題を解決することでさらに素晴らしいものになるはずです。リサーチ・フェスタはこれまで毎年12月の第1週に実施されることになっています。しかし、それは1年生や2年生のゼミ選びが終わったあと。1、2年生がゼミ選びの参考にできるような時期に日程を繰り上げることが必要ではないでしょうか。私も次年度以降に所属する研究室を選ぶためにリサーチ・フェスタを活用したかった。この課題をどうにか解決したいと考えています。
-Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)
“Research Festa”, an annual forum for research presentations and interchanges for Chuo University’s Faculty of Policy Studies (FPS) students took place at Building No.11 of the Tama campus on December 2, 2016. The event featuring the presentation of study results and an exhibition of research panel displays ended in a big success with a prize-awarding ceremony followed by a sandwich buffet as in the past.
Research Festa, which has now become one of FPS’s December features, started in 2012 at the suggestion of a group of students who initiated a “project to given FPS a big boost”. FPS provides students with multidisciplinary studies ranging from law and economics to cultural anthropology and media literacy. However, the students had been give few chances to exchange knowledge and present their research findings.
The group proposed to the faculty office that Chuo’s FPS also hold a research presentation event after the example of “Research Fair” which has been carried out by Kuwansei Gakuin University’s FPS since 1998. Their proposal was discussed and approved by the faculty council. Students organized an executive committee to implement the scheme. Looking back at those days, Kosuke Onishi, an officer of the FPS faculty office, told Hakumon Herald, “The committee and our office sent a joint team to Kuwansei Gakuin University to study how to organize our event. The school administration pinned big hopes on our scheme.”
Four years have passed since then and Research Festa has grown to become a popular FPS event. The number of research presenters has kept increasing year after year. The 2016 session saw 27 presentations made, three more than the previous year. It drew 474 audiences including students, professors and visitors, the biggest number ever.
A team led by Hiroaki Onuki and Takamitsu Suzuki, third graders of FPS, Department of Cross-Cultural Studies., won the highest award for its study on “Social role played by Muslims in rescue work during a major flood in Indonesia”. Judges commended their field research, creative point of view and logical configuration. Themes addressed by other studies included“Building a model for a study tour on historical relations between Japan and Taiwan”and“Research on regional revitalization in Japan's countryside using an anime pilgrimage" indicating the characteristic diversity of FPS students. Students have already begun preparing for the next session of Research Festa in 2017. You must be looking forward to upcoming presentations in December.
(Written by: Hideki Kato)
Birthday party at Tamadaira residence
Chuo University has one of its two International Residences for students at Tamadaira in Tokyo’s Hino. At present, about 60 foreign and Japanese students live together there. They hold various events to deepen their mutual understanding. One of them is a birthday party they have once a month.
Such parties are organized monthly during the summer term from April to July and the fall term from September to January to celebrate all students who reach their birthday each month. Preparations used to be made mostly by Japanese students. But they began to be joined by foreign students in the fall term this year. Riku Kurosaka, a Faculty of Policy Studies second grader, explained, “Some foreign students have offered to help us in the preparations. Besides, we thought we can have better cross-cultural exchanges by cooking different national foods together.”
For example, when the students had a birthday party in November, they cooked traditional spring rolls with the help of their colleagues from Vietnam. They usually enjoy not just meals but also some entertainment as well. They often play a game in which they guess who it is after looking at someone’s childhood picture and charades in which a Japanese student teams up with a foreign student. Kurosaka said such games really help warm up the parties.
A birthday party was an event initially planned and launched two years ago by Kengo Osawa, a Faculty of Commerce third grader, who was then dormitory leader. Its main purpose was for all student residents to join hands to celebrate a colleague’s birthday. Osawa mentioned what he called a secondary effect of such party. He said, “Students have their own styles to celebrate birthdays in their countries. So our party gives us a very good opportunity to promote contacts between different cultures.”
The party is quite popular because it can be joined even by students who are usually too busy attending classes or doing a part-time job to communicate with each other. Ling-wei Li, 26, from Taiwan, said, “Birthday party is my favorite event because it helps me find something quite unexpected of my colleagues through the games and cooking preparations.” The Tamadaira residence had its December party on Christmas Day.
(Written by: Kohei Kuramoto)(倉本康平)
To allow for flexible interchanges among students
The Tamadaira Residence built in 2011 in Hino, western Tokyo, is not the only international dormitory Chuo University offers to its students. In 2012, it build another one at nearby Seiseki-Sakuragaoka in Tama. Both are aimed to play a role in nurturing international exchanges among students and their cosmopolitan way of thinking. But they differ from each other in terms of life style the resident students can have.
The feature of Tamadaira is that it is based on a sharing formula. The dormitory has 62 rooms, which are arranged in a unit of three rooms each and a communal living space that has a toilet, sink, kitchen and shoe locker. Each unit is shared by three persons and one of them must be an international exchange student. Besides the communal space in each unit, the dormitory has a large lounge along with a laundry (washing and drying machines), shower booth, refrigerator and kitchen which are shared by all students.
In the lounge, the students can freely interact with each other, cooking, studying and chatting together. Most Japanese students at Chuo choose to live at Tamadaira because it gives them more opportunities to interact with students from all over the world. Keisuke Watanabe, a Faculty of Law second grader who serves dormitory leader, told Hakumon Herald, “I have picked Tamadaira as I have found it attractive because its unit system may put me closer to foreign students.” He added smilingly, “In my unit, all three of us accidentally queue at the sink each morning for brushing teeth,” implying how they get on well with each other. Such family-like atmosphere may indeed come from the dormitory’s facility sharing formula.
On the other hand, the Seiseki-Sakuragaoka dormitory features a private room formula. It has 94 rooms each of which is equipped with necessary facilities like a bathroom, washing machine, shower, mini-kitchen and refrigerator. Students who live there only share a large communication room which they usually use for some events. Most of them attach importance to their own private life. They do not seem to take it as an “international” dormitory as such. Dorm leader Hidemasa Hamada, a Faculty of Policy Studies second grader, said, “I live here because it was recommended by my parents. At first, I wasn’t much interested in international exchanges, but I have woken up to their fun as I kept communicating with the exchange student next to my room and knew of our different ways of thinking. Now we eat out together once a week.” The students who live in this dormitory seem to have fewer opportunities of daily communication although they are in an environment that enables them to do so if they wish.
As seen here, the two dormitories have different characteristics while belonging to the same university. Even students who wish to have cross-cultural interchanges may well opt to have more privacy in their own rooms. Chuo may be offering flexible support so that students can choose a type of dormitory fitter to them.
(Written by: Ayane Fujiki) (藤城彩音)
Interview with staff of International Center
Chuo University runs two International Residences for its students. One of them, located at Tamadaira, Hino in western Tokyo, is called “Tamadaira-no-Mori 244”. The 62-room dormitory is a conversion from a housing-complex apartment house rented from a private real-estate company. This sharing-type facility is arranged in a unit of three rooms accommodating one person each and each unit has a communal living space so that international exchange students and Japanese students can routinely communicate with each other. It has greeted its sixth anniversary this year. Hakumon Herald interviewed Shinya Aoyagi, manager of Chuo’s Public Relations Office who had been charged with the management of the dormitory till March 2016, and Tomoko Fujita, who works for the International Center that manages the dormitory, to ask about its purpose and future prospect.
-What is the primary aim of Chuo’s International Residence system?
Aoyagi: We have two aims. One is to secure housing for international exchange students who learn at Chuo. The other is to accept Chuo’s Japanese students who want to study abroad in the future. Our decision to have a sharing-type dormitory is related to Chuo’s designation by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) as a university eligible for its “Go Global Japan” (GGJ) program. Taking that opportunity, we decided to accept more international students to promote Chuo’s globalization. This required us to prepare a better housing environment for its students. And in so doing, we thought we shouldn’t simply supply housing but offer a facility where students from various countries and territories can live together and experience better cross-cultural contacts with Chuo’s Japanese students. We thought such facility can also be one of Chuo’s charms appealing to Japanese high-school students who want to join us.
青柳 目的は2つあります。1つは海外から来る留学生の住居の確保。もう1つは中大の日本人学生で留学を考えている人の受け入れです。これらの目的を果たすシェア方式の寮が生まれた背景には、当時の状況が関係しています。さらに、本学が文部科学省の事業である「Go Global Japan」(GGJ)の採択校になったことも追い風となり、キャンパスの国際化を図るため留学生の受け入れ数が増加していきました。これに伴い欠かせなかったのが住環境の整備です。その際、単なる住宅ではなく、さまざまな国・地域の人が集まり、中央大の学生も一緒に住める環境を提供することで、日本の学生が日本にいながら異文化交流を体験できると同時に、受験生にも中央大学の魅力の1つとしてアピールできると考えました。
-We hear that the Tamadaira dormitory might be closed down.
Aoyagi: This dormitory, converted from an old apartment house, has been managed under a lease contract between Chuo and a private business proprietor. The contract came up for renewal in 2015 and we discussed if we should continue it. We eventually decided to retain it for two reasons. Both international exchange and Japanese students told us they had realized the importance of cross-cultural interchanges which are made easier by the dormitory. Moreover, it had won high reputation from the media as a pioneer student dormitory in Japan.
青柳 元々この寮は、団地を改良した民間事業主と賃貸借契約を結んで運営されています。その契約が昨年更新の時期を迎え、本学として継続するかどうか検討しました。しかし、国籍を問わず寮生の間から異文化理解の重要性に気付いたという声や、国際寮の先駆的な例としてメディアから評価されたことなどもあり、契約更新を決定しました。
-Do you have plans to set up a new dormitory?
Fujita: Yes, we are giving positive consideration to the matter. Chuo has about 800 international exchange students at present. At the same time, more of our Japanese students want to study abroad. So, we cannot say we have a sufficient number of rooms with our two international residences. We have a lot of options to take. For instance, the present owner may offer to construct a new building after demolishing the Tamadaira dormitory. Or Chuo may choose to build a new larger dormitory on the Tama campus or nearby and manage it on its own.
藤田 前向きに検討中です。現在、約800人の留学生が本学に在籍し、海外へ留学する日本人学生も増えています。2つある国際寮を合計しても交換留学生の部屋数が不足しています。新規建設や改修等、さまざまな選択肢の中から検討を重ねています。
-Thank you very much.
(Interviewed by: Hiroki Sajo)
In Tokyo’s Tama region where Chuo University is located, a public interest incorporated association named “network Tama” is engaged in various projects aimed to promote regional revitalization. One of them is the “Tama Future Scholar Project”. This initiative encourages students of the universities affiliated with the network to make recommendations on what should be done to help revitalize the Tama region. The network financed by contributions from its regional member companies and organizations provides an annual scholarship totaling 300,000 yen to each of the students who are chosen to study regional problems and recommend possible solutions with the help of university faculties and specialists. Some 25 students from 28 universities including three from Chuo were enrolled for the project in 2017. They finished their activities by December.
With regard to this project, Yuji Sawano, a section chief of Chuo’s Educational Affairs Division in charge of social collaboration and Parents Liaison Association, told Hakumon Herald, “As the aging of population progresses in the Tama region, people’s ways of thinking and perceptions are becoming old and unfit in addressing the present situation. New perspectives and ideas of young people who will support the future of Tama are badly needed in order to revitalize the region. I think the Tama Future Scholar Project well mirrors the young students’ perspectives for the region.” In fact, company officials who participated in a meeting held in August to hear the presentations by the students said they found the project quite effective in helping them get new viewpoints about the issues facing the region.
Sawano said that the students taking part in the project are required to have comprehensive capabilities such as a spirit of independence and an ability to make plans and presentations. The project surely benefits the students by enabling them to enhance those capabilities. On the website of network Tama, one of the students wrote, “My experiences in the process from finding problems to studying solutions have given me a big asset which I am sure will be useful after graduating from school and becoming a member of society.”
The participants in the project can listen to the opinions of students from other universities and officials from businesses and local governments to get a deeper and broader understanding of their main theme of regional revitalization. Especially, those who want to be civil servants after graduation can get valuable experiences closely related to their future work. Sawano said, “I do hope students who love Tama will participate in this project.” Applications for the scholarship are accepted each year. Why don’t you consider filing your application?
(Written by: Yuta Uchino)
Regional revitalization, for years a popular political mantra in Japan, is aimed to bring vigor back to towns and villages by stemming the ongoing depopulation and decline of regional economies. Various initiatives are in progress at many autonomous bodies across the country. Hakumon Herald took up the city of Hino, which adjoins Hachioji where Chuo University is located, to see what it does to revitalize itself and how students are get involved in its programs. The city puts particular emphasis on tourism promotion.
Hino, with a population of about 190,000, is widely known as the birthplace of Hijikata Toshizo, deputy chief of the "Shinsengumi”, a collection of ronin (masterless samurai) picked to form a new elite corps to police the then capital Kyoto during the final days of the Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1868). “Hino Shinsengmi festival” is the city’s biggest annual event. Many tourists visited the city when the festival was held for two days from May 7 last year. The city’s Tourist Association writes on its website, "Hino is home to Shinsengumi. We look to reinvigorate the city by taking pride in its history and culture."
How does the municipal office see regional revitalization? Toshio Komatsu, chief of the Industry & Sports Department’s Tourism Promotion Section, told Hakumon Herald, “Our citizens are the core players in our initiatives. We play the role of motivating them. It’s crucial to carry out our schemes by making full use of the city’s individuality." That individuality is indeed the residents’ pride in Shinsengumi. Komatsu added, “If our town’s characteristics spread across the city, that will help boost the number of visitors, which in turn may help expand our tax revenue.”
The city office regularly organizes what it calls “Hino course” as a forum to promote mutual communications among its citizens. The participants discuss how community activities should be steered and how their city’s traditional culture can better be handed down to future generations. This is just one example to show how residents voluntarily engage themselves in the city’s revitalization programs.
Then, how can students get involved in such activities? Komatsu said regular participants are students from Meisei University and Jissen Women's Educational Institute, both of Hino, and Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, of Hachioji. He said, "Students can get involved in our programs in every field. For example, those who are interested in agriculture can be active in that particular field. Those who love eating can be gourmet hunters to walk around in the town to find good restaurants. Anyway, we do want students to enjoy themselves in contributing to our community revitalization."
(Written by: Yuto Yawata)
Interview with representatives of “C-plant“
Chuo University has a student organization aimed to help revitalize regional community. Just launched in September 2016, it calls itself C-plant. Hakumon Herald interviewed Motoyoshi Kuwabara, a Faculty of Policy Studies second grader, and Ayumi Yakuwa, a Faculty of Law second grader, who serve as joint representatives of C-plant, to ask about how they formed their club and what it specifically does.
-What has motivated you to form your club?
Kuwabara: The idea of opening and operating a “Kodomo Shokudo” (lunchroom for children) began in Tokyo’s Ota Ward about five years ago with the aim of saving children who have no place to stay after school and cannot have a meal. I myself is engaged in the management of one in Kanagawa Prefecture. However, people who operate such facilities continue to face trials and errors, finding it hard to offer services in a stable manner. That is the present situation. In fact, some of those lunchrooms have been closed down. I was wondering how I can create a sustainable place for children when I happened to meet Ayumi. We considered what we can do together. Then we concluded the best thing we can do might be to create a place where not just local residents but anyone else including students can casually pop in. We hit on an idea of setting up an organization for that purpose in cooperation with the regional community. That’s why we decided to form C-plant.
桒原 居場所がなかったり、食事が食べられない子どもを救うため、「こども食堂」を設置、運営する活動は約5年前から東京都大田区で始まり、私も神奈川県にある食堂の運営に携わっています。しかし、運営は試行錯誤の連続で、安定的に「こども食堂」のサービスが提供できないというのが現状です。閉鎖された食堂もあります。持続可能な居場所づくりをしたいと考えていたときに、八鍬と出会い、どうすればいいのかということを共に考えました。そして、地域の住民だけでなく、学生をはじめ誰もが気軽に立ち寄れる場所を地域コミュニティーと協力しながら創出する活動を行う団体をつくることが最適であるという結論に達し、C-plantを結成することにしました。
-Why do you focus your activities on Hino?
Kuwabara: Hino has a rich nature that doesn’t make you feel you are in Tokyo Metropolis. It has a farm called “Seseragi Noen” aimed to promote the local community by making full use of its natural environment. We had felt the city has good conditions needed for regional revitalization. When we actually visited Hino, we also had an impression that elderly people who live there are keen to participate in local community events. On the other hand, the city faces the problem of child poverty. We thought we might be able to create a new sustainable regional community through solution of the problem by utilizing those conditions and cooperating with those willing elderly people. That’s why we have chosen Hino for our main activity.
桒原 日野市は東京都とは思えないほど自然豊かで、その自然を活用して地域コミュニティーづくりを行っている「せせらぎ農園」があり、地域活性化の土壌があると感じていました。実際に日野市を訪れてみると、高齢者の地域行事への参加意欲が高いという印象も持ちました。その一方で、日野市は子どもの貧困という課題を抱えています。地域活性化の土壌を利用し意欲のある高齢者と協力しながら、課題解決を通して新たな持続可能な地域のコミュニティーを創出することができるのではないかと考え、日野市を選びました。
-What do you think is the significance of students taking part in regional community activities?
Yakuwa: I think it is significant in the sense, for example, that when providing services at Kodomo Shokudo, students closer in age to children are easier to have contact with them. I also feel students today spend their daily life without getting involved in the community where they live. By taking part in regional community activities, they will be able to have better chances to become interested in knowing what their own community exactly looks like and who live there.
八鍬 例えば「こども食堂」では、サービスを提供する際、年齢の近い学生のほうが子どもたちに接しやすいという点で意味があるのではないかと思います。また、いまの学生は自分の住む地域とはかかわりを持たずに生活していると感じます。学生が地域活動に参加することで、自分の住んでいる地域はどんな地域で、どんな人々がいるのかということに関心を向ける良い機会になります。
In the present situation, activities for regional revitalization are primarily undertaken by members of nonprofit organizations and local residents who are aged 60 years or over. So, I think the power of students who have energy and willingness such as physical strength and intelligence and who have ideas adults cannot think of is important in furthering regional revitalization.
Kuwabara: That doesn’t only apply to regional revitalization. I think if young people including students take initiative and act, adults who play an important role in this era will be motivated, saying, “Look, young people do it. Why don’t we?” That, I think, can lead to changing the whole Japanese society.
桒原 地域活性化に限らず、学生をはじめとする若者が率先して行動を起こすことは、「若者がやっているのだから、我々も動こう」と、今の時代を担っている大人が行動を起こす理由になると思います。それが、大きく言うと日本社会全体を変えていくことにつながると考えています。
-Thank you.(Interviewed by: Naoya Yoshida)
For the first time in 13 years from Chuo University
Chuo University has some students who are globalization-oriented and keen to take on new challenges. Hono Kimura, a first grader of the Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science, is one of them. She participated in the 68th Japan-America Student Conference (JASC) that took place in four U.S. cities in August 2016, becoming the first Chuo student to do so in 13 years. JASC, initiated in 1934, is aimed to promote international communications and understanding at student levels. About 70 participants from both countries spent a month together during the conference whose key theme was: “Addressing Our Changing Future: From Self and Community to the World”. English is the official language in the annual event which can be joined by anyone as long as they are students from both countries. “I had a lot of valuable experiences,” Kimura said in an interview with Hakumon Herald.
-What motivated you to take part in JASC?
Kimura: I think students should keep acting with a clear sense of purpose and without being afraid of taking on a challenge in order to lead a fulfilling college life. JASC brings together Japanese and American students who have broad communication abilities backed by specialized knowledge, linguistic proficiency, logical ability and tolerance of different opinions. I decided to take part in it, thinking I might be able to identify some abilities I lack by testing out my own abilities in such challenging environment.
木村 充実した大学生活を送るためには、明確な目的意識と挑戦を恐れず行動し続ける姿勢が大事だと思っています。JASCには専門知識、語学力、論理性、異なる意見に対する寛容性など、様々なコミュニケーション能力を兼ね備えた日米の学生が集まります。ハイレベルな環境で自分の力を試すことで、私に足りない能力を具体的に把握することができると考え、参加を決意しました。
Perceived lack of knowledge and debating skills
-What were the results?
Kimura: I realized an overwhelming gap in ability between myself and other participants. It was a good event in the sense it helped me find out the challenges I face. I found most participants have been active on the front lines in specific fields like a graduate who specializes in national defense policy and a student who studies child rearing by homosexual couples. I only regret that I failed to make the most of that opportunity for my own growth. After perceiving my lack of knowledge and poor debating skills, I became hesitant to join the discussions for fear that the expression of my opinions might stagnate the whole debate. Since then, I simply kept on listening to others all day long. This prompted me to make up my mind. I said to myself, “I’ll never feel this much miserable again. I shall overtake them one day!”
木村 圧倒的な実力差を感じ、自分が抱える課題を発見できたいいイベントでした。防衛政策を学ぶ院生、同性愛者の子育てに関する研究をする人など、専門的な分野で第一線をゆく人ばかりでした。ただ、この機会を自分の成長に最大限に生かすことができなかったことには悔いが残ります。知識と議論の力が欠けていることを自覚してからというもの、私の意見がむしろ議論を停滞させてしまうのではないかという不安にかられ、議論への参加に委縮するようになってしまいました。それからは毎日、聞いてばかりの日々。「こんなみじめな思いはもう嫌だ。みんなを追い越してやる」と、決意を固めました。
-Can you tell us about the theme you discussed?
Kimura: Our Roundtable (consisting of four delegates each from Japan and the U.S.) had a month-long discussion on “Identity: Self and Nation”. We had at least three hours of discussion each day on problems experienced by the sexual minority (LGBTQs), physically disabled and Korean residents of Japan, for example. In our presentation on the final day, I spoke about the structural imperfection inherent in our society and culture that inevitably makes specific groups of people suffer from inequality.
木村 私の分科会は「個人とナショナル・アイデンティティー」というテーマで1カ月間議論しました。毎日、最低3時間のディスカッションが行われる中、例えば性的マイノリティー(LGBTQ)や身体障害者、在日朝鮮人の方が直面している課題について話し合いました。最終日のプレゼンでは、私はどんな社会や文化の中にも特定の人々が不平等に悩む構造があることを発表しました。
Keen about infant education
-Did you find anything new from the discussion?
Kimura: Before I participated in JASC, I had thought of getting engaged in poverty reduction in developing countries as a member of an international organization. But I became newly aware through the JASC discussion that relations between society and individuals are quite complicated. I began to feel I need to listen to people who suffer from inequality and a poor environment and build up my experiences before actually trying to tackle issues. I will be visiting Laos in February 2017 on a JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) program to take part in workshops on infant education. In my opinion, sentiment education like music and arts is essential in promoting infant education in a developing country like Laos. I will be tasked with briefing local teachers on the outline of such education and giving them practical guidance.
木村 JASC参加前まで、国際際機関で途上国の貧困支援などに携わりたいと考えていました。しかし、社会と個人は複雑な関係に置かれていると議論を通して再認識したことで、不平等や恵まれない環境で耐える人々の声を聴き、実際に課題解決に立ち向かう経験がまずは必要だと考えるようになりました。今年2月から国際協力機構(JICA)のプログラムでラオスに行き、幼児教育の分野で現地研修に参加します。発展途上のラオスにおける幼児教育を発展させるためには、音楽や美術など情操教育の導入が必要です。私は滞在中に現地の先生に情操教育の概要を説明し、実践指導をします。
-What has made you interested in infant education?
Kimura: I love kids and that is my main motivation. For that reason, babysitting and after-school care for children are my present part-time job. Keeping in touch with children, it occurs to me that they cannot choose their living environment on their own. Some of them become handicapped in their later life because of inadequate education stemming from poor living conditions during their childhood, which is a crucial period for character formation. I want to help improve that situation.
木村 まず、子供が好きなことが第一の理由です。それが理由でアルバイトはベビーシッターと学童保育です。子供たちと触れ合っていると、ふと思うことがあります。彼らには自分の意思で生活する環境を選べません。人格形成の重要な時期に、生活環境が理由で十分な教育を受けられず、その後の人生でハンディを背負う子供がいます。その現状を改善したいと思っています。
-Can you give some advice to Chuo students who are eager to participate in JASC?
Kimura: Participants in JASC are all very much passionate. While they respect each other when they debate, they keep to what we Japanese call a rule of “tameguchi” culture (talking on friendly terms) and play hardball with each other irrespective of nationality, seniority and gender. Therefore, Japanese students talk so straightforward that it is too much of a stereotype to think Japanese are shy and gentle. They hit back at American students who speak only English, their mother tongue. I encourage Chuo students to try JASC if they really want to debate with high-level persons or meet with interesting persons.
木村 JASCの参加者はみんな情熱にあふれています。議論ではお互いの意見を尊重し合いながらも、国籍、年齢、性別にかかわらず手加減はしない〝タメ口文化″(友達口調)というルールがあります。そのため日本人はおとなしいというイメージが全くのステレオタイプだと思うほど、日本人学生は発言しますし、英語を母国語にするアメリカ人の学生に食ってかかります。高いレベルの人たちと議論がしたい、面白い人に会いたいと思っている人はぜひチャレンジしてみてください。
-Thank you. (Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)
Do you know Chuo University’s street dance circle called NAOKAN? It is so popular among students that it draws a big audience each time it performs at the school’s annual festival in the autumn. Street dance literally means dancing in open spaces such as streets. It includes hip hop and break among others.
NAOKAN is a large student club consisting of some 200 members ranging from first to fourth graders. As such, its members are diversified in their orientation toward dancing. But they have a good environment where they can practice in keeping with their own pace.
Making its debut in 1999, NAOKAN was named after its founder. It is made up of eight groups each specializing in lock, house, jazz, waack, girls and pop on top of hip hop and break. Each group has its leader called “komacho”.
NAOKAN is now preparing to take part in the Japan Dancers Championship (JDC) scheduled for February 16 at Zepp DiverCity shopping mall in Tokyo’s Koto Ward. First held in February 2915, JDC is an annual competition of college dance circles across Japan, a major intercollegiate event that attracts more than 2,000 audiences each time.
このNAOKANが来年2月16日、東京都江東区のショッピングモール「Zepp DiverCity」で開催される日本ダンサーズ選手権大会(略称JDC)に出場する。JDCは2015年2月に初めて開かれた大学ダンス・サークル日本一を決める大会だ。例年2000人以上の観客が集まる大きなイベントだ。
After having been lackluster in the past two championships, NAOKAN is now practicing intensively in a bid to grab its first title. Lee Jong Min, a Faculty of Commerce second grader and representative of the club, told Hakumon Herald, “I think the upcoming championship is very much important for all of us incumbent club members. So we are committed to work as hard as possible. We will make no compromise and just do our utmost to win the championship this year.”
NAOKANは過去2回の大会であまり良い成績を残しておらず、初優勝を目指して猛練習を重ねている。NAOKAN代表の李 鍾民(商学部2)さんは、「今回のJDCは、私たちの代にとって大変重要なものになると思います。部員たちは充実した練習をするよう心がけています。妥協はせず、こだわりを持って優勝に挑戦します」と、大会への意気込みを語った。
If you are interested in street dance, why don’t you come and pep them up?
(Written by: Daichi Tsutsui)
Says Albanian student Ervin Myshketa
At present, a total of 797 exchange students from 31 countries study at Chuo University. While many of them are from neighboring Asian countries such as China, South Korea and Taiwan, some are from countries little known to Japanese. One of them is Ervin Myshketa, 26, who has joined Chuo just for the fall semester. He was born in Albania, an eastern Balkan country with a population of about 2.7 million, approximately equal to that of Japan’s Osaka Prefecture. After spending his high-school days in his own country, he went to Switzerland to enter the University of Geneva. Hakumon Herald interviewed him to ask about his impression of Japan and environmental and cultural differences between his mother country and Japan.
Keen to see Earth’s opposite side
-What has brought you to Japan?
Myshleta: The University of Geneva has an efficient system to support its students who want to study abroad. Many take advantage of that system to study abroad at least once while being enrolled at the school. I applied for its scholarship with Asia in my mind, believing it could be my last chance. To us Europeans, Japan is a country located on the opposite side of the Earth. Luckily enough, my wish has been realized. It was Chuo University that has accepted me.
ミシュケタ ジュネーブ大学には、学生の海外留学を積極的に支援する制度があります。それを利用して多くの学生が在学中に1度は留学をします。私はこの機会を逃したら行かないかもしれないアジアに絞り、出願しました。私たちからしたら、日本は地球の裏側です(笑い)。祈りが届き、決まった留学先が中央大学だったのです。
-What impression have you formed since coming to Japan?
Myshketa: I’ve felt the social environment and human characteristics in Japan resemble those in Switzerland. My homeland Albania is still a developing country in terms of politics, economy and education because of the immature policies taken by the Communist regime over a long period from the end of World War II to the middle of the 1990s. A high unemployment rate is also one of its serious problems. In my native town, I often saw people just stumbling around without doing anything even in the daytime. When I went to Switzerland, I was amazed to see its well-organized cityscape, sophisticated educational environment and people’s disciplined attitude to be caring to others. I have the same feeling about Japan, too. What strikes me particularly in Japan is that complicated things are practiced so smoothly and easily. For example, trains arrive on time and people wait for them in good manners. All those are quite new to me.
ミシュケタ 社会の環境、人々の特徴はスイスに似ていると感じました。私の故郷、アルバニアは戦後から1990年代前半まで続いた共産党政権の未熟な政策で、いまだ政治、経済、教育が発展途上中です。また、高い失業率も問題の1つとなっています。昼間から何をするでもなく町をふらふらしている人々を、私が生まれた町ではよく目にしました。スイスに移住すると、整備された都市、洗練された教育環境、他人を思いやる姿勢が徹底されているのを見て驚きました。日本についても同じ感想を持ちます。複雑なことがいとも簡単に実行される風景。例えば、列車が定刻通りに到着すること、それを礼儀正しく待つ人々の姿。私にとって新鮮な光景に映ります。
-Do you see any similarities between Albanian people and Japanese people?
Myshketa: Albanian people tend to be hot-blooded. On the other hand, Japanese look calm and collected. I don’t feel the two peoples have much in common characteristically. But I do think they are similar to each other in terms of, for instance, respect to the elderly and tolerance of religion. The Albanian Communist regime used to prohibit people from having faith in specific religion. However, that has changed now. My country is religiously tolerant just like Japan, where traditional Shintoist practices like Matsuri (festival) and Shogatsu (New Year’s Day) and Buddhist practices like Bon festival go hand in hand with traditional Western religious practices like Christmas and Halloween.
ミシュケタ 血気盛んなアルバニア人。穏やかな日本人というように国民の性格は似ていない部分が多いように感じますが、高齢者への敬意や宗教への寛容性は共通していると思います。アルバニアでは共産党政権時代には特定の宗教を信仰することが許されませんでした。しかし、今は違います。お祭りやお正月などの神道の宗教行事、お盆などの仏教行事がクリスマスやハロウィーンなどの西洋の宗教行事と共存する日本のように、宗教的な寛容性がアルバニアにもあります。
Miss Albanian coffee bar
What Albanian culture do you miss in Japan?
Myshketa: Either in Geneva or Tokyo, I sometimes miss the Albanian lifestyle in which people slowly spend every day without much stress. Albanians enjoy having nonsensical talks with their family, friends and even strangers at coffee bars seen here and there in town. They let me have mixed feelings. I sometimes want to go back to such life but don’t want to at other times.
ミシュケタ 毎日をゆったりと、ストレスなく過ごすアルバニアの生活がスイスや東京にいると、時々恋しくなります。町中にあるコーヒー・バーで家族、友達、時には見知らぬ他人と他愛のない話をする。そんな日々に戻りたくもあり、戻りたくもない複雑な思いです。
-Albanians frequent a cafe, don’t they?
Myshketa: Well, Albanian coffee bars are slightly different from cafes. They look like restaurants or night clubs furnished with a bar and tables. Coffee bars are the second home for Albanians. You can have a cup of coffee there just for 60 yen. That affordable price attracts a broad range of people from children to adults. They are always bustling. Some people even have business talks there.
ミシュケタ 喫茶店とは少し違います。バーとテーブルがあるレストランやナイトクラブのような場所です。アルバニア人にとって、コーヒー・バーは第2の家です。1杯60円程度なので、子供から大人まで店内はいつも賑やかです。ビジネス上の交渉もコーヒー・バーですることもあるようです。
-Can you tell us about the hardships and funs you may have while living in foreign countries?
Myshketa: It’s always exciting to go out of a familiar society to live in a country with different culture. However, you will have a string of hardships until you get accustomed to your new life there. I moved to Switzerland after finishing my high school. At first, I was often annoyed by linguistic and cultural differences. But I can say one thing for sure. Wherever you go, people will open their heart if you try to be sincere and nice to them. I’m convinced that my effort like my study never fails in human relationships. I think studying abroad gives you a good chance to realize how important your sincerity is.
ミシュケタ 慣れた社会から飛び出して異なる文化圏で過ごすことは、いつでも刺激的ですが、その土地に慣れるまでは苦労の連続です。私は高校卒業後からスイスに移りました。言語、文化の違いで悩むことが当初は多かったです。しかし、誠心誠意な態度を心がけていれば、場所に関わらず人々は心を開いてくれます。勉強と同じように、努力を裏切らないのが人間関係です。留学はその重要性に気付くいい機会になると思います。
-Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)
Mexican ambassador tells Hakumon Herald
Mexican Ambassador Carlos Almada talked about is country’s relationships with Japan in an interview with Hakumon Herald following his lecture at Chuo University on December 1.
-How have you come to assume your present post?
Ambassador: I’ve been engaged in public services for more than 40 years. In the early stage of my career, I hadn’t expected to be a diplomat. My bachelor degree was in public administration. After getting my Ph.D., I was first hired as a public servant by a municipal government and then by a state government and the federal government. I happened to be appointed ambassador to Portugal in 1997 and as ambassador to Japan this time.
大使 私は40年以上行政に携わってきました。初めから外交官を目指していたわけではありません。学部生当時の専攻は行政学でした。博士号を習得したあと、地方都市の公務員となり、州政府、連邦政府で職務を遂行してきました。そうした流れの中で、ある時期は駐ポルトガル大使、そして今回は駐日本国大使に任命されました。
-Have you found your college study practically useful in public administration?
Ambassador: Learning systematic knowledge is useful not only in public administration but elsewhere as well. You can’t always attain practical skills just by reading textbooks. You should be keen to choose occupation and have a clear sense of purpose and intellectual curiosity. You should also cultivate your sensibility by trying to get familiar with arts such as literature and music. It is important for you to make consistent efforts with the aim of bringing about a better society.
大使 体系的な知識を学ぶことは、行政に限らず、どの分野にも応用できる素養ですね。単に参考書を読破すれば実務能力がつくわけではありません。職業を選択する真摯な姿勢、明確な目的意識と知的好奇心を持ち、文学や音楽などの芸術にも普段から親しみ、豊かな感性を培うことが大切です。より良い社会の実現をめざし、不断の努力をなすことが大切です。
Japan is special country
-What particularly do you bear in mind as a diplomat?
Ambassador: It doesn’t make much difference whether you work as a public servant in a small town or a foreign country. You learn the local culture from textual information such as books and communications with locals. That’s it. I see it as particularly important for me to respect the culture of a country where I am posted while keeping myself well-informed on my birthplace and my own country. For that matter, we should learn the history and culture of our own country and comprehend its ethics and sense of value. If you do that, you will wish to understand the culture and ideas of other cities and countries. I think we become more tolerant by knowing ourselves and our own country.
大使 公務員として勤務する場所が小さな町でも外国でも、職務の本質にはさしたる違いがありません。その土地の文化を書籍などの文字情報と多数の人々との対話、そこから学ぶ。それに尽きます。特に重要なのは任地の文化を尊重する姿勢を維持すること、故郷や自国の文化に精通すること、です。自分が生まれ育った地方や国の歴史と文化、倫理観や価値観を学び、理解する。それを基礎にすれば、他の都市や国の文化、思想を理解したいと思うようになります。寛容な姿勢は、自分自身そして自分の国を知ることから生まれると思います。
-What did you do prior to assuming the office of ambassador to Japan?
Ambassador: Before coming to Japan, I had met and talked with as many predecessors (former ambassadors to Japan) as possible to deepen my understanding of Japanese social practices. I take ambassadorship as a crucial duty to be performed in real earnest. Japan is one of special countries for me. I’ve long been attracted to Japanese history, culture and society. Taking my assignment as a very good chance, I make it a rule to read major Japanese literary works.
大使 より深く日本の社会慣行を理解するために、東京への赴任に先立って、私の前任者たち(歴代の駐日メキシコ大使たち)には、可能な限り全員のところへ面談に出かけました。大使とは、それだけ真剣に取り組むべき重要な職務だと認識しています。日本は私にとって特別な国のひとつです。以前から日本の歴史、文化、社会に興味があったので、今回を絶好の機会ととらえ、日本文学の主要作品を読むことも実践しています。
-Who is your favorite author?
Ambassador: My general impression is that Japanese literature is characterized by subtle sensitivity. I’m fascinated with contemporary works like Junichiro Tanizaki and Yasunari Kawabata.
大使 全般にわたり、繊細な感受性が表現されている印象を受けています。谷崎潤一郎や川端康成などの近代文学も素晴らしいと思います。
-What would you like to do as ambassador to Japan?
Ambassador: I have a strong sense of mission to develop the Mexico-Japan friendship backed by a history longer than 400 years that has been built by our forerunners. I want to expand and strengthen our overall relations by promoting cultural and educational exchanges, scientific and technological cooperation and economic collaboration to hand down that legacy to future generations. I’m particularly keen to assist in the construction of value chain which Japanese companies in Mexico have been addressing. The number of Japanese companies active in Mexico has reached the landmark 1,000 this year. Importantly many Mexican workers learn advanced technical skills and sophisticated management approaches from those Japanese firms. If that continues, it will help improve the quality of labor and enhance the productivity. The Japanese companies for their part can expand their business in other Latin American countries. I want to see this win-win relationship develop further.
大使 先人たちが築いてきた400年以上の歴史を背景に持つ素晴らしい友好関係をさらに前進させることが私の使命だと強く認識しています。文化や教育の領域における交流、科学技術分野の協力や経済上の連携、こうした関係全体の拡大強化を達成し、次世代へ引継ぎたいと思います。私が特に推進しているのは、日系企業の現地法人が取り組むバリューチェーン構築の支援です。今年は、メキシコに進出して活動中の日系企業数が1,000社の大台にのりました。日本の高い技術力と優れた経営手法が導入されて、現地の労働者がこれらを学習していることは重要です。それが続いていけば、労働の品質が改善され、生産性が向上します。日系企業は、メキシコを拠点にして、他のラテン・アメリカ各国へビジネス圏を拡大することができます。このウィン・ウィンの関係を発展させたいと考えています。
Make most of irreplaceable youth
-Can you give some message to us students?
Ambassador: You should fully enjoy yourselves reading books, tasting arts and falling in love as much as possible. Keep a spirit of altruism, hold your dream higher and take on a challenge without being afraid of failure. I advise you to make the most of your irreplaceable privilege of being young.
大使 本を読み、芸術に触れ、いっぱい恋をして、人生を満喫する。利他の精神を忘れずに、高い理想を掲げて、失敗を恐れず挑戦する。かけがえのない「若さ」という特権を最大限に行使してください。
-Thank you for your time.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)
Brief profile of Ambassador Carlos Almada
Born in Mexico City, the United Mexican States, in 1951, Ambassador Almada earned his bachelor degree in public administration from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa in 1972. After working briefly at the municipal office of Sinaloa, he did his internship in reginal administration in the United States in 1974, completed MPA (master degree of public administration) at the International Institute of Paris (1975-76) and Ph.D. at the University of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Paris. Returning home, he served as Secretary of Administration at the Government of the State of Mexico (1981-86), Chief Officer at the Ministry of the Interior (1995) and Director General of Social Communication and spokesman of the Office of the President of Mexico (1996-97), achieving tremendous performances at the federal government. He served as ambassador to Portugal (1997-99), Chief of the Executive Office of the Governor of the State of Nuevo Leon (2009-12) and Deputy Secretary of Transportation at the Ministry of Communications and Transportations (2013-15). He has been ambassador to Japan since 2015.
Mexican ambassador lectures at Chuo
Mexican Ambassador to Japan Carlos Almada gave a special lecture at Chuo University on Dec. 1, highlighting the school’s International Week on Mexico held on November 28-December 3. The students who attended the lecture looked deeply impressed. The 500-seat hall in the No. 8 building of the Tama campus had been fully packed five minutes before the start of the lecture.
The ambassador began with a brief introduction of Mexico and dwelt on the history of its friendly relationships with Japan from a broad perspective of politics, culture and economy. After the lecture, a student referred to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who had appealed “America first” during his campaign, and asked him, “What do you think about the global trend of protectionism?” In reply, the envoy said, “We live in an era where no countries can sustain their economy by themselves. World countries can solve the difficult problems they face by acting hand in hand with discretion. Mexico will show to the world its flexible friendly relations with Japan as a model case.”
He concluded his lecture by telling students: “Continue your efforts to keep up your intellectual curiosity. I am sure our bilateral relations between Mexico and Japan will continue to develop. You are the persons who will play a core role in that process. Before anything else, I recommend you to visit Mexico. The destination of your honeymoon should be Cancun (a popular resort in southeastern Mexico).” He made his audiences feel relaxed after answering the serious question and casually promoted his country’s tourism.
The lecture was followed by a performance of Mexican music by a three-member mariachi band, “Saboten (meaning cactus in Japanese)”. It gave a boost to the friendly mood in the hall.
(Written by: Hideki Kato)(加藤英樹)
Keen on developing friendships built by forerunners
Interview with Miss Chuo winner, runner-up
The annual Mister & Miss Chuo Contest 2016 was held at the Tama campus during the school festival on November 5, attended by more than 1,100 audiences. Contestants gave various performances including a show of skills in their get-out-the-vote efforts. The hall exploded into cheers and applause when a Mister Chuo contestant tenderly handed a handkerchief to one of Miss Chuo finalists while she was reading out in tears her letter of thanks to her friends and family members.
Miyuki Higashitsuji, a third grader of the Faculty of Commerce’s Department of Management, won the honorable title of Miss Chuo. Kana Hashimoto, a second grader of the Economics Department, the Faculty of Economics, was the runner-up. Hakumon Herald interviewed the two winners, who have been kept busy since the end of the contest, to ask why they took part in the event and what their future dreams are.
-What motivated you to participate in Miss Chuo pageant?
Higashitsuji: Hinako Umemura, a Chuo graduate and the leader of popular music band Silent Siren, gave her performance at the school festival last year. At that time, she told us she had an unpleasant experience when she took part in the Miss Chuo contest during her school days but failed to produce a good result. However, Umemura added she has acquired through that experience a spirit of challenge without fear of failure. I wanted to be an assertive woman like her. That was why I made up my mind to enter the contest.
東辻 昨年の学園祭で中央大学の卒業生で、バンドグループ「サイレント・サイレン」のリーダーを務める梅村妃奈子さんが公演に来ました。その梅村さんから自分が学生のころミス・コンテストに出場したものの良い成果を残せず、悔しい思いをしたという話を聞きました。しかし、梅村さんは失敗を恐れずチャレンジする姿勢を身につけることができるようになったと言いました。私も彼女のように強くなりたいと思い、応募しました。
Hashimoto: In my case, I had initially thought of joining RP, the student host organization of Mister & Miss Chuo Contest, to get engaged in organizing events. But I gave it up for some reasons or other. For one thing, my assignment at RP was computer manipulation at which I’m not good at all. But I couldn’t put Miss Chuo Contest out of my mind. So I checked the contest results in the past on the Internet. Remembering the thrilling emotion I had when I first saw the contest, I decided to take part in it.
橋本 私は初めにこのコンテストの運営団体「RP」に所属し、イベントの制作に携わろうと思っていました。事情があって途中で諦めました。苦手なパソコンの操作が多かったこともその理由です(笑い)。しかし、ミスコンに携わりたいという未練があったので、ネットで過去のイベントを調べているうちに、初めて見た時の感動を思い出し、応募を決めました。
Live in a way honest with myself
-Have you found any changes in yourself after the contest?
Higashitsuji: I think I have become honest with myself and willing to act without fear of failure. Painting has been my hobby since my girlhood. However, the spray paint I performed on the stage during the contest was my first challenge. Getting advice from Internet video sites and my acquaintances, I had practiced it every day. Almost all contestants including myself challenged performances that looked to be beyond their ability. I think I could give my performance without fear of failure just because I had so many hard workers around me.
東辻 自分に正直になり、失敗を恐れず、行動ができるようになりました。元々、絵は好きですが、披露したスプレーアートは初めての挑戦でした。自分なりに動画サイトや知り合いにアドバイスをもらい、毎日練習しました。私だけでなく候補者のほとんどはこれまでの自分を超える課題を設定して挑戦していました。努力家の人々に囲まれていたからこそ、失敗を恐れず実行できたのだと思います。
-What do you mean by being honest to yourself?
Higashitsuji: I had constantly updated my SNS blog during the run-up to the contest. I was strongly aware that contestants are supposed to be gorgeously dressed and behave in girlish manners. So I always bore that in my mind each time I updated my blog. But honestly speaking, I usually like wearing casual clothes. Moreover, I had an uncomfortable feeling about “behaving in girlish manners”. I find it painful to adapt myself to an ideal image of a contestant. So I dared to begin presenting “my usual self” in my blog. Then, I had a lot of responses from my friends, family members and fans, who all told me, “You look most attractive just the way you are.” They cheered me up a lot. Their comments made my daily activities more enjoyable. I’ve learned from my experience that I shouldn’t behave myself by lying to my heart.
東辻 期間中、私はSNSで日々情報発信していました。ミスコン参加者は華やかな装い、女の子らしい振る舞いをするべきという認識が強かったのでSNSの更新は常にそれを意識しました。しかし、私は普段からカジュアルな装いが好みです。さらに、「女の子らしく振る舞う」ことにも違和感がありました。理想のミスコン候補者像に合わせているようでつらかったです。そこで思い切って、「普段の私」を発信するようにしました。それからは「ありのままのあなたが一番魅力的だ」と友人、家族、ファンの方々から応援をもらえるようになり、日々の活動が楽しくなりました。自分の心に嘘をついてまで活動する必要はないとこの経験を通して学んだと思います。
-What did you do before the contest?
Hashimoto: I had few acquaintances in the school. So I had to make greater efforts than others to get support from as many people as possible. In the first place, I frequently tried to make my day-to-day life better known via Twitter. I got a lot of reactions each time I posted what I thought were interesting photos and videos. That made my preparations for the contest really enjoyable.
橋本 学内に知り合いがほとんどいなかったので、多くの人から応援してもらうためには人一倍の努力が必要でした。まず、私のことを知ってもらうために、ツイッターで私の日々の様子を積極的に発信しました。私が思う面白い写真や動画を掲げると周りからの反響がありました。おかげで楽しんで取り組むことができました。
-Hashimoto-san, you performed Japanese calligraphy at the contest, didn’t you?
Hashimoto: I was accustomed to handling a brush because I had taken calligraphy lessons for eight years from the first grade in elementary school to the second grade in junior high school. But I needed to practice for my performance at the contest since I was supposed to write letters on a huge paper put up against the wall. So I asked the Chuo University Calligraphy Club for help. I am of the nature not to stop doing something until I am fully convinced. I sometimes spent all day holding a brush in my hand. Members of the calligraphy club helped me all the time. I can't thank them enough.
橋本 小学1年からから中学校2年の8年、書道教室に通っていたため、筆の扱いには慣れてはいましたが、本番で披露したのは壁に立てかけられた巨大半紙に文字を書くものだったので練習が必要でした。中央大学書道會に指導のお願いをしました。納得いくまで終わることができない性格なので、時には一日中筆を握っていたこともありました。そんな私につきっきりで指導してくれた書道會のみなさんには感謝してもしきれません。
Most fulfilling period in college life
-What do you think is the charm of the Miss Chuo Contest?
Higashitsuji: Well, it makes you work hard in friendly rivalry. And you can perhaps meet your life-time friends. In addition to that, it puts you in an environment where you can discover something important which you didn’t know. I really think that the six months from my entry into the contest to the announcement of the result were the most fulfilling period in my college life.
東辻 切磋琢磨し合う、一生ものの友人に出会えること。そして、自分が気づかなかった大事なことを知る環境があることです。ミスコン出場決定から先週の結果発表までの半年間は、大学生活で最も充実した時間になったと心から思います。
Hashimoto: The charm of the contest is that it gives you an environment where you can grow personally by meeting and communicating with many people. I have become much more sociable than before. Furthermore, the contest gives you a chance to think of your dream in real earnest and get friends with whom you can talk about it.
橋本 たくさんの人と出会いコミュニケーションをとることを繰り返し、人間的に成長できる環境があることです。私は前よりも断然、社交的になりました。さらに、自身の夢について真剣に考える機会、そしてそれを話し合える友達ができることもミスコンならではだと思います。
-What are your future dreams?
Higashitsuji: I want to become a model. I also want to become a graphic designer by developing my favorite painting into business. I am preparing to make both of my dreams come true. I want to realize my dreams by brushing up the illustration and programming skills which I began learning upon entering Chuo. I will continue my efforts by making the most of the confidence and the spirit of challenge that I have acquired through my participation in the contest.
東辻 モデルの仕事と、趣味の絵をビジネスにしたグラフィック・デザイナーの夢を両立できるように準備しています。大学入学から独学で始めたイラスト製作、プログラミングの技術を洗練させてその夢を叶えたいです。ミスコンで得た自信とチャレンジン精神を糧に努力を続けます。
Hashimoto: I wrote two words “Progress” and “Dream” in my calligraphy performance at the contest. I will bear them in my mind as I continue my efforts to realize my dream of becoming a TV anchorperson. I’d appreciate your support.
橋本 書道パフォーマンスで書いた「前進」と「夢」という言葉を忘れず、アナウンサー、キャスターの夢に向かって努力を続けます。これからも応援よろしくお願いします。
-Thank you both.
(聞き手:堀部聡宏、加藤英樹)(Interviewed by: Toshihiro Horibe and Hideki Kato)
Prof. Takita speaks to Hakumon Herald
The results of the U.S. presidential election on November 8 defied all prediction across the world. Surprisingly, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton who had been strongly favored by influential media like The New York Times lost by a razor-thin margin to Republican nominee Donald Trump. The real-estate mogul had constantly made offensive remarks on immigration and other sensitive issues during his campaign, sparking a lot of controversy both at home and abroad. President Barack Obama sharply criticized him in August, saying, “The Republican nominee is unfit to serve as president.” Yet Trump emerged victorious from the neck-and-neck race. He will be sworn in as the 45th American president on January 20, 2017. How do pundits view this consequence? Prof. Kenji Takita, of Chuo University’s Faculty of Law, who is familiar with American politics, gave the following remarks during his interview with Hakumon Herald.
Trump voiced frustration of middle-class white Americans
Takita: I think Trump’s victory can be analyzed from three factors. A matured globalization was a remote factor. The U.S. economy took hold of world hegemony by capitalizing on the Internet technology after the Cold War. To ensure its further prosperity, it needed to promote free cross-border movement of people, goods and capital, that is, globalization. The U.S.-orchestrated globalization, or so-called Americanization, got off to a good start.
滝田 「トランプ氏の勝利は3つの要素から分析できる。遠因は行き過ぎたグローバリゼーションだ。冷戦終結後、インターネット技術の応用でアメリカ経済は世界で覇権を握った。さらなる繁栄のためにはヒト・モノ・カネのボーダーレス化、つまりグローバリゼーションが必要だった。アメリカ主導のグローバリゼーション、いわばアメリカナイゼーションの滑り出しは良好だった。
However, that turned out to be a double-edged sword. American manufacturers moved their production facilities one after another to China and other emerging countries in pursuit of cheaper labor. Low-priced goods produced there flooded the American market. In consequence, they pushed up the country’s unemployment rate.
The mess the globalization brought to American society was an intermediary factor. The country’s tax system that had guaranteed the quality of people’s living fell apart. A failure of wealth redistribution ensued. While big businesses and vested interest groups who got government backing basked in economic growth, middle-class citizens could not partake in its fruit. Their predicament can be accounted by a proximate factor, notably the hike of tuition fees and medicare insurance reforms enforced in a recession.
It was at this timing that Trump jumped on the bandwagon. Touting his “America First” approach, he vowed to dispel the anxiety and grievances of middle-class white Americans by dismantling the Obamacare (Medicare reforms), creating jobs through promotion of protectionist trade policies, tightening controls on undocumented immigrants and specific religious groups, and restoring peace and security at home. Those Americans must have felt strong empathy with Trump who looked to voice their frustration.
On the other hand, the Hilary camp had not pinpointedly delivered to the voters her will to bring about dramatic changes. I would say that the Trump team succeeded in its strategy to elaborately analyze concerns closest to civic life, translate them into short messages and drive them home to the constituents.
Call for more funding support for U.S. forces in Japan
Takita: I cannot but call Trump’s ideas about diplomacy and security too easy and simplistic. They might have been understandable as campaign gimmicks. However, a pullout of the U.S. forces in Japan and an arbitrary hike of tariffs could consequently put greater pressure on the lives of American citizens. His way of sending simplified messages was effective in achieving a short-term goal, in this case, winning over the undecided voters.
滝田 「トランプ氏の外交・安全保障についての発想は安易だと言わざるを得ない。選挙を有利に進めるためのテクニックだったことは理解できるが、在日米軍撤退や恣意的な関税の引き上げは、結果的に自国民の生活を圧迫させることになる。物事を単純化して伝えることは短期的な利益、つまり得票数を上げるうえで効果的だった。
However, diplomacy is something that should be considered from a long-term perspective. Diplomatic ties, once impaired, cannot be easily restored. As soon as Trump takes office, he will be held responsible to uphold the support he got from his nation and the rest of the world. His adherence to the hardline approaches wouldn’t prove to Washington’s advantage. For these reasons, I don’t think his new administration will put all his personal views on its policy agenda. Yet Washington may step up its call on Tokyo to pay more to keep the U.S. military presence in Japan by referring to what the Japanese government calls “host nation support.” I think how Tokyo will respond to such demand will become a major issue, given that more than 70% of the U.S. military bases in Japan are concentrated in Okinawa Prefecture.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)
Prof. Kenji Takita’s brief profile
略歴 滝田賢治教授
Born in the city of Yokohama in 1946, Mr. Kenji Takita earned his bachelor degree in English studies at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 1970. He entered the Graduate School of Law (International Relations), the Faculty of Law, Hitotsubashi University the following year and completed his Ph.D. there in 1977. After working as a part-time lecturer at Saitama University in 1978, he joined Chuo University as a junior associate professor in 1979, became an associate professor in 1980 and was promoted to professor in 1987. His major is history of international politics, economics and American politics. From 1991 to 1993, he taught at the Institute for Sino-Soviet Studies of George Washington University as a visiting fellow. Prof. Takita is to mandatorily retire from Chuo in March 2017. He is scheduled to give his last lecture on January 17 at Room 8302.
Mr. Shimizu, host of the event, speaks of its charm
A lucha libre match is to be fought at the square outside the library of Chuo University’s Tama campus during lunch break on Nov. 29. A kind of pro wrestling, it is one of the most popular sports in Mexico. It is loved by Mexican people so much that almost every town in the country has its own ring.
The event is being prepared for Chuo’s International Week on Mexico by ”Secret Base,” a Japanese pro wrestling organization headed by Mototsugu Shimizu. He had lucha libre training in Mexico and has a license of “luchador” (meaning a male wrestler in Spanish). Since returning home, he has been performing skills unique to the Mexican sport at various locations across Japan.
Hiroshi Sakamoto, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Economics who has helped organize the event said, “I thought it would be wonderful if Chuo students could get in touch with Mexican culture and enjoy it. We will open the ring to them after the match to let them have some unusual experiences.” He added that they will be served torta, a Mexican hot sandwich, so that they can enjoy the match in the same way as locals do.
Shimizu told of some highlights of lucha libre during an interview with Hakumon Herald. “Lucha libre wrestlers prioritize elements of entertainment in addition to fighting. I say you mustn’t miss out the floridness with which they fight a match. You will be surprised at their acrobatic performances, too.” The event will be a must-see for any people who want to feel a real Mexican atmosphere no matter whether they have or have not ever watched a pro wrestling match.
Hakumon Herald asked Shimizu about his training in Mexico and the charm of lucha libre during the interview.
In pursuit of skills to make up for bodily smallness
-Why did you go to Mexico to get training?
Shimizu: When I took an interest in pro wrestling, being tall and burly like Antonio Inoki was vitally necessary to be a wrestler. The door to that world was virtually shut to small persons like me. However, what changed that was the debut of Ultimo Dragon (a Japanese wrestler whose real name is Yoshihiro Asai), my mentor in lucha libre. He was struggling with his tiny body, too. Then, he decided to take on a challenge at the world of lucha libre where bodily smallness is not much of handicap. After his hard training in Mexico, he made a success as a lucha libre wrestler. Upon returning home, he brought a tremendous change to the Japanese pro wrestling world. He overwhelmed his bigger opponents with his vivid performances and submission holds called jave in Spanish which he had acquired in Mexico. I was encouraged by his great success and made up my mind to get lucha libre training in Mexico.
清水 私がプロレスに興味を持ち始めたころは、アントニオ猪木選手に代表されるように、背が高く大きな体を持つことがプロレスラーには必須の要素でした。体の小さな私ではその世界に挑戦さえできなかったのです。しかし、これを変えたのが私の師匠であるウルティモ・ドラゴン選手(日本人レスラー、本名浅井嘉浩)の登場です。ウルティモ選手も私と同じく体の小ささに悩んでいました。そこで彼は「にならないルチャリブレの世界に挑戦したのです。ルチャリブレで成功を収めた彼は帰国後、日本のプロレス界を大きく変えました。メキシコ仕込みの派手な演出、ジャベと呼ばれるルチャリブレ独特の関節技で体の大きなレスラーを圧倒します。彼の登場は私を鼓舞し、メキシコ修業を決意するきっかけとなりました。
-You experienced a lot of hardships while getting trained in Mexico, didn’t you?
Shimizu: In Mexico, I entered “Toryumon”, the lucha libre gym set up for Japanese wrestlers by Ultimo Dragon. It took some time for me to get used to the environment at a higher altitude where the gym is located. But I could spend fruitful days with cheerful Mexican people who didn’t treat me unfairly because of the language barrier. By the way, I was given a harsh lesson of a “hundred-time karate chop” during my debut match in Mexico. That was really a bitter memory for me.
清水 メキシコではウルティモ・ドラゴン選手が設立した、日本人向けのルチャリブレ養成所「闘龍門」に入会しました。滞在地が高地だったことで、最初はその環境になれず苦労しました。しかし、言語の違いで不公平に扱われることもなく、陽気なメキシコ人と充実した日々を過ごせました。修業を終え、ルチャリブレデビューの際に100発チョップを体験したことは苦い思い出です。
-What is that?
Shimizu: I was told to stand for the pain of a hundred chops to get psyched now that I was entering the ring to make my debut as a pro wrestler. Well, I had to experience that just because I belonged to a gym run by a Japanese. My Mexican friends gazed at my red and swollen chest and laughed at me saying, “You got hustled too much.”
清水 プロの選手としてリングに上がるのだから気合を入れる必要がある、という理由で経験しました。これは日本人経営のジムだったからの経験です。真っ赤に腫れた私の胸を見たメキシコ人は「気合を入れすぎだ」と笑っていました。
Bringing charm of lucha libre to Japan
-What do you think are the differences between Japanese pro wrestling and Mexican lucha libre?
Shimizu: One of the characteristics of lucha libre is that it is a part of Mexican people’s daily life. Another feature is the wrestlers’ strong awareness of the feverish excitement on the part of audiences. They show off their flaring skills and techniques to enthuse the audiences. While some audiences watch their performances enthusiastically, others just enjoy themselves eating and drinking with their family members and friends. Mexican people freely enjoy watching lucha libre matches. Meanwhile, as for Japanese pro wrestling, there is an atmosphere where only hardcore fans come to watch it. I think those are the differences between Japanese pro wrestling and Mexican lucha libre.
清水 プロレスが日常生活に溶け込んでいるというのはメキシコ特有ですね。観客の熱狂を特に意識するのがルチャリブレの特徴で、観客を楽しませるために、レスラーは派手な技を披露します。熱狂的に試合を観戦するお客さんがいる一方で、飲み物や食事を片手に家族と友達とゆっくり楽しむ人もいます。彼らはルチャリブレを自由に楽しんでいます。一方、日本のプロレスには熱狂的なファンだけが観戦するような雰囲気があります。そこが日本とメキシコの違いだと思います。
-Can you give some comment on the upcoming lucha libre match at Chuo?
Shimizu: Wrestlers full of Mexican spirits will fight in real earnest. I do hope that those who have not watched pro wrestling and students who wish to feel a Mexican atmosphere will come and see their performance. I bet they will enjoy something quite extraordinary.
清水 メキシカンス・ピリッツにあふれたレスラーが本気で戦います。プロレスを見たことのない人に限らず、メキシコの雰囲気を感じたい学生のみなさんは是非見に来てください。非日常を楽しめますよ。
-Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)(聞き手:加藤英樹)
Not many students in Chuo University learn Spanish as their second foreign language. Mizuki Koike and Mariana Nishii are preparing to give a one-day lesson on Spanish at the school on Nov. 30 in a bid to make the language more popular among Chuo students. Both of them are first graders of the Faculty of Commerce’s Marketing & Trade Department. Koike learned Spanish when she studied in Mexico during her high-school days. Nishii has been familiar with the language since her childhood because she has Japanese-Peruvian parents.
They are giving the lesson at G square of the Tama campus at the suggestion of Professor Hideki Takamatsu, the chairperson of the working group organizing Chuo International Week on Mexico scheduled for Nov. 28-Dec. 3. Nishii said, “I thought it will be a good chance to get Chuo students know about Spanish. I also felt it will be a good challenge for me to experience the hardships people may have when they teach.”
Their lesson will focus on daily conversations in Spanish. “I have prepared the course, based on the troubles I experienced during my study in Mexico. Its contents will be easy and practical for beginners like, for example, ‘What do you say this in Spanish?’,” Koike said.
Asked about the charm of Spanish, Nishii said, “It is a language spoken with a lot of bouncy gestures that make you cheerful.” Koike and Nishii seem to be arranging for light meals to be served and Bingo games played after their lesson.
スペイン語の魅力を聞くと、西井さんは「表現やしぐさが軽快で、喋っていて楽しくなる言語です」と語った。当日は食事とビンゴゲームも用意されるようだ。(Written by: Hideki Kato)(加藤英樹)
Manager Tezuka, Captain Hashimoto tell Hakumon Herald
This year’s league competition of the Kanto University Football Association (JUFA-Kanto) is now at its final stage. In particular, the Chuo University Soccer Club, relegated to the second division in 2015, is at a crucial stage of its promotion to the first division. Hakumon Herald interviewed Club Manager Satoshi Tezuka and Captain Ryoma Hashimoto, a fourth grader of the Faculty of Economics, about how they are going to play their remaining matches and how they are addressing their challenges.
-What is your impression of your team’s performances so far this year?
Tezuka: Our performances have been unstable in the autumn since late in September than in the spring. We could win many of our matches in the spring although we were in poorer conditions. We could score goals although we had fewer chances. However, we have been unable to score goals even when we had chances in the autumn. Conversely, we have often allowed our opponents to score goals in the few remaining minutes of each match.
Hashimoto: In the spring, we could endure our opponents’ offensives and finally make goals by launching side attacks. We could turn back the spring season in the top place because we were solid on both defense and offense. We haven’t played poorly in the autumn. But as Mr. Tezuka pointed out, we have often conceded goals in the remaining minutes of the second half, in particular, in the last 10 minutes.
手塚監督 9月下旬からの秋季の試合は、春季の試合に比べて不安定な状態です。春季の試合では、悪い流れの中でも勝ち切れていましたし、少ないチャンスの中でも得点を挙げることができていました。しかし、秋季に入ってからの試合はチャンスがあっても得点を決められず、残り少ない時間に相手に得点を挙げられてしまっています。
橋本主将 春季は、相手攻撃に耐えて、サイドから攻撃を仕掛け、最終的に得点をとれていました。守備と攻撃がしっかりとできていたので、春季はリーグ1位で折り返すことができました。秋季の試合はゲーム内容としては悪いものではないのですが、監督もおっしゃるように残り少ない時間、特に残り10分で失点してしまっています。
Prof. Takamatsu helps organize International Week
This year’s International Week at Chuo University looks to be drawing greater attention than in the past, thanks to the close collaboration between students, professors and school employees. Orchestrating them is Prof. Hideki Takamatsu of the Faculty of Commerce. As chairman of the working group for International Week 2016, he is in charge of overall planning and management of colorful events scheduled during the annual week-long session. He told Hakumon Herald he is quite busy adjusting schedules of the persons and segments involved in addition to preparing for his own daily lectures on Spanish.
Explaining why he was appointed chairman of the working group, Takamatsu said: “While I was a college student, I visited Mexico on a scholarship to research the Nahuatl language (a language of the Uto-Aztecan language family). Since then, I have been so captivated by Mexico and its culture that I felt I should devote myself to letting Japanese people know more about the country. Associate Prof. Yuri Komuro of the Faculty of Law asked me to head the working group when the school decided to feature Mexico in the International Week this year. I instantly replied “Yes, I’d love to”.”
Takamatsu said he is enamored with Mexico not only in terms of linguistics, his specialty, but also in terms of its culture, in particular, national character of the Mexican people. “I love their incredibly cheerful character. They work and study quite hard during the weekdays. At the weekend, they merrily drink, dance and laugh with friends, family and neighbors. They treat even foreigners like me warmly with smiles. They try to make not only their own life but other’s life happier. I find such Mexican people really attractive,” he said.
Spanish speech contest to be held
A number of events are planned during the International Week scheduled for November 28-December 3. Takamatsu is putting particular emphasis on a Spanish speech contest and a Spanish language lab dubbed “International Week Special” to take place at G Square of the Tama campus. Participants in the speech contest will speak for a maximum of five minutes each on themes related to Mexico. Takamatsu said, “Thanks to the efforts made by Faculty of Law Prof. (Shuichiro) Megata, the winner’s prize will be a Japan-Mexico round flight ticket. Most of the students taking part in the contest have begun learning Spanish since joining Chuo. But as they are keen to win the ticket, I’m sure the competition will be of a higher level.”
The language lab is being planned and managed by two Faculty of Commerce students who speak Spanish. “They seem to be struggling a lot. But I’m sure they will provide learners of Spanish with attractive opportunities,” the professor added.
The International Week sessions in the past somewhat lacked momentum, simply presenting panel displays related to research on the theme counties or orientations for students seeking to study in those countries. But this year’s session will be full of events that will allow visitors to experience Mexican culture. Above all, Takamatsu who helps organize them is full of “Mexican love”. We look forward to seeing them.
これまでは研究ポスター紹介やテーマ国の留学案内などでやや盛り上がりに欠けたインターナショナル・ウィークだったが、今年はテーマ国メキシコの文化を体感できるイベントが多く用意されている。それを裏で支える高松教授は〝メキシコ愛″に燃えている。イベント開催が待ち遠しい。(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)(加藤英樹)
Shinji Yanagita, vice chairman of Chuo Alumni Association
It is not rare nowadays for Japanese college students to study abroad. Their prime purpose is to improve their language skills, especially in English. However, many of them often experience difficulties determining where to study and how long they should, shorter for a few months or longer for at least a year. Hakumon Herald interviewed Shinji Yanagita, board chairman and principal of Nichibei Bunka Gakuin (NBG) who has supported a number of students seeking to study abroad, to ask for his advice and suggestions. Yanagita concurrently serves as vice chairman of the Chuo University Alumni Association
-We can learn English in various countries. Which country do you think is the best for the purpose?
Yanagita: I think it is absolutely the UK. The biggest reason is that the country provides English education aimed to help students get linguistic ability fully practical in real life. Since the days of the British Empire, the UK has concentrated on educating people who don’t speak English as their mother tongue. What they really need is English ability required in daily life. The UK has developed practical English educational programs which put detailed grammar and classic English aside to be studied later. One of them is ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages).
柳田 イギリスです。同国では実社会で使える語学力の習得を目標にした英語教育が提供されていることが最大の理由です。大英帝国の時代からイギリスは英語を母国語としない人々への教育を盛んに行ってきました。彼らに必要なのは日々を生きるために必要な語学力語学力です。細かな文法や古典の学習などは後回しにした実践的な英語教育システムが求められました。そのひとつがESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)です。
-Can you elaborate on that?
Yanagita: ESOL is one of educational programs made available to English learners. It consists of reading, listening, speaking and writing. ESOL programs are differentiated in accordance with the students’ linguistic proficiencies. Beginners learn fundamental skills at the basic level and can proceed to the advanced level which is required for entering a college. For example, students from various countries different in ages who participate in ESOL at Sheffield College, for which I organize study programs, discuss the country’s history and culture and the global situation in English. I have heard from those students that they can effectively develop their English skills because ESOL offers not only quality language education but also unique classes available only in the UK.
柳田 ESOLとは英語学習者への教育手法の1つです。リーディング、リスニング、スピーキング、ライティングの4項目から構成されています。日常生活を送るうえで最低限必要な基礎レベルから、大学編入に必要なアドバンス・レベルまで、能力順に区別されています。私が企画、実施する留学プログラム先として馴染みのある英シェフィールド・カレッジのESOLでは、各国から集まった年齢の異なる学生がイギリスの歴史、文化、世界情勢についてのディスカッションなどを英語で行います。語学教育の質の高さだけでなく、イギリスならではの特徴的な講義も受講できるので、英語学習が一段とはかどると留学生から聞きました。
-How unique are they?
Yanagita: Colleges in the UK consist of higher education colleges similar to universities in Japan and the U.S. and further education colleges in which students aim to acquire national vocational qualifications. Sheffield College is a further education college. Students on its ESOL program can attend classes on bakery management, movie production, infant education, architecture, etc. while learning basic elements of English. I think this environment allowing students to learn English practical in real life is only available in the UK.
柳田 イギリスの大学機関には、日本や米国の大学に当たるハイヤー・エデュケーション・カレッジと国家資格取得を目指すファーザー・エデュケーション・カレッジの2種類があります。シェフィールド・カレッジはファーザー・エデュケーション・カレッジの役割を持つので、在学生はESOLで英語の基礎を学びながら、ベーカリー経営、映画制作、幼児教育、建築学などの講義を受講できます。実社会で役に立つ英語を集中して学べる環境はイギリスならではだと思います。
Homestay is an efficient way
-What do you think is important for students seeking to study abroad?
Yanagita: I’ll say your continued efforts are most important. As everyone may say, it is essential for you to be self-motivated to learn and absorb as much as possible. I may add that you had better choose homestay while you study abroad.
柳田 めげずに努力し続けること。たくさん学び、吸収しようという姿勢は誰もが言うように必須の事柄です。私も重要だと思います。1つ付け加えるならば、滞在中はホームステイを推奨します。
-Why do you say so?
Yanagita: I say that because you can effectively improve your English ability if you have more chances to come into contact with English. Moreover, homestay is better in cost terms. You will have to pay 5,000 yen per hour if you hire an English native speaker in Japan. On the other hand, if you choose homestay, you can’t avoid communication in English at least for 10 hours per day from morning to night. In other words, you will get chances to learn English much cheaper. If you live alone abroad, you may run into a life where you don’t have to speak English. But you can hope to pick up English quickly if you are forced to speak English at a family that accepts you.
柳田 英語に接する機会が多ければ多いほど、語学力を伸ばすのに効果的だからです。加えて、費用面からもホームステイの方が得です。日本で1時間、ネイティブ・スピーカーを雇えば5000円はかかります。ホームステイをすれば、起きてから寝るまで常に英語でコミュニケーションを取らなくてはなりませんから、最低でも10時間、つまり日本にいる時には5万円かかるところを、それよりよほど安く英語を学習する機会に恵まれます。ひとり暮らしをしたら、結局、英語を使わない生活に逃げてしまうのですから、ホームステイで半強制的にも英語を使えば、急速に上達できるのです。
-Thanks for the interview.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)(聞き手/加藤英樹)
Mr. Yanagita’s Profile
<柳田晋次氏 プロフィール>
Yanagita graduated from Chuo University in 1964. He concurrently serves as a visiting professor of Hull University and Honorary Fellow of Sheffield College in the UK. Founding Nichibei Bunka Gakuin (NBG) in 1982, he has since been running a cram school and an English conversation school, offering support to students seeking to study abroad. He has organized study abroad programs in collaboration with Keiai Senior High School, Japan Aviation High School and Nihon University Narashino High School, so far sending out more than 1,600 Japanese students overseas.
Hakumon Ekiden Meet held for the first time
Chuo University carried out its 25th Homecoming Day at the Tama campus on October 23. Full of colorful stalls put up by alumni and alumnae, it was very much lively. Events organized by them included a talk show featuring Makoto Shinkai, a graduate of the Faculty of Literature who produced a movie, Your Name, which proved a blockbuster hit this summer, and an open interview of Kaoru Hasuike, one of the Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea, by senior NHK news commentator Toshio Shimada. Both Hasuike and Shimada are Chuo graduates. The organizers of the Homecoming Day planned the Hakumon Ekiden Meet, a long-distance relay race, for the first time this year.
The school’s athletics field at the Tama campus was picked as the venue of the meet, which consisted of two races, a family run and a three-hour marathon relay race. Futoshi Gomamoto, a member of the Chuo Alumni Association Secretariat who organized the event, told Hakumon Herald, “We targeted graduates in their 20s-40s who rarely turn out each year in a bid to give a boost to the Homecoming Day.”
The meet started with an inaugural address by Masakazu Fujiwara, the head coach of the Chuo University Track & Field Club. Members of the club gave a lesson on track and field for the participants and members of the Chuo Cheering Club gave their performance on the sidelines of the event. Gomamoto said he had been worried if there would be a sufficient number of participants and if the weather would be fine on the day of the event. But his concern proved unfounded. The meet drew more than 1,000 participants including 560 runners. Among them were many community residents who are not Chuo graduates. Gomamoto said, “We organized the Ekiden Meet as part of our policy to keep Chuo open and strengthen its ties with the local community. I think we had a good response because we had so many local participants.”
He added he will aim to make next year’s meet more attractive and bigger in scale. It was pity that few incumbent students took part in the inaugural race. Let us hope that the Alumni Association will urge more students to take part in it so that it will develop into an all-Chuo event not just for the alumni and alumnae.
来年はさらに大規模で、魅力あるマラソン大会を目指とのこと。ただ残念ながら現役学生の参加が少なかった。現役生の参加を促し、OB・OGのためのイベントからオール中大のイベントとして発展していってもらいたいものだ。(Written by: Hideki Kato)(加藤英樹)
To learn how journalists work
Nine Chuo University students, including members of the school’s English Newspaper Association that publishes Hakumon Herald, visited the head office of Kyodo News in Shiodome, Tokyo on October 18.
Jun Ono, a member of Kyodo’s Human Resources Development Center who showed the students around various departments of his agency, referred to the structural features of its high-rise building and said, “A news agency has various unique characters. One of them, in our case, is the stairwell you see in the central part of this building. It is designed to enable our reporters working on different stories of the building to communicate relevant information to each other in an efficient way.” The students listened to him earnestly.
One of the students asked him, “Why does the chime keep ringing?” Ono replied, “Speed of delivering information is vital in our business. We constantly share it by ringing chimes. You will hear a surprisingly loud chime ringing when you have some extraordinary news.” He added smilingly, “I hope you’ll hear one while you are here today.”
At the end of their tour, the students had a discussion with Hitoshi Oikawa, deputy managing editor of the Audio-Visual News Department. He won the prestigious Vaughn-Ueda International Journalist Prize in 2001 for his reporting of the war in Afghanistan. Students asked him, “Weren’t you afraid of going off to a war zone?” or “What do you think is the charm of journalism?” Oikawa said in reply, “You can’t perhaps satisfy your intellectual curiosity in no profession other than journalism. It allows you to work at the forefront of news events and uncover hidden truths. I am always proud of being a journalist.”
The visit to Kyodo News was arranged by Yoshisuke Yasuo, who served as editor-in-chief of Hakumon Herald while he was a Chuo student. He wished the tour will provide the students with a chance to take an interest in journalism. Upon graduation from Chuo, Yasuo joined Kyodo News in 1970. He served as a chief correspondent in Bangkok and Seoul. He is currently a guest editorial writer of Kyodo News.
After the visit, one of the students commented, “The tour helped me better understand what a new agency does.” Another said, “I think I’m getting interested in journalism.” Yasuo’s wish might have been fulfilled.
見学後、参加学生からは「通信社の役割を理解することができた」「ジャーナリストに興味が湧いた」などの声が聞かれた。安尾氏の願いは叶ったようだ。(Written by Hideki Kato)(加藤英樹)
A wide variety of events are scheduled to take place during the International Week on Mexico to be hosted by Chuo University at the Tama campus between November 28 and December 3. Those will include tasting of Mexican cuisine, lucha libre (Mexican wrestling) matches, mariachi (traditional Mexican band) performances, a Spanish speech contest and a special lecture by Mexican Ambassador to Japan Carlos Almada.
Yumi Akiyama, the assistant chief of Chuo’s International Center who is in charge of this year’s International Week, said in an interview with Hakumon Herald, “All our professors, school employees and students are joining hands to organize those colorful events. In particular, we have been assured of special support by Prof. Shuichiro Megata of the Faculty of Law.” There is little wonder why he will play a special role in this year’s session of Chuo International Week. He contributed a great deal to strengthening the bilateral relationship while serving as Japanese Ambassador to Mexico for four years from 2011 to 2014.
“Both countries have much room to promote their relationships in political, economic and cultural fields.” That, Megata said, was his first impression of Mexico when he took office as ambassador five years ago. His arrival in Mexico City coincided with the start of an investment boom involving Japanese automakers seeking presence in Mexico. With the aim of accelerating the bilateral partnership in other fields, Megata proposed the two countries launch a “Japan-Mexico Year of Exchange” in 2013-2014 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the arrival in Mexico of the Hasekura Mission in 1613 seeking to establish direct trade relations between Japan and Mexico, which was Nueva España in those days. The Year of Exchange was highlighted by the official visit to Japan of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in April 2013 and the return visits by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and Prince and Princess Akishino in July and October 2014, respectively. The Mexican government invited Japan as a guest country to Internacional Cervantino Festival, the biggest arts and cultural event in Latin America. Megata also made arrangements for the joint meeting of university presidents from Japan and Mexico, where more than 20 Japanese universities including Chuo were represented. In November 2015, the Mexican government conferred the Order of the Aztec Eagle on Megata for his contribution toward strengthening the bilateral relationships. It is the highest Mexican order to be award to foreigners.
The professor visited Mexican Ambassador Almada, his friend since he was ambassador to Mexico, in August and requested him to give a special lecture at Chuo. He said smilingly “The ambassador accepted my request off hand. We are amigo with each other and so our conversation went along smoothly.” Ambassador Almada is expected to focus in his lecture on the history and the present state of bilateral relations. Megata said he strongly hopes that Chuo International Week will provide a good chance to further deepen the relationship between the two Pacific-rim countries.
目賀田教授は今年8月、大使時代からの友人であるアルマーダ駐日大使を訪問し、学生向けの講演を依頼した。「彼からは一言『もちろん』。私たちはアミーゴと呼び合う仲なので、話はすんなり進みました」と、同教授は顔をほころばせながら語る。アルマーダ大使は二国間関係の歴史と現状を中心に講演する予定だ。目賀田教授はインターナショナル・ウィークを通して両国の交流が更に発展することを願ってやまない。Written By Hideki Kato(加藤英樹)
Surprising effect Mexican foods have
Mexico is known for hot cuisines made from corn, kidney bean and a wide variety of chili pepper. There is the view that those foods are one of factors responsible for the country’s extremely low rate of suicide. Koichiro Fujita, professor emeritus at Tokyo Medical and Dental University and an authority on infection and immunology, wrote in his book two years ago that dietary fiber richly contained in beans has an effect of reducing stress and creating an intracerebral substance which makes you feel happy. He said fewer Mexicans commit suicide because they take plenty of dietary fiber.
According to a list of suicide rates announced in 2015 by the World Health Organization (WHO), Mexico ranked 137th among the 170 countries covered while Japan placed 17th. Some 30,000 people annually commit suicide in Japan which is infamously known as a “suicide country”.
It is generally said that Latin races like Mexicans rarely commit suicide. That is perhaps because they are cheerful and bright by nature and feel less stress. The warm climate and the Christian belief that bans suicide may also be the reasons. It is interesting to know that their greater intake of dietary fiber comes along with those reasons.
According to the standard table of food composition released in 2015 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, vegetables other than beans routinely eaten by Japanese people contain only 1.8 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams whereas chickpea, lentil, kidney bean respectively contain 8, 17 and 13 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams.
An average Mexican takes more than 50 grams of dietary fiber per day. What about Japanese? The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare advises Japanese males and females aged 18 or over to take at least 19 grams and 17 grams, respectively, per day. But it says both actually take only 12 grams per day on the average. This means Mexicans take four times more dietary fiber than Japanese.
There is a Mexican dish called “frijoles refritos”. Though little known to Japanese, it is an essential food for Mexicans. This is a pasty dish made with beans. They have it either by putting it on tortilla chips (made from corn flower) or rolling it with tortilla (pancake also made from corn flower) just like salsa which means “soybean sauce”. Frijoles refritos is indeed rich in dietary fiber. Why don’t you try it in dinner this evening to eke out your meager dietary fiber intake and ease your stress?
メキシコの豆料理の1つに「フリホーレス・レフリトス」という、我々日本人にはあまり馴染みのない料理がある。メキシコ人にとっては欠かせない料理だ。これは、豆をペースト状にしたもので、「大豆ソース」を意味するサルサと同じように、すりつぶしたトウモロコシでつくるトルティーヤチップスにつけたり、トルティーヤで巻いたりして食べる。食物繊維豊富なことは間違いない。食物繊維の足りないあなた。ストレスに悩むあなた。今夜はメキシコ料理を味わってみてはいかが。(Written by: Chika Sato)(佐藤千華)
Japan’s 400 years of interchanges with Mexico date back to a marine accident. In September 1609, a galleon carrying a party led by Rodrigo de Vivero y Aberrucia, governor of Eve Espana (Mexico under Spanish rule), capsized near Onjuku, Chiba Prefecture, on its way back from the Philippine Islands where he was posted. The ship’s 317 crewmembers were rescued by devoted local villagers, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Both countries have since been deepening their relationships.
Japan isolated itself from the rest of the world in those days. But Date Masamune, the feudal lord of the Sendai clan (today’s Miyagi Prefecture), had a magnificent dream to enrich his country by developing international trade across the Pacific Ocean. In September 1613, four years after the accident, Masamune dispatched a 30-member Keicho mission led by Hasekura Tsunenaga, on a tour of Mexico, Spain, and Rome. Masamune’s ambition ended inconclusive. However, his move undoubtedly opened up a big chance to promote interchanges between Japan and Mexico.
Four centuries later, both countries are making steady progress in their bilateral partnership and cooperation. A joint statement on "Shared Vision and Actions for the Strengthening of the Japan-Mexico Global Strategic Partnership for the 21st Century" singed in April 2013 at the end of a summit between Japanese Prime Minister Shizo Abe and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto lauded the Japan Mexico Partnership Program (JMPP) of 2003 which it said “has greatly contributed to the economic growth and development of third countries, particularly in Latin.” It specifically referred to the progress made in the fields of environment, natural disaster, public sanitation, technical education, and agriculture and livestock industrial development in Latin America and Caribbean countries. The two leaders underlined their commitments to continue the bilateral cooperation based on the IMPP.
The “Mexico-Japan Exchange Program for the Strategic Global Partnership” is one of projects aimed to train young personnel who can contribute to reinforcing the strategic partnership between the two countries. It specifically aims to promote mutual understanding and friendship through a regular exchange of young persons. Japan sends company employees to Mexican public organizations, research institutions and companies for internship ranging in periods from a month to six months and students to Mexican universities for periods ranging from two weeks to a year. Under this program, courses on tropical fruit tree cultivation, gene resources, bioenergy, marine sanctuary management were additionally set up in fiscal 2014.
These symbolic projects have been producing a number of talented persons active in various circles. They are instrumental in supporting interchanges not just between Japan and Mexico but between Japan and other Latin American countries. Let us hope that the bond between Japan and Mexican will continue deepening and broadening in the future.
こうした両国の相互理解、友好促進のためのシンボル的事業により、各界で活躍する多くの人材を輩出し、両国関係のみならず、日本と中南米との交流を支える力となっている。日本とメキシコの絆が今後も深まっていくことを期待したい。(Written by : Meiku Takeda)
Yokosuka, located just south of Tokyo, is known as a city that is losing population at an alarming pace. It may look attractive to outsiders, but the reality is not that sweet. Local people put their heads together to solve the problem, but no revolutionary ideas came out. It was an idea presented by a group of high-school girls that helped to find a way out of the cul-de-sac. One of the girls was Miri Hachimura, now a second grader of Chuo’s Faculty of Law’s Law Department. She invented “YOKOSUKA NAVY PARKA (hoodie)” by capitalizing on the city’s famed food “Yokosuka navy burger”. She joined her six friends to enter it into a student policy competition sponsored by the municipal government. Her group won the top prize in the contest for appealing the city’s charms to the rest of Japan as well as local citizens. Hakumon Herald invited Hachimura to talk about her deep affection for her town.
-Why did you take part in the competition?
Hachimura: When I was a senior high-school student, I could find three months of free time because I had done with my university entrance exam earlier than other test-takers. I decided to take part in the competition to spend fulfilling days.
-What has led you to the idea of “Yokosuka Navy Parka”?
Hachimura: I felt so lonely to see people leaving Yokosuka, my beloved town where I was born and grew up. Yokosuka citizens do love their town but many of them seem to have some inferiority complex perhaps because it is overshadowed by the adjoining Kamakura, Shonan and Yokohama which are better known. Presumably because of that, Yokosuka has become a municipality where a population outflow is continuing at one of the fastest paces in Japan. I was thinking that any tools of tourist attraction wouldn’t bring a fundamental solution to the population drain unless they make people feel proud to be a Yokosuka citizen. Then I hit on the idea of “Yokosuka Navy Parka” spoofed from our popular food Yokosuka navy burger.
-How did you devise it?
Hachimura: I thought if Yokosuka citizens could find their town’s new charm, they wouldn’t easily make up their mind to leave. So, we organized an event in which anyone wearing our parka can get preferences from various shops in the town. Our event gave citizens a chance to know more about their town. It helped them deepen their sense of affinity for their town.
Chuo University has been organizing an International Week featuring a particular country or an international organization since 2011. Mexico will be taken up at this year’s session scheduled for November 28-December 3. Hakumon Herald interviewed Yumi Akiyama, the assistant chief of Chuo’s International Center, about the upcoming event.
-Tell us about the purpose and contents of the International Week.
Akiyama: The International Week is held for the purpose of offering both Tama and Korakuen campuses as the place where not only Chuo students but also members of the public can learn about a particular country/region or international organization. We took up France and Britain at our first sessions in 2011, Germany and the United Nations in 2012, Thailand and Vietnam in 2013, Indonesia and the Philippines in 2014 and Australia in 2015. We will be featuring Mexico this year. Main events at the past sessions included lectures by the ambassadors to Japan of those subject countries, exhibitions introducing their cultures, traditional dance and music performances, and dinners serving ethnic dishes.
秋山 インターナショナル・ウィークは、中大生はもちろん一般の方にも向けて、特定の国や地域、国際機関等をテーマに、本校の多摩、後楽園両キャンパスを、学びの場として提供することを目的に開催しています。初回の2011年は、フランスとイギリス、12年はドイツと国連、13年はタイとベトナム、14年はインドネシアとフィリピン、2015年はオーストラリアをテーマに開催。今年はメキシコをテーマに開催します。過去のイベント内容としては、テーマ国の駐日大使の講演会、同国の文化を紹介するパネル展示、民族舞踊や音楽の披露、民族料理の提供を行ってきました。
-Why did you pick Mexico this year?
Akiyama: The first reason is that Mexico is located in the pan-Pacific zone, which Chuo University has chosen as the priority target region for the promotion of international cooperation this year. As we have chosen Pacific-rim countries since we featured Thailand and Vietnam in 2013, we picked Mexico, another country located in the region, for this year’s International Week. However, the biggest reason is that Shuichiro Megata, who had served as Japanese Ambassador to Mexico for more than three years from 2011, assumed office as professor of Chuo’s Faculty of Law in April 2015. He was decorated with the Order of the Aztec Eagle, the highest Mexican order to be award to foreigners, by the Mexican government for his contribution toward strengthening the relationship between the two countries.
秋山 第一の理由は、メキシコが、中央大学が今年度の国際連携推進の重点対象として位置づけている環太平洋地域にあるということです。2013年のタイとベトナムをテーマにしたインターナショナル・ウィークから、環太平洋地域にある国をテーマ国として選んでいるので、今年もその地域にあるメキシコをテーマ国として選びました。そして最大の理由は、11年から3年数カ月、日本の特命全権大使としてメキシコに駐在し、メキシコ政府より両国の関係強化に貢献したとして、アギラ・アステカ勲章(外国人に送られる最高位の勲章)を授与された目賀田周一郎氏が、昨年4月に中央大学法学部の教授に就任されたことです。
-Can you tell us about details of this year’s session?
Akiyama: This year’s International Week will be different from the ones in the past. Some of our professors who are familiar with Mexico and teach Spanish to students have offered their full cooperation in planning this year’s session. So, it will have events far richer in substance than the past ones. Specifically, they will include a lecture by the employees of Japanese companies represented in Mexico, a lecture by the Mexican ambassador to Japan on the bilateral relationship, music performances by a traditional Mexican band “mariachi” and a Spanish speech contest in that order. Also scheduled are an introduction of Mexican culture and books at the school’s library, a course on Spanish at G Square and a sampling party featuring Mexican dishes like tacos and tortilla. We will be waiting for your visit.
秋山 今年は昨年までと違い、中央大学のメキシコに詳しい先生やスペイン語を教える先生が、企画立案を全面的に行ってくれました。そのためこれまで以上に中身の濃いイベントが予定されています。具体的には、メキシコに進出した日系企業の社員による講演、日墨関係についての駐日メキシコ大使による講演、メキシコの伝統的な楽団様式であるマリアッチによる音楽演奏、スペイン語弁論大会の順序で開催されます。そして図書館での書籍・文化紹介やGスクエアでのスペイン語講座、食堂でのトルティーヤ、タコスといったメキシコ料理の提供も予定されています。皆さんのお越しをお待ちしております。
―Thank you for your time. (Interviewed by: Naoya Yoshida)
Shingo Tomonaga, leader of Chuo University Flash Mob
You can find a YouTube footage featuring a flash mob performance by college students that has been reproduced no less than 40,000 times. In the footage titled “Proposal Flash Mob at Yamashita Park in Yokohama”, more than 50 student performers appear all of a sudden and start dancing and singing merrily to congratulate a young man who makes a marriage proposal to his partner. The video was posted by Chuo University Flash Mob. This is one of the school’s newest student circles founded in 2014. Hakumon Herald interviewed Shingo Tomonaga, a third grader of the Faculty of Economics, who heads the club.
-Tell us why you began to perform flash mobs.
Tomonaga: I love to entertain friends, family members, junior and senior members of my circle and see them smile. One day, I happened to see a flash mob performance on TV. Watching it, I thought, “This will give me a chance to amuse more people and make them happier. Why not do it?” I had talked with some of my friends before about the idea of establishing a flash mob circle together. Later on, I made a proposition to them. They accepted it and we started Chuo University Flash Mob.
朝長 私は友人、家族、サークルの先輩、後輩の笑顔を見る、楽しませることが大好きです。ある日、テレビで偶然フラッシュモブのパフォーマンスを見て、「これならより多くの人々を幸せにすることができる」と、思い立ちました。サークルを一緒に作ろうと前々から相談していた友人にフラッシュモブを提案し、中央大学フラッシュモブの活動が始まりました。
-What specifically does your club do?
Tomonaga: We primarily sing and dance to celebrate what we define as "your special day" such as the birthday of a client's friend, a special anniversary of a couple or a marriage proposal. We’ve given about 20 performances since we founded our club.
朝長 依頼者の友人の誕生日、カップルの特別な記念日やプロポーズなど私たちが「誰かの特別な日」と表現するイベントを歌と踊りで祝福することが主な活動です。中央大学フラッシュモブは結成以来、今までに20回程度のパフォーマンスをしました。
-What do you think is the appeal of flash mob performances?
Tomonaga: I always feel elated when a couple thanks us with a big smile after we finish our performance. Some time ago, we were asked to perform for a marriage proposal. Right after we started dancing, a woman who would get a proposal looked too surprised to enjoy herself. But she gradually got relaxed and eventually smiled with joy. Our performance ended in a great success. We could create an atmosphere where many onlookers blessed the couple and our male client made his proposal amid loud applause. I thought our three months of hard preparation were rewarded. I felt really satisfied that I could share the special time with the couple who looked so happy.
Natose Suzuki, chair of mimosa
A sorrowful incident happened recently at a university in Tokyo. A student committed suicide after his sexual orientation had been revealed by his friends. It was indeed a tragedy that had resulted from a lack of understanding of sexual minorities. Hakumon Herald interviewed Natose Suzuki, a third grader of the Faculty of Policy Studies, who founded student group “mimosa” aimed to improve understanding of sexual diversity. Suzuki, who says she herself belongs to sexual minorities, talked passionately about her club’s activities.
都内にある大学でこのほど、痛ましい事件が起きた。自身の性的指向を友人に暴露され、それにショックを受けた学生が自ら命を絶ったのだ。性的マイノリティーへの理解が薄いことが招いた悲劇だ。白門ヘラルドは、性の多様性について学生の理解を深める活動をする学生団体「mimosa」(ミモザ)を創設した、総合政策学部3年の鈴木南十星(すずき・ なとせ)さんに話を聞いた。自身も性的マイノリティーだという鈴木さん、活動について熱く語ってくれた。
Teacher’s single word triggered her action
-Why did you set up your student group by yourself?
Suzuki: That was simply because I found no appropriate circle. To be precise, I should say there was almost none. There was one which was almost dormant. Learning that its membership is only open to sexual minorities, I decided not to join it. I was looking for a group which doesn’t distinguish LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) from others but welcome anyone as a member. I wanted to improve the situation where sexualities are separated by words or general ideas, creating a wall between LGBTQ and people who are not. That was why I decided to organize a new group.
鈴木南十星 適切なサークルがなかったことが理由です。正確に言うと、廃部同然のものがありましたが、性的マイノリティーの学生だけが入部可能な、当事者向けのサークルだったことを知り、参加をやめました。なぜなら私はLGBTQ(レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシャル、トランスジェンダー、クィアの性的マイノリティーの頭文字をとったもの)とそうでない人の区別をつけずに、誰でも入会できる団体を探していたからです。性別を言葉や概念で区別し、普通の人とそうでない人の間に壁をつくってしまっている現状を改善させたかったので、新しく団体を設立することを決心しました。
-In the first place, why did you want to get involved in promoting understanding of sexual minorities?
Suzuki: When I was a third grader of a junior high school, my health class teacher said to us, “Homosexuals make me sick.” That made me feel uncomfortable. I felt this issue needs to be fairly perceived and understood, and at this time I began vaguely thinking that I should do something to that end. Then, when I was a senior high school student, I joined a volunteer group named “SHIP” which works to achieve a society where diversity is valued. SHIP primarily organizes lectures on sexual diversity, hosts events for community support and information provision, and arranges infectious disease examinations and counseling to help people stay healthy in mind and body in cooperation with government agencies and educational institutions. I myself give visiting lectures on sexual diversity at public schools, regional gender equality centers and civic organizations. I have been doing this volunteer activity for five years.
鈴木 きっかけは中学3年生の保健の授業で、担任の先生が「同性愛者は気持ち悪い」と言ったことに違和感を持ったことにあります。この問題の認識と理解を進めることが必要であるし、携わりたいと当時から漠然と思い始めるようになりました。そして高校生の時に、多様性が尊重される社会の実現を目指し活動しているSHIPというボランティア団体に参加しました。SHIPは行政、教育機関と連携した、性の多様性に関する講演活動、コミュニティー支援や情報提供のためのイベント開催、心身ともに健康に過ごすための感染症検査やカウンセリングなどを行っています。私はおもに公立の学校、地域の男女参画センターや市民団体に向けた性の多様性に関する出前授業を行っています。ボランティアは今でも続けていて、今年で5年目になります。
The mission of mimosa
Mexico, featured this year in Chuo University’s International Week event, is the choice by a wide variety of Japanese enterprises as their desirable investment target. However, the Mexican economy is reportedly in the midst of a slowdown at the moment. Why is a country with a slumping economy favored? One of reasons seems to be its labor situation that boasts employee satisfaction twice as high as that in Japan.
Generally, when enterprises select a target country, they consider first of all its economy, society and working situation. Speaking of the social situation, public order may come first. As to labor conditions, they will give top priority to wage cost. But easiness of work or employee satisfaction is also equally important in that respect.
Mexican people are generally known to be cheerful, friendly and kind to others. Yet how do they work actually? Here is an interesting result of a unique research that may give an answer to the question. The survey on well-being (welfare) at global workplaces was conducted in 2016 by Barclay Vouchers, the Japanese subsidiary of French meal voucher enterprise Edenred SA that provides welfare services for employees in a tie-up with employers.
メキシコ人の国民性は一般的に、陽気で人懐っこく世話好きといわれるが、働きぶりはどうなのだろう。ここにユニークな調査結果がある。雇用者と連携して被雇用者の福利厚生サービスを世界的に事業展開するフランス企業Edenred SAの日本子会社「バークレーヴァウチャーズ」が実施した2016年度の世界の職場でのウェルビーイング(福利)に関する調査だ。
In this research, Barclay Vouchers asked 14,400 workers in 15 countries how their offices are physically, mentally and socially satisfactory. It found their average satisfaction fairly high at 71%. Japan’s percentage was the lowest at 44% whereas Mexico ranked second at 81%. India led the list with 88%. Japan’s lowest result is a bit worrisome. More than that, however, Mexico’s high ranking is quite noteworthy.
In Mexico, employees often get their birthday celebrated at their office and all of them are allowed to stop working to watch their national soccer team play in World Cup matches. In addition to the easiness of work, such pleasant office atmosphere may help keep their motivation high. An industry estimate says that the number of offices set up in Mexico by Japanese enterprises are expected to exceed 1,000 this year. This may suggests an unabated shift of work from lowest-ranked Japan to higher-ranked Mexico. Many Japanese companies are probably taking their best choice.
(Written by: Naoya Yoshida)
Alumni Association Chairman Hisano stresses
It has been a year since Chuo University unveiled its medium- to long-term development plan, Chuo Vision 2025, which primarily calls for promoting its globalization through the development of individuals possessing global vision. Hakumon Herald interviewed Shuji Hisano, chairman of the Chuo Alumni Association, to ask how he sees the future of Chuo in terms of globalization and what abilities he thinks its students need to acquire to play an active role in a globalized society.
中央大学が中長期事業計画「Chuo Vision 2025」を発表してから1年を迎えようとしている。この計画の中の大きな柱としてグローバル化の推進があるが、グローバリゼーションとは何か、グローバル社会ではどういった人材が求められるのか、中央大学員会会長である久野修慈氏に、話を聞いた。
-Coming right to the point, what do you think are the abilities crucial for people who aspire to work globally?
Hisano: To put it simply, that is an ability to negotiate. Wherever you go, you will need to assert yourselves although that may actually be not as easy as you will think.
久野 一言で表すならば、「交渉力」です。実際にはとても難しいことですが、どこへ行っても自分の考えを主張できるということがいちばん必要になります。
-How did you acquire that ability?
Hisano: My generation grew up immediately after the Pacific War had ended. We lived in a situation where Japan had to conduct difficult negotiations with the rest of the world. The General Headquarters (GHQ) of the Allied Powers that occupied Japan imposed an embargo on its deep-sea fishing. It was one of factors that caused a serious food shortage in the country. Japan had no choice but to bargain with other countries to break the situation. The ban was lifted as a result of hard negotiations by Japanese diplomats and businessmen. In 1952, the Fisheries Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry allowed fishermen to restart their operation in northern Pacific. Also, Japan concluded a fisheries convention with the United States and Canada, paving the way for resumption of salmon/trout fishing in the northeast waters of the Pacific Ocean.
久野 私たちの頃は、戦後間もなかったため、他国との交渉をしなければならない状況でした。日本を占領した連合国軍総司令部は、日本漁船の遠洋操業を禁止。そのため食料が不足し、他国と掛け合ってこの状況を打破するしか道がなかったのです。結果として、1952年に遠洋操業は解禁され、農林省水産庁は北洋漁業を再開しました。また、日本は米国、カナダとの漁業条約を締結し、太平洋の北東部海域でのサケ・マス漁が復活しました。
-You are suggesting that your generation spontaneously acquired negotiation power while doing actual hard work, are you?
Hisano: Yes, that is quite right. By the way, Japan’s whaling was also banned for a while after the war. Japanese people had to rely on protein rich in whale meat. Its resumption was permitted only after Jiro Shirasu, then a famed bureaucrat-turned-businessman, had carried out a hard bargain with General Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. I experienced working with Shirasu later on and I respected him a great deal. I think he was one of the best global persons Japan ever had. Even while Japan was in a disadvantageous situation as a defeated country, he was a person who had a sense of globalization and persisted in his opinions in the international community.
久野 そういうことですね。また、戦後において重要なタンパク源となったクジラ漁も制限されていました。これは、白洲次郎のマッカーサーとの交渉の末、認められたのです。私は彼と仕事をしたこともあり、彼を尊敬しています。彼は日本人の中でいちばんのグローバル人材だと思います。敗戦国であるという不利な状況の中、グローバリゼーション感覚を持ち、国際社会の中で自分の意見を主張した人でした。
-How do you think Chuo students can acquire such an ability?
Hisano: Well, Chuo University needs to innovate itself. In my opinion, it should incorporate the ideas of business persons who work in the real world. I am referring to the ideas conceived by people who are engaged in deals at trading houses and people like bureaucrats who put themselves in the world of politics. Chuo should put greater priority on nurturing students who can say a clear “no” when they cannot comply and who have their own belief about how Japan should be in the changing global community, not those who are easily swayed by others.
久野 これには中央大学の変革が必要です。私の考えとしては、実社会で働くビジネスマンの考えを取り入れることが大事です。商社などの貿易関係の人や、官僚など政界に身を置く人の考えです。他人の意見にすぐ流されるのではなく、反対なら反対と主張できる人材、国際社会のこれからの動きの中で日本がどのようにならなければならないかという信念をもつ人材の育成に力を入れるべきです。
Needless to say, you cannot always assert yourselves in negotiations. You must carefully listen to what others to say and take in some of their proposals. That is an essential process to strike an agreement. Bearing that in mind, you should learn to develop an ability to respect both your own opinions and those of others and lead them up to something better.
-Thank you for your time.
(Interviewed by: Toshihiro Horibe)
Mr. Hisano’s profile
Born in Fukui Prefecture in 1936, Hisano graduated from Chuo’s Faculty of Law in 1958. Aspiring to become a lawyer, he worked as a live-in student at the office of Chuo Professor Hisashi Yoshida during his school days. He joined Taiyo Fishery Co. (now Maruha Nichiro Corp.) in 1963 and served for a while as one of secretaries to Jiro Shirasu, then an outside director of the company (who later became one of closest aides to then Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida). Hisano was appointed senior managing director of the company in 1987 and later served concurrently as president of professional baseball team Taiyo Whales (now Yokohama DeNA BayStars). He assumed the presidency of Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co. in 1990 and became chairman of the company in 2005. After serving as chairman of Chuo’s Board of Regents from 2008 to 2012, he was appointed chairman of the Chuo Alumni Association in 2013. He was decorated with the Order of the Rising Sun in 2006.
Kazunari Tanimura, a Faculty of Law third grader
Japan is known for its distinctive cultures and many of them draw attention from the rest of the world. However, there are Japanese cultures that are treated as if they don’t exist and are on the verge of extinction. One of those is the Ainu culture. Chuo University has a student who applies himself to the promotion of Ainu cultures. He is Kazunari Tanimura, a third grader at the Faculty of Law’s Department of Political Science. A native of Kagawa Prefecture, why has he taken an interest in Ainu cultures? Hakumon Herald interviewed him to ask what he has learned through his activity.
Awareness of issues through association with people
-What made you interested in Ainu cultures?
Tanimura: I took an interest in Ainu cultures for the first time in my life when I read a manga drawn by Yoshinori Kobayashi during my high school days. And I had a fateful encounter that determined the course of my activity when I took part in the summit on Japan’s endangered languages and dialects held in Hachijojima Island in the winter of 2014. During that event, I got acquainted with Kenji Sekine who speaks the Ainu language. He introduced me to some Ainu people. That was my encounter with the Ainu cultures. As I mixed with them repeatedly, I gradually deepened my understanding of Ainu cultures. I realized the necessity to promote their cultures.
-What did you do at first?
Tanimura: I made a tour of Tohoku and Hokkaido with an Ainu dance troupe and joined them in selling Ainu food at stalls in various parts of the two regions. Also, when I attended an Ainu language class some other day, I was moved to see how Ainu people were keen to recover their ethnic pride. At the same time, I could find the unique characters of the Ainu language along with its linguistic charms. The more Ainu people I met, the deeper I got interested in the Ainu cultures.
Facing the past to understand each other
-Did you experience any difficulties in associating with Ainu people?
Tanimura: The Ainu had their sad past of having been treated unfairly by people in the mainland. Because of that, they cast vigilant eyes at me when I began associating with them. However, we’re human beings after all. I opened up my heart and tried to know more about them. By continuing to do so, I could make friends with them.
-Can you tell us about some of your impressive experiences?
Tanimura: I was once invited to a ceremony that only the Ainu could take part in. There they showed me their workshops and work process of traditional handicrafts which normally were not open to the public. I was so pleased at the time because I felt I was sort of accepted by them.
-Did those experiences have any impact on your daily life?
Tanimura: Yes, they did. Those Ainu people were so nice to me that I decided to repay their kindness by making the Ainu cultures more popular. I thought I should start with people around me. So I opened an Ainu language class at G Square of the Tama campus, the open space for cultural exchanges. Now I teach Ainu once a week during the semester. I want to spread the Ainu cultures by continuing this activity.
-We wish you a success in your activity. Thank you for your cooperation.
(Interviewed by: Kohei Kuramoto)
Shotaro Sasa, third grader of Faculty of Law
―法学部三年 佐々翔太郎さんに聞く―
Microfinance is a general term for financial services that provide the poor with small loans at relatively lower interest rates. It has come to be widely known when Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Hakumon Herald interviewed Shotaro Sasa, a third grader of the Faculty of Law, who studies microfinance.
-Tell us about your present activity.
Sasa: I am engaged in microfinance for refugees in Japan at the Entrepreneurship Support Program for Refugee Empowerment (ESPRE), which is one of the country’s public interest incorporated associations. There are a lot of refugees in Japan. They fled to Japan without any of their belongings. They often have no credibility which is necessary to get a loan. Despite their socially and financially impoverished circumstances, they do need to have chances just as ordinary Japanese do. At ESPRE, I make use of its microfinance system to provide those refugees with loans and management support, encouraging them to become independent financially.
佐々翔太郎さん 公益社団法人難民起業サポートファンド(ESPRE)で、国内にいる難民のマイクロファイナンスに携わっています。日本にも海外からの難民がたくさん住んでいます。身一つで逃れてきたこれらの人たちは、財産もお金を借りるための信用もありません。社会的、財政的に過酷な状況に置かれた難民たちにも一般の国民と同じようにチャンスが必要です。私はESPREでマイクロファイナンスという手法で、国内の難民たちに融資や経営支援を行い、彼らの自立を促しています。
-What made you interested in microfinance?
Sasa: I came to be interested in it when I visited Myanmar as part of my Faculty of Law classes. Since I had known the concept of microfinance before then, I chose it for my voluntary research project. I met a member of a Myanmarese NGO specialized in microfinance and worked on an internship there in the spring of this year.
佐々 法学部の授業でミャンマーに行くことになり、自由課題の中で以前から知っていたマイクロファイナンスについて調べ始めたのがきっかけです。そこでミャンマーでマイクロファイナンス事業を行っているNGOの方と交流し、今年春、同国でインターンを経験しました。
-What did you do in Myanmar as an intern?
Sasa: I had to start with just simple clerical work because I couldn't speak English fluently and there were only two people, including the president of the NGO, who could speak English. I had difficulties communicating with them. But they gradually evaluated my eagerness to get engaged in their business. In a week or two, the president gave me an assignment to manage the funds of a regional chapter. We don’t adopt a style to wait for customers who need loans to come forward. We approach our potential customers. One day, my president and I traveled by bike to visit as many as 20 poor families. I learned a lot by experiencing through actual work what I couldn’t in Japan, that is, the difficulties involved in this business of microfinance.
佐々 初めは事務的な単純作業しかできませんでした。流暢な英語が話せないことと、現地の人で英語が通じる人が社長を含め2人しかいないこともあって、意思疎通をとるのが難しかったからです。積極的に会社の事業に関わろうとする姿勢が徐々に評価され、1、2週間ほどが経つと社長から課題が与えられ、実際にある地域の資金管理を任されることになりました。マイクロファイナンスは融資を必要とする顧客を待つスタイルをとりません。自分たちから顧客となる人々にアプローチします。あるときには、バイクに社長と2人乗りで貧困家庭を1日20件も訪問することがありました。日本では決して体験できないこの事業の難しさを、実務を通して経験できたことはとてもいい勉強になりました。
-What changes did you think has microfinance brought to the life of local people?
Sasa: I thought microfinance is certainly having a growing impact on their life because I could confirm many causes where people overcame their poverty with the help of microfinance. For example, some of them started up a business to produce the traditional ethnic clothes called “longyi” and others set up a pig farm. This made me feel that microfinance has created a cycle of people earning money by launching new business.
佐々 実際にマイクロファイナンスによって貧困から抜け出す事例を確認できたことから、その影響力は確実に浸透していると思いました。例えばロンジーと呼ばれる民族衣装を作る事業、養豚場の開業など、起業してお金を稼ぐというサイクルが構築されているように感じました。
-What is your future target?
Sasa: In the future, I want to found a social business company that will help resolve poverty problems. But I will not do it immediately. I plan to be employed by a private company upon my graduation. That is because I need to learn more about practical business, build up my knowhow, save money and consolidate my own foothold.
佐々 将来的には貧困問題の解決につながるソーシャル・ビジネスの会社を創りたいと考えています。しかし、すぐに起業するのではなく、卒業後にいったんは就職しようと思っています。その理由は、実務の勉強をしてノウハウを積み上げられますし、お金を貯めて、まずは足元を固めていきたいと考えているからです。
-Thank you for your time.
(Interviewed by: Hiroki Sajo)
Interview with Seiichiro Sugano, 3rd grader of Law Faculty’s Political Science Dept.
―法学部政治学科3年 菅野誠一郎さんに聞く―
It is 38 years since the core faculties of Chuo University were relocated from the metropolitan center of Surugadai in Kanda to the utterly different hilly district of Tama in Tokyo’s western suburbs. Chuo is now widely known for its “hilly location” as well as for its “Law Faculty” as it used to be. There in the Tama campus is a student who calls himself “Sylvan of Tama”. He is Seiichiro Sugano, a third grader of the Faculty of Law’s Department of Political Science. Why does he identify himself by such a unique name? What he talked during an interview with Hakumon Herald came as quite a surprise.
-What does your name “Sylvan of Tama” mean?
Sugano: That means a student who stays and studies at nature-rich Tama. When I was a first grader, I applied for my faculty’s YARUKI scholarship program and studied at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) for three weeks during my summer holiday. I came in contact there with many other students who had their various aims. That made me understand for the first time in my own way how significant it is to study at a university. Inspired by the students I met at SOAS, I have been making it a rule since coming back to Japan to stay locked up in the library of “Tama University” every day.
菅野 中央大学のあるこの自然豊かな多摩に身をおいて勉強をしている学生という意味です。1年の夏に法学部が提供する「やる気応援奨学金」で、ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ研究学院(SOAS)に3週間、短期留学しました。そこで様々な目標を持った他の参加者と接することで、大学で学ぶ意義を初めて自分なりに理解しました。現地で触れ合った学生に感化され、帰国してからは毎日、ここ「多摩大学」の図書館に籠っています。(笑い)
Studying regional revitalization at Tama
-What do you study at your department?
Sugano: Right now, I study revitalization of regional economies and human resource development. I think that an ideal local administration is for each local government to realize the region’s economic and cultural development by making full use of its own individuality. To make that possible, I think the local governments need to change their work environment. They will inevitably need to have persons who will actively work for the development of their town rather than those who want to be primarily engaged in stability-oriented paper work. I study how to train human resources who can assume the role of promoting regional revitalization without being bound by the demarcation between public and private.
菅野 「地方創生と人材育成について今は学んでいます。私は、地方自治体がそれぞれの個性を活かしながら、経済的、文化的発展を実現できることが、理想的な地方行政だと考えています。そのためには自治体の職務環境の変化が必要になると思います。安定志向でデスクワークが主な仕事という考え方から、どうすれば町が発展していくのか、能動的に活動する人材が必要になるはずです。官民といった括りにとらわれない、未来の地方創生を担う人材の教育手法について研究しています。
-What has made you interested in human resource development?
―人材育成に興味を持ったきっかけは何ですか 。
Sugano: Well, it all started when I participated in an event in my high-school days. I made a presentation about an ideal child rearing in that event. I interviewed some married couples who have children and noticed that many of them had a perception gap about childcare. For example, to the questionnaire I sent them, many wives replied, “My husband isn’t cooperative in child rearing.” On the other hand, many husbands said, “I’d like to get involved in child rearing, but I don’t know what to do.” In short, I concluded that this mismatch of understanding between the couple poses a barrier to any improvement of their present situation. And I have come to think that social problems arise similarly when the persons in charge cannot understand the relevant facts in an objective manner. I thought many social problems will be resolved if we have more persons who can objectively consider and analyze them on the basis of relevant data and facts. That was why I have begun to take an interested in educating people, that is, human resource development.
菅野 きっかけは、高校時代に、あるイベントに参加したことです。そのイベントで私は理想的な育児について発表しました。子育て中の人々にインタビューするなどして気付いたことは、夫婦間で子育てに認識の齟齬(そご)があることでした。例えば、アンケートで女性の多くは「夫が子育てに非協力的」と回答していた一方、男性の多くは「子育てに携わりたいが、方法が分からない」としていたことです。つまり、育児に関してこの理解の不一致が現状改善の障壁となっていると結論付けました。そして、私は社会問題も同じように、当事者が客観的に事実を理解できていないことから引き起こされているのではないか、と考えるようになりました。客観的に物事を考え、データや事実を元に問題を分析する力をもった人が増えれば、多くの社会問題が解決に近づくと思い、彼らを教育すること、つまり人材教育に興味を持ち始めました。
From Tama to forefront field
-What kind of activity would you like to do from now on?
Sugano: I study regional revitalization and human resource development, but I’m not yet active in the front line. However, I want to be active in the field eventually by making good use of what I learned at Tama. So, I will give up calling myself “Sylvan of Tama” sooner or later. Studies and theoretical talks are important, but I think they will produce results only when you actually take actions. In this respect, I am sure that the ability I have acquired through the art of tea ceremony will prove helpful.
菅野 私は地方創生と人材育成について研究していますが、実際にまだ第一線で活動していません。しかし、多摩で学んだことを生かして、最終的にはフィールドに入って活動したいと考えています。したがって「多摩の森人」という名前もいずれ捨てることになります。研究や理論的な話は重要ですが、それは現実に行動することで成果を発揮すると考えています。また、その際、私が茶道を通して得た力は確実に役に立つと考えています。
-Did you say tea ceremony?
Sugano: Yes, I have been practicing the art of tea ceremony for 10 years. I began it in my club activity when I was an elementary school fifth grader. At the suggestion of my teacher, I began learning it in real earnest toward the end of my sixth grade. Very important in tea ceremony is to guess what exactly your guests want. For example, you need to be considerate to them in such a way as to add more water to tea in the summer so that it will be easier to drink. Through the tea ceremony, I could grow up greatly in terms of acquiring an ability to care for others. I think this ability will prove quite useful in the forefront field where I will get actually associated with other people.
菅野 はい、茶道を10年続けています。始めたのは小学校5年のクラブ活動で、6年生の終わりに先生に誘われて本格的に習い始めました。茶道では、相手の求めていることをいかに推し量れるかが重要になってきます。たとえば、夏には水分量を多くして飲みやすくするというように、相手のことを考えて工夫する必要があります。茶道をするなかで、私は相手を思いやることかできるようになったことで大きく成長できました。茶道で身につけた、相手を思いやる心は、実際に人とかかわる第一線のフィールドで最も役立つと考えています。
-Thank you.
―ありがとうございました。(Interviewed by: Yuta Uchino)(聞き手/内野裕大)
Few students are seen on the campus of Chuo University when it gets unusually quiet during the summer vacation. But its playfields brim with the vigor of student athletes. An attentive visitor to the school in early August might have found some of them playing an unfamiliar sport. They were practicing lacrosse. It is a sport in which players belonging to two teams shoot a rubber ball into each other’s goal using a long stick with a mesh pocket at its head. It is spelled bomokyu in Japanese which literally means a stick, mesh and ball. A ball shot by a skilled player sometimes runs as fast as 150 km per hour. Players also run after the ball at a breakneck speed. That is why lacrosse is known as the fastest sport played on the ground.
The number of lacrosse players is estimated at some 25,000 in Japan and 600,000 across the world. While women’s lacrosse is popular in Japan probably because players are usually dressed in skirts for their game. But men’s lacrosse is still little known. Chuo University has both men’s and women’s lacrosse clubs.
Tomotaka Kanno, a fourth grader of the Faculty of Commerce who captains the men’s club, spoke about his club during an interview with Hakumon Herald. He said, “Our club, nicknamed the Bandits, was founded in 1989. It belongs to the first division of the Kanto Collegiate Lacrosse League. All of our 110 members work hard every day to become No. 1 team in the league.” Kanno happened to take part in a lacrosse practice sponsored by the Bandits a few weeks after he was enrolled in Chuo. Fascinated by the sport and moved by the warmth of senior club members, he made up his mind to join the Bandits without hesitation. Looking back at the time, he said, “I felt this club may make my four years at Chuo really rich and fruitful.”
After three years of activity, Kanno now plays as the team’s goalie as well as captain. Commenting on his team, he said, “Members of the club who entered Chuo with me in 2013 belong to the generation that simultaneously experienced both the club’s promotion to the first division of the Kanto Collegiate Lacrosse League and its recognition as an accredited member of the Chuo Physical Education League. I thought we wouldn’t be able to become No. 1 student team if we remained indulged in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere as we did in the past. As captain, I have been trying to change my club into one that will be keener to win a match. I have also been urging my teammates to be conscious in daily life that they represent Chuo University when they play in a match.”
His pep talk seemed to be taking effect. All members of the Bandits were in dead earnest throughout their practice. They should have been so just ahead of this season’s first match of the Kanto Collegiate Lacrosse League scheduled for August 13. It will be the last chance for Kanno’s contemporaries to win the league championship. “We are taking on Seikei University who have a good capacity of balance. We haven’t lost to them in the official matches for the last two years. But we shouldn’t be overconfident. By smashing them, we will prepare for our next matches against leading contenders Keio University and Tokyo University scheduled in September,” he told Hakumon Herald.
Lacrosse is still an unfamiliar sport in Japan. However, you will have a completely different impression if you go to the stadium and watch the players play with great vigor and speed. Kanno was full of eagerness to win a match when he said, “I’ll show the culmination of my devotion to lacrosse in the past four years. Come and watch our matches. I’m sure even beginners will enjoy a heartburning excitement.”
ラクロスは一般になじみのないスポーツだが、一度競技場に足を運び、スピードと迫力あふれるプレーを見みれば、印象が大きく変わるはずだ。「ラクロス一筋、私の4年間の集大成を見せます。初めての方でも、きっと心燃える感動を味わうことができます。ぜひ、試合を観戦しに来てください。」菅野選手の眼には勝利への意欲がにじみ出ていた。(Written by: Hideki Kato)
Interview with Takuma Sawada
Sawada shoulders a kid in Cambodia during volunteer trip
Hakumon Herald has picked up many Chuo University students for interviews since reviving its activity in 2012 after having stayed dormant for 35 years. Featured in the latest of the series is Takuma Sawada, a third grader at the Business Administration Department of the Faculty of Commerce. He took a trip to Asia, volunteered to interchange with local students in Cambodia’s poverty areas and launched a student organization upon returning home. What is the source of his vitality? Sawada talked about his perpetual challenges.
-What kind of challenges have you tackled so far since joining Chuo?
Sawada; I have made a trip to Southeast Asia and worked as a volunteer in Cambodia. I have also organized a student flash mob club as one of my challenges. (Editor’s note: A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, and then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment and artistic expression. Flash mobs are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.)
澤田 東南アジアへの旅や、カンボジアでのボランティア活動に挑戦してきました。フラッシュモブ(注・不特定多数の人々が申し合わせ、雑踏の中の歩行者を装って通りすがり、公共の場に集まり、前触れなく突如としてダンスや演奏などを行って、周囲の関心を引いたのち解散する行為。flash mob=ウィキペディアより)の団体立ち上げも挑戦の1つです。
-What was your motivation?
Sawada: It is curiosity or my desire to experience new things. I feel very much satisfied each time I make a discovery and get a new way of thinking. It is pleasant for me to discover something new. That is why I continue challenging various things. Before my volunteer activity in Cambodia, I had a sense of fear of visiting a land quite unfamiliar to me. However, my fear disappeared as soon as I began my activity. When I took my first step forward, I found myself quite new from I used to be. I came to see challenging and experiencing in a more forward-looking manner.
澤田 新しいことを経験したいという好奇心です。発見や新しい考えを得ることにとても満足感があります。発見することが楽しく、いろいろなことに挑戦を続けています。カンボジアでのボランティア活動では、知らない土地に行くことに恐怖心がありましたが、実際にやってみると、怖さがなくなりました。一歩踏み出してみて、これまでの自分とは違う自分がいました。挑戦することや経験することを前向きに捉えるようになりました。
-What specifically did you do in Cambodia?
Sawada: I participated in a volunteer activity to teach physical education to primary school children in Cambodia. Local children looked happy just tickling each other. That made me feel again that people can smile simply by coming in touch with each other. Then, I realized that smile is a common language all over the world. I felt that speaking the same language is very much important to know people.
澤田 カンボジアの小学生に体育を教えるというボランティア活動に参加しました。現地の子供たちは、くすぐり合って遊んでいるだけで楽しそうで、人と人が直接触れ合うだけで笑顔になれるということに改めて気づかされました。そして、笑顔は世界の共通言語だということを実感しました。また、人を知るには同じ言語を話すということがとても重要なことであると感じました。
-Why did you set up your flash mob club?
Sawada: Throughout my challenges such as the Southeast Asian trip, I thought of rewarding the kindness of those people who helped me. I thought we can perhaps reciprocate their courtesy by making clients and those around them happy with our flash mob performances. That motivated me to launch my club.
澤田 東南アジアの旅などに挑戦していく中で、私を助けてくれた人たちに恩返しをしたいという思いがありました。フラッシュモブを行い、依頼者やその周りの人たちを幸せにすることが厚意に対する恩返しになるのではないか、と考えたことが学生団体を立ち上げるきっかけでした。
-Why did you do it now?
Sawada: Because we university students have the time and the environment that make such challenges easier. When I become a member of society, it will be harder to find time to do what I would like to. Moreover, I think even when students fail, they are better positioned to get the help of people around them. I think we should tackle various challenges because we have such an environment now.
澤田 大学生には時間と挑戦しやすい環境があるからです。社会人になると、自分の好きなことをする時間が取りづらくなります。また、学生は失敗をしても、周囲の人々の助けを得やすい立場であると思っています。こうした環境が整っている今だからこそ、様々なチャレンジをするべきだと考えています。
―Thank you so much.
―ありがとうございました。(Interviewed by: Meiku Takeda)(聞き手:武田芽育)
Interview with Prof. Motohiro Hashimoto
The House of Councillors election in the summer of 2016 was the first national poll to take place after the voting age was lowered in the previous year to 18 years from 20 years before. University students across the country are eligible in principle to vote. Chuo University called on its students to go to the polls at its official website. Prior to the voting day on July 10, Hakumon Herald interviewed Vice President Motohiro Hashimoto, a professor of the Faculty of Law and a constitutional law specialist, about the campaign.
-Chuo put up a “Let’s go to the election” campaign at its official website. How did you initiate it?
Hashimoto: All of our students are basically aged 18 or older so they are eligible voters. As many of them can cast their ballots in a national election for the first time ever, one of Faculty of Law professors hit on an idea of urging them to think at least once about voting. I asked my colleagues who teach the Constitution at Chuo for comments. While we were discussing those comments, we agreed to call on students to vote in the election after thinking seriously about its meaning. As an initial step, we decided to convey our messages to them. We began the campaign by distributing a leaflet containing our messages at our lecture on the Constitution. Later on, we made it public to the outsiders and put it at our official home page.
橋本 大学生の皆さんは基本的に18歳以上の有権者です。18歳以上に選挙権が認められる最初の選挙が7月にあるので、選挙について一度考えてもらおう、と法学部のある教授から呼びかけがあったのです。本学で憲法を教えている先生全員にコメントを寄せてもらい、選挙とはどのようなことであるかを考えて参加してもらおう、そのためのきっかけ作りとして選挙に対するそれぞれ自分の思いを伝えよう、ということになりました。初めは憲法の授業で配布していましたが、やがて外部にも公表し、ホームページにも掲載しました。
-What do you think about the students’ attitude toward the election?
Hashimoto: According to public opinion polls, around 60% of eligible voters across the country seem prepared to go the polls. I don’t feel junior students are particularly keener to vote. I feel there isn't much difference between generations. The awareness of election among elder voters may probably be just the same as that among voters aged between 18 and 20. My impression is that neither young voters go to the polls because they are young or don’t because they are young.
橋本 世論調査によると全体で60%くらいの人が選挙に行くそうですね。若い学生さんだから選挙に行くということもなく、あまり世代間の差がないのではないかと感じます。日本人全体の選挙に対する意識と18歳や19歳、20歳の人たちの意識は多分変わらないでしょう。若いから行くということはないし、若いから行かないということもない、という印象です。
-So, you don’t necessarily agree when people at large say that the youth’s political awareness is low.
Hashimoto: No, I cannot agree with them. If that contention should be right, I think political parties and politicians are primarily to blame. In other words, they don’t work hard enough to get young people involved in politics and make points at issue better understood by them. However, for example, every young people may take an interest in politics when something that really matters is at issue, such as introduction of conscription. If the government puts off an increase of the consumption tax, young generations have to bear the burden of social benefit in the future, don’t they? Political parties just don’t make such matter an issue. They avoid an issue that may let the young and the elderly antagonize each other. On the other hand, they attempt to ramp up welfare benefits for the elderly. Although a conflict of interests between generations is tremendous, they try not to make an issue of it. If there should be any political parties that dig up the matter and make an issue of it by clarifying who will pay for better benefits for the elderly, I think they are honest and sincere. In conclusion, I think while the youth and the elder are not quite different from each other in political awareness, political parties try not to make an issue of the former’s interests.
橋本 賛同できないですね。仮に若者の政治に対する意識が低いということが正しいとしても、それは主として政治家や政党のせいです。つまりは、若者を巻き込んだり、若者に分かりやすく争点を伝えたりする努力をしていませんよね。しかし、例えば、徴兵制が導入されるなど、具体的に自分の身に降りかかってくるような問題について争われるときには、みんなが関心を持つでしょう。消費税増税を延期するとなると若い世代の皆さんが将来的に高齢者の福祉を負担していくことになりますよね。政党はそのような争点化をしません。大人たちが若者に利害を意識させるような争点化を避けている。その一方で、お年寄りには福祉を充実させている。その世代間の利害対立は実は非常に大きいものであるにもかかわらず、その争点化から逃げています。そこを掘り起こして争点化すれば、つまり高齢者の福祉を充実させるつけを誰が払うのかをわかりやすく伝える政党が出てきてくれば、正直で誠実だと思います。結論としては、若者の政治意識はとくに大人と変わらないと思いますが、政党が若い世代の利害について争点化をしようとしないのです。
-Do you think that the reduction of the voting age was a major change to help younger people have more sense of ownership?
Hashimoto: I would think so. And I also think that political parties and politicians should be more positive about drawing election campaign issues in a manner to help young people like you have a deeper sense of ownership. And it is young people like you that can let them do. For example, if the turnout of the voters aged between 18 and 20 was as high as 70% in the upcoming election, no political parties could be indifferent to younger generations. They will know they can’t get their votes unless they propose policies with greater consideration to their interests. I think that can be a step toward changing the quality of politics. So, young people must demonstrate in the first place that they have this many votes.
橋本 そう思いますし、みなさんのような若い人たちに当事者意識を持ってもらえるような選挙の争点の作り方を政党や政治家が考えていくべきです。そして、それらを動かすのはみなさんです。例えば、今回の選挙で18歳から20歳くらいの人の投票率が70%だったとしたら、それは政党にとって無視できるものではありませんね。若い人たちにきちんと配慮した政策を打ち出さない限り、その層の票をとれないということになります。そこが政治の質を変えていく一歩になってくるのではないかと思います。だからまずは若い層の票がこれだけある、ということを見せつけなければなりませんね。
-Is there any other way for us to have our interests reflected on politics?
Hashimoto: For instance, you can make better use of SNS (social networking service), can’t you? As you already have various tools to send out information, I think you can routinely disseminate your own interests via SNS. That may perhaps become a new form of democracy. In other words, that may help break through the political impasse we see today. I think one of major points for political participation will be a combined utilization of the regular route of voting and the tool of opinion expression such as SNS.
橋本 例えばSNSが使えますよね。情報発信のツールは持っているのですから、SNSで日常的に自分たちの利害を発信するという方法もあると思います。これはひょっとしたら新しい民主主義の形になってくるかもしれません。言い換えれば、そこが今の行き詰まったような政治の状況を切り開いていく突破口になるかもしれません。投票という正規ルートの政治参加の方法と、その背景にあるSNSのような意見表明のツールをうまく使うことが政治参加のための大きなポイントになるのではないでしょうか。
Interview with Chuo rugby player Atomu Shirai
In September last year, the Japan national team in Rugby World Cup (RWC 2105) caused a stir by beating South Africa in a dramatic upset win. The great victory brought a rugby boom across Japan along with full-back Ayumu Goromaru’s popular routine pose before goal kicks. Hakumon Herald interviewed Atomu Shirai (a third grader of Chuo University’s Faculty of Law), who is one of hopefuls expected to join the Japan national squad in the future. Shirai took part in annual national rugby championships twice in his high-school days and his side took second place in one of them. He plays center back in the Chuo team.
昨年9月、ラグビー・ワールドカップで日本代表が南アフリカに劇的な逆転勝利をし、日本にラグビー・ブームが到来した。また、同代表の五郎丸歩選手がゴール・キックをする前に行うルーティン"五郎丸ポーズ″ も人気を博した。今回、登場してもらうのは、高校時代に全国大会に2度出場し、準優勝の優秀な成績も収め、将来の日本代表と期待される中央大学法学部3年のラグビー部員で、ユニークな名前を持つ白井吾士矛(しらい・あとむ)さん。ポジションはセンターバック。その白井選手にいろいろ話を聞いてみた。
-You have a rather rare given name for a Japanese. Can you tell us about its origin?
Shirai: It comes from the Japanese animation film Tetsuwan Atomu (Mighty Atom). My parents named me after that hero, wishing I would grow up as strong and vigorous as him. I like my name because it helps everybody remember me quite easily. Of course, I love Tetsuwan Atomu.
白井 アニメの鉄腕アトムです。両親が鉄腕アトムのように力強く、たくましい子どもに育ってほしいという願いを込めて名付けてくれました。この名前のおかげで、すぐに自分を覚えてもらえるので嬉しいです。ちなみに鉄腕アトムはもちろん大好きです。
-How did you start playing rugby?
Shirai: I started playing rugby with my classmates during the lunch break when I was a fourth grader of an elementary school. I later joined a local rugby club.
白井 小学4年のころ、昼休みに同じクラスの友達とラグビーをしたことがきっかけです。地元のラグビーチームにも入りました。
-Tell us about the activity of Chuo’s rugby team.
Shirai: In the first place, all college rugby teams in the Kanto region play either in the Kanto University Rugby Football Association (KURFA) competition or in the Japan East Rugby Football Union (JERFU) league competition. The former is popular because it groups many traditional universities like Waseda, Keio and Teikyo. Unfortunately, the latter to which Chuo belongs isn’t quite popular. The stand used to have a lot of vacant seats in our matches in the past. We wanted more people will come to see our matches and set a target of mobilizing 10,000 spectators. We sold tickets on the campus as part of our publicity campaign. As a result, as many as 7,000 people came to watch our recent matches. We failed to achieve our target but we were very much pleased.
白井 まず、関東の大学で行われているラグビーの試合は、おもに「関東大学ラグビー対抗戦」と「関東大学ラグビーリーグ戦」の2つがあります。対抗戦は早・慶や帝京大など伝統校がひしめき、人気も高いです。一方、私たちが所属するリーグ戦は、残念ながら人気が低く、試合でも空席が目立ちました。そこで、リーグ戦にも多くの人に試合を見てもらいたいと思い、来場者数1万人を目指しました。その活動の1つとして、中央大学でチケットも売りました。結果として、1万人には届きませんでしたが、7000人もの人に来てもらい、大変嬉しかったです。
In order to improve skills
-Did you practice in a way different from other players to improve your skills?
Shirai: I spent three months in Auckland, New Zealand, to improve my skills. I was enrolled in Auckland Rugby Academy that offers efficient training programs. I learned muscle training and nutrition science there, and played matches with local club teams. While staying in Auckland, I took six meals a day, trying not to get hungry.
白井 ニュージーランドのオークランドに約3カ月、留学しました。技術向上のためです。オークランド・ラグビーアカデミーという選手育成機関に在籍しました。そこで、筋力トレーニングや栄養学について学んだり、現地のクラブチームと試合をしたりしました。食事は1日6食。空腹の時間をつくらないように心がけていました。(笑い)
-What was your impression of the matches you had with the local club teams?
Shirai: I found most New Zealanders very big, tough and strong. Japanese coaches often tell us, “Don’t make mistakes!” But New Zealand players are not afraid to make mistakes and play a large-scale and bold rugby. That was impressive to me.
白井 ニュージーランドの選手は体がとにかく大きい上に、強靭で、とても強かったです。また日本では「ミスをするな」と指導されますが、ニュージーランドの選手はミスを恐れずに、スケールの大きい大胆なラグビーをしていることが印象的でした。
Aiming for semifinals
-What is your own and team’s goal in the future?
Shirai: I personally want to become a player like Ma’a Allan Nonu, a former New Zealand national team member, who is known for accurate passing skills, powerful tackles and speedy plays. I would like to contribute to the Japan national team in the future just like him. As a team, we are aiming to reach the quarterfinals in the annual All-Japan Intercollegiate Rugby Football championships.
白井 正確なパス技術、力強いタックル、スピード感あるプレーで有名な元ニュージーランド代表 マア・ノヌー選手のような選手になって、将来は日本代表として貢献したいです。チームの目標としては、全国大学ラグビーフットボール選手権大会でベスト4入賞を目指しています。
-What do you routinely do to achieve that goal?
Shirai: I make it a rule to keep my rugby diary. After the end of each match and practice, I set down points to reflect on and to be improved. Thanks to this note, we can practice more efficiently. One of weak points about our team is that we are physically smaller than those of other universities. Body building is essential to win in matches. So, we make it a rule to have six meals a day in addition taking protein. We usually eat 600 grams of rice (four bowls) each time.
-We wish you all the best! Thank you for your time.
(Interviewed by: Yuto Yawata) (聞き手:八幡侑斗)
NPO Bokuichi pushes “voter nurturing”
A Chuo University student, casually clad in a T-shirt and shorts, lightly replied to questions in an interview with Hakumon Herald. He is Hirokatsu Goto, a fourth grader of the Faculty of Economics. A native of Niigata Prefecture, he was a member of his high school’s rowing club which once qualified to compete in the national championship. He is now enthusiastic about politics. His dream of becoming a politician has brought him to Tokyo. Goto currently serves as president of NPO “Bokurano Ippo ga Nihon wo Kaeru” (Bokuichi for short which literally means “our initial step can change Japan”). It offers voter education lectures targeted at young Japanese people. Hakumon Herald asked him about how he took part in the organization, with particular emphasis on its core “Hyoiku” (voter nurturing) activity.
Faced with sudden challenge
Bokuichi was founded in 2012 by six high-school students and Goto joined it in 2013. He had been trying to find an organization where he can pursue his dream of becoming a politician when a Chuo University professor introduced him to the then president of Bokuichi. Looking back at those days, Goto said, “Our organization was enjoying smooth sailing as the media played up a number of events we had successfully carried out.”
In 2014, however, Bokuich and Goto came across a major turning point. One member of the group, disguising himself as a fourth grader of an elementary school, set up a website casting doubt over the decision taken by the Liberal Democratic Party, in particular Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, to dissolve the House of Representatives to call for a general election. The act of sending messages in false identity drew harsh public criticisms. The member resigned by taking responsibility for tarnishing the organization’s reputation. Goto was appointed interim president of Bokuichi. “Our reputation fell to rock bottom. Our supporters left us one after another,” he said in retrospect. “It was the hardest days in my life. I felt all of my efforts had been denied. I thought of giving up my dream to become a politician.”
However, Goto managed to hold on. While asking himself, “Isn’t a single mistake excusable in the world of politics?” he told himself, “Despite our wrongdoing, it should be our responsibility to prove by action that even younger people like us can change society.” He spent the next eight months making a round of visits to all individual and corporate supporters to offer an apology. At the same time, he redefined the principles of his organization’s activities. Its prime aim was upgraded from providing the youth with chances to get associated with politics to changing society through their closer cooperation. The association launched Hyoiku as its core activity.
Chuo volunteers give “visiting lecture” for voter education
Third graders of Chuo University Suginami High School were gathering at the gym when the chime told the end of the lunch break. Ballot boxes were set in array along the back of the gym and 64 Chuo students were inside the hall waiting for them. Most of the high-school students looked somewhat nervous at the unfamiliar scene.
It was on June 29. Members of Vote at Chuo! and volunteer students were there to stage a mock election as part of their voter education program aimed to enlighten the high-school students on citizens’ involvement in politics. Vote at Chuo! is a group organized in 2015 with an idea to “create culture where 30,000 Chuo students will casually go to the polls”. Its routine activities include pitching election publicity campaigns at Chuo’s Tama campus and giving lectures at high schools affiliated with Chuo. It chose Suginami High School for its second such lecture.
6月29日、東京・杉並区の中央大学杉並高等学校で、昨年設立された中央大の学生団体「Vote at Chuo!」のメンバーと有志の大学生たちが、高校生に市民と政治の関わりを教える主権者教育の一環として模擬投票を実施した。同団体は「中大生3万人が当たり前に考え、投票に行く文化を創る」を理念に掲げ、学内での選挙広報活動や附属高校への出張授業を行っている。冒頭はその授業風景である。
Lecture, mock poll draw close attention
The “visiting lecture” began with an opening address by the president of Vote at Chuo!, Kaori Furuno (a third grader of the Faculty of Law’s Department of Political Science). She asked the high-school students, “What do you think the young people’s turnout in the 2014 winter snap general election was? It was only 30%, which is far from normal.” The students listened to her quietly and earnestly.
この日の出前授業はVote at Chuo!代表の古野香織さん(法学部政治学科3年)の挨拶で始まった。「皆さん、2014年冬の衆院総選挙の若者の投票率はいくらだったと思います? たったの30%なのです。これは正常ではありません。」高校生らは彼女の話に真剣なまなざしを向け、静かに聞き入っていた。
When she finished her speech, three Chuo students who acted as candidates in the mock poll showed up on the stage. Each of them presented election pledges aimed to enhance the political awareness of younger people. The presentation was followed by a group discussion by the high-school and university students. In each group, five to six high-school students and one Chuo student exchanged their opinions about the election pledges. What awaited them at the end was voting. Some of the high-school students smiled while casting their ballots. Others looked quite serious. The volunteer students counted the votes and the result was projected on the screen.
In a tense atmosphere, Natsuko Taniguchi (a third grader of the Faculty of Law’s Department of Political Science) who emceed the event declared, “Candidate B won the election.” The floor was filled with a big round of applause. The lecture came to an end with a closing remark by Nobuyuki Onishi, a history teacher of Suginami High School, who had cooperated with Vote at Chuo! in the event.
Assuring political neutrality
In an interview with Hakumon Herald afterward, Furuno said, “We could hold this event after six months of elaborate preparations. We had to be very careful because it was the first such event to be organized in Japan after the public announcement (on June 23) of the election. Really we had to go a long way.” She recalled one of the biggest problems upon organizing the lecture and the mock poll had been how to ensure political neutrality. The lowering of the voting right to 18 years in 2015 has posed a major challenge in voter education. Furuno said teachers engaged in political education at high schools actually voice concern over the difficulties in dealing with that neutrality issue.
Chinami Nagamatsu (a third grader of the Faculty of Law’s Department of Political Science), another member of the group, added during the interview, “We think the most effective way to enhance high-school students’ political awareness is taking up actual social issues for discussion. But that may possibly infringe on the Public Offices Election Act especially after the public announcement of the upper house election. So, we had a lot of difficulties preparing our plan for the mock poll. I’m relieved now that it’s over with a great success.”
After the event, members of Vote at Chuo! were all smiles as they reviewed the questionnaire they had recovered from the high-school students. It indicated that many of them had appreciated the event. Yet, there were some problems to be addressed. One of male group members said, “Many of the high-school students looked not interested at all.” To this, Furuno responded, “We should put priority on inspiring people who are hesitant to take an action despite their interest in politics,” adding, “It’s important for us to create an environment that will help people discuss politics freely. We can begin with people within a radius of five meters like our own family members, friends and close acquaintances.”
Vote at Chuo! said it will continue to host similar “visiting lectures” at other high schools affiliated with Chuo University. Political movements led by its members are likely to become increasingly active. Let’s keep watching how they may help raise the younger people’s political awareness in the next five or 10 years.
Vote at Chuo!は、今後も継続して中央大の他の付属高校で出前授業を行う予定だという。学生が主体となった政治活動は、これからさらに活発になるだろう。5年後、10年後の若者の政治意識がどれほど向上していくか、彼女たちの活動からは目が離せない。
(Written by: Hideki Kato(加藤英樹))
Captain of Chuo’s ice hockey team that won first-ever triple crown
Ice hockey is often referred to as a combat sport on ice. Players wearing protective gear weighting as much as 10 kg crash head-on with each other at a full speed, control their sticks ornately and shoot a puck as fast as over 100 km per hour.
Do you know Chuo University has its own ice hockey team like other schools? The team belongs to the Ice Hockey Department of Chuo’s Skating Club founded 95 years ago. In 2015, it won the triple crown (the 64th Kanto Collegiate Ice Hockey Championship for Prince Chichibu Cup, the Kanto Collegiate Ice Hockey League Competition and the All-Japan Collegiate Ice Sports Championship) for the first time in its history. Hakumon Herald interviewed Shinnosuke Kato (a fourth grader of the Faculty of Policy Studies), the captain of the club who won the most valuable player award in the Prince Chichibu Cup Championship.
-Why did you begin playing ice hockey?
Kato: I began playing the sport when I took part in the drills of an ice hockey club in my neighborhood. As I watched the players play powerfully on the rink, I was instantly captivated by the sport. Two of my brothers had already played other sports. My father who loved ice hockey looked delighted when I told him, “I’ve decided to take it up.”
加藤 近所のクラブチームの練習に参加したことがアイスホッケーを始めるようになったきっかけです。コートで躍動する選手たちの迫力あるプレーを見て、すぐにアイスホッケーのとりこになりました。私の2人の兄は別のスポーツに取り組んでいたので、アイスホッケー好きの父は、私が「アイスホッケーをやる」と言ったときは大変喜んでいましたね。
-You might have been called out by various universities. Why did you choose Chuo University?
Kato: When I was a senior high-school third grader, I watched a match played by Chuo’s team. I was thrilled by their devoted performances and the great zeal with which both their bench staff pepped them up. After that, I fortunately got an offer from Chuo’s Skating Club. I immediately replied, “I’m pleased to accept your offer.” As you know, the Tokyo Ice Hockey Federation has a couple of strong teams among its members like Meiji University and Toyo University. This challenging situation was another reason I chose Chuo.
加藤 高校3年生の時に中央大の試合を観戦した際、選手たちの献身的なプレー、それを鼓舞するベンチの雰囲気に感動しました。その後、幸運にも中央大スケート部からチャンスをいただき、すぐに「お願いします」と返事しました。東京には明治や東洋など強豪が揃っているので、大きなチャレンジができる環境であったことも中央を選んだ理由です。
Full year of hard effort
-Your team snatched the triple crown in 2015. What do you think made that possible?
Kato: We felt quite regretful when we got no titles in 2014. Motivated by our bitter experience, all of us made really hard efforts with a unanimous resolve to get the triple crown in 2015. Each of us kept thinking every day, “What should we do to become stronger?” And we kept putting that into practice in our routine drills and matches. I am sure that led us to the triple crown in 2015.
加藤 2014年は無冠でシーズンを終え、とても悔しい思いをしました。15年はその悔しさを糧にチーム全体が「3冠」を目標に必死に努力を重ねました。メンバー一人ひとりが日々、「強くなるためには」を考え続け、練習や試合で実行し続けたことが今回の3冠のカギだったと思います。
-Was there anything else that you routinely bore in your mind?
Kato: Nothing in particular. But I do my daily practice seriously, play every match with my full effort and never give up. I always bear those things in my mind. I love playing ice hockey, so I can stand hard work.
加藤 特にこれといって意識していたことはありません。ただ毎日、真剣に練習に取り組み、試合で120%の力を出し切ること、失敗しても決してあきらめないことは常に意識しています。アイスホッケーが大好きなので、きつい練習もあんまり苦ではないんですよね。
- Playing ice hockey can be physically dangerous and exhaustive. Have you ever thought of giving it up?
Kato: Well, that idea hit me just once. When I was a junior high-school student, I found my practice so hard that I almost lost my motivation. But my father encouraged me, saying, "Take it easy. Just enjoy yourself." That made me remember my boyhood when I had simply enjoyed playing ice hockey. I felt really relieved. I have never since thought of quit playing it.
加藤 一度だけありますね。中学生の時に練習が大変なので、やる気を失くしたことがありました。そんな私を見た父は「無理はするな。楽しめばいい」と言いました。純粋にアイスホッケーを楽しんでいた小学生のころの気持ちが呼び戻り、悩みは一気に解決されました。それからは今まで一度もアイスホッケーをやめたいと思ったことはありません。
Lifetime engagement in ice hockey
-What do you want to do in the future?
Kato: I want to be a policeman or a firefighter as I am confident of my physical strength. Given the declining number of ice hockey players these days, I also want to get myself associated with the sport to help stem the trend.
加藤 体力には自信があるので、警察官か消防士になりたいと思っています。また、最近アイスホッケーの競技人口が減っていると言われているので、それを食い止めるために自分なりにかかわっていきたいです。
―Tell us about your ambition with regard to ice hockey.
Kato: As captain, I will try to lead my team to the triple crown once again in the 2016 season. I want to keep Chuo Skating Club’s strong points such as a harmonious yet lively activity. I will try to make the team one that will go all-out to win matches if not in a refined manner.
加藤 今シーズンはキャプテンとしてチームを3冠にもう一度導きます。中大スケート部の和気あいあいとした雰囲気、メリハリのある部活動という特長を維持しつつ、全員一丸となって、泥臭くとも勝利を目指すチームにしたいと思います。
―Thank you.
―ありがとうございました。(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato, written by: Takuya Shintate) (聞き手:加藤英樹 英文:新立拓也)
The day may be drawing nearer when teenage Diet (parliament) members become a reality in Japan. This is because the age of eligibility for election may possibly be reduced to 20 years or younger. At present, the age is 25 years in House of Representatives elections and 30 years in House of Councillors elections. The Liberal Democratic Party, the New Komeito, the Democratic Party and the Initiatives from Osaka have bared their policies to seek lower eligibility ages in their manifestoes for this summer’s upper house election in a show of the country’s first-ever suprapartisan approach toward the simmering issue. What will be the effect of the proposed reduction of the eligibility age, the bedrock of the electoral system?
One of key factors behind the move is the growing social necessity to promote political participation by the youth. The biggest effect of a lower age can be an enhancement of young people’s engagement with and commitment in politics. When younger candidates win in national elections, the same generations may begin to see politics closer to them. Moreover, younger lawmakers may consider putting greater priority on policy measures tuned to the interests of younger generations.
Yet there is some skepticism about reduction of the age. Critics argue that Japanese people younger than 20 years are still immature and lack social experiences, so they can do little if elected to the Diet. However, the ratio of Diet members younger than 30 years is quite low at 0.6% in Japan, which is just one-tenth of that in Germany. Given that too many Diet members are middle-aged or elder, isn’t it better to accept more of younger lawmakers by conniving at their inexperience and political immaturity?
For example, younger legislators may better deal with matters related to new technological innovations like AI (artificial intelligence) and bitcoin. In fact, some 40 junior LDP lawmakers have joined hands to launch what they call a parliamentary league for promotion of AI, big data and IoT (Internet of Things). It may well be one of ideas that only younger people can think of.
例えば、AI(人工知能)や仮想通貨など、新技術には若い議員のほうがより柔軟に対応できることも考えられる。実際、自民党の若手議員約40名によって、AI・ビッグデータ・IoT(Internet of Things)利活用促進若手議員連盟がつくられている。若者ならではの発想といえるだろう。
And above all, the eligibility age should be lowered without delay to give broader options to the 2.4 million young voters who came into existence following the reduction in June of the voting right to 18 years. The United States and the Netherlands already have teenage lawmakers. In Japan, there has long been widespread concern over the young generation’s disengagement with politics and electoral indifference. Such tendency can be stemmed by giving younger people more chances to enter politics. そして何より、選挙権の18歳への引き下げで新たに生まれた約240万人の若い有権者の選択肢を広げる意味でも、被選挙権引き下げは早急に導入する必要があるように思われる。すでに、アメリカやオランダでは、10代の議員が誕生している。政治、選挙離れが指摘される若者を実際に政治の舞台に参加させることで、こうした傾向も弱まっていくのではないだろうか。 (Written by: Takaaki Araki) (荒木敬明)
Image from Down Under Photography
When teachers tell their pupils about politics, “political neutrality” is one of the biggest problems. At Japanese schools, teachers tend to distance themselves from differing points of view and avoid dealing with controversial political issues. However, they may need to encourage an active discussion and help create a society where diversified opinions are respected rather than keeping away from discussion or addressing issues in a perfunctory manner. In Germany, too, people generally tended to regard political education as a taboo immediately after their defeat in World War Ⅱ. Now, however, Germans are willing to discuss political issues. Evident from German cases is that the “hurdle” to political discussion is much lower in the country than in Japan.
Political neutrality in Germany
In Germany, there had long been a heated debate on treatment of political issues at schools since World War II. Conservatives and reformists had remained wide apart from each other. But in 1976, educational experts from all over the country held a conference and adopted the "Beutelsbacher Consensus", a guideline for political education which is basically adhered to even today. The consensus, made up of three principles, prohibits teachers from overwhelming their pupils and interfering in their independent judgment. It advises the teachers to treat controversial issues as controversial by picking up both pros and cons. But teachers are allowed to express their own opinions unless they are unconstitutional. Rather, it is considered good in Germany for teachers to speak out their opinion as it may help pupils form their own opinion.
The “Beutelsbacher Consensus” puts greater priority on pupils' political maturity, not accomplishment of the aims of particular political parties. Strict political neutrality is not necessarily required as long as due consideration is given to differing points of view. There seems to be a reason why the rules are kept flexible: the presence of a third-party organization.
「ボイテルスバッハ・コンセンサス」は、政治教育の重点を特定の政党の目標を達成するのでなく、生徒の政治的成熟の促進を目指すことに置いている。厳密な中立性は必ずしも要求されず、異なる立場への配慮がなされれば問題ないとされる。また、このような緩い規定の背景には、「第三者機関の存在」が考えられる。*Image from Howard Jefferson
BPB and its role
The German Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung=BPB) was established in 1952. It is one of the governmental agencies which plays a unique role of supervising political education in Germany. A separate third-party committee, made up of the representatives of all political parties, constantly checks the BPB's neutrality. BPB's activities are not limited to publishing teaching materials. It enlightens the public on political education, issues brochures, releases information on the Internet and organizes training sessions. Its targets are broad, ranging from young people whose political awareness is low to professional journalists.
What kind of information does BPB send out? It not only covers explanation of the political system but also processes to find problems, ways to conduct discussions and media literacy education aimed for appropriate information release. Also important is “learning from the past”. BPB gets involved in historical education in order to teach young people the importance of peace by reviewing the tragic past brought by Nazism. It also warns against the danger of extremism, which can be seen even today.
Its activities are surely supported by its aim to spread correct information to the whole nation. More than that, however, they are inspired by one significant philosophy: to encourage the people's political participation, uphold sound democracy and hand it down.
On political neutrality, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT) allows teachers to deal with controversial issues on conditions: (1) they equally treat differing points of view and (2) they teach from a neutral and fair standpoint. It acknowledges that discussion of those issues is significant. But it leaves individual teachers to judge what to discuss and how. This can make teachers feel nervous and hesitant about political discussions. To improve the situation, MEXT may be able to learn much from Germany's experiences.
日本の文部科学省は教育現場における政治的中立について、①異なる見解を平等に取り上げること、②教員は中立かつ公正な立場で指導することを条件に、対立する見解がある現実のテーマを扱うことを認めている。また、そうした内容を議論することは意義があるとしている。しかし、何をどのように議論するかの判断は現場の教員に委ねられており、現場の萎縮が起こりやすいと言える。この現状を改善するにあたり、ドイツの経験から学ぶ側面は多いのではないだろうか。(Written by: Takafumi Sakurai)
*Image from College Degrees360
Put a casual question, “What is your future dream?” students may give a wide variety of answers. But few will mention “a politician” as their dream. Takatoki Morino, a second grader of Chuo University’s Faculty of Law, is one of the few. He said he has been dreaming of entering the world of politics since he was an elementary school kid. In his junior high-school days, he had a temporal working experience at the office of a member of the Diet (parliament). His desire to participate in politics was so strong in high-school days that he joined a movement to lower the voting age to 18 years. Hakumon Herald interviewed Morino to ask why he chose politician as his dream and what he thinks about participation in politics by young people in Japan.
-You said you have been keen to participate in political activities since you were a high-school student. What was your motivation?
Morino: Well, it all began when our elementary school teacher advised us to think about politics in everyday life. He often encouraged us to discuss daily news events in the classroom.
森野 小学校の担任の先生に日常的に政治について考えるよう指導してもらったことがきっかけです。その先生は日々のニュースをテーマにクラスで語り合うことを実施していました。
-What was the most impressive news in those days?
Morino: I vividly remember our discussion about the presidential election in the United States in 2009. Our teacher showed us during the lunch time a TV footage featuring a speech made by President Barack Obama and asked us what we thought about it. American citizens appearing in the footage were very much excited about the election. I was impressed by their immense difference from the sluggish atmosphere seen in Japanese society. Though I was an elementary school kid then, I felt a sense of crisis over the somber state of Japanese society. That made me dream of becoming a politician. As a matter of fact, our teacher himself became a politician later. He is one of persons whom I respect and admire most.
森野 アメリカの大統領選挙に関するディスカッションです。先生はオバマ大統領就任後のスピーチを昼食の時間にテレビで流し、生徒に意見を求めました。選挙に熱狂する市民がテレビ画面に映しだされ、それが疲弊感の漂う日本社会と大きく違ったことが私には印象的でした。小学生ながら当時の日本の状況に危機感を覚え、この時から将来は政治家になるという夢を抱き始めました。実はその先生は後に政治家になりました。私が最も尊敬し憧れる人の1人です。
-What have you done since then?
Morino: I worked temporarily at the office of a Diet member during my junior high-school days. During my high-school days, I served as a student representative of Teen’s Rights Movement, an organization aiming to lower the voting age to 18 from 20 at the time. We invited incumbent Diet members for discussion with students and made arrangements for mock elections. All our activities were aimed to raise political awareness among students of the same generation. Now, I major in political science at Chuo University.
森野 中学生の頃は現職の国会議員の事務所で職場体験をしました。高校生になってからは18歳選挙権の実現を目指した団体Teen’s Rights Movementの全国統括高校生代表を務めました。活動としては現役の国会議員を招待し、学生との議論の場を設けたり、模擬選挙を開催したりするなど、同世代の学生の政治意識を高めるようなことをしてきました。現在は中央大学で政治学を学んでいます。
His immediate dream is to become a local assemblyman
-What kind of lectures do you attend at Chuo?
Morino: I have so far been active in civic movements. From my experiences, I have keenly felt the necessity to reinforce a cooperative system to allow citizens to act independently and for the public administration to support them positively. So I felt I myself need to become a professional in the world of administration. Right now, I learn a history of local autonomy, functions of local governments and governance of NPO at the Course of Regional Politics of my faculty’s Department of Political Science.
My dream in the immediate future is to become a member of the Prefectural Assembly in Kanagawa where I live. I want to get engaged in municipal and prefectural administration rather than national administration because I want to be closer to citizens of my own community. I want to have a major impact on the process of dealing with regional problems. I love my neighborhood more than anything else.
森野 今まで市民運動の現場で活動してきました。その経験を通じて私は市民が主体的に行動し、そして行政が積極的にその活動をサポートする協同体制を強化していく必要性があると感じました。そのためにも私自身が行政側でもプロになる必要があると思います。現在、法学部政治学科・地域創造コースで地方自治の歴史、現代における地方政府の役割、非営利団体のガバナンスなどを学んでいます。
This image is from Flickr, Eshi.
Japan's Public Offices Election Law was revised in June 2015 to lower the legal voting age to 18 from 21 before. As the amended law came into force on June 19, the country's 18-year-olds will be casting their ballots for the first time in the House of Councillors election scheduled for July 10.
The lowered voting age is aimed to encourage the youth to pay more attention to politics and get involved in it more actively amid Japan's declining birth rate coupled with an aging and dwindling population. The voter turnout by age in the last House of Representatives general election in December 2014 was way lower at 32.6% for those in their 20s in comparison to 68.3% for those in their 60s and 42.1% for those in their 30s. This clearly indicates political apathy among younger generations. A lower turnout among young voters will make their voices harder to reach legislators, who in turn may have difficulties adopting policies for them or at best take longer to formulate policies favored by them.
Voting age of 18 is global trend
The Ministry of Internal Affairs & Communications (MIC) is highly touting the change in the suffrage with a catchword "Your votes can determine your future!" on its official website. It has produced posters and TV commercials featuring up-and-coming actress Suzu Hirose as a mascot to support its campaign. MIC has also engaged Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., an Osaka-based entertainment conglomerate, to produce a video footage, in which its idol girl group performs comical dances while answering various election-related questions such as why the voting age was lowered and how low the turnout of youths in the past along with cases in some foreign countries.
The voting age of 18 years is widespread in most other countries. Notable here is that election campaigns via social network service (SNS) like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are becoming a common practice in the United States and many other countries, making voters including the youth more interested in politics. SNS facilitates communications between candidates and voters, making it easier for the latter's opinions to be reflected on policies.
海外での選挙権年齢は18歳以上が主流になっているが、注目されるのはTwitter, Facebook, YouTubeなどのSNS(ソーシャル・ネットワーク・システム)を利用した選挙運動が米国など多くの国で一般化しており、それが若者を含めた有権者の政治的関心を高めるのに役立っていることだ。SNS利用により候補者と有権者とのやり取りが円滑に進み、有権者の意見が政策により反映されやすくなっている。
SNS has its own problems
In keeping with the changing situation in other countries, Japan removed the ban on Internet election campaign by partially amending the Public Offices Election Law in April 2013 prior to the lowering of the voting age. The revised law allows all adults including 18-year-olds to take part in election campaigns through websites except email. What we have to be careful about SNS use is mental abuse and spoofing for the purpose of disrupting candidates. Both are subject to criminal penalties. Such behaviors are apt to stem from anonymity inherent in SNS and how better to deal with them is one of big problems to be addressed in the future.
こうした海外での選挙事情を反映して、日本でも18歳選挙権実現に先立つ2013年4月、「インターネット選挙活動解禁に係る公職選挙法の一部を改正する法律」が成立した。これによると、満18歳になった者を含めだれでもウェブサイト(電子メールは除く)を利用して選挙運動ができるようになった。SNS利用に当たって注意しなければならないのは、誹謗中傷と当選させないことを目的に他人になりすまして活動する「なりすまし」行為である。いずれも刑罰の対象となる。これらはSNSの持つ匿名性から生じるものであり、どう解決していくかが今後の課題となろう。(Written by: Toshihiro Horibe, Hiroki Sajo and Ayane Hujiki)(和文:堀部聡宏 英文:嵯城弘樹、藤城彩音)
Should door-to-door visits be legalized?
How can we let younger voters take an interest in politics? Almost all developed countries face this problem today. In Japan, various approaches have been taken to raise the younger people’s political awareness, including the lift in 2013 of the ban on election campaigns via the Internet. However, many other electioneering tactics remain illegal in Japan. One of them is door-to-door canvassing. Why is it still regulated?
The practice allows individual candidates and their supporters to visit houses or offices where eligible voters live or work to ask them to vote. Anyone is forbidden to make such visits under Article 138 of Japan’s Public Offices Election Act. There has been a lot of debate over the stipulation since the days of the Morihiro Hosokawa Administration in 1993. No conclusions have been drawn to date, however. Door-to-door canvassing is said to be kept illegal to prevent crimes like vote buying with gifts during a candidate’s visit.
However, is that reasoning still convincing enough? If a candidate buys votes in today’s SNS-based society, the information will instantly run through the networks, making it harder for him or her to be elected. Meanwhile, as former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi once acknowledged, door-to-door visits are often made in various ways, such as soliciting of votes by members of support groups during the pre-election campaign period. If that may be the case, isn’t it better to legalize the practice and make effective use of it?
Some political pundits say that door-to-door canvassing has a merit of giving voters direct chances to get better acquainted with a candidate’s policy and deepen their interest in politics. Voters and candidates can argue face-to-face, allowing the former’s real opinions to be reflected on the latter’s policy and thereby enhancing the constituents’ independence in voting. Yet, those pundits warn of possible problems involved, such as so-called “spoofing” (identify fraud) or spying on behalf of a rival candidate. Appropriate legislation including a crackdown on such unlawful behaviors will have to be put in place.
Japanese voters have long accustomed to “elections full of don’ts” as characterized by numerous regulations. Those “don’ts” may have given
the voters only limited chances to know of the policy and personality of candidates. One may say that as a result, more voters including young ones in particular have become reluctant to go to
the polling stations. It looks to be about time to prompt participation in politics by more people under a freer election campaign system in order to stem a further decline in the
voter turnout. Legalizing door-to-door canvassing can be one of effective means to that end.
(Written by: Takaaki Araki, Natsumi Sofue and Meiku Takeda) (和文:荒木敬明 英文:荒木敬明、祖父江なつみ、武田芽育)
The Japan Society, a private organization that serves as a bridge of friendship between Japan and the United Kingdom, will greet the 125th anniversary of its foundation in 2016. This Hakumon Herald reporter visited the office of the society located near London’s Baker Street underground station during his short stay in the country in the summer and interviewed Ms. Alice Caffyn who works there about what her society does and how Japanese culture is accepted in the U.K.
ロンドン中心部、ベーカーストリート駅のほど近くに事務所を構える、民間団体“THE JAPAN SOCIETY”。白門ヘラルドは、来年で設立125周年を迎え、日英友好の懸け橋として活動を続けるこの団体の職員のアリスさんにその活動、日本文化の英国での地位について話を伺った。
-When was your society established?
Caffyn: It was established in 1891 for the purpose of promoting friendship between the two countries and deepening their mutual understanding.
-What kind of activity do you carry out?
Caffyn: We do an extensive activity including, for example, business, educational and academic programs. In our educational programs, for example, volunteers who can speak Japanese visit British schools and give workshops on Japanese culture and tradition. They teach the language and origami (the art of paper folding) among other things. We also provide Japanese and British students with a place to communicate and interact with each other.
-Can you give us some more specific examples?
Caffyn: We produce our homepage "Japan UK Live", offering a message board where students can write their opinions. We translate them into each other’s languages to promote their interchanges.
Japan UK Liveというホームページを作成し、メッセージボードのような場所に互いの意見を書いてもらい、それを私たちが互いの言語に翻訳することで交流を促進しています。
-What else do you do?
Caffyn: Through our “Small Grants” program, we offer financial assistance to organizations which hold small events to deepen the British people’s understanding of Japanese culture and the language. We provide up to 1,000 pounds (approximately 180,000 yen) per event. We also support large-scale events in cooperation with other organizations including the Japanese Embassy in London. We preserve books about Japan and lend them.
-What kind of books do you have?
Caffyn: They are mostly books about Japan written in English. We also have many Japanese dictionaries. Basically they have been donated to us. We manage them carefully because some of them are old and have a great value. We also keep the annual reports of our society, including the first issue written in 1892.
-How is the Japanese culture positioned in the U.K?
Caffyn: It is very popular. Shops dealing in Japanese foods have explosively increased in number particularly in the past several years. I think British people have begun to understand Japanese foods which they hadn’t had before such as ramen and udon. This trend has been given a push by "HYPER JAPAN", a big event held twice a year in London, which is similar to "JAPAN EXPO" that takes place in Paris.
とても人気があります。特にここ数年で日本食の店は爆発的に増加しました。ラーメン、うどん、などこれまで英国人が食べたことのない料理が理解されはじめていると思います。毎年2回、グリニッジなどで行われている、”HYPER JAPAN” というパリの”JAPAN EXPO”に似た大規模なイベントもこの潮流を後押ししています。
-What has motivated you to take up this job at the Society?
Caffyn: I was looking for a job that would enable me to get associated with Japan and contribute to Japan-U.K friendship while keeping myself in London. So I began to work here upon graduation from my university. This job was what I had wanted. I can experience various types of work. I sometimes find it hard, but I feel it’s really worth doing.
-Thank you very much.
(Interviewed by: Takaaki Araki)
Chuo University’s International Center organized an event at C Square of the Tama Campus on Nov. 20 to give exchange students an opportunity to experience wearing furisode, Japan’s traditional long-sleeved kimono.
The event was planned by the “kimono squad” led by Mrs. Chikako Katsura, the vice chair of Chuo’s Parents Liaison Association. She was assisted by 20 members of the squad’s “dressing team”. The venue brimmed with splendor as 15 girl students from nine countries lined up, clad in colorful furisode.
The students looked quite nervous at first but soon began enjoying talking with Mrs. Katsura and her assistants who helped them choose their hair style and accessories fit for their furisode. They looked nice in furisode in part because Mrs. Katsura had chosen the wear for each of them after having a close look at their portraits beforehand.
The girls, fully dressed up, looked harder to walk around but were all smiles, taking pictures of each other, looking themselves in a mirror and enjoying their first experience of wearing the traditional Japanese attire. After a group photo session, they all looked sad and were reluctant to change their clothes.
Toward the end of the event, one of the students said excitedly, “Next time, I want to have a geisha experience.” Many others said they now have a deeper interest in Japanese culture. The International Center hosted this kind of event for the first time. It found it successful in that it made the exchange students’ dream come true and helped them deepen their interested in Japanese culture. Let us hope that they will have more chances to learn about Japan.
(Written by: Natsumi Nakano)
As Japanese society goes global, it is becoming quite natural for Japanese to work hand in hand with people from other countries. One of elements required of them in such society is a broader capacity to understand and accept each other, says Mrs. Hiromi Kaizawa, vice president of NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange), a Japanese NGO engaged in promoting international volunteer projects.
International volunteer activity may surely help young people acquire and develop such capacity. A camping-style volunteer program in which participants work and live together is often called “workcamp”. International volunteer workcamps originated in 1920 when young men from Germany and France gathered near Verdun in northeastern France to revive the farmland devastated during World War I. The ideas of this first volunteer project inspired "the volunteer movement" to grow to worldwide dimensions. Today, more than 170 NGOs are active across the world undertaking broad-ranging workcamp programs. その力を磨くための方法の一つとして国際ボランティア活動が考えられる。特に現地に泊まりがけで行われる合宿型ボランティア活動は「ワークキャンプ」と呼ばれている。国際ワークキャンプは1920年にドイツとフランスの若者たちがフランス北東部のヴェルダン郊外で一緒に第1次世界大戦で破壊された農地の再建を行ったことから始まったとされる。この最初の奉仕活動を支えた考え方がその後「ボランティア運動」を世界的な規模にまで広めていった。現在170以上のNGOが世界各地で国際ワークキャンプ活動を展開している。
“It may be comfortable for you to live in a familiar place, surrounded by people who share the same sense of value with you. However, it’s not good at all. It is very important for you to jump out into a place where people have a totally different sense of value,” Mrs. Kaizawa stressed during her interview with Hakumon Herald. NICE which organizes short- and medium-term workcamps both at home and abroad is Japan’s sole member of the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS), an affiliate of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It boasts one of the world’s most expansive volunteer networks, working in close cooperation with 165 organizations in 90 countries.
She said, “One of good points about international volunteer activity is that it doesn’t simply end up in a tour.” When you visit a country on a trip, you may have some chances to talk with local people, but you will have few chances to know much about the country. By getting involved in dealing with local problems as a volunteer rather than a tourist, you will surely deepen your understanding of the country. She continued, “Those who take part in international volunteer workcamps are not only Japanese. We also have these days an increasing number of participants from other Asian countries, particularly Taiwan and South Korea. There are more participants from France and Germany.” She said that she often witnesses scenes where different senses of value come out among the participants. “For example,” she said, “Many Japanese think they are required to work and they simply do so. But, an Italian boy I once met was quite different. He had his own theory. He concluded not to do a particular job and he just didn’t it. He explained his reason and everyone around him was convinced.”
Mrs. Kaizawa said that participants in workcamps come in touch with different values, see a new world and broaden their perspective while talking, working and making friends with their partners who have their own sense of value.
She said, “A growing number of young people hesitate to go out of Japan alone for fear of insecurity or a lack of English proficiency. They need to meet other people and make personal connections to understand each other. It’s a pity more Japanese youths are reluctant to have such chances.” She added, “Even when you choose to stay in Japan, you can learn a lot by traveling to unfamiliar places. The world is big and there are many things you don’t know. While you are a student and have much time to spend, you should go out for an adventure to know of your unknown self and have many experiences to broaden your capacity to accept things unfamiliar to you.”
「治安の状態への不安や自身の英語力への自信の無さから一人で海外へ行くことをしり込みする若者が増えている。お互いのことを理解するには実際に会って、個人的なつながりが必要なのにその機会を持とうとしない人が増えていることは非常に残念。日本でも行ったことのない地方へ飛び込むことで、いろんな学びが得られる。世界は広く、まだまだ知らないこともたくさん。ぜひ時間のある学生時代にこそ、未知数な自分を知る冒険に出て、多くのことを体験し、知らないものを受け入れる器を育ててほしい」と開澤氏は語った。 (Written by: Takahiro Kusunoki)
The time period during college is a student’s invaluable opportunity to dedicate to one’s interests. On the one hand, some students focus on studying. On the other hand, some who have intentions to contribute to the society sooner, volunteer and work at internships. Hakumon Herald interviewed Maya Newlin, a senior political science and sociology major at the University of North Carolina, Asheville. She has been Student Body President from the 2015 fall semester to the 2016 spring semester and is enthusiastic to abolish a discrimination of African Americans in the United States as a social justice activist.
Raising an awareness of the truth of injustice
-What made you determined to be a social justice activist?
Newlin: The fact that I learned the reality of racial inequality at classes from the field of political science and sociology. Furthermore, I have been feeling an involvement in the problem for long time, since I’m African American. Yet, some people living in the United States are treated unfairly due to their races and sexualities. I couldn’t tolerate the injustice. I believe that it’s vital to raise awareness of the problem among people and enhance its understanding in order to improve the present situation. Taking an initiative as a leader, like being the president of student government and a social justice activist, I would be able to endeavor effectively on solving the problem during four years, such a short period of time. Hence I chose these positions.
ニューリン 専攻している政策科学と社会学の分野で差別の実態について学んだこと、なにより私自身がアフリカ系アメリカ人女性であるため、昔から当事者意識を持っていたことが理由です。いまだアメリカでは人種や性別を理由に理不尽な扱いを受けることがたくさんあります。それが許せませんでした。現状を改善するには、まず人々に問題を認知してもらい、理解を促すことが大切です。4年間の限られた時間の中で効果的に問題改善に努めるため社会運動家、そして学生会会長というリーダーの地位に立つことを決意しました。
-How are people subject to unjust treatment?
Newlin: People of color feel aggrieved on a daily basis. The unjust takes root in the society. They are subject to disadvantaged circumstances in everyday lives in terms of labor, education, and health care. Gender is a cause to get rid of a chance for people too. Despite an appreciation of the freedom in the United States, people can hardly pursue their own lives because of their races and sexualities.
ニューリン アメリカでは有色人種が不公平を経験するのは日常茶飯事です。差別は社会に根付いています。労働、教育、医療、日々の生活のあらゆる場面で不利な状況に立たされています。性差も同じく人々から機会を奪う原因となっています。アメリカは自由を尊ぶ国であるにもかかわらず、人種、性別によって「自分らしく生きること」が実はとても難しい国です。
-I took it for granted that racism was over after the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950’s to 60’s.
Newlin: Explicit racism seems invisible right now. However, the culture of White-male supremacy has taken roots all over the society and continues to affect badly peoples’ lives till now. As I’ve researched, for instance, a study about the rate of higher education and received healthcare of African American females in North Carolina revealed the fact that they have been spending days being overlooked by the society.
ニューリン あからさまな差別は減りました。しかし、社会のいたるところに根を張った白人男性至上主義の文化は、今でも人々の生活に悪影響を与え続けています。私が研究している分野では、例えばノースカロライナ州における黒人女性の高等教育就学率、ヘルスケアの機会の調査では、彼女たちが今も不遇な日々を過ごしている実態がうかがえます。
-What event do you remember in particular?
Newlin: I took part in a Black Lives Matter event, protesting around the city of Asheville and on the campus last November. It aimed for raising the local public awareness about the discomfort and difficulty which students of color face in college life. Aside from it, our student government organization held a couple of events letting students grasp a better understanding about contemporary racism in February 2016, cooperating with the African American Student Association and Multicultural Student Programs.
ニューリン 学生生活で有色人種の学生が直面している不快な状況や困難について、他の学生、地域の人々に知ってもらうために昨年11月にブラック・ライブズ・マター(別稿参照)と呼ばれる抗議活動を学内、アッシュビルの街で行いました。また、黒人歴史月間の今年2月にはアフリカ系アメリカ人会、多文化学生会を中心に学内の組織と連携して現代における差別についての理解を深めるイベントを複数回開催しました。
In recent years, cross-border exchange is getting active, and there is great interest in development of “Global person”. In Chuo, internationalization is being promoted under the “Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development”. However, in the first place, what is a global person? What is needed for students to be a global person?
Hakumon Herald interviewed Stephen Hesse, professor of Chuo University’s Faculty of Law and former head of the Chuo International Center, to ask the meaning of global person and advice for Chuo University’s students.
-What is a global person?
Hesse: I don’t think a global person is a special kind of person. I think anybody can be a global person. You don’t have to go outside Japan to be a global person. If you live in Japan and you study foreign languages you can understand foreign news and foreign magazines or movies. If you try to understand the world, you are becoming a global person. Global doesn’t mean you must live in another country. Just living outside Japan does not make you global. Global is how you see the world. So global is not where you live. It’s how you think and how you learn.
ヘッセ グローバルな人材とは、決して特別な人たちとは思いません。だれもがグローバル人材になることができます。そのために日本を出る必要もありません。日本に住んでいても外国語を学べば、外国のニュースや雑誌、映画を理解することができます。世界を理解しようとすれば、だれもがグローバル人材になっていくのです。また、外国に住まなければならないというわけでもありません。単に日本の外で暮らすだけではだめなのです。それだけではグローバルな人間にはなりません。問題は、世界をどう見るか、ということだからです。つまり、グローバルになるというのは、どこで暮らすのかではなく、どのように考え、学ぶか、ということなのです。
- It is said that a“Global person” needs a lot of skills.
Hesse: I don’t think a person needs a lot of skills to be global. I think a global person needs motivation and hard work and language. To be global, you have to be able to see Japan from outside and see the world from inside Japan. So your view has to be global. That’s a global person. So you don’t need many skills. So most people who graduate from Chuo, don’t a lot of skills, but they can have an open mind and they have interest. For university students, motivation and hard work and global interest and language, these and critical thinking are the most important things.
ヘッセ 私は、グローバルになるために多くのスキルは必要ないと思います。必要なのは、モチベーションと努力と語学力です。海外の視点から日本について考え、同時に日本人としての視点から日本を考えられるようにならなければなりません。つまり、考え方をグローバルにする必要があるのです。多くのスキルは必要ありません。中央大学を卒業した大部分の人が多くの知識を持ち合わせているとは限りませんが、広い視野と好奇心は持ち合わせています。大学生にとって最も重要なのはモチベーションや努力、国際的な関心と語学力、そしてクリティカル・シンキング(批判的思考)なのです。
-Chuo university is working to develop globally minded individuals.
Hesse: The Chuo International Center is very active and working very hard to create programs for students who want to study abroad. The International Center has many programs, including exchange programs, short-term study programs, and it can introduce students to programs overseas and in other institutions. Also each faculty has programs for study abroad, internships, fieldwork and other global opportunities. In addition, many professors take students to other countries for research and fieldwork. Foreign teachers at Chuo are also very eager and very happy to help students, if students are motivated.
ヘッセ 学内に設けられている国際センターは非常に活動的で、交換留学や短期留学を含む多くのプログラムが多くあり、学生に海外のプログラムやその他の機関を紹介することもしています。さらに、各学部には留学やインターンシップ、フィールドワーク、その他の国際的な活動に参加する機会が多くあります。加えて、多くの教授は研究やフィールドワークのために多くの学生を海外に連れていく活動をしています。中央大学にいる外国人の先生たちもまた、とても熱心に、そして喜んで学生の手助けをします。
Hesse: But before you talk to a teacher, before you go to the International Center, think about what you want to do, why you want to do it. I think that the International Center is the strongest point for Chuo’s international activities, but students must think for themselves as well. Also, there are many international students at Chuo who are happy to meet Japanese students. So Japanese students should make efforts to meet foreign student to learn more about the world.
-I guess you have seen many students going overseas. Do you think they have any common points or characteristics?
Yes, I think they are all quite brave. Many students who go abroad have poor or weak English. But everyone who goes overseas to study is brave. Usually they are also very motivated and choose to work hard. So you have to make a serious decision and you have to commit to hard work.
One of my students hesitated to study abroad, because she wants to be a prosecutor.
“Study abroad and learn overseas. You’ll be a better prosecutor!” I said.
“But I don’t have time,” she replied.
“You are young, you have a lot of time,” I said. “You should go and improve your English and you should learn about law in another country.”
Suddenly she decided to go, and she began studying everyday for the IELTS test (English assessment test for studying abroad). She worked very hard and she was brave enough to challenge study abroad. She was determined and she had a very clear focus of ”I want to go!” Now she is studying at a top university in England and doing well.
So you don’t need language but you have to have clear determination to study language, to improve language. And if you go, it will change your life. I promise. Everybody who studies abroad, their thinking changes because they start to see the world in a more global way.
ヘッセ 彼らは皆、非常に勇気があります。留学する学生の多くは英語が不得意か苦手です。しかし、みな勇気を持っています。彼らはやる気に溢れており、一生懸命さを持っています。留学考えているのなら、決心をし、全力を傾けなければなりません。検事を志望している私の教え子に、留学するのをためらっている学生がいました。私は彼女に「留学して海外を知りなさい。そうすればあなたはより良い検事になるでしょう。」と言いました。しかし、彼女は「でも時間がありません」と言うのです。そこで私は「あなたはまだ若くて、時間はたくさんあります。海外に行って語学力を上げ、他の国で法律を学ぶべきです」と言いました。
-Finally, what should we do while we are students. Please give us some advice.
Hesse: I think the things we talked about are very important. First, from your first year, you should think about and find out about all the opportunities at Chuo; find all the different opportunities and then start making your 4-year plan, or your 3-year plan, or your 2-year plan, if you are a 2nd-year student. You have to plan early. But don’t worry if you need more time. It is not a problem if you become a 5th-year student. Many students now become 5th grade students; and my students who study for 5 years always get good jobs because they studied abroad and they did various activities in Japan. These gave them clearing, more critical thinking, global awareness, and various abilities, such as doing interviews. As a result, they got good jobs.
So don’t worry about time. Plan your activities, do as much as you can, and study language hard. Learn language before you leave university. Look for opportunities and take opportunities. And don’t spend so much on part-time jobs and circle activities. Focus on gaining knowledge, and make yourself a more active, global person!
ヘッセ まず、1年生のときから大学が提供するすべて機会について考えて、調べるべきです。そして向こう4年間、あなたが2年生なら向こう2年間の計画を立ててください。計画は早めに立てるべきです。計画に時間かかっても心配する必要はありません。仮に5年生になっても、問題はないからです。5年間学んだ私の一部教え子たちは、留学をしたり、日本で様々な活動をしたりすることで、明快でクリティカルな考え方やグローバルな意識、インタビューをする様々な能力など獲得しています。その結果、彼らは良い職業に就いています。
—Thank you very much.
(Interviewed by: Chihiro Ishikawa)
Chuo University unveiled a long-term plan featuring the relocation of its Faculty of Law to Tokyo’s midtown as it celebrated the 130th anniversary of its foundation on Nov. 9. Hakumon Herald interviewed President and Chancellor Shozaburo Sakai about what has motivated the plan and what it is primarily aiming for.
-Why did you announce the plan at this time?
Sakai: I think Chuo will face a major turning point in the next ten years. Japan’s 18-year-old population will begin diminishing in 2018 and the universities in the country will become more globalized thereafter. Chuo needs to be a university that will continue to be chosen by prospective students 50 or 100 years later. We have drawn up the plan as a guideline to ensure that in the next decade.
酒井 2018年を機に、18歳人口が大幅に減少し、大学のグローバル化が進む中で、中央大学が50年、100年先も受験生に選ばれる大学であるために、この先10年が大きな分かれ目になると考えています。その10年の指針として今回計画を策定しました。
-What are the main points of the plan?
Sakai: If I may speak in random order, one of its features is to move the Faculty of Law and the Law School to the Korakuen Campus in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward. Another is to promote globalization by sending more Chuo students who will study abroad and accepting more foreign students who will learn at Chuo. Furthermore, the plan calls for establishing a new faculty related to health and sports and reorganizing the Faculty of Policy Studies. The plan needs to be discussed by the Faculty Meeting before it is carried out.
酒井 順不同で申し上げれば、法学部と法科大学院を東京・文京区の後楽園キャンパスに移転するという構想が1つです。また、海外への留学生数および海外からの留学生受入れ数を増やすことなど本学のグローバル化を推進することです。さらに、健康スポーツ関連の新学部設立、総合政策学部を改組することが計画の中心となっています。ただし、これらの計画が具体化されていくにあったては、今後教授会での検討などが前提となります。
-Why do you plan to relocate the Faculty of Law to the center of Tokyo?
Sakai: That is primarily aimed to activate the interchanges among the faculty members and make a fuller use of Chuo’s most valuable asset, that is, our alumni in the judicial circles who have been fostered by way of our school’s long tradition. Among Japan’s six biggest law schools (those of Kyoto University, Keio University, Chuo University, the University of Tokyo, Hitotsubashi University and Waseda University), only Chuo’s is located separately from its Faculty of Law. This gives our faculty members no small burden in traveling between the Tama Campus (where the Faculty of Law is located) and the Ichigaya Campus in Tokyo’s midtown (where the Law School is located). The relocation scheme is designed to ease their burden and create an environment where those alumni can easily come to instruct our law students.
酒井 教員間の交流を活発にすることや、法曹界0Bという、長い伝統によって培われた、中央大学の最も価値ある資産を活かすためです。現在、6大法科大学院(京都大、慶応大、中央大、東京大、一橋大、早稲田大学各法科大学院)の中で、中央大学は法学部と法科大学院が分離している唯一の大学で、教員が多摩と都心の市ヶ谷のキャンパスを移動するさいの負担も小さくありません。そうした負担を減らし、中央大OBが後輩を指導しやすい環境を作ることなどを目的に移転を計画しています。
-Why have you chosen the Korakuen Campus as the site of the Faculty of Law?
Sakai: Considering the environment that will make things easier for the alumni, we thought Tokyo’s midtown area will be the best place. Most of them work in the urban core. We can expect them to come to teach students in their spare time if we move the faulty to Korakuen. We can also hope that closer interchanges between the students of the faculty and the Law School will create a synergetic effect.
酒井 やはりOBが訪問しやすい環境を考えると、都心しかないように思います。彼らの多くは都心で働いているため、後楽園キャンパスならば、仕事の空き時間に指導に来てくれるようなことも期待できます。また、法学部生と法科大学院生が交流することで、シナジー(相乗作用)が生まれることも期待できます。
-Didn’t you consider constructing a new campus in an area other than Central Tokyo?
Sakai: We had a budgetary restraint. We also had to take into consideration the surging prices of land and construction materials in the runup to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. We had to make a very careful decision.
酒井 予算的制約もあり、2020年の東京オリンピック・パラリンピックに向け、土地、建設資材の価格がともに急騰していることも考え、慎重に判断しました。
-In which part of the Korakuen Campus do you plan to build the new school building?
Sakai: Korakuen is a big urban campus with 27,000 square meters of land. In this particular area, the statutory floor space ratio (the ratio of a building's total floor space to the size of the piece of land upon which it is built) is approximately 300%, which is relatively lower as compared to the one applicable to Meiji University’s Surugadai Campus and other universities located in Tokyo’s midtown districts. For this reason, the campus construction plan I mentioned above is subject to various administrative approvals including the relaxation of the floor space ratio. Assuming such approvals and considering that the prices of building materials will peak around 2018, we hope to get the construction work started around 2019.
酒井 後楽園キャンパスは面積2万7千平方メートルと都心においては大きなキャンパスです。また容積率(敷地面積に対する建物延べ面積)は約300%と、明治大学駿河台キャンパスなど都心地域にある他大学のそれと比べると相対的に小さい割合にとどまっています。したがって、上で述べたキャンパス整備計画は、容積率の緩和など、様々な面で行政による認可をいただくことが前提となっています。認可次第ではありますが、建築資材の価格が2018年頃にピークを迎えることも考慮し、19年頃には工事を開始できればと考えています。
-Are you also thinking of relocating a reorganized Faculty of Policy Studies?
Sakai: We may include that possibility in our plan if we can get a tract of land in the vicinity of the Korakuen Campus. However, if we see our long-term plan as Phase I, that will be our challenge in Phase II. In that sense, we have no concrete plan at this time.
酒井 後楽園キャンパス周辺で土地を確保できれば、移転することもあり得るということを含んではいます。しかしそれは、今回の中長期計画を第1弾とするならば、第2弾以降の課題であり、その意味で具体的なことは何も決まってはいません。
-What kind of education are you going to offer at the planned faculty related to health and sports?
Sakai: Many elderly people live at Tama New Town near Chuo. The Tama District is known as one of Japan’s pioneers in low birthrate and longevity. As a university that has its main campus in such area, we are considering making the faculty one that will manage policies addressing the aging society with fewer children. We also want to make it one where students can learn sports science, for example, as their business.
酒井 高齢者が多く住む多摩ニュータウンなど、少子高齢化の先進地である多摩地域にキャンパスを構える中央大学として、少子高齢化に対する政策、マネジメントを考える学部にしようと考えています。また、たとえばビジネスとして、スポーツ科学を学ぶといったようなことができる学部にもしたいと考えています。
-Can you give some messages to Chuo students?
Sakai: I want to tell all of you that Chuo University will be reborn through this long-term plan. I will personally brief the students on our plan.
酒井 在学生の皆さんには、中央大学がこの計画を機に生まれ変わるということを伝えたいです。また、12月中に今回の発表に関する説明を私自ら、在校生向けに行う予定です。
-Thank you for your time.
(Interviewed by: Takaaki Araki)
Charlotte, North Carolina - This Hakumon Herald reporter had a chance to visit the city of Charlotte in North Carolina, located in the southeastern part of the United States. The city may be unfamiliar to many Japanese. But it is North Carolina’s biggest city with a population of 730,000. The financial services industry has developed here since the end of World War II. Today it is one of the largest financial centers where Bank of America, the country’s second-ranking bank, is headquartered. Many Japanese companies have set up offices in the city, which has the Japanese Association founded 35 years ago. I visited the office of the association to meet a Japanese woman who has been living in Charlotte since her marriage with an American. Ms. S. (her request to be called) talked mainly about the working environment in the United States.
-What does your Japanese Association do routinely?
Ms. S: We serve as a hub for Japanese businesses and their families who live in Charlotte, organizing seasonal events such as a Bon festival dance, Japanese cultural introduction at local schools and running a Japanese-language supplementary school for the children of resident Japanese business persons.
-What has brought you to the United States?
Ms. S: I married an American and as my husband worked mainly in the United States, I came over here with him. I had worked for a travel agent for 12 years in Japan before then. I like working so I’ve been working for 15 years since I began to live in this country. But it wasn’t easy.
-Can you tell us more about that?
Ms. S: To begin with, I had to go through difficulties trying to find a job. For instance, I sent my resume to more than 10 travel agents, hoping to take advantage of my work experiences in Japan. But all my applications were unsuccessful. I found American travel companies adopt systems quite different from those in Japan. I learned that my applications were turned down because my skills were quite different from the ones they required.
-So what did you do then?
Ms. S: It may sound a bit of exaggeration. But I had to work to support my living. So I applied for a part-time position at a local grocery store. But, you can’t make light of a job interview even it is one with a grocery store. It takes long time to get an appointment for your interview.
-What do you mean by that?
Ms. S: For example, you have to send a resume totally different from the one in Japan. You don’t need to fill in your age, gender or attach your photo. All about you is judged by your academic records, work experiences and self-appeals. It’s just the same irrespective of whether the job you seek is full-time or part-time. Furthermore, they give you a computer-aided test on situation assessment. It’s about an appropriate timing for discount sale and management of claims. I chose the prepared answer saying, “I will make a decision after consulting my manager.” But I failed in the test. The right answer I should have chosen was: “I will make a decision by myself after assessing the situation.” Here in the United States, you are supposed to act based on your own decision which you think the best. In other words, you don’t frequently consult your manager, especially when you can solve problems within your discretion.
-So, are you suggesting that people accustomed to the Japanese working style are disadvantageous in the United States?
Ms. S: In my opinion, the strong points of Japanese people are their diligence and the spirit of mutual aid (or teamwork). You have to adjust yourselves to the American culture to some extent. Productivity and efficiency will improve once you get used to it. You won’t be disadvantageous as long as you are fluent enough in English, especially in conversation skills, and have some aspiration and patience.
-What impressed you most while working in the United States?
Ms. S: While I worked at a restaurant kitchen, I told the people
around me I can play the piano. My manager asked me to give a piano performance at dinner time instead of working as cook. I jumped at the offer. I was confident because I had prepared myself to
enter a music college in the past. My performance ended in a great success and my manager asked me to repeat it. Since that day, I had to double as a cook and a pianist. I was the only foreigner
among the restaurant hotel staff. I found that American people appreciate my personality and skill regardless of race and culture. That was one of the most impressive experiences for me. I
ended up with playing the piano at wedding receptions. Of course, my salary went up.
-Have you experienced any work-related troubles?
Ms. S: I struggled with the southern accent. I was also often annoyed by the late arrivals or delayed work schedules. I think people born and grown up in Japan will need time to get used to that. But they say “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
-Lastly, what a country is the United State for you?
Ms. S: Right now, I work four different jobs. It’s not easy to keep a balance between my work and personal life. But I feel lucky to experience four different jobs. I really enjoy my fulfilling days. By the way, your credibility is measured in every way in the United States. I think it’s one of things that distinguish the country from Japan. They assess how you are credible in payment in terms of numerical data. You need at least 10 years to have your data upgraded even if you keep properly paying your bills or credit card. Your upgraded data will benefit you when you take a new loan to buy a house or a car. It may be one of culture shocks for Japanese who are in favor of cash settlement.
People in other countries criticize the United States in various ways. But I think one of great things about this
country is that its people are really open-minded. I am referring in particular to adoption of child. American couples often adopt children whether or not they have their own kids. I’m
impressed each time I see children different in features and skin color from their parents live together as a family.
-Thank you.
(Interviewed by: Hideki Kato)
Yuki Ishikawa, a second-grader at the Faculty of Law’s Department of Political Science, has drawn public attention after being picked as a member of the Japan national volleball team. The 19-year-old hopeful worked hard as a member of Italian professional team Parmareggio Modena for a short period in 2014. He played an active role at FIVB Volleyball World Cup 2015 held in Japan in September. “I want to learn more about volleyball abroad,” Ishikawa said during his interview with Hakumon Herald.
-Why did you start playing volleyball?
Ishikawa: When I was 10 years old, I saw my elder sister playing volleyball. That was why I started playing it. At first, I couldn’t make up my mind because I had played baseball before and my mother was a basketball player. Now I like playing various other sports. But volleyball is the best sport for me. That’s hasn’t changed since those days.
石川 小学4年生の時に、姉がバレーボールをやっているのを見て、自分もやってみたいと思ったのがきっかけでした。それまでは野球をやっていましたし、母がバスケットボールの選手だったので、初めは何をやるか迷いました。今もいろいろなスポーツが好きですが、やはり当時と変わらず、バレーボールをしているときが一番楽しいです。
-What is the best thing about the Chuo Volleyball Team?
Ishikawa: First of all, the team is full of good players. That’s the best thing about our team. Another good point is that we students can take the initiative in daily practice. I think those two elements make the Chuo Volleyball Team strong.
石川 優秀なメンバーが揃っているところと、学生主体で練習するところです。これが、強い中央大学を生み出していると思います。
-How do you work out routinely?
Ishikawa: We focus on weight training. That is mainly why I have chosen Chuo University. We do other practices, including ones using balls. Our workout is quite thick and dense though it is relatively shorter in time. Of course our coach gives us advice. But our practice menu is prepared mainly by fourth-graders and we work out on our own. I can say our team is really managed by students.
石川 ウエートトレーニングを中心に練習しています。自分が中央大学を選んだ理由も、そこにあるので。その他ボール練習なども、時間は短いけれど濃密な練習をしています。もちろん監督からの指導もありますが、4年生が中心となって練習メニューを考え、自分たちで練習を行います。まさに学生主体のチームだと言えます。
-What do you think about your team?
Ishikawa: Our team is made up of members of various ages. All my teammates practice with a high motivation. That gives me a strong stimulus. My senior teammates are severe during the practice. But they are very genial personally. We can play volleyball comfortably because of this modulation. Newcomers may be having a hard time because they have a lot of odd jobs to do. We will try to be nice to them in practice. I want all of us will enjoy playing volleyball together.
石川 様々な年代の選手が多く、それぞれが高い意識を持って練習に臨んでいるので、強い刺激を受けています。先輩方も厳しいところは厳しいですが、プライベートではとても優しいので、メリハリがあって、すごくバレーボールをしやすいです。後輩も、いまは仕事があって大変だと思いますが、自分たちも優しく教えていくので、一緒にバレーボールを楽しみたいと思っています。
-What is the pleasantness of volleyball for you?
Ishikawa: That’s the cooperation among teammates. For instance, in basketball, one player can make a game by scoring many points. But that is impossible in volleyball as no single players can make a game because of the rule that does not allow one player to touch the ball more than once each time. This makes it very important for all players to cooperate with each other in scoring points. I think that makes volleyball enjoyable. In addition, it will be more pleasant when not only you but also your teammates are strong and skillful. Another pleasure of volleball is for all team members join hands in training teamates who lack skills to be better players.
石川 みんなと協力することですね。たとえばバスケットボールだと、1人がたくさんシュートを決めることで、ゲームになりますが、バレーボールには1人1回しか触れてはいけないなどのルールがあるので、1人でゲームはできません。そこで、いかに皆で点を取るか協力することが大切であり、それ自体が楽しいですね。加えて、自分が強いだけではなく、ほかのチームメイトも強かったりするとより楽しいですし、スキルのない選手を全員で育てて強くしていくことも、バレーボールの面白さです。
-Last year, you joined Italian professional team Modena while retaining your status as a Chuo student. How did you find your experience?
Ishikawa : My stint was as short as for only three and a half months. So I went there just hoping to see how volleyball is played ovearseas. I realized Japanese and foreign players were quite different in physical frame, height and strength. But I found my short stay enjoyable and I had valueable experiences. I could have a close look at some of my idol European players and I could learn a lot from them. I was strongly motivated especially by the teammates who played the same position as mine.
石川 3カ月半と大変短い期間だったので、海外のバレーボールってどんなものかなという気持ちで行きました。海外と日本ではやはり、体格や身長やパワーが全く違いますが、すごく楽しかったし、貴重な経験になったと思います。向こうに行くと、ヨーロッパにいる憧れの選手を近くで見られて、いい勉強になりました。同じチームメイトで同じポジションだった選手からは、特に強い刺激を受けました。
-What impressed you most?
Ishikawa : Above all, I was impressed by the way they pratice. My coach advised me, but I was never advised by teammates. They congratulated me when I played well. When I played poorly, they simply pointed that out. I had never seen that before. So I think I had a really good experience.
石川 やはり練習のことですね。監督からはアドバイスを受けるのですが、チームメイトから教られるということはありませんでした。むしろ、いいプレーができればほめられ、悪いところは悪いと言われるだけでした。そういうことは初めての経験だったので、いい経験したなあと思います。
-What did you find most difficult about your life in Italy?
Ishikawa : As my contract was made so suddenly, langauge was my biggest problem. After arriving there, I listened to Italian and picked it up. I repeated that process. I kept learning the language throgh communication with teammates and others. I didn’t use English over there. I basically relied on Italian.
石川 急に決まったことだったので、言葉が一番大変でした。向こうに行ってからイタリア語を聞いて、覚えて、の繰り返しでした。とりあえずコミュニケーションを取ってどんどん言葉を覚えていきました。向こうでは英語は使いませんでした。基本はイタリア語でした。
-Are you managing to keep your volleyball and study compatible?
Ishikawa : If you are asking me whether I am good at study, my answer is No. But I think I could keep both compatible because I got almost all course credits in my first year. I missed a single credit as I failed to take the exam because I was away in Italy. I’m worried I may miss more this year.
石川 勉強が得意かって言われたら、そうではないのですが、1年生の時は、ほとんど単位が取れたので、両立はできたと思います。1単位だけ、イタリアにいてテストを受けられなかったので落としてしまったのですが。今年は少し危ないかも知れません(笑い)。
-Back to your life in Japan, you are one of the so-called ‘‘NEXT 4’’ (four hopefuls in the national team). Tell us about your relationships.
Ishikawa : All of us are really on good terms with each other. We have been playing together since highschool days in both youth and national teams. In fact, Kentaro Takahashi (one of the foursome) ridicules me as pipsqueak (Takahashi is 200 cm high while Ishikawa is 192 cm high).
石川 自分たちは高校生の頃からユースや日本代表の集まりで一緒にやってきており、とても仲がいいです。高橋健太郎選手からは「チビ」と呼ばれたりします(笑い。石川選手の身長は192センチ)。
-What do you think is your role in the Chuo team and Japan national team?
Ishikawa : As I am the ace attacker in Chuo, I think my primary duty is to score points for the team. I am in a similar situation with the national team. But the national team has many other good spikers. So I will try to be a good receiver.
石川 中央大学で自分はエースなので、チームのために点を取ることが自分の一番やるべきことだと感じています。日本代表の中でも似ていますが、どちらかというと打つ人はたくさんいるので、レシーブを頑張ろうと思います。
-Tell us about your aspiration.
Ishikawa : I want to go abroad again to learn more about things that I don’t know. I think I can learn a lot in Japan. However, I want to go abroad while I can in order to experience what I cannot here in Japan. I may run into the wall, finding it too hard to hold on. I haven’t yet experienced that though. To keep myself growing, I will think how to get over that wall before it is too late.
石川 もっと海外に行って、自分の知らないことを学びたいと思います。日本でも学べることはたくさんあると思いますが、行ける時に海外に行って、海外でしか経験できないものを、なるべく経験したいです。もしかしたら「もうしんどい、辞めたい」といった壁に突き当たるかもしれません。まだ、経験したこと無いんですけど(笑い)。これから先も成長するために、その壁をどう乗り越えていくかを今のうちに考えておきます。
-Lastly, are there any persons you would like to thank?
Ishikawa : I can’t single out any specific person. But I know I have been able to move forward because I met many persons including my parents, coaches at my primary and junior high schools, teammates, etc. I am grateful to all of them.
石川 この人と特定はできませんが、やはり親や小学校・中学校の先生、チームメイトなど、いろんな人に巡り合って進んでこられたので、そういう人全員に感謝したいなぁって思います。
-Thank you for your time.
(Interviewed by : Tomomi Miyamoto)
Products using hydrogen energy are becoming familiar in Japan. Among them are "Mirai," a fuel cell vehicle (FCV) which Toyota Motor Corp. began selling at the end of last year and “Ene Farm,” a household fuel-cell cogeneration system developed and marketed by Tokyo Gas Co. Hakumon Herald interviewed Shozo Kudo, a Liberal Democratic member of the House of Representatives, to ask about the potentiality of hydrogen as an energy source and problems its utilization may pose. Kudo, a graduate of Chuo University’s Faculty of Commerce, serves as a manager of his party’s “Study Group on Realization of Hydrogen Society Evolving around FCVs”. The group is energetically pushing its campaign, defining 2015 as the first year of what it calls the “hydrogen era.”
-How was your study group launched?
Kudo: When I was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2012, I participated in a scheme to incept the group at the invitation of my old friend Mineyuki Fukuda, also an LDP lower house member. Our initial activity was only in a small scale. But the number of participants has been increasing recently. Now the group has more than 100 LDP lawmakers as its full members.
工藤 2012年に私が衆議院議員に初当選した際に、以前から親交のあった同じく自民党の衆院議員、福田峰之先生に誘われてこの研究会の立ち上げに参加しました。初めは小規模で活動をしていましたが、最近では研究会の参加者も増え、現在では100人以上の自民党議員が参加しています。
-Why did participants increase so rapidly?
Kudo: After all, the biggest impact was the debut of FCV. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s trial run of Mirai triggered the enthusiasm within the party to promote utilization of hydrogen.
工藤 やはり、FCVの影響が大きいです。安倍晋三総理が「MIRAI」に試乗したことをきっかけに、水素利用を促進する流れが党内で生まれました。
-What does your group do specifically?
Kudo: We host symposiums on hydrogen society and utilization of hydrogen, and our members meet once a week. We are joined by other lawmakers, government officials and corporate representatives in our regular meetings. We can get our business running quickly as we talk about relevant matters such as necessary deregulation and latest technologies all at once.
工藤 水素社会や水素利用に関するシンポジウムを開いたり、週に1回、勉強会を行ったりしています。勉強会では議員、中央官庁の役人、企業の代表がともに学習しています。必要な規制緩和や最新の技術などについて一度に話し合うことができるため、物事を早く進めることができます。
-Isn’t hydrogen risky at all?
Kudo: I think its risks are low. For example, full safety considerations have been given to an FCV. The car has been so designed as its hydrogen tank won’t be damaged even when it collides at a speed of 80 km per hour.
工藤 危険性は低いと思います。FCVは、仮に時速80キロで衝突しても、水素タンクに影響しないように設計されているなど、安全面には細心の配慮がなされています。
-What merits will a hydrogen society bring about?
Kudo: It can contribute to realizing a sustainable society because hydrogen does not generate carbon dioxide when it is used as fuel energy. In addition, a stockpile of electricity generated by hydrogen can be supplied to hospitals and other facilities in need of power at a time of disaster. According to our preliminary calculation, such stockpile can meet a hospital’s emergency power needs for three days.
工藤 水素はエネルギーとして利用する際、二酸化炭素を排出しないため、持続可能な社会の現に貢献することができます。加えて、災害時に緊急に電力が必要となる病院などの施設に、水素発電で備蓄した電力を供給することができます。試算では、病院が緊急時に必要な電力を3日間、賄うことができます。
-At present, hydrogen stations are concentrated in urban areas. How do you plan to have them set up in provincial towns as well?
Kudo: We see the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 as an opportunity to showcase our hydrogen society to the world. We plan to have hydrogen stations installed in the capitals of all 47 prefectures by that year. At the present stage, the hydrogen infrastructure is most advanced in the areas around Tokyo, particularly Kanagawa Prefecture and vicinity.
工藤 私たちが、水素社会を世界に示す機会と捉えている東京オリンピックが開催される2020年までには、47都道府県全ての県庁所在地に水素ステーションを設置する予定です。現段階では、首都圏、特に神奈川県周辺のインフラが最も整っています。
-Do you see any obstacles in promoting the installation of hydrogen stations?
Kudo: I think the country’s tight regulations pose some problems. Under the current regulations, no one can have such station unless he or she has a large tract of land. With the present rules, there will be little progress in the downtown where land prices are high. I think an efficient way will be easing the regulations and adding the function of a hydrogen station to an existing gas station. In any case, FCVs won’t become popular unless more hydrogen stations are put in place. So, their construction must be promoted both in urban and rural areas.
工藤 厳しい規制が課題となっていると思います。現在の規制基準では、広い土地を有していないと水素ステーションを設置できません。この基準では、地価の高い都心では設置が進みにくい状況です。私はこの規制を緩和し、既存のガソリンスタンドに水素ステーションの機能を追加するのが効率的ではないかと思います。いずれにしても、水素ステーションの設置が進まないと、FCVも普及しないため、都市部、地方ともに設置促進が必要です。
-Hydrogen fuel is now retailed for about 1,000 yen per kilogram. Is the reduction of the price possible?
Kudo: Yes, I see it as possible. I think the price will go down by 2020. But there a lot of parts that require high technologies, including the metal fabricated into the hose which is used when filling an FCV’s hydrogen tank. They can be dangerous unless they are produced in Japan. So the cost reduction needs to be pushed with due heed to their safety.
工藤 可能だと思います。2020年までには下がると思います。ただ、FCVに水素を充填するホースに使用される金属など、高度な技術を求められる部品が多く、これらは日本製でないと危険です。こうした安全性を考慮しながらのコストダウンが求められます。
-How much progress has been made in the development of such technologies?
Kudo: Technical innovations are being accelerated. For instance, Chiyoda Corp. has developed what it calls "Spera hydrogen" technology which liquefies hydrogen to allow for its mass transit. Also, I see it desirable for companies to spend their internal reserves for such activity because that will help invigorate the economy.
工藤 千代田化工建設が水素を液化し、大量運搬を可能にする「SPERA水素」を開発するなど、技術革新は加速しています。また、こうした活動に設備投資として、企業の内部留保金が使用されることは、経済を活性化するためにも好ましいことだと思います。
(Interviewed by: Takaaki Araki)
<Mr. Kudo’s profile>
Born in Aichi Prefecture in December 1964, he graduated from Chuo University’s Faculty of Commerce. He was elected to the Nagoya Municipal Assembly in April 2003 and to the House of Representatives in December 2012. He is deputy chief of the Liberal Democratic Party’s Land & Transport Subcommittee.
昭和39年12月8日愛知県名古屋市生まれ。中央大学商学部卒。平成15年4月 名古屋市会議員当選。平成24年12月 衆議院議員当選。自由民主党 国土交通副部会長。
Camino de Santiago is the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, the celebrated Christian holy ground registered as a World Heritage site. In the spring of 2015, this writer walked along the route to the relic that has a history longer than 1,000 years.
Santiago de Compostela, the capital of the western Spanish state of Galicia, is known as one of the three sacred places along with Rome and Jerusalem. The body of St. James (Santiago in Spanish) is deified there, drawing a constant flow of pilgrims from all over the world. Registered as World Heritage sites are Santiago (old town) and Camino de Santiago. The old town still retains much of what it looked in the Middle Ages. Visitors today will feel as if they were medieval pilgrims.
There are various routes to Santiago. The most famous among them is the "French route" which I took. This route extends over 800 kilometers to the west from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, a town located near the border between France and Spain. It takes about 30 days to finish the foot procession. I just devoted myself to keep walking.
Where St. James preached Christianity
James was one of the apostles of Jesus who appear in the New Testament. He was one of John’s disciples. After Jesus was crucified, James proceeded to engaged in missionary work in Spain, then called the State of Hispania belonging to the Roman Empire. He built churches there and did all he could to covert people from Islam to Christianity. But his mission was not quite successful.
James returned to Jerusalem later. But Jewish King Agrippa ordered him decapitated for fear that his return might lead to a further spread of Christianity. Agrippa knew of the resurrection of Jesus and did not allow the body of James to be buried in his kingdom for fear of his revival. James’s two disciples, Theodore and Athanasios, deplored his death and put his body aboard a ship to land it in Galicia, Spain.
They asked the Queen of Galicia for permission to bury the body there. She initially turned down their plea but eventually gave in to their persistence and gave her permission. She even converted her faith to Christianity. The body of James went missing as the rulers of Galicia changed one after another in the sixth and seventh centuries. However, it was rediscovered all of a sudden in 813. A shepherd, led by star light, found it at a grave in a cave located in the corner of a field. The legend has it that Alfonso II, then Spanish king, built a church dedicated to James and named the place Compostela after campo (field) and stela (star).
Registered as Heritage site 30 years ago
It was in the eighth century that James became a Christian patron saint in Spain. In the late 10th century, the town of Santiago de Compostela was heavily destroyed by the resurgent Islamic power. Jerusalem was occupied by the Islamic Seljuk dynasty in the 11th century, rendering the pilgrimage there hard to make. People in Europe began to pay more attention to Santiago. Old records say that as many as 500,000 pilgrims annually visited the new holy ground in the 12th century.
In the late 19th century, the body of St. James was discovered beneath the altar of the Santiago church during the excavation ordered by Cardinal Paya y Rico, the archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain. Pope Leo XIII admitted that the body was authentic. The damaged altar was refurbished, allowing pilgrims to pray at St, James’s grave again in the same way they do today. It was in 1985 that the old town of Santiago and Camino de Santiago were registered as World Heritage sites. It is only 30 years since people from all the world over began to pay their attention again to the places.
Walking on and on
Throughout my journey, I made it a rule to get up at 7 a.m. The day at an albergue (pilgrimage hostel) begins early in the morning. Guests are advised to check out early so that they can start their walk at 8 a.m. An albergue is not a comfortable place to stay at. A typical one looks like a garage packed with many bunk beds. It was not too uncomfortable when I made my trip because there were fewer pilgrims. But I felt somewhat unnatural to find an utter stranger sleeping within one meter of me. Guests take their breakfast on their own.
When I resume walking, I find my previous day’s fatigue still handing on. I feel depressed the moment I think I have to walk another 30 kilometers. I found my daily routine quite awful especially in the first week because my body hadn’t been fully prepared. On Day One, I had to clear the most demanding course across the Pyrenees that has a difference in height of some 1,500 meters. I took a 10-ninute break every hour. Unless you can get to the next town, you will find no hostels and restaurants. You can’t do any shopping.
However, the landscape you will see while moving from town to town is nothing but stunning and magnificent. You will walk through a vast unobstructed stretch of vineyards and wheat fields. That’s something you can never experience in Japan. On rainy days or sunny days, I was moved by the great landscape beyond all description. At the end of your tough day, you will arrive at the destination, healed by the marvels of nature.
Pilgrims walk into the next town around 4 p.m. every day. That is in the midst of the siesta from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. when all shops and restaurants are closed. They tolerate their hunger and ran into restaurants as soon as they open. Paella is well-known among Spanish dishes. But most restaurants serve a course dinner for pilgrims. It costs about 10 euros (about 1,300 yen) and is gorgeous with good wine. I sometimes dined and toasted with a glass of wine with some of the friends I me at the alberdue. I really felt I had walked all the day for that purpose. Pilgrims make many foreign friends during their walk. They enjoy themselves every evening. As soon as their pleasant time is over, they go to bed early to prepare for tomorrow.
Tears at end of pilgrimage
While spending such days, I felt it was still a long way to go. But as I came closer to my final destination, I wanted this life will not end. With that feeling, I finally walked into Santiago on my 30th day.
Pilgrims were full of emotion in front of the cathedral in the old town. They praised and hugged each other. Some had tears in their eyes. I finally attended a mass given at noon at the Santiago cathedral. I stood behind the statue of St James and hugged it, thanking him that my journey ended without any trouble.
The pilgrimage gives us a chance to think deeply about ourselves. In my own case, it made me think over what I have been and what I will be. While I had tough experiences, saw the beautiful landscape and enjoyed nice foods, I could ponder over the matters I had not taken seriously before and take a look at myself again. I think the pilgrimage to Santiago will give people an ideal opportunity to rediscover themselves. Regardless of nationality and religion, anyone can walk along Camino de Santiago. But, you have to observe Christian manners. You should be careful about that.
(Written by: Toshiihiro Horibe)
People’s interest in sports has been rising since Tokyo was selected to host the summer Olympic Games in 2020. Megu Hemphill, a 19-year-old hopeful in track and field, entered Chuo University to be enrolled in the Faculty of Letters in April 2015. She burst into the spotlight by renewing the high-school and junior records in heptathlon at the inter-high school athletics championships in August 2014. A native of Kyoto, she came to Tokyo alone with a feeling of anxiety. Hakumon Herald interviewed her to ask what she thinks now and how she sees her future.
-Do you play any sports other than heptathlon?
Hemphill: I played handball when I was an elementary school pupil.I vaguely felt at the time I was fond of taking physical action. So, when I got into a junior high school, I joined the track and field club to do exercise. I won first prize in quadrathon at the national junior high school athletics championships. I started playing heptathlon after I went up to high school.
ヘンプヒル 小学校の時にハンドボールしていました。その時から漠然と体を動かすのが好きだということは頭にあったので、中高一貫校に入り、運動をしようと思い陸上部に入部し、全日本中学校陸上競技選手権大会の四種競技で優勝しました。高校に進学し七種を始めました。
-Why did you choose Chuo from among many universities?
Hemphill: Well, I had been told that members of Chuo University’s women’s track and field club have long hours to practice and do a lot of work. I worked considerably hard during my junior high and high school days, and I just wanted to keep the stint at Chuo. A severe environment suits me and I think that gives me chances to get confident. In my study, I have't fully settled yet and it's not easy for me to follow my classmates. But I have no idea to devote myself only to track and field. I think one of strong points about Chuo's club is that you can separate your study from sports.
ヘンプヒル 中央大学の女子陸上部は、練習時間も多いし、かなりの量をこなすと聞いていたからです。中学高校時代はかなりの練習量をこなしてきたので、そのままの流れを大事にしていきたかったわけです。厳しい環境というのはとても自分に合っていて、それが自分への自信につながると思っています。授業面では、まだ慣れていないのでついていくのが結構大変ですが、陸上だけやればいいという考えはなく、学業とスポーツを切り替えて考えられるのも中央大学陸上部の強みだと思っています。
-How do you feel after the first week of the All-Japan Track and Field Championships?
Hemphill: I’m a bit tired. I have some muscle pain, but I’m OK mentally. As I have another week of completion at the championships this year, I will aim to become a champion. We’ll be competing in the All-Japan Intercollegiate Track and Field Championships, the biggest event for college athletes, in September. I want to make a good contribution to my team.
ヘンプヒル 若干疲労はありますね。そんなに痛みはないので精神的には大丈夫ですが、今回は日本選手権が2週続けてあるので、優勝を狙っていきたいですね。そして、大学生の大会で最も大きい全カレ(全日本陸上インカレ)という大会が9月にあるので、チームにしっかりと貢献していきたいです。
- Do you have any rivals?
Hemphill: My rivals are Chie Kiriyama in the combined event and Ayako Kimura in the 100-meter hurdle event. But I should say they are my aims rather than rivals.
ヘンプヒル 混成だと、桐山知恵さん(モンテローザ)、100mハードルだと木村綾子さんです。ライバルというよりも、目標にする選手という感じですね。
-How do you get along with your teammates?
Hemphill: Talking of sports clubs, you might imagine a completely hierarchical society. But our club isn’t at all. We enjoy an environment where both juniors and seniors prod each other and practice without minding their relationships. For that reason, I really enjoy my practice. We encourage each other and improve our ability. We can concentrate ourselves without feeling any pressure.
ヘンプヒル 体育会系と言うと、完全なるタテ社会のイメージがあると思うのですが、実際の練習は先輩後輩が関係なくお互いが刺戟しあえるような環境にあります。そのせいか、すごく練習が楽しいです。チームメイトがお互い声をかけ合いながら高めていける、プレッシャー感じずに集中できるので。
-Tell us about your hardest experience so far, if any.
Hemphill: I had one when I was a first grader in my high school. That was when I switched to heptathlon from quadrathon I had played in my junior high. I couldn’t bear the switchover. Or rather I couldn’t work as well as I had imagined. I even thought of giving it up. I felt so awful and struggled desperately without producing any results for a year.
ヘンプヒル 高校1年生の時ですね。中学では四種競技をしていたので、高校になり七種に変わった時、その変化に耐えられなかったというか、想像していたような力が発揮できなかったんです。陸上を辞めたいとまで思いました。辛くて、結果も出ずに、1年間辛いまま必死にもがきました。
-How did you get over?
Hemphill: Actually, I had a serious injury in the winter of my first-grade year. That was one of the reasons I had a hard time. I practiced as much as I could to get my confidence back. Looking back, I think I owe what I am to that hard work. It was only after I became a second grader that I didn’t hate to do practice. At that moment, I began to enjoy myself.
ヘンプヒル 実は、1年の冬に大きい怪我をしてしまい、それも辛かった理由の一つでした。自信をつけなくてはと思い、とにかく練習量をこなしました。今思うと、そこで踏ん張れたことが今の自分に繋がってると思います。嫌々競技をしなくなったのは高校2年生からで、途端に楽しめるようになりました。
-Are there any particular persons you want to thank as an athlete?
Hemphill: I would like to thank Mr. Uchida, our coach during my junior high and high school days. He started looking after me when I was in the first grade of junior high. I didn’t do quite well at first and I wasn’t much interested in track and field, to be honest. I failed many times, but he was patient enough. He taught me to enjoy playing in track and field. I owe him what I am today. I also want to thank my parents. Many track and field athletes have parents who were once athletes themselves. But my parents had no such experiences. Perhaps because of that, they never tell me what I should do. They often told me not to worry too much about failure. I guess I had less pressure because of that. I want to thank my parents for their support.
ヘンプヒル 中高の顧問の内田先生です。中一から面倒を見てくださって、最初の方は特に活躍も出来ずに、陸上にそこまでの興味もなかったんです。けれどその後も、いろんな失敗をしても気長に見守ってくださったし、陸上が楽しいと思わせてくれました。先生のおかげでここまでこれたと思っています。
-Finally, tell us about your aspiration.
Hemphill: College life isn’t as long as it would seem. I want to break the Japanese
records before my graduation. Anyway I’d like to keep growing. I’m not quite sure yet, but I want to become a professional in the future, with an eye on the Olympic Games. I cannot imagine my
future clearly for now, so I’d like to do my best in my immediate races and renew my best records bit by bit. Anyway, I’ll aim to break the Japanese records.
ヘンプヒル 長いようで短い大学生活4年で、日本記録を更新したいです。とにかく成長していきたい。まだ明確ではないのですが、将来的にはプロになり、オリンピックも視野に入れていきたい。今は想像もつかないので、とにかく目の前にある試合を確実にこなしていき、少しずつ自己ベストを更新していきたいです。とにかく、日本記録を目指します。
(Interviewed by: Manae Hirose & Toshihiro Horibe)
Hakumon Herald had an interview with Takashi Niwayama, who was appointed a member of Chuo University’s Board of Regents in May 2014. He joined NHK upon graduating from Chuo in 1962. Our reporter asked him about some of the challenges Chuo faces now.
-We hear that you chair “Hakumon Club 37” that groups those who graduated from Chuo in 1962. What does it work on?
Niwayama: It is a reunion that puts together those who entered Chuo in 1958 or graduated from it in 1962 (the 37th year of the Showa era). We not only enjoy periodical get-togethers but also engage ourselves in various social activities ranging from supporting foreign students who study at Chuo and organizing seminars aimed to help students find a job upon graduation to providing them with an opportunity to do volunteer work. We uphold the catchword: “For society and for people” that calls on each of us to be of use to society.
庭山卓 「白門三七会」は昭和33年に中央大に入学、または昭和37年に卒業した方の「同期の会」です。三七会では同期同士の交流会開催にとどまらず、中央大に在学する留学生支援、就活セミナーの開催、中大生のボランティア活動への支援など様々な活動を行っています。「世のため、人のため」をかかげ、社会の役に立つことを目指し活動しています。
-Where do you put particular emphasis?
Niwayama: We give greater priority to the promotion of communication with foreign students at Chuo. For example, we started in 2004 a fund-raising program asking each member of our club to “donate ¥28 per day to support interchanges with foreign students”. We have just greeted the 13th anniversary of our campaign this year. We have won kudos for our contribution to Chuo’s globalization efforts and have been presented with letters of appreciation by the school’s chief executive regent, the president of the International Center and the president of the Alumni Association. Needless to say, our program would have been unsuccessful without the warm support from each member of our club. I realize the importance of continuing such support activity.
庭山 特に留学生との交流に力を入れています。例えば三七会が平成14年に創設した「1日28円留学生交流支援募金」が今年で何と13回目を迎えることができました。この留学生支援事業は大学の国際化に貢献したと評価され、「中央大学理事長感謝状」「中央大学国際センター所長感謝状」「中央大学学員会会長感謝状」をいただきました。もちろんこれは会員の暖かな支援があってこそのことであり、こうした活動を続けていくことの重要性を痛感しています。
-We are concerned that the environment surrounding Chuo will become increasingly severe as exemplified, for instance, by a declining number of applicants. As a member of the Board of Regents, what do you think Chuo should do to meet its challenges?
Niwayama: I think Chuo now stands at a major turning point. Every university across the country is desperate these days to attract foreign students in order to get more applicants and promising human resources. Globalization is in rapid progress in keeping with this trend. However, I feel that Chuo could not carry out any large-scale reforms and failed to stay current with the wave of globalization just because it has built up 130 years of long and dignified history. In order to resolve this problem, we need to review our present organization and structure a more efficient and efficacious organization befitting the new age.
庭山 中央大学はいま、岐路に立っているのではないでしょうか。最近はどの大学も受験者と人材確保のため、外国人留学生を呼び込んでおり、それに伴い国際化が急激に進んでいます。しかし、中央大は創立130年という長く重厚な歴史を積み上げてきたがゆえに、大規模な改革に手を付けられず、国際化の流れに乗り遅れてしまっているのではないかと考えています。この問題を解決するためにも今までの組織の在り方を見直し、現代にあったより効率的で効果的な組織を新たに構築する必要があります。
-Can you suggest some specific policy measures Chuo should implement?
Niwayama: I think we need to reinforce the functions of our Enrollment Center, Career Center and International Center. It is crucial for us to create an environment where teachable students can comfortably study without any inhibition and to provide quality employment support that will really help students fly high upon their graduation. We should also reacknowledge that the university is an arena to nurture the next generation of human resources besides being an educational institution in the traditional sense of the word. Students who can be globally active after graduation are required to have overall skills such as creativity, planning ability and ability to act and practice. The university must provide students with chances to nurture those abilities.
Of course, those are not all that should be done. I think we need to strengthen our educational power, develop and put in practice a better language-learning system compatible with ongoing globalization and carry out programs to promote globalization through closer communication between students from Japan and foreign countries. With my eyes set on the future, I would like to make contributions to Chuo’s further development by presenting reform proposals aimed to restructure, regenerate and restore it.
庭山 入学センター、キャリアセンター、国際センターの強化が必要ではないでしょうか。学習意欲の高い学生が不自由せず、のびのびと学べる環境、卒業後大きく羽ばたくために必要な質の高い就労支援が重要だと思います。また、教育機関であるという従来の役割に加え、次世代の人材育成のための教育の場でもあるということを再認識しなくてはなりません。世界で戦える人材には創造力、企画力、行動実践力といった総合的なスキルが求められます。それらの能力を養える機会を大学は提供しなくてはならないのです。
-Thank you very much.
(Interviewed by Kento Isogai, Daisuke Aoki)
Who will be Mr. Chuo and Miss Chuo for 2015? Five candidates each were announced by student group RP, the organizer of the annual event, in a ceremony held at C Square of the Tama Campus on July 6. The room that seats 344 persons was packed, with some students taking standing room. The audiences gave loud cheers when the 10 candidates clad in summer kimono appeared on the stage. Each of them talked about his or her ambitions after the moderator announced “Dual Nature” as the theme of this year’s contest. Hakumon Herald will interview some of the nominees to present their profile before the contest result is announced at campus festival in November.
The Japanese Government, at a meeting of its National Security Council (NSC) on May 18, approved transfer of the technology for the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s cutting-edge Soryu-class submarine in connection with the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) planned joint development of its next-generation submarine. The decision paved the way for the Australian government to choose either Japan, Germany or France as its partner in the scheme. The selection is expected to come by December.
Australian people are persistently allergic to nuclear power. That is why the country has no nuclear power stations and nuclear submarines despite being one of the world’s major uranium ore producers. The only option left to RAN is conventional submarines powered by diesel engines. Therefore, it sees Japan and Germany as potential partners because they have no nuclear submarines and have developed high technologies for conventional submarines.
Japan’s Soryu-class submarine can stay submerged below water as long as a nuclear submarine. Submarines are required to run as quietly as possible so that they may not be detected by the enemy. Soryu is also highly rated in this respect by RAN. What has made its long submergence and quiet navigation possible is a new Stirling engine, adopted for Soryu for the first time. Submarines powered by conventional diesel engines need to surface to get air. A Stirling engine based on air-independent propulsion (AIP) has done away with that necessity because it uses liquid nitrogen instead of air.
Some people in Australia say that RAN may opt for purchase of Soryu-class submarines rather than joint development. The country’s manufacturing industry has been declining as carmakers Toyota, Ford and GM Holden have decided to pull out one after another. Purchase of a foreign-made submarine means that the budget for joint development and construction is taken by the foreign country. That will not help improve Australia’s submarine technologies either. And that will be a big loss for the country’s manufacturing industry. For these reasons, many manufacturers are opposed to the purchase of Soryu. Meanwhile, some Japanese manufacturers are cautious about joint development, saying it may lead up to an outflow abroad of valuable submarine technologies.
In 2014, the Japanese government eased its three principles on arms exports and set out new three principles on transfer of defense equipment and technology. The Cabinet decisions have made it possible for Japan to jointly develop weapons with the United States and other countries with which it has cooperative relations in security. In Australia’s submarine scheme, U.S.-made weapon systems are to be adopted. So, if Soryu is chosen, it will practically become a tripartite joint development project involving Japan, Australia and the U.S. At the present stage, the matter is still at the level of joint development. However, there is the possibility of the scheme evolving into joint operation of submarines. In that sense, RAN’s upcoming selection could have some impact on the military situation in Asia.
(Written by: Takahiro
The government has been trying hard to disseminate abroad Japanese contents like anime and manga under its “Cool Japan Initiative”. To date, however, it has failed to produce any tangible result. Japan is still in chronic excess of imports in international contents trade involving fashion, movies and music with the sole exception of games. In contrast, South Korea has made a great success in a similar attempt. The Korean government has positioned culture as its 21st century key industry since 1998 when then President Kim Dae-jung declared himself a “Culture President”. That policy has created a Korea boom in many countries including Japan.
Korea has intensively pushed marketing of dramas and music to the world as a national policy. One year after President Kim’s self-declaration, the government’s budget for promotion of the contents industry was increased sixfold from the previous year. Korean dramas remain popular in foreign countries even now. In 2012, Korea exported 234 million dollars worth of broadcast contents, taking a big lead over Japan whose exports in the year were 130 million dollars worth. This illustrates how hard Korea has supported its drama industry. No wonder Korean dramas are quite popular in Southeast Asia, too.
To open up new markets, Korea has pursued a strategy to offer drama broadcast rights for free or very cheap prices to the countries where its culture is little known and get CM time frames in return to promote a broad range of other products. This way and that, the powerful Korean culture has captured the people’s hearts in Middle Eastern countries. Korea has put priority on overseas markets just because its home market is not big. It has also been promoting the local production of contents. Its policy has been devoted to shoring up Korea’s presence and improving its image in the world.
Turning eyes back to Japan, it had once been known as a major “anime power”. However, Japanese anime sales abroad are now lackluster as compared with their best days. Annual sales plunged to 282.3 billion in 2013 from 521.5 billion in 2005. Gone are the days when Japanese people used to say optimistically, “Quality goods sell”. Just trying to spread the contents already popular abroad doesn’t work any longer. The Korean government’s cultural policy may provide some clue when Japan looks to have its culture take root in foreign countries. As Korea created the Korea boom through closer government-private cooperation, Japan needs to push a bold strategy to foray into the global market in a more active manner.
(Written by: Chihiro Ishikawa)
The Cool Japan Initiative, lunched under the government’s growth strategy in 2014, is one of the national policies now. The “cool" culture which the government is keen to export as content refers to one peculiar to Japan not found elsewhere. How to stir up overseas demand holds the key to success of the initiative. However, the present situation is that creators of content and smaller firms engaged in the business cannot afford to put up sales campaigns abroad on their own due to a lack of funds.
Cool Japan Fund Inc. established in 2013 under law is a public-private fund based on contributions made by the government and private businesses. It says on its official website: "We aim at promoting and supporting overseas demand for Japan's attractive products and services. So we supply risk money to the media and content, foods and services, fashion and lifestyle and various other fields to industrialize the attraction of Japan (cool Japan) and join it to the acquisition of overseas demand."
In addition to this, the fund is trying to devise business models that may help companies evolve their commercial activities abroad. This is because it finds few Japanese firms engaged in the content industry doing business overseas on a sustainable basis. It thinks that if it can create successful models for them, it can apply them to the players in other business lines across the board and link that to a further expansion of the overseas markets for Japanese culture. The fund is also aiming to help organize projects based on cross-cutting partnership beyond specific business categories and corporate affiliation with the aim of strengthening the information transmission capacity, which is a weak point for all Japanese culture brands.
The fund in principle makes its support available in those domains where the private sector alone cannot fully implement business projects. It urges the private sector to invest to help companies develop their overseas business. Its support is primarily provision of risk money. Its long-term aim is to prepare the ground so that the private sector can independently do their business on a continual basis. The fund is committed to “complement private businesses” to help them step up their activities abroad and become a new driving power for the growth of the Japanese economy.
Amid the growing visibility of “Cool Japan” on overseas markets, pirated editions of the contents Japanese firms want to export stay rampant everywhere. They pose serious problems that undermine the sales of genuine contents. Besides, the ratio of exports in content revenue was only 5% in Japan in 2011, way below 17% in the United States, according to the “Basic Data on Intellectual Property" released by the Cabinet Office’s Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters. This suggests the weakness of Japan’s information transmission capacity. However, the day will come when Japanese culture can support its economy if the public and private sectors put a great deal of effort to shore up the cool Japan business and overcome those challenges.
(Written by: Naoto Takeda)